OMX Surveillance Annual Report 2006 (01/07)

A fundamental requirement for a successful and profitable stock exchange business is that the activities of the exchange are performed with professionalism, and that the exchange enjoys a high degree of confidence on the market. This is something that should be kept in mind also during periods of positive market trends with continuously increasing prices of the instruments traded on the exchange.

The Surveillance function within the Nordic Exchange is to a large extent responsible for upholding the markets’ confidence in the exchange by providing a credible and integrated surveillance with high competences and undisputed integrity.

The OMX Surveillance function is composed of three Surveillance Departments: Surveillance at the Stockholm Stock Exchange (SSE), Surveillance at the Copenhagen Stock Exchange (CSE) and Surveillance at the Helsinki Stock Exchange (HSE). The respective departments are organized into two groups or functions -Trading Surveillance and Issuer Surveillance. The surveillance activities are related both to the trading as such, the members’ activities in different aspects, listing of financial instruments such as equities, bonds and warrants, the listed companies’ activties, and other market participants’ adherence to market practice.

The intention of this report is to give a survey of the main activities within the Surveillance function during 2006. In addition, the surveillance activities have also been accounted for on a monthly basis through monthly reports, which can be found on the web page of the Nordic Exchange,

The complete annual report for 2006 is attached.

