Aftersoft Announces Year End Results for the Year Ending 30th June, 2006, and Issues Guidance for the Current Year

"Business Now Positioned to Reap Significant Rewards of Recent Acquisition, Improved Product Offering and Repositioning Implemented in the Last 9 Months"

NEW YORK, Oct. 16, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- Aftersoft Group, Inc (OTCBB:ASFG), a leading supplier of software and services to the automotive aftermarket in the U.S., U.K. and Canada, today announced the results of operations for the year ending 30th June, 2006. In addition the company issued guidance for the forthcoming year.

CEO Ian Warwick commented, "This was a transitional year for the business of Aftersoft as we repositioned the company and laid the foundations for sustainable profitable growth. The company's repositioning during the last nine months has resulted in the company now being in a position to maximize the growth opportunity available in its fragmented marketplace. With the recent acquisition of EXP dealer software and the operational restructuring now behind the company. Aftersoft is able to issue guidance for the current year of revenues of $31.8m and net income of $6.2m.

"Revenues for the year ended June 30th 2006 decreased by 12% to $19,261,000. This decrease was attributable to our U.S. operations, which made up 43% of revenue for the year ending 30th June, 2005, and 32% of revenue for the year ending 30th June, 2006. The company made a loss of $1,058,000 for the year ended June 30th, 2006. This loss was wholly attributable to the costs incurred during repositioning, which have now been fully expended. In addition R&D increased by 15% to $3,089,000, and our U.S. operations accounted for 64% of R&D expense as we updated our product offering to include the introduction of MAM's Autopart into the U.S. market. This additional expense has now been concluded. General and Administrative costs for the year increased by 2% to $4,489,000. This included one time reorganization costs of $1,049,000.

"We believe a useful indicator of the groups repositioning is the fact that the group generated cash flow of $1,470,000 from operating activities during the year ending June 30, 2006 against negative cashflow of $189,000 for the year ended June 30, 2005.

"With the repositioning and the acquisition of EXP complete, the company now will begin to see the benefit from improved margins as it is now focused on higher margin business going forward. This is evidenced by the quarter ended September 30, 2006 where we achieved revenues of $7.4m and a net income of $1.2m on a pro-forma basis (EXP closed in the middle of the quarter). In addition we have identified a number of accretive acquisitions which are extremely synergistic with our existing business which are not factored into our guidance."

About Aftersoft

Aftersoft Group, Inc. is a leading provider of software, information and services to the automotive aftermarket and automotive dealerships in the U.S., U.K. and Canada. Aftersoft develops and markets business, supply chain management, dealership and customer relationship management software solutions to small and medium-size firms in the automotive aftermarket and dealership market in the U.S and U.K. The automotive aftermarket consists of businesses associated with the life cycle of a motor vehicle -- from when the original manufacturer's warranty expires to when the vehicle is scrapped. The Company services this market with business management systems, information products and online services that its customers use to manage their critical day-to-day business operations through automated point-of-sale, inventory management, purchasing, general accounting and customer relationship management. We are currently number two in the U.S. market, which represents a $68 billion market opportunity with approximately 20,000 potential clients. We are the market leader in the U.K. market, which is an estimated $27 billion market opportunity with approximately 30 million vehicles in circulation. The dealer management division services this market with dealership business management and marketing software systems for automotive manufacturers and automobile dealerships. This is a highly fragmented market with a total worldwide market value of approximately $15 billion.

Safe Harbour Statement

This press release contains forward-looking statements as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. Actual results may differ materially from those indicated by these forward-looking statements as a result of risks and uncertainties impacting the company's business including, increased competition; the ability of the company to expand its operations through either acquisitions or internal growth, to attract and retain qualified professionals, and to expand commercial relationships; technological obsolescence; general economic conditions; and other risks detailed from time to time in filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

                          Aftersoft Group, Inc.
                      Consolidated Balance Sheet
                   (In thousands, except share data)

                                                         As of
                                                     June 30, 2006
  Current Assets
    Cash                                            $           423
    Accounts receivable, net of 
     allowance of $332                                        3,409
    Note receivable                                             950
    Inventories                                                 246
    Other                                                       231
    Total Current Assets                                      5,259
  Property and Equipment, Net                                   155
  Other Assets

    Goodwill                                                 22,061
    Amortizable intangible assets, net                        5,644
    Software development costs, net                           1,256
    Other long-term assets                                       46
    Total Other Assets                                       29,007
 Total Assets                                       $        34,421
 Current Liabilities

    Accounts payable                                $         1,707
    Accrued expenses                                          1,396
    Accrued consulting fees                                     550
    Accrued legal expenses                                    1,970
    Payroll and other taxes                                     655
    Amounts due to parent company                                14
    Current portion of long-term debt                           898
    Deferred revenue                                          1,216
    Taxes payable                                               807
    Total Current Liabilities                                 9,213
 Long-Term Liabilities
    Deferred revenue                                          1,073
    Deferred income taxes                                       880
    Long-term debt                                               10
    Other                                                       487
    Total Liabilities                                        11,663
 Commitments and contingencies
    Preferred stock

     Par value $0.0001 per share; 
      10,000,000 shares authorized,
      none issued and outstanding                                --
    Common stock
     Par value $0.0001 per share; 
      100,000,000 shares authorized,
      35,071,167 shares issued  
      and outstanding                                             4
    Additional paid-in capital                               21,962
    Accumulated other comprehensive loss                       (388)
    Retained earnings                                         1,180
    Total Stockholders' Equity                               22,758
 Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity         $        34,421

                        Aftersoft Group, Inc.
                 Consolidated Statements of Operations 
                    and Comprehensive Income (Loss)
                   (In thousands, except share data)

