FL GROUP - Directors Dealings

Name of insider	Eignarhaldsfélagið Oddaflug ehf.
Relations with the issuer	Holding Company controlled by Hannes Smarason, CEO of FL Group
Date of transaction	29.12.2006	 
Buy or Sell	Sala / Sale	
Type of instrument	Hlutabréf / Equities	 
Number of shares	1.570.358.566	
Price	25,2	 
Primary insider's holdings after the transaction	0	
Primary insider's option holdings after the transaction	0	 
Related parties holdings after the transaction	0	
Date of settlement	 	 

This transaction is only a transfer of a shares that Eignarhaldsfélagið Oddaflug ehf. owns in FL Group hf. to Oddaflug BV which is a subsidiary 100% owned and controlled by Eignarhaldsfelagsins Oddaflug ehf. Eignarhaldsfelagid Oddaflug ehf. is held by Fjarfestingafelagid Primus ehf. held by Hannes Smarason.