Expansion of Retail Operations in 2007 - 2010

PTA Grupp AS         STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE    11.01.2007

Expansion of Retail Operations in 2007 - 2010                   

On  9  November 2006, PTA Grupp AS published a listing-  and
trading  prospectus reflecting the upcoming changes  in  the
business  of the PTA group following the acquisition  of  AS
Silvano  Fashion Group. Among other things,  the  prospectus
outlined  the  general strategy of the group  aimed  at  the
aggressive expansion of retail operations, parallel with the
development  of the existing manufacturing business  in  the
field of lingerie and ladies wear.

In  line with the aforementioned strategy, the PTA group has
drawn  up  a 4-year expansion plan. The plan builds  on  the
intention  to  operate  two  major  retail  chains:  Oblicie
(involved  in sales of lingerie) and PTA (ladies  wear).  In
addition to Oblicie and PTA outlets, the group will continue
to operate a certain amount of retail stores under the brand
names Lauma, Milavitsa and Splendo.

During  the  upcoming  4 years, the  main  markets  for  the
expansion  of the group's retail operations are expected  to
comprise the Russian Federation, Belarus, the Baltic  States
and Ukraine.

At  this  time, there are a total of 51 retail outlets  with
the total area of 6,705 m2 (including 13 Oblicie outlets and
13  PTA  outlets). By the end of 2007, the group is planning
to  increase the number of operated retail outlets  to  over
100,  with the total retail area exceeding 15,000m2. By  the
end  of  2010, the group expects to operate over 400  retail
outlets with the total retail area exceeding 40,000 m2.

PTA Grupp AS will continue publishing up-to-date information
on  the  expansion of its retail activities  on  an  ongoing

Peeter Larin
PTA Grupp AS
Chairman of the Management Board
Tel +372 6 710 700