CSG Systems International, Inc. Reports Second Quarter 2006 Results

CSG Exceeds Expectations: Revenues of $95.0 million; GAAP EPS of $0.33 per share

ENGLEWOOD, Colo., July 25, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- CSG Systems International, Inc. (Nasdaq:CSGS), a leading provider of customer care and billing solutions, today reported results for the quarter ended June 30, 2006.

 Second Quarter 2006 Highlights:
 -- CSG exceeded its financial expectations for the second quarter
    of 2006, primarily as a result of its strong operating
    performance for the quarter. GAAP results were as follows: total
    revenues were $95.0 million; operating income was $21.8 million;
    and net income was $15.6 million, or $0.33 per diluted share.
 -- Cash flows from operations for the quarter were $38.7 million,
    which were higher than expectations primarily as a result of
    favorable changes in working capital.
 -- For the quarter, CSG repurchased approximately 241,000 shares
    of its common stock for $5.9 million (weighted-average price
    of $24.41 per share) under its stock repurchase program.
 -- In July, CSG's Board of Directors authorized the repurchase of
    up to $350 million of the company's outstanding common stock
    through a Rule 10b5-1 stock repurchase plan.
 -- To date, the company has 24 million cable customer accounts on
    its Advanced Convergent Platform (ACP), including the nation's
    largest cable site, Time Warner New York City, which
    successfully migrated its customer base to ACP.
 -- In July, Mike Scott was named Chief Operating Officer.  He will
    continue as an Executive Vice President for the company.

"We continue to execute on the objectives that we outlined a year ago," Ed Nafus, chief executive officer and president of CSG Systems International, Inc., said. "These objectives include: focusing on our core strengths and maximizing the opportunities that are in front of us; helping our clients be successful; and driving shareholder value by creating a long-term sustainable and profitable business. We continue to migrate customer accounts to our Advanced Convergent Platform and help our clients rollout new advanced service offerings. This, in turn, allows our clients to introduce new services and drive revenues. In addition, we recently announced a stock buyback program which allows us to return value to our shareholders. We are in a strong position because we have a business model that generates strong cash flows. This provides us with the confidence that we have enough financial resources to pursue acquisitions and execute on our organic growth opportunities going forward."

 Summary GAAP Results of Operations Information (unaudited)
 (in thousands, except per share amounts and percentages):

                   Three Months Ended         Six Months Ended
                         June 30,    Percent       June 30,     Percent
                     2006      2005   Change    2006      2005   Change
                   -------   -------  ------  --------  -------- ------
   Total revenues  $95,053   $96,850   (2%)  $188,013  $190,026    (1%)
    income          21,792    24,750   12%)    43,993    45,700    (4%)
   Income from
    operations      15,605    15,244    2%     31,071    27,646    12%
  operations, net
  of tax                --    (6,697)  NM          --   (10,518)   NM
 Net income         15,605     8,547   83%     31,071    17,128    81%
 Diluted earnings
  (loss) per share:
   Income from
    operations     $  0.33   $  0.31    6%   $   0.66  $   0.56    18%
    net of tax          --     (0.14)  NM          --     (0.21)   NM
                   -------   -------   ---   --------  --------    ---
  Net income       $  0.33   $  0.17   94%   $   0.66  $   0.35    89%
                   =======   =======   ===   ========  ========    ===

Second Quarter 2006 Results

Total revenues for the second quarter of 2006 were $95.0 million, down two percent when compared to $96.8 million for the same period in 2005, and up two percent when compared to $93.0 million for the first quarter of 2006. The components of total revenues are as follows: (i) processing revenues for the second quarter of 2006 were $87.7 million, down one percent when compared to $88.6 million for the same period last year, and up two percent when compared to $86.4 million for the first quarter of 2006; and (ii) software, maintenance and services revenues were $7.3 million for the current quarter, an eleven percent decrease when compared to $8.2 million for the same period last year, however, a increase of twelve percent when compared to $6.6 million for the first quarter of 2006.

Income from continuing operations presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP") for the second quarter of 2006 was $15.6 million, or $0.33 per diluted share, compared to $15.2 million, or $0.31 per diluted share, for the same period last year, and $15.5 million, or $0.33 per diluted share, for the first quarter of 2006. Income from continuing operations for the second quarter of 2006 included $1.1 million, or $0.02 per diluted share, of restructuring expenses, with no comparable amounts in the second quarter of 2005. Income from continuing operations for the second quarter of 2005 was reduced by $4.3 million, or $0.05 per diluted share, of retirement benefits for our former CEO, with no comparable amount in the current quarter.