                                       For the year    For the year
                                           ended          ended
                                          June 30,        June 30,
                                            2006            2005
                                       ------------    ------------
 Revenues                              $     19,261    $     22,062
 Cost of revenues                             9,746           9,225
                                       ------------    ------------
 Gross Profit                                 9,515          12,837
                                       ------------    ------------

 Operating Expenses                                   
 Research and development                     3,089           2,665
 Sales and marketing                          1,904           1,970
 General and administrative                   4,489           4,389
 Depreciation and amortization                1,275           1,421
                                       ------------    ------------
 Total Operating Expenses                    10,757          10,445
                                       ------------    ------------

 Operating Income (Loss)                     (1,242)          2,392
                                       ------------    ------------

 Other Income (Expense)
 Interest expense                              (130)           (105)
 Gain on sale of property and 
  equipment                                     224              --
 Other, net                                      20             (12)
                                       ------------    ------------
 Total other income (expense),
  net                                           114            (117)
                                       ------------    ------------

 Pre-tax income (loss) from 
  continuing operations                      (1,128)          2,275

 Provision for income taxes                     714             337
                                       ------------    ------------
 Income (loss) from continuing 
  operations                                 (1,842)          1,938
 Income from discontinued
  operations, net of tax                        448              --
 Gain on sale of discontinued
  operations                                    422              --
                                       ------------    ------------
 Net Income (Loss)                             (972)          1,938
 Foreign currency translation 
  gain                                          (86)             32
                                       ------------    ------------
 Total Comprehensive Income
  (Loss)                               $     (1,058)   $      1,970
                                       ============    ============

 Earnings (loss) per share 
  attributed to common 
  stockholders - basic and 
     Net income (loss) from 
      continuing operations            $      (0.05)   $       0.06
     Discontinued operations                   0.02              --
                                       ------------    ------------
     Net income (loss)                 $      (0.03)   $       0.06
                                       ============    ============
 Weighted average number of 
  shares of common stock 
  outstanding - basic and
  diluted                                33,651,233      30,701,671
                                       ============    ============

                         Aftersoft Group, Inc.
                 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
                            (In thousands)

                                       For the year    For the year
                                           ended          ended
                                          June 30,       June 30,
                                           2006            2005
                                       ------------    ------------
 Cash Flows from operating 
 Net income (loss)                       $     (972)     $    1,938
 Adjustments to reconcile net 
  income (loss) to cash 
  provided by (used in)
  operating activities :
     Depreciation and 
      amortization                            1,275           1,421
     Deferred income taxes                      --              118
     Gain on sale of property   
      and equipment                            (224)            --
     Gain on sale of 
      discontinued operations                  (422)            --
     Common stock issued for 
      consulting services                       499             --

     Changes in assets and 
      liabilities (net of the 
      effect of acquisition and
      divestiture) :
       Trade accounts receivable               (752)            194
       Inventories                              112             107
       Prepaid expenses and 
        other assets                           (126)            155
       Accounts payable                          18             542
       Taxes payable                            780             219
       Deferred revenue                        (305)         (4,497)
       Accrued expenses and 
        other liabilities                     1,587             386
                                        -----------     -----------
 Net cash provided by (used in) 
  operating activities                        1,470            (189)
                                        -----------     -----------

 Cash Flows from investing 
   activities :
     Cash acquired in acquisition                --             490
     Purchase of property and 
      equipment                                 (62)           (311)
     Proceeds from the sale of 
       property and equipment                   103             --
     Capitalized software 
      development costs                        (551)           (285)
                                        -----------     -----------
 Net cash used in investing   
  activities                                   (510)           (106)
                                        -----------     -----------

 Cash Flows from financing 
   activities :
     Proceeds from related party 
      advances                                  617             349
     Proceeds from long-term debt               --              256
     Payment on long-term debt               (1,043)           (155)
     Payments on related party 
      advances                                 (219)            --
                                        -----------     -----------
 Net cash (used in) provided by 
  financing activities                         (645)            450
                                        -----------     -----------

 Effect of exchange rate changes                (86)             32
                                        -----------     -----------
 Net increase in cash                           229             187
 Cash at beginning of year                      194               7
                                        -----------     -----------
 Cash at end of year                    $       423     $       194
                                        ===========     ===========

                         Aftersoft Group, Inc.
           Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Continued)
                            (In thousands)

                                            For the year  For the year
                                               ended          ended
                                              June 30,       June 30,
                                                2006           2005
                                            ------------  ------------
 Supplemental disclosures of cash
   flow information
    Cash paid during the year for:
         Interest                            $     130       $    105
         Income taxes                        $     182       $     15
 Non-cash investing and financing 
  transactions during the year for:
   Settlement of note receivable by 
    offsetting against amounts due
    to parent company                        $     510
   Shares issued for acquisition 
     of software licenses                    $     530
   Proceeds from sale of office 
    equipment offset against
    amounts due to parent company            $     308
   Proceeds from sale of Euro Soft 
    offset against amounts due to
    parent company                           $     450

   Euro Software Services Limited 
       Accounts receivable                   $     880
       Software licenses                           530
       Accounts payable                           (240)
       Income taxes payable                       (192)
       Gain on sale                                422
                                              $  1,400

   Shares issued for Car Parts Technologies, Inc. acquisition :

       Cash                                              $        490
       Other current assets                                     1,132
       Property and equipment                                     140
       Other long-term assets                                      37
       Other current liabilities                               (3,264)
       Deferred income                                         (4,872)
       Long-term debt                                          (1,151)
       Other long-term liabilities                               (487)
       Goodwill                                                14,549
       Amortizable intangibles                                  5,300
                                                         $     11,874



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