Share-based incentive plan for ca. 30 key persons in Orion

Orion Corporation              Stock Exchange Release
                               24 January 2007 at 4.00 p.m.

Share-based incentive plan for ca. 30 key persons in Orion

The Board of Directors of Orion Corporation has decided today,
24 January 2007, on a new share-based incentive plan for ca.
30 key persons in the Orion Group. The aim of the plan is to
encourage them to sustained efforts to increase shareholder
value and to strengthen their commitment to the development of
the company’s operations.

The possible incentive is determined on the basis of the
growth of Orion’s operating profit in the years 2007 – 2009
and separately agreed personal performance objectives. The
incentive is granted in the form of the company’s B-shares or
cash, or both. The number of shares included in the plan shall
not exceed 350,000, corresponding to about 0.25% of the total
share stock of Orion Corporation. The recipient may not
transfer the bonus shares during the first two years after the
date of receipt, except for certain special circumstances.

Orion Corporation

Jukka Viinanen           Olli Huotari
President and CEO        Senior Vice President, Corporate

Contact person:
Jukka Viinanen, President and CEO, phone +358 10 426 3710

Helsinki Exchanges

Orion Corporation
Orionintie 1A, 02200 Espoo