Total customer accounts processed on CSG's systems as of June 30, 2006 were 44.9 million, compared to 45.0 million as of March 31, 2006. To date, approximately 75% of CSG's cable customer accounts have migrated to CSG's Advanced Convergent Platform, or ACP. The annualized revenue per processing unit ("ARPU") for the second quarter of 2006 was $7.79 compared to $7.66 for the first quarter of 2006. The sequential quarterly increase in ARPU relates primarily to the continued high usage of marketing services and customer care solutions by CSG's clients.

Supplemental Data

The following information is provided to assist readers in further evaluating CSG's performance (in thousands, except per share amounts):

                                       Three Months Ended
                               June 30, 2006         June 30, 2005
                            ------------------    -------------------
                                         Per                    Per
                                       Diluted                Diluted
                                        Share                  Share
                            Amount(a)  Impact(b)  Amount(a)   Impact(b)
                            --------   -------    --------    -------
 Certain key operating
  income items:
   Former CEO retirement
    benefits                 $    78     $0.00     $ 4,268     $0.05
   Restructuring charges       1,141      0.02           3      0.00
                             -------     -----     -------     -----
   Total                     $ 1,219     $0.02     $ 4,271     $0.05
                             =======     =====     =======     =====
 Certain non-cash expenses:
  Depreciation               $ 2,699     $0.04      $2,501     $0.03
  Amortization of
   intangible assets           3,796      0.05       3,399      0.04
  Stock-based employee
   compensation                3,195      0.04       3,473      0.05
                             -------     -----     -------     -----
  Total                      $ 9,690     $0.13     $ 9,373     $0.12
                             =======     =====     =======     =====

                                        Six Months Ended
                               June 30, 2006         June 30, 2005
                            ------------------    -------------------
                                         Per                    Per
                                       Diluted                Diluted
                                        Share                  Share
                            Amount(a)  Impact(b)  Amount(a)   Impact(b)
                            --------   -------    --------    -------
 Certain key operating
  income items:
   Former CEO retirement
    benefits                 $   155     $0.00     $ 8,489     $0.11
   Restructuring charges       2,290      0.03           6      0.00
                             -------     -----     -------     -----
   Total                     $ 2,445     $0.03     $ 8,495     $0.11
                             =======     =====     =======     =====
 Certain non-cash
   Depreciation              $ 5,051     $0.07     $ 5,092     $0.07
   Amortization of
    intangible assets          7,531      0.10       6,708      0.09
    employee compensation      6,029      0.08       6,724      0.09
                             -------     -----     -------     -----
   Total                     $18,611     $0.25     $18,524     $0.25
                             =======     =====     =======     =====

 (a) These items (on a pretax basis) are calculated in accordance
     with GAAP, and are reflected as part of continuing operations in
     the accompanying Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statements of
 (b) This represents the after tax impact to income from continuing
     operations on a per diluted share basis using CSG's effective
     income tax rates from continuing operations of 38% for the three
     and six months ended June 30, 2006 and 36% for the three and six
     months ended June 30, 2005.

Financial Condition

As of June 30, 2006, CSG had cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments of $414.3 million, compared to $384.6 million as of March 31, 2006, and $392.2 million as of December 31, 2005. Net billed accounts receivable were $96.3 million as of June 30, 2006, compared to $109.4 million as of March 31, 2006, and $104.8 million as of December 31, 2005. The sequential quarterly decrease of approximately $13 million relates to normal fluctuations in the timing of invoicing and payments between quarters. Cash flows from operations for the quarter ended June 30, 2006 were $38.7 million, compared to $22.0 million for the quarter ended March 31, 2006, and $43.3 million for the quarter ended June 30, 2005. The second quarter of 2006 cash flows from operations were higher than expectations as a result of favorable changes in working capital balances during the quarter, primarily related to the reduction in the accounts receivable balance mentioned above.

Stock Repurchase Program

During the second quarter of 2006, CSG repurchased approximately 241,000 shares of its common stock at a total purchase price of $5.9 million (a weighted-average price of $24.41 per share). Including these shares, the total shares repurchased under CSG's stock repurchase program since its inception in August 1999 is 14.0 million shares, at a total repurchase price of $346.5 million (a weighted-average price of $24.68 per share).

In July, CSG announced that its Board of Directors authorized the repurchase of up to $350 million of the company's outstanding common stock through a new Rule 10b5-1 stock repurchase plan. In conjunction with this action, the Board approved a 10 million share increase in the number of shares authorized for repurchase under CSG's stock repurchase program, bringing the total number of authorized shares under the program to 30 million. As a result, the remaining number of shares authorized for repurchase under the stock repurchase program is 16.0 million shares. CSG expects to begin repurchasing shares under its new Rule 10b5-1 plan in early August 2006, and expects to complete the $350 million of stock repurchases within 12 to 15 months.

