no 04/07 Nord Pool and OMX extend cooperation

(Lysaker, 22 January 2007) Nord Pool and OMX, a leading expert in the exchange industry, have signed an agreement regarding extended cooperation.  

OMX will provide one single solution for both trading and clearing. The agreement is valid until 2015 and includes support and operation of the integrated system, which will be used for the energy derivatives market. 
  OMX is a leading supplier of integrated technology solutions for trading and clearing to energy markets. We are very pleased that Nord Pool has chosen to extend the relationship with OMX.  That Nord Pool once again have put their trust in us shows that we are a solid partner in growth,” said Markus Gerdien, president business area market technology, OMX.
“Nord Pool is pleased to extend the constructive relationship with OMX through this agreement. Our ambition with the new platform is to improve the customer experience providing the best and most cost effective trading and clearing systems. The new platform will provide tools for faster product development which is required in the future European market,” said Torger Lien, president and CEO at Nord Pool ASA. 

About OMX                                                                                                                                                                                      
OMX    is a leading expert in the exchange industry. Through the Nordic Exchange, OMX offers access to approximately 80 percent of the Nordic and Baltic securities market. The Nordic Exchange is a term used for marketing purposes and is not a legal entity. It describes the common offering from the Helsinki Stock Exchange, Copenhagen Stock Exchange, Stockholm Stock Exchange, Iceland Stock Exchange, Tallinn Stock Exchange, Riga Stock Exchange and Vilnius Stock Exchange. OMX' integrated technology solutions cross the transaction chain enabling efficient securities transactions for over 60 exchange organizations in more than 50 countries. OMX is a Nordic Large Cap company in the Financials sector on the OMX Nordic Exchange. For more information, please visit "" href="        

About Nord Pool  
   Nord Pool    is the world's first international commodity exchange for electricity, green certificates and European Union  a  llowances (EUAs).   

The core business of the Nord Pool group is trading and clearing physical-delivery and financially-settled power contracts in the Nordic region (Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway).   

The group has more than 400 members from 20 countries across a wide range of energy producers and consumers as well as financial institutions.   Nord Pool has  ove  r   80 members from 16 countries in the emission market.

The Nord Pool group comprises Nord Pool ASA and Nord Pool Spot AS.      

Nord Pool ASA comprises the wholly owned subsidiaries, Nord Pool Clearing ASA and Nord Pool Consulting AS. The national grid companies Svenska Kraftnät and Statnett holds 50 per cent each in Nord Pool ASA. 

Nord Pool Spot AS and its subsidiary Nord Pool Finland Oy is owned by the national grid companies Fingrid, Energinet, Statnett, Svenska Kraftnät and Nord Pool ASA by 20 per cent each.

The Nord Pool group has offices in Lysaker (Oslo), Fredericia, Stockholm, Helsinki, Berlin and Amsterdam. Press release no 04/2007   (PDF-format)  

For further  information, please contact Nord Pool ASA:   

 Lars Galtung, vice president communications, phone +47 6752 8080/+ 47 9821 4812