Heritage Oaks Bancorp Earns $1.6 Million in Fourth Quarter, With Loan Portfolio Increasing 21 Percent

PASO ROBLES, Calif., Jan. 22, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Heritage Oaks Bancorp (Nasdaq:HEOP), the parent company of Heritage Oaks Bank, today reported preliminary fourth quarter profits highlighting outstanding loan growth on a year over year basis. Net income for the year was $6.7 million, or $1.01 per diluted share, even with earnings in 2005. For the fourth quarter of 2006, net income was $1.6 million, or $0.25 per diluted share, compared to $1.8 million, or $0.27 per diluted share, in the fourth quarter of 2005.

"The past year was marked by tremendous loan growth for Heritage Oaks Bank," said Lawrence P. Ward, President and CEO. "Throughout 2006, we invested significant time and resources putting the infrastructure in place to support a strategy of aggressive growth in future years. At a considerable up-front expense, we put a branding initiative in place providing the foundation for our growth strategy. We also worked with consultants to develop and enhance our branching strategy as well as our compensation programs. We believe these initiatives will cease being expense items early this year and will begin to contribute to future profitability, build our franchise value and enhance shareholder value.

"The California Central Coast economy continues to flourish, and demand for commercial loans remains strong," continued Ward. "We have sustained our loan growth momentum while maintaining exceptional credit quality. We will continue to focus on our customers' needs in order to expand our existing relationships while looking to add new, profitable customers. Not unlike most banks in 2006, we found deposit growth to be very challenging. However, a number of bank mergers have left the Central Coast with few true community banks and we believe this presents an excellent opportunity for us in 2007."

2006 Highlights:

* Net income was $6.7 million, or $1.01 per diluted share.

* Revenues increased 6% to $32.0 million.

* Return on average equity was 14.10% and return on average assets was 1.32%.

* Net interest margin was 5.94%.

* Net loans increased 21% to $439 million.

* Asset quality remained strong, non-performing assets were just 0.01% of total assets.

* Initiated regular quarterly cash dividends.

In 2006, Heritage Oaks' board of directors initiated a regular quarterly cash dividend program and also paid a special cash dividend of $0.25 per share in May. The board also authorized a repurchase plan of up to 100,000 shares of common stock. "We have already repurchased 40,000 shares, and will continue to look for ways to manage our capital while benefiting shareholders," Ward added.

Operating Results

Total revenues, consisting of net interest income before the provision for loan losses and non-interest income, increased 6% to $32.0 million in 2006 compared to $30.2 million a year ago. Fourth quarter revenues grew 4% to $8.3 million from $8.0 million in the same quarter of 2005. Net interest income increased 8% to $27.1 million in 2006 compared to $25.2 million in 2005. In the fourth quarter, net interest income increased 2% to $7.0 million, from $6.8 million a year ago. "Our healthy net interest income reflects the strong loan growth we have generated over the past year and continues to produce a very healthy net interest margin given the negative impact of the continued high costs associated with borrowed funds needed to support the loan growth," said Ward. Interest and fees on loans increased 24% from the fourth quarter as well as for the 12 months last year while interest expense increased by 91% and 86% for that same 3 month and 12 month time frame.

Non-interest income increased 6% to $1.3 million in the fourth quarter of 2006, compared to $1.2 million in the fourth quarter of 2005. The Company received a recovery from a 2001 operational loss in the amount of approximately $200,000. This recovery is included in other non-interest income during the fourth quarter of 2006. For 2006, non-interest income was $5.0 million, unchanged from last year.

"In the fourth quarter, our net interest margin came under pressure as deposit costs, as well as costs associated with borrowing from the FHLB and the issuance of $8 million in additional Trust Preferred Securities, increased faster than loan yields," said Ward. "We expect to see some continued pressure on the net interest margin in future quarters given the current interest rate and yield curve environment." Net interest margin for the year was 5.94%, compared to 5.78% in 2005. Fourth quarter margin was 5.77%, compared to 6.06% in the fourth quarter a year ago.