Remaining 2006 Financial Guidance

"The company continues to execute on its financial objectives," Randy Wiese, chief financial officer, said. "Based on our performance during the first six months of the year, we are raising the lower end of our full-year revenue guidance from $371 million to $377 million. In addition, based on our expected operating performance for the year, and considering the impact of our recently announced $350 million stock repurchase plan, we believe our full year income from continuing operations will now range between $1.34 and $1.38 per diluted share."

CSG's financial guidance for continuing operations for the third and fourth quarter 2006, and for the full year 2006 is as follows (in millions, except for per share amounts and percentages):

                         Third Quarter   Fourth Quarter     Full Year
                         -------------   --------------   -------------
 Revenues                $95 - $97       $94 - $96        $377 - $381
 Operating Margins       23%             23%              23%
 Earnings per Diluted
  Share                  $0.34 - $0.36   $0.34 - $0.36    $1.34 - $1.38
 Income Tax Rate         34% - 35%       34% - 35%        36% - 37%
 Average Diluted Shares
  Outstanding            46.6            43.9             46.3
 Cash Flows from
  Operations             $25 - $27       $24 - $26        $110 - 114
 Capital Expenditures    $2 - $3         $2 - $3          $8 - $10

There are certain non-cash items included in CSG's third and fourth quarter 2006 and full year 2006 GAAP earnings per diluted share guidance noted above. The following table outlines the expected impact of these items, and is provided to assist readers in further evaluating CSG's expected financial performance for these periods (in thousands, except per share amounts):

                                        Third      Fourth       Full
                                       Quarter     Quarter      Year
                                       -------     -------     -------
 Certain non-cash expenses(c):
  Depreciation                         $ 2,500     $ 2,400     $10,000
  Amortization of intangible assets      4,100       4,200      15,800
  Stock-based employee compensation      3,000       2,900      11,900
                                       -------     -------     -------
  Total                                $ 9,600     $ 9,500     $37,700
                                       =======     =======     =======
  Per diluted share impact(d)          $  0.13     $  0.14     $  0.52

 (c) These items (on a pretax basis) are calculated in accordance
     with GAAP.
 (d) This represents the after tax impact to income from continuing
     operations on a per diluted share basis using CSG's estimated
     effective income tax rates from continuing operations as noted

Conference Call

CSG will host a one-hour conference call on Tuesday, July 25, at 5 p.m. EDT, to discuss CSG's second quarter results. The call will be carried live and archived on the Internet. A link to the conference call is available at www.csgsystems.com.

Additional Information

For additional information about CSG, please visit CSG's web site at www.csgsystems.com. Additional information can be found in the Investor Relations section of the web site.

About CSG Systems International

Headquartered in Englewood, Colorado, CSG Systems International (Nasdaq:CSGS) is a leading provider of outsourced billing, customer care and print and mail solutions and services supporting the North American cable and direct broadcast satellite markets. CSG's solutions support some of the world's largest and most innovative providers of bundled multi-channel video, Internet, voice and IP-based services. CSG's unique combination of solutions, services and expertise ensure that cable and satellite operators can continue to rapidly launch new service offerings, improve operational efficiencies and deliver a high-quality customer experience in a competitive and ever-changing marketplace. CSG is a S&P Midcap 400 company. For more information, visit our website at www.csgsystems.com.

Safe-Harbor Statement

This news release contains forward-looking statements as defined under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, that are based on assumptions about a number of important factors and involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from what appears in this news release. These factors include, but are not limited to: 1) CSG's ability to continue to perform satisfactorily and maintain good customer relations with its five largest clients, Comcast Corporation, EchoStar Communications, Time Warner, Inc., Charter Communications and Adelphia Communications, which combined make up approximately 70% of CSG's revenues; 2) the continued acceptance of CSG Advanced Convergent Platform and its related products and services; 3) CSG's ability to enhance current products and develop new technology that will retain existing clients and capture new market share; 4) significant forays into new markets, which may prove costly and unprofitable; 5) the degree to which CSG's expectations of market penetration and consumer acceptance of advanced IP services prove true -- and even if realized, CSG's ability to meet the billing and customer care needs of those markets; 6) client consolidation, which has decreased the number of potential buyers for many of CSG's products and services; 7) CSG's ability to renew contracts and sell additional products and services to existing and new clients; 8) CSG's ability to successfully deliver on lengthy and/or complex implementation projects, which by their nature, carry much more risk, and 9) CSG's ability to successfully integrate and manage acquired businesses or assets in order to achieve the expected strategic, operating and financial goals established for such acquisitions. This list is not exhaustive and readers are encouraged to review the additional risks and important factors described in CSG's reports on Forms 10-K and 10-Q and other filings made with the SEC.

