no 02/07 Alfa Kraft new market maker for EU allowances at Nord Pool

Nord Pool ASA has signed a market maker agreement with Alfa Kraft AB for EU allowances.  

Lysaker, 8 January 2007

The agreement currently covers the December -07, -08 and -09 contracts. The agreement will enter into force 9 January, 2007.

Nord Pool doubled the cleared volume of EU allowances in 2006 compared to 2005. 

In 2006, the total volume of traded and cleared EU Allowances (1 tonne CO2=1 EUA) was 59.57 million tonnes compared to 27.96 million tonnes in 2005.  

For further information, please contact Nord Pool ASA: 

Marianne W. Jenssen, senior vice president, financial market, 
phone: +47 67 52 80 76/+47 90 13 68 53

Lars Galtung, vice president communications, 
phone +47 67 52 80 80/+ 47 98 21 48 12