Heritage Oaks' non-interest expense increased in 2006 primarily as a result of increased expenses related to the branding project, consulting fees associated with revisions to the compensation programs, SOX 404 compliance implementation, a branch expansion study, the addition of an EVP / Human Resources and EVP Client Delivery, and the addition of a full service branch office within the bank's existing footprint in Templeton, California. In addition, two long running legal issues were resolved during the fourth quarter of 2006, resulting in settlement and associated legal costs of approximately $100,000, which are included in other operating expense. Total non-interest expense increased 12% to $21.0 million from $18.8 million in 2005. In the fourth quarter, non-interest expenses were $5.5 million compared to $4.9 million in the fourth quarter a year ago. "We have invested significant resources in these new initiatives in 2006 and are already seeing improvements in our service delivery. 2006 was an unusual year with respect to our operating expenses, and we are expecting our expenses to return to more normal levels this year," said Ward.

As a result of the increase in expenses, the efficiency ratio increased to 65.5% in 2006 compared to 62.0% in 2005. For the fourth quarter the efficiency ratio was 67.1% compared to 60.6% for the fourth quarter of 2005. The efficiency ratio measures operating expenses as a percent of revenues.

Heritage Oaks generated a return on average equity of 14.1% in 2006 and 13.6% in the fourth quarter, compared to 16.1% and 16.4% during the same periods of 2005. The decline was a result of higher capital balances and earnings even with those reported the prior year. Return on average assets was 1.32% in 2006 compared to 1.38% in 2005, and was 1.24% in the fourth quarter of 2006 from 1.47% in the fourth quarter a year ago.

Balance Sheet

Net loans increased 21% to $439 million at December 31, 2006, compared to $363 million a year earlier. "Loan production for the quarter was strong and the major components of the loan portfolio showed significant growth over the prior year's balances," said Ward. "Compared to a year ago, we increased commercial, financial and agricultural loans 42%, real estate construction and land loans 37% and other real estate loans 13%. In addition, our credit quality has remained exceptional."

Total assets increased 11% to $542 million as of December 31, 2006, compared to $489 million a year earlier. Total deposits were $421 million, compared to $418 million at December 31, 2005. "Our focus and our biggest challenge in 2007 continues to be attracting low cost deposits to fund our loans. Our core deposit base remains very strong as we still have 36% of our deposits in non-interest bearing accounts and an additional 35% of deposits in savings, money market and NOW accounts. Not unlike most banks in 2006 we experienced disintermediation of low or no-cost deposits into higher yielding certificate of deposits. Still, over 71% of our deposits are no or low-cost, providing us with a very efficient funding source to support our loan growth," said Ward.

Asset quality remains exceptional with non-performing assets at $55,000, or 0.01% of total assets at December 31, 2006. The allowance for loan losses was $4.1 million, or 0.92% of net loans held for investment at year-end compared to $3.9 million or 1.05% of net loans outstanding at the end of 2005. The bank recovered $100,000 from a previously charged off loan and took an additional $120,000 provision in the fourth quarter of 2006. Net charged off loans were $400,000 in 2006.

Book value per share was $7.76 at December 31, 2006, compared to $7.20 per share a year earlier. Tangible book per share was $6.81 at December 31, 2006, compared to $6.18 a year earlier. Shareholders' equity increased 10% to $49.2 million compared to $44.8 million a year ago.

Heritage Oaks Bancorp is the holding company for Heritage Oaks Bank. Heritage Oaks Bank has its headquarters plus two branch offices in Paso Robles, two branch offices in San Luis Obispo, single branch offices in Cambria, Arroyo Grande, Atascadero, Templeton and Morro Bay and three branch offices in Santa Maria. Heritage conducts commercial banking business in San Luis Obispo County and Northern Santa Barbara County. Visit Heritage Oaks Bancorp on the Web at www.heritageoaksbancorp.com.

Statements concerning future performance, developments or events, expectations for growth and income forecasts, and any other guidance on future periods, constitute forward-looking statements that are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from stated expectations. Specific factors include, but are not limited to, increased profitability, continued growth, the Bank's beliefs as to the adequacy of its existing and anticipated allowances for loan losses, beliefs and expectations regarding actions that may be taken by regulatory authorities having oversight of the Bank's operations, interest rates and financial policies of the United States government, general economic conditions and California's energy crisis. Additional information on these and other factors that could affect financial results are included in Heritage Oaks Bancorp's Securities and Exchange Commission filings. If any of these risks or uncertainties materialize or if any of the assumptions underlying such forward-looking statements proves to be incorrect, Heritage Oaks Bancorp's results could differ materially from those expressed in, implied or projected by such forward-looking statements. Heritage Oaks Bancorp assumes no obligation to update such forward-looking statements.

                         HERITAGE OAKS BANCORP
                            (in thousands)

 Assets                            2006       2005
 Cash and due from banks        $ 19,164   $ 18,279   $    885       5%
 Federal funds sold                3,870     26,280    (22,410)    -85%
   Total Cash and Cash
    Equivalents                   23,034     44,559    (21,525)    -48%
 Interest-bearing deposits
  in other financial
  institutions                       318        298         20       7%
 Investment securities,
  available-for-sale              38,445     44,402     (5,957)    -13%
 Federal Home Loan Bank
  and Federal Reserve Bank
  Stock, at cost                   2,350      1,885        465      25%
 Loans held for sale               1,764      3,392     (1,628)    -48%
 Loans, net of deferred
  fees of $1,625 and
  $1,617 and allowance for
  loan loss of $4,081 and
  $3,881 at December 31,
  2006 and 2005, respectively    439,277    362,635     76,642      21%
 Property premises and
  equipment, net                  14,581     11,905      2,676      22%
 Net deferred tax asset            2,414      2,358         56       2%
 Cash surrender value of
  life insurance                   9,435      7,706      1,729      22%
 Goodwill                          4,864      4,864         --       0%
 Intangible assets                 1,148      1,448       (300)    -21%
 Other assets                      4,144      3,049      1,095      36%
    Total Assets                $541,774   $488,501   $ 53,273      11%

 Liabilities and
  Stockholders' Equity


    Demand non-interest
     bearing                    $153,005   $164,014   $(11,009)     -7%
    Savings, NOW and money
     market deposits             146,110    170,106    (23,996)    -14%
    Time deposits of
     $100 or more                 30,630     17,414     13,216      76%
    Time deposits
     under $100                   90,776     66,263     24,513      37%
     Total Deposits              420,521    417,797      2,724       1%
    FHLB advances and other
     borrowings                   50,000     10,000     40,000     400%
    Securities sold under
     agreement to repurchase       1,364      3,847     (2,483)    -65%
    Junior subordinated
     debentures                   16,496      8,248      8,248     100%
    Other liabilities              4,144      3,764        380      10%
     Total Liabilities           492,525    443,656     48,869      11%

  (Notes 5 and 10)                    --         --

 Stockholders' Equity
  Common stock, no par
   value; 20,000,000 shares
   authorized; 6,345,639 and
   6,231,982 shares issued
   and outstanding for 2006
   and 2005, respectively         29,360     29,255        105       0%
  Retained earnings               19,809     15,748      4,061      26%
  Accumulated other
   comprehensive income               80       (158)       238    -151%
     Total Stockholders'
      Equity                      49,249     44,845      4,404      10%
     Total Liabilities and
      Stockholders' Equity      $541,774   $488,501   $ 53,273      11%

                         HERITAGE OAKS BANCORP

 (in thousands except per share date)

                               For the three months
                                ended December 31,
                                  2006      2005          Variance
                               ---------   --------       3 months
                              (Unaudited) (Unaudited) ----------------
 Interest Income:                                         $        %

 Interest and fees on loans    $   9,423   $  7,605   $  1,818      24%
 Investment securities               426        515        (89)    -17%
 Federal funds sold and
  commercial paper                    35        227       (192)    -85%
 Time certificates of deposit         48          2         46    2300%
                               ---------   --------    -------
 Total interest income             9,932      8,349      1,583      19%

 Interest Expense:

 NOW accounts                         20         22         (2)     -9%
 MMDA accounts                       622        521        101      19%
 Savings accounts                     24         31         (7)    -22%
 Time deposits of $100 or more       199        137         62      45%
 Other time deposits               1,174        515        659     128%
 Other borrowed funds                942        336        606     180%
                               ---------   --------    -------
 Total interest expense            2,981      1,562      1,419      91%

 Net interest income before
  prov. for possible loan
  losses                           6,951      6,787        164       2%
 Provision for loan losses           120        180        (60)    -33%
                               ---------   --------    -------
 Net interest income after
  provision for loan losses        6,831      6,607        224       3%

 Non-interest Income:
 Service charges on deposit
  accounts                           581        605        (24)     -4%
 Gain of Sale of Securities           --         --         --       0%
 Other income                        720        617        103      17%
                               ---------   --------    -------
 Total Non-interest Income         1,301      1,222         79       6%

 Non-interest  Expense:
 Salaries and employee benefits    3,039      2,558        481      19%
 Occupancy and equipment             706        638         68      11%
 Other expenses                    1,794      1,661        133       8%
                               ---------   --------    -------
 Total Noninterest Expenses        5,539      4,857        682      14%
 Income before provision
  for income taxes                 2,593      2,972       (379)    -13%
 Provision for applicable
  income taxes                       944      1,163       (219)    -19%
                               ---------   --------    -------
 Net Income                    $   1,649   $  1,809   $   (160)     -9%
                               =========    =======

 Earnings per share:
 Basic                         $    0.26   $   0.29   $  (0.03)    -11%
 Diluted                       $    0.25   $   0.27   $  (0.02)     -7%

 See notes to condensed
  financial statements
     Shares Outstanding:
      Basic                    6,355,466
      Diluted                  6,598,355

                                  For the year
                                ended December 31,
                                  2006      2005           Variance
                               ---------   --------       12 months
                              (Unaudited) (Unaudited) ----------------
 Interest Income:                                         $        %

 Interest and fees on loans   $   33,897   $ 27,399   $  6,498      24%
 Investment securities             1,785      2,101       (316)    -15%
 Federal funds sold and
  commercial paper                   539        667       (128)    -19%
 Time certificates of
  deposit                            151          9        142    1597%
                               ---------   --------    -------
 Total interest income            36,372     30,175      6,197      21%

 Interest Expense:

 NOW accounts                         86         89         (3)     -4%
 MMDA accounts                     2,309      1,504        805      54%
 Savings accounts                    102        102         --       0%
 Time deposits of
  $100 or more                       626        413        213      52%
 Other time deposits               3,845      1,371      2,474     180%
 Other borrowed funds              2,348      1,537        811      53%
                               ---------   --------    -------
 Total interest expense            9,316      5,017      4,299      86%

 Net interest income
  before prov. for
  possible loan losses            27,056     25,158      1,898       8%
 Provision for loan losses           600        710       (110)    -15%
                               ---------   --------    -------
 Net interest income after
  provision for loan losses       26,456     24,448      2,008       8%

 Non-interest Income:
 Service charges on
  deposit accounts                 2,427      2,430         (3)      0%
 Gain of Sale of Securities           --         88        (88)   -100%
 Other income                      2,525      2,490         35       1%
                               ---------   --------    -------
 Total Non-interest Income         4,952      5,009        (57)     -1%

 Non-interest  Expense:
 Salaries and employee
  benefits                        11,573      9,746      1,828      19%
 Occupancy and equipment           2,607      2,491        116       5%
 Other expenses                    6,775      6,481        294       5%
                               ---------   --------    -------
 Total Noninterest Expenses       20,955     18,717      2,238      12%
 Income before provision
  for income taxes                10,453     10,740       (287)     -3%
 Provision for applicable
  income taxes                     3,791      4,103       (312)     -8%
                               ---------   --------    -------
 Net Income                   $    6,662   $  6,637   $     25       0%
                              ==========   ========

 Earnings per share:
 Basic                        $     1.05   $   1.08   $  (0.03)     -3%
 Diluted                      $     1.01   $   1.01   $   0.00       0%

 See notes to condensed
  financial statements
    Shares Outstanding:
     Basic                     6,333,924
     Diluted                   6,595,793

 (Dollars in thousands)
                                  Quarters Ended         Change from
                        ------------------------------  --------------
                                                Prior   Linked   Prior
                          Date     Linked Q     Yr Q       Q     Yr Q
                        --------   --------   --------  ------  ------
                        31-Dec-06  30-Sep-06  31-Dec-05
 LOANS (including loans
  held for sale):
 Commercial, financial
  and agricultural      $ 84,976   $ 75,627   $ 60,050     12%      42%
 Real Estate-
  construction/land      105,713    101,665     76,981      4%      37%
 Real Estate-
  other                  237,401    229,070    210,690      4%      13%
 Home equity lines
  of credit               10,792     11,777     14,398     -8%     -25%
 Installment loans
  to individuals           5,597      5,660      5,620     -1%       0%
 All other loans
  (including overdrafts)     504        867        394    -42%      28%
                        --------   --------   --------
    Total loans
     outstanding        $444,983   $424,666   $368,133      5%      15%
                        ========   ========   ========

                        ------------------------------  --------------
                                                Prior   Linked   Prior
 NON-PERFORMING ASSETS:   Date     Linked Q     Yr Q       Q     Yr Q
 ---------------------- --------   --------   --------  ------  ------
 Loans on non-accrual
  status                $     55   $    183   $     54    -70%     239%
 Loans more than 90 days
  delinquent, still on
  accrual                     --         --         --      0%       0%
                        --------   --------   --------
 Total non-performing
  loans                       55        183         54    -70%     239%
 Real estate owned
  assets                      --         --         --      0%       0%
                        --------   --------   --------
   Total non-performing
    assets              $     55   $    183   $     54    -70%     239%
                        ========   ========   ========

 Total non-performing
  assets/Total assets       0.01%      0.03%      0.01%   -70%     211%

                                                         Change from
                        ------------------------------  --------------
                                                Prior   Linked   Prior
                          Date     Linked Q     Yr Q       Q     Yr Q
                        --------   --------   --------  ------  ------
                        31-Dec-06  30-Sep-06  31-Dec-05

 Balance, beginning
  of period             $  3,881   $  3,881   $  3,247      0%      20%
 Provision                   600        480        710     25%     -32%

 Recoveries of loans
  previously charged off     161         21         24    667%     -13%
 Loans charged-off          (561)      (519)      (100)     8%     419%
                        --------   --------   --------
   Net (charge-offs)
    recoveries              (400)      (498)       (76)   -20%     555%
                        --------   --------   --------
 Balance, end
  of period             $  4,081   $  3,863   $  3,881      6%       0%
                        ========   ========   ========

 Net charge-offs/Average
  loans outstanding         0.10%      0.12%      0.02%
 Allowance for loan
  losses/Total loans
  outstanding               0.92%      0.91%      1.05%

                                                         Change from
                        ------------------------------  --------------
                                                Prior   Linked   Prior
                          Date     Linked Q     Yr Q       Q     Yr Q
                        --------   --------   --------  ------  ------
                        31-Dec-06  30-Sep-06  31-Dec-05
 Non-interest-bearing   $153,005   $157,180   $164,014     -3%      -7%
  checking                45,164     46,100     50,598     -2%     -11%
 Regular savings
  accounts                23,406     24,755     29,386     -5%     -20%
 Money market accounts    77,540     81,178     90,122     -4%     -14%
                        --------   --------   --------
    transaction &
    savings accounts     299,115    309,213    334,120     -3%     -10%
                        --------   --------   --------
 Time Deposits under
  $100,000                90,776     89,277     66,263      2%      37%
 Time Deposits of
  $100,000 or more        30,630     31,782     17,414     -4%      76%
                        --------   --------   --------
    certificates         121,406    121,059     83,677      0%      45%
                        --------   --------   --------
   Total deposits       $420,521   $430,272   $417,797     -2%       1%
                        ========   ========   ========

 Included in other
 FHLB Borrowing         $ 50,000   $ 40,000   $ 10,000     25%     400%
 Retail repurchase
  accounts"             $  1,364   $  1,219   $  3,847     12%     -65%
                        --------   --------   --------
     Total Assets        541,774    532,381    488,501
     Average Loans       400,229    409,897    376,095

 (Dollars in thousands)
 (Rates/Ratios Annualized)

                            Quarters Ended              Change from
                     ------------------------------   ---------------
                     31-Dec      30-Sep    31-Dec     30-Sep   31-Dec
                        06         06         05        06       05
 OPERATING           --------   --------   --------   ------   ------
 Average loans       $437,623   $409,897   $376,095      7%      16%
 Average securities
  and deposits w/
  other fin. inst      44,515     53,117     71,709    -16%     -38%
 Average non-
  assets               48,691     52,306     44,500     -7%       9%
                     --------   --------   --------
   Total average
    assets           $530,829   $515,320   $492,304      3%       8%
                     ========   ========   ========
 Average deposits    $416,663   $421,916   $418,619     -1%       0%
 Average borrowings    60,638     41,095     25,336     48%     139%
 Average non-
  liabilities           5,186      4,646      4,210     12%      23%
                     --------   --------   --------
   Total average
    liabilities       482,487    467,657    448,165      3%       8%

 Total average
  equity               48,342     47,663     44,139      1%      10%
                     --------   --------   --------
  Total average
   liabilities and
   equity            $530,829   $515,320   $492,304      3%       8%
                     ========   ========   ========
 Interest rate
  yield on loans         8.61%      8.75%      8.09%    -2%       6%
 Interest rate
  yield on securi-
  ties and deposits
  w/other fin. inst      4.57%      4.52%      4.15%     1%      10%
                     --------   --------   --------
 Interest rate
  yield on interest-
  earning assets         8.24%      8.27%      7.46%     0%      10%
                     --------   --------   --------
 Interest rate
  expense on
  deposits               1.96%      1.82%      1.17%     8%      67%
 Interest rate
  expense on
  borrowings             6.22%      6.11%      5.32%     2%      17%
                     --------   --------   --------

  Interest rate
   expense on
   liabilities           3.56%      3.24%      2.30%    10%      55%
                     --------   --------   --------
 Interest rate
  spread                 4.68%      5.03%      5.16%    -7%      -9%
                     ========   ========   ========
 Net interest
  margin                 5.77%      6.07%      6.06%    -5%      -5%
                     ========   ========   ========
 Other operating
  assets                 0.98%      0.95%      0.99%     3%      -1%

 Other operating
  assets                 4.17%      4.18%      3.95%     0%       6%

 Efficiency ratio
  (other operating
  expense/revenue)      67.12%     65.31%     60.64%     3%      11%

 Return on average
  assets                 1.24%      1.35%      1.47%    -8%     -15%

 Return on average
  equity                13.64%     14.54%     16.39%    -6%     -17%

 Average equity/
  Average assets         9.11%      9.25%      8.97%    -2%       2%

 Average securities
  and deposits w/
  other fin. Inst.      2,372        318      1,762
                       22,964     26,366     32,677
                       16,645     16,467     14,995
                        2,534      9,966     22,275
                     --------   --------   --------
                       44,515     53,117     71,709

 Int Income on Avg
  Sec and other            48          7         21
                          249        285        334
                          177        177        162
                           35        131        227
                     --------   --------   --------
                          509        600        744

 Average deposits     152,935    154,539    170,463
                      121,146    119,162     76,275
                      142,909    148,215    171,881
                     --------   --------   --------
                      416,990    421,916    418,619

 Int Exp on Avg Dep       665        614        574
                        1,373      1,304        652
                     --------   --------   --------
                        2,038      1,918      1,226

 Average borrowings    43,511     32,195     17,088
                        3,141        652          -
                       13,986      8,248      8,248
                     --------   --------   --------
                       60,638     41,095     25,336

 Int Exp on borrowing     602        429        170
                           43         10         --
                          298        189        167
                     --------   --------   --------
                          943        628        337

 Net Income             1,649      1,733      1,809
 Net Int Income         6,951      7,022      6,787
 Non-Int Income         1,301      1,222      1,222
 Non-Int Exp            5,539      5,384      4,857


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