          (in thousands, except share and per share amounts)

                                                 June 30,  December 31,
                                                   2006        2005
                                                ---------    ---------
 Current assets:
    Cash and cash equivalents                   $ 343,957    $ 346,113
    Short-term investments                         70,296       46,111
                                                ---------    ---------
      Total cash, cash equivalents and
       short-term investments                     414,253      392,224
    Trade accounts receivable-
        Billed, net of allowance of
          $1,059 and $1,324                        96,345      104,812
        Unbilled and other                          5,854        6,660
    Deferred income taxes                           8,994        9,565
    Income taxes receivable                            --        5,032
    Other current assets                            6,471       17,145
                                                ---------    ---------
      Total current assets                        531,917      535,438
 Property and equipment, net of
  depreciation of $65,232 and $61,333              19,941       21,143
 Software, net of amortization of
  $32,363 and $31,945                               8,351          --
 Goodwill                                           9,228          623
 Client contracts, net of amortization
  of $75,565 and $68,634                           36,402       41,661
 Deferred income taxes                             28,865       33,275
 Other assets                                       7,957        6,236
                                                ---------    ---------
      Total assets                              $ 642,661    $ 638,376
                                                =========    =========

 Current liabilities:
    Client deposits                             $  24,034    $  19,651
    Trade accounts payable                         12,420       17,306
    Accrued employee compensation                  16,788       32,447
    Deferred revenue                               13,523        9,575
    Income taxes payable                            5,549          --
    Other current liabilities                      11,807       15,783
                                                ---------    ---------
      Total current liabilities                    84,121       94,762
                                                ---------    ---------
 Non-current liabilities:
    Long-term debt                                230,000      230,000
    Deferred revenue                                8,545        8,943
    Other non-current liabilities                   2,646        6,341
                                                ---------    ---------
     Total non-current liabilities                241,191      245,284
                                                ---------    ---------
        Total liabilities                         325,312      340,046
                                                ---------    ---------
 Stockholders' equity:
    Preferred stock, par value $.01
     per share; 10,000,000 shares
     authorized; zero shares issued
     and outstanding                                  --           --
    Common stock, par value $.01 per
     share; 100,000,000 shares
     authorized; 47,751,055 shares and
     47,886,480 shares outstanding                    609          601
    Additional paid-in capital                    325,624      316,764
    Treasury stock, at cost, 13,199,996
    shares and 12,290,485 shares                 (317,860)    (296,976)
    Accumulated other comprehensive
      Unrealized gain on short-term
       investments, net of tax                         35           71
    Accumulated earnings                          308,941      277,870
                                                ---------    ---------
      Total stockholders' equity                  317,349      298,330
                                                ---------    ---------
      Total liabilities and
       stockholders' equity                     $ 642,661    $ 638,376
                                                =========    =========

               (in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                Three Months Ended   Six Months Ended
                                     June 30,           June 30,
                                  2006      2005      2006      2005
                                --------  --------  --------  --------
   Processing and related
    services                    $ 87,715  $ 88,631  $174,136  $171,912
   Software, maintenance
    and services                   7,338     8,219    13,877    18,114
                                --------  --------  --------  --------
      Total revenues              95,053    96,850   188,013   190,026
                                --------  --------  --------  --------
 Cost of revenues:
    Processing and related
     services                     41,686    41,691    84,590    83,674
    Software, maintenance
     and services                  5,210     5,003     9,726    10,046
                                --------  --------  --------  --------
      Total cost of
       revenues                   46,896    46,694    94,316    93,720
                                --------  --------  --------  --------
 Gross margin (exclusive
  of depreciation)                48,157    50,156    93,697    96,306
                                --------  --------  --------  --------
 Operating expenses:
     Research and
      development                 10,874     7,857    20,775    15,856
    Selling, general and
     administrative               11,651    15,045    21,588    29,652
    Depreciation                   2,699     2,501     5,051     5,092
    Restructuring charges          1,141         3     2,290         6
                                --------  --------  --------  --------
      Total operating
       expenses                   26,365    25,406    49,704    50,606
                                --------  --------  --------  --------
 Operating income                 21,792    24,750    43,993    45,700
                                --------  --------  --------  --------
 Other income (expense):
    Interest expense              (1,903)   (1,759)   (3,788)   (3,879)
    Interest and investment
     income, net                   5,277       822     9,947     1,371
    Other, net                         3         5       (52)        3
                                --------  --------  --------  --------
      Total other                  3,377      (932)    6,107    (2,505)
                                --------  --------  --------  --------
 Income from continuing
  operations before income
  taxes                           25,169    23,818    50,100    43,195
    Income tax provision          (9,564)   (8,574)  (19,029)  (15,549)
                                --------  --------  --------  --------
 Income from continuing
  operations                      15,605    15,244    31,071    27,646
                                --------  --------  --------  --------
 Discontinued operations:
    Loss from discontinued
     operations                      --     (9,806)      --    (15,117)
    Income tax benefit               --      3,109       --      4,599
                                --------  --------  --------  --------
     operations, net of
     tax                             --     (6,697)      --    (10,518)
                                --------  --------  --------  --------
 Net income                     $ 15,605  $  8,547  $ 31,071  $ 17,128
                                ========  ========  ========  ========
 Basic earnings (loss)
   per common share:
    Income from continuing
     operations                 $   0.34  $   0.32  $   0.67  $   0.57
     operations, net of
     tax                             --      (0.14)      --      (0.22)
                                --------  --------  --------  --------
    Net income                  $   0.34  $   0.18  $   0.67  $   0.35
                                ========  ========  ========  ========
 Diluted earnings (loss)
  per common share:
    Income from continuing
     operations                 $   0.33  $   0.31  $   0.66  $   0.56
     operations, net of
     tax                             --      (0.14)      --      (0.21)
                                --------  --------  --------  --------
    Net income                  $   0.33  $   0.17  $   0.66  $   0.35
                                ========  ========  ========  ========
 Weighted-average shares
    Basic                         46,527    48,151    46,714    48,598
    Diluted                       47,121    48,881    47,265    49,233

                            (in thousands)
                                                  Six Months Ended
                                                 June 30,    June 30,
                                                   2006        2005
                                                 --------    --------
 Cash flows from operating activities:
  Net income                                     $ 31,071    $ 17,128
  Adjustments to reconcile net income
   to net cash provided by operating
   activities -
    Depreciation                                    5,051       7,518
    Amortization                                    8,126      14,372
    Restructuring charge for abandonment
     of facilities and impairment of assets           401       3,492
    Gain on short-term investments                   (209)       (170)
    Deferred income taxes                           5,849       3,788
    Excess tax benefits from stock-based
     compensation awards                           (1,088)      1,073
    Stock-based employee compensation               6,029       8,650
    Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
     Trade accounts and other receivables, net     11,081       5,787
     Other current and non-current assets          (2,699)     (2,692)
     Income taxes payable/receivable               11,666        (398)
     Accounts payable and accrued liabilities     (17,164)      2,916
     Deferred revenue                               2,615         684
                                                 --------    --------
      Net cash provided by operating activities    60,729      62,148
                                                 --------    --------
 Cash flows from investing activities:
  Net proceeds (payments) from the disposition
   of discontinued operations                        (436)         --
  Purchases of property and equipment              (3,525)     (6,458)
  Proceeds from sale of aircraft held for sale      7,376          --
  Purchases of short-term investments             (97,695)    (31,535)
  Proceeds from sale/maturity of short-term
   investments                                     73,700      21,538
  Acquisition of business, net of cash acquired   (20,777)       (297)
  Acquisition of and investments in client
   contracts                                       (3,002)     (3,964)
                                                 --------    --------
      Net cash used in investing activities       (44,359)    (20,716)
                                                 --------    --------
 Cash flows from financing activities:
  Proceeds from issuance of common stock            3,154       1,683
  Repurchase of common stock                      (22,287)    (43,816)
  Payments on acquired equipment financing           (481)         --
  Excess tax benefits from stock-based
   compensation awards                              1,088          --
  Payments of deferred financing costs                 --         (87)
                                                 --------    --------
      Net cash used in financing activities       (18,526)    (42,220)
                                                 --------    --------
 Effect of exchange rate fluctuations on cash          --      (1,976)
                                                 --------    --------
 Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents         (2,156)     (2,764)
 Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period   346,113     133,551
                                                 --------    --------
 Cash and cash equivalents, end of period        $343,957    $130,787
                                                 ========    ========
 Supplemental disclosures of cash
  flow information:
   Cash paid during the period for -
    Interest                                     $  3,067    $  3,063
    Income taxes                                    1,518       9,405


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