BAB: Akciju komercbanka “Baltikums” will carry out its third issue of notes

Akciju komercbanka "Baltikums"                           15.01.2007

JSC “Akciju komercbanka “Baltikums”” will carry out its third issue of notes

According to the decision of shareholders meeting of 
JSC “Akciju komercbanka” Baltikums”” (hereinafter - the Bank), the board 
of the Bank on January 12, 2007 made a decision to make initial offer of 
debt securities (notes) of JSC “Akciju komercbanka “Baltikums“” with the 
following terms: 

·total amount of the issue - up to EUR 10 000 000 (ten millions euros); 
·maturity date - February 2, 2010; 
·coupon rate - floating (3M Euribor + 3 %).

The Notes will be offered only to qualified investors or investors who 
will subscribe to the Notes in the amount of no less than EUR 50 000.

It is planned to list the Notes on the debt securities list of the Rigs 
Stock Exchange. The arranger of the issue is JSC “Parex banka”. The funds 
received from the issue of the notes, the Bank plans to use for further 
development of shipping finance and trade finance.

This will be the third notes issue of JSC “Akciju komercbanka “Baltikums””. 
In December 2004, JSC “Akciju komercbanka “Baltikums”” completed one of 
the most important projects in its history -it placed the first unsecured 
notes issue in the amount of EUR 3 855 500 with 2 year maturity. The Notes 
of the first issue have been repaid on December 29, 2006. The second issue 
of the notes of the Bank was completed in the spring of 2006. The total 
amount of this issue was EUR 5 000 000, term - 3 years. The arranger of 
two previous issues also was JSC “Parex banka”.

Chairman of the Board 

T. Drobina
Tālr. 7031342; 7031311