CDMA2000 Expanding Rapidly Across Africa

Operators Find Technology Ideal for Deploying Wireless Broadband Networks in Urban and Rural Markets

COSTA MESA, Calif., Nov. 6, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- The CDMA Development Group (CDG) ( today announced that CDMA2000(r) has quickly become the technology of choice as African operators pair unparalleled customer growth potential with CDMA's crystal clear voice communications, broadband performance and ease of deployment. Currently, there are 33 CDMA2000 operators in commercial operation in Africa's most populace countries, representing a subscriber base of around 5.4 million people. Another 18 operators are expected to launch CDMA2000 services within the next six months. The CDMA subscriber base is expected to grow substantially within the next five years within its addressable market of over 600 million people.

According to the ITU's World Telecommunications Indicators, only ten in every 100 people have access to a telephone and two in every 100 people in Africa have access to the Internet. CDMA2000 is satisfying the growing demand from both market segments, especially as it supports broadband data services via fixed wireless terminals, PC cards and modems. The technology, which is accessible in large coverage areas, has become vital to supporting communications for nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), international agencies, and government institutions. In addition, consumer-driven operators such as Movicel Telecomunicacoes in Angola, Starcomms in Nigeria, and Kasapa Telecom in Ghana are witnessing massive uptake of CDMA2000 services.

"The CDG is pleased to witness CDMA2000's rapid expansion across Africa," said Perry LaForge, executive director of the CDG. "The technology's voice clarity and broadband power makes it ideal for emerging economies that want to set up durable wireless communications infrastructure in a short period of time. Deploying CDMA in the lower 450 MHz and 800 MHz frequency bands is significantly less expensive and more secure than deploying fixed telecommunications infrastructure. We expect this growth to continue in Africa and beyond."

As a case in point, Starcomms in Nigeria and Terracom in Rwanda have demonstrated that their markets are ready for more than just low-cost voice and short messaging services (SMS). Their clients are demanding affordable broadband access to the Internet. They met this pent-up demand for broadband access by supplementing their voice-centric networks with EV-DO technology. The resulting deployments have served as showcases for the full power and flexibility that CDMA offers as a 3G technology in Africa. As a result, another 8 operators on the continent are now planning to maximize their network potential within the next year by offering affordable broadband data services using EV-DO technology.

Following is a list of the CDMA operators in Africa that have commercially deployed or are planning to deploy CDMA2000 services within the next six months:

 Country            Operator                            Network

 Algeria          Algerie Telecom                   1X (Commercial)
                                                    EV-DO (To Launch)
 Algeria          Consortium Algerian de            1X (Commercial)
                  Telecommunications (Lacom)        EV-DO (To Launch)
 Angola           Movicel Telecomunicacoes Lda      1X (Commercial)
                                                    EV-DO (To Launch)

 Angola           Mundo Startel                     1X (To Launch)

 Benin            Bell Benin Communications         1X (To Launch)

 Botswana         Botswana Telcommunications        1X (To Launch)
                  Corp. (BTC)                       

 Cameroon         CAMTEL (CTPhone)                  1X (Commercial)
                                                    EV-DO (Planned)

 Cote d'lvoire    Arobase Telecom S. A.             1X (Commercial)

 Dem. Rep. of     Tatem                             1X (To Launch)
  the Congo      

 Djibouti         Djibouti Telecom                  1X (To Launch)

 Egypt            Telecom Egypt                     1X (Commercial)

 Ethiopia         Ethiopian Telecommunications      1X (Commercial)
                  Corp. (ETC)                       

 Ghana            Kasapa Telecom Ltd.               1X (Commercial)

 Kenya            E.M. Communications Ltd.          1X (Commercial)
                  (Popote Wireless)

 Kenya            Flashcom Ltd.                     1X (Commercial)

 Kenya            Telkom Kenya Ltd.                 1X (Commercial)

 Madagascar       Telecom Malagasy S.A. (Telma)     1X (Commercial)

 Mali             Sotelma                           1X (Commercial)

 Mauritania       Mauritel                          1X (Commercial)

 Morocco          Maroc Connect                     1X (To Launch)
 Mozambique       Telecomunicacoes de Mozambique    1X (To Launch)
 Namibia          Telecom Namibia                   1X (To Launch)
 Niger            Sonitel                           1X (Commercial)
 Nigeria          Bourdex Telecom                   1X (Commercial)
                                                    EV-DO (Planned)

 Nigeria          Cell Communications Ltd.          1X (Commercial)
 Nigeria          Independent Telephone             1X (Commercial)
                  Network Ltd.                      
 Nigeria          Intercellular Nigeria Ltd.        1X (Commercial)
 Nigeria          Ministry of Communications        1X (To Launch)
 Nigeria          MTS First Wireless                1X (Commercial)
 Nigeria          Multi-Links                       1X (Commercial)
                  Telecommunications Ltd.           

 Nigeria          Nigerian Telecommunications       1X (Commercial)
                  Ltd. (Nitel)                      
 Nigeria          Oud'a Tel                         1X (To Launch)
 Nigeria          Prestel                           1X (To Launch)
 Nigeria          Rainbownet Ltd.                   1X (Commercial)
 Nigeria          Reliance Telecommunications       1X (Commercial)
                  Ltd. (Reltel)                    

 Nigeria          Starcomms Ltd.                    1X (Commercial)
                                                    EV-DO (Commerical)

 Rwanda           Terracom                          1X (Commercial)
                                                    EV-DO (Commerical)
 Sierra Leone     Datatel                           1X (To Launch)
 South Africa     Neotel                            1X (Planned)
                                                    EV-DO (Planned)

 Sudan            Canar Telecommunications          1X (Commercial)
                  Co. Ltd. (Canar)                  
 Sudan            Mobitel Sudan                     1X (Commercial)
 Sudan            Sudatel (Sudani)                  1X (Commercial)
 Tanzania         Benson Online                     1X (To Launch)
 Tanzania         MyCell                            1X (To Launch)
 Tanzania         Tanzania Telecommunications       1X (Commercial)
                  Company Ltd. (TTCL)               EV-DO (To Launch)   
 Tanzania         Zanzibar Telecom Ltd. (ZANTEL)    1X (To Launch)
 Togo             Togo Telecom                      1X (To Launch)
 Tunisia          Telecom Tunisia                   1X (Commercial)
 Uganda           MTN Uganda                        1X (Commercial)
 Uganda           Uganda Telecom Ltd.               1X (Commercial)
                                                    EV-DO (Planned)

 Zambia           Telecommunications Ltd.           1X (Planned)

More information on CDMA2000 is available on the CDG Web site at

About CDMA

CDMA2000 is the most widely deployed 3G technology, with 177 operators in 76 countries, including 51 CDMA2000 1xEV-DO systems, serving more than 275 million subscribers. Counting 2G cdmaOne subscribers, there are more than 335 million CDMA users worldwide. CDMA2000 has become the technology of choice for cdmaOne, TDMA, analog and greenfield operators, and is deployed in the 450, 800, 1700, 1900 and 2100 MHz bands. Nearly 1,460 CDMA2000 devices from more than 85 suppliers have been introduced to the market, including more than 350 1xEV-DO devices. More information on CDMA2000 is available on the CDG Web site at

About CDG

The CDMA Development Group is a trade association formed to foster the worldwide development, implementation and use of CDMA2000 technologies. The more than 130 member companies of the CDG include many of the world's largest wireless carriers and equipment manufacturers. The primary activities of the CDG include development of CDMA2000 features and services, public relations, education and seminars, regulatory affairs and international support. Currently, there are more than 500 individuals working within various CDG subcommittees on CDMA2000-related matters. For more information about the CDG, contact the CDG News Bureau at +1-714-540-1030, or visit the CDG Web site at

The CDG logo is available at

Note to editors

cdmaOne is a registered trademark of the CDMA Development Group. CDMA2000 is a registered trademark of the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA-USA). All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


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