American National, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans and United Life Adopt Beacon's AnnuityNexus Sales Support System

Web-Based System Supports Wholesalers and Conservation Teams With Rapid Answers On Competing Fixed Annuities

EVANSTON, Ill., Jan. 5, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Beacon Research, the leading source of fixed annuity data and related software tools, today announced that its AnnuityNexus Sales Support System has been adopted by American National Insurance Co., Thrivent Financial for Lutherans and United Life Insurance Co. The web-based System provides wholesalers and retention teams with immediate access to accurate, comprehensive information on competing products, enabling increased sales, more rep satisfaction and improved operating efficiency.

The Sales Support System is fast and very easy to use, requiring no mastery of complicated software. When producers need help selling against the competition, wholesalers can assist instantly -- looking up and comparing the competing product with their own fixed annuities to identify competitive advantages. Pdf versions of comparisons and detailed product profiles can be saved and sent to the rep. The System also provides excellent support to conservation professionals in discussions with consumers. (A flow chart of the System is available on the AnnuityNexus home page:

The Sales Support System provides immediate, real-time access to the full AnnuityNexus database -- the largest and most accurate fixed annuity database on-line -- including hard-to-find information on products distributed through banks, broker-dealers and career agents. AnnuityNexus is the only fixed annuity database in the U.S. to feature 100% carrier-approved profiles, unique in their scope and timeliness.

"American National, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans and United Life are all committed to providing their sales representatives with superior service and support," said Jeremy Alexander, president and CEO of Beacon Research. "We are very pleased to help them fulfill this commitment."

About Beacon Research

Beacon Research is an independent research organization founded in 1997. It compiles market intelligence on fixed annuity products for subscribers to its web-based systems at Carriers access these systems to support product development, rate setting and competition research. Distributors use them for product analysis and selection. The AnnuityNexus Sales Support System is an important resource for wholesalers and retention teams throughout the distribution chain. Beacon also licenses information and software tools to other platforms, including websites for sales representatives and Finetre's AnnuityNet annuity automation platform. Beacon's Fixed Annuity Premium Study is the first and only source to track these sales at the product level. Its fixed annuity benchmark series -- the industry's first -- is available through Ibbotson Associates. Directly and through strategic alliances, Beacon information can be accessed by hundreds of financial institutions and distributors.

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