Finnlines Oyj Stock Exchange Release 26 January 2007 at 9.45 am



Grimaldi  Compagnia di Navigazione S.p.A. (“Grimaldi”)  has  made  a
mandatory   tender   offer   for  all  shares   in   Finnlines   Plc
(“Finnlines”). The cash consideration for each share in Finnlines is
EUR  17.00  (the  “Offer Consideration”) and the  offer  period  has
commenced  on  22 January 2007 (the “Mandatory Tender  Offer”).  The
Finnish  Financial  Supervision Authority has  approved  the  tender
offer  document relating to the Mandatory Tender Offer on 19 January

The  Board  of  Directors of Finnlines has evaluated  the  Mandatory
Tender  Offer  and its conditions based on Grimaldi’s  tender  offer
document  published on 22 January 2007. The Board  of  Directors  of
Finnlines  considers the Offer Consideration to be  too  low  taking
into  account  the  company’s new competitive  capacity  and  strong
position in the Baltic Sea’s rapidly growing market area. The  Offer
Consideration is also 2.0% lower than the closing price of the share
in Finnlines on 25 January 2007 which was EUR 17.35.

Shareholders  must  independently  decide  for  their  part  on  the
acceptance  of the Mandatory Tender Offer while taking into  account
all  information  presented in the tender offer  document  and  this
opinion of the Board of Directors.

The   Board   of   Directors  draw  the  attention   of   Finnlines’
shareholders,  in  particular, to the fact that  Grimaldi  currently
holds  approximately 50.1 percent of the votes in Finnlines  and  is
consequently in a position to (i) nominate a new Board of  Directors
to  the  company  and  (ii) resolve on the distributable  amount  of
dividend  at  the  company’s General Meeting of Shareholders,  among
other  things. The Board of Directors believes that the  composition
of the Board of Directors and the top management of the company will
change  significantly.  The Board of Directors  has  no  information
about  the strategy or dividend policy of the new Board of Directors
to  be elected in the General Meeting of Shareholders. The Board  of
Directors  note  that,  according  to  the  Finnish  Companies  Act,
shareholders who hold at least 1/10 of all shares may request at the
General  Meeting of Shareholders that a minimum dividend be paid  in
accordance with the prerequisites prescribed by law.

The  attention  of the shareholders is also drawn to the  fact  that
Grimaldi  will  not  have an obligation to make a  mandatory  tender
offer  regarding the Finnlines shares in the future.  There  may  be
reduced  trading in the Finnlines shares and the price formation  of
the shares on the stock exchange may be less certain than currently.
The  Board of Directors also note that should Grimaldi acquire  more
shares  in  Finnlines after the lapse of more than nine months  from
the  expiry of the offer period of the Mandatory Tender Offer  at  a
price  that is higher than the Offer Consideration, the shareholders
who  accepted the Mandatory Tender Offer will not be entitled  to  a

A value for the shares at the level of the Mandatory Tender Offer or
higher  may  not necessarily be realised in the future. Shareholders
who  do not accept the Mandatory Tender Offer should therefore  take
notice of the facts described above.

The  members  of  the Board of Directors, Emanuele  Grimaldi,  Jukka
Härmälä and Timo Jouhki did not participate in the handling  of  the
Mandatory  Tender Offer in the Board of Directors or the issuing  of
this  opinion.  Emanuele Grimaldi is the Managing  Director  of  the
tenderer company Grimaldi, Jukka Härmälä is the Managing Director of
Stora Enso Oyj which sold their shares in Finnlines in November 2006
and  Timo  Jouhki  is  the Chairman of the  Board  of  Directors  of
Thominvest Oy, which sold their shares in Finnlines in October 2006.

Mandatum & Co. Ltd has been acting as the financial adviser for  the
Board of Directors of Finnlines. The legal counsel for the Board  of
Directors  of  Finnlines has been Hannes Snellman Attorneys  at  Law

This opinion of the Board of Directors will be sent via mail to  all
Finnlines’ shareholders

Mandatory Tender Offer in brief

The  cash  consideration for each share in Finnlines is  EUR