The agreement with the OJSC “Gazprom” on natural gas purchase price has been signed

Latvijas Gāze                                           03.01.2006

The agreement with the OJSC “Gazprom” on natural gas purchase price 
for the year 2007 has been signed

The JSC “Latvijas Gāze” has signed an agreement with the OJSC ‘Gazprom” 
on natural gas purchase price for the year 2007, which envisages growth 
of purchase price for approximately 50% at the current heavy fuel oil 
prices. The increase of purchase price is due to the growing prices of 
oil and heavy fuel oil in recent years, as well as the wish of the OJSC 
“Gazprom” to make a gradual transition to a purchase price compliant 
with the global market. In January 2007, the JSC “Latvijas Gāze” will 
prepare a new tariff project and submit it to the Public Utility Commission.

Vinsents Makaris
JSC “Latvijas Gāze”
Commercial proxy