Castellum enters into Linköping

Castellum enters into LinköpingCastellum has, through wholly owned subsidiaries invested in eight properties for SEKm 493, and sold two properties for SEKm 29 During January 2007, four properties in Linköping have been acquired for SEKm 373. The properties are located in Mjärdevi Science Park and the lettable area amounts to 35,000 sq.m. of which approx. 26,000 sq.m. are office premises. Vacancies amount to 35 %. The buildings were built between 1988 - 2002 and have in general a high technical standard. In addition to the existing lettable area there are also unutilized building permissions of approx. 6,000 sq.m. Linköping will be a new market area for the subsidiary Corallen. Linköping municipality is part of Sweden's fourth largest urban region and offers good infrastructure, a high level of education, and a positive population growth. In all this create good potential for continued growth. In Mjärdevi Science Park, close to the University, more than 180 companies with 4,000 employees together have their daily outcome. At Eriksberg in Gothenburg, one office property has been acquired for SEKm 53. The lettable area amounts to 6,400 sq.m. and at the time of taking possession, at the end of December, the economic occupancy rate was 70 %. One commercial property in Jönköping has been acquired for SEKm 19. The property is located in the Haga area with good exposure and connection to the main road 40. The building has a lettable area of 3,300 sq.m. in need of modernization. Therefore, an investment of SEKm 12, comprising refurbishment and extension, will be made during 2007. At the time of taking possession, at the end of December 2006, the property was fully let on an 11 year lease contract. At the end of December 2006, two properties in Örebro were acquired for SEKm 36. The properties are located in Bista and Gustavsvik. The lettable area amounts to 6,500 sq.m. of which 2,700 is office premises and 3,800 is warehouse premises. At the time of taking possession the property in Bista holds no tenants while the other property is fully let. Further more, at the end of December 2006, two properties, one in Gothenburg and one in Gnosjö, with a total lettable area of 8,600 sq.m. have been sold for SEKm 29, which by SEKm 6 exceeded fair value. On names and addresses of properties acquired or sold since the beginning of the year are published. Castellum is one of the major listed real estate companies in Sweden. The fair value of the real estate portfolio amounts to approx. SEK 23 billion, and comprises mainly commercial properties. The real estate portfolio is owned and managed by six wholly owned subsidiaries with strong local roots in five growth regions: Greater Gothenburg, the Öresund Region, Greater Stockholm, Mälardalen and Western Småland. The Castellum share is registered on OMX - Nordic list Large cap. For further information, please contact Håkan Hellström, CEO, phone +46 31 60 74 00 / mobile +46 705-60 74 56Henrik Saxborn, Deputy CEO, phone +46 31 60 74 50 / mobile + 46 706-94 74 50 Attachment: Press release (PDF)Text version / Internet version / Print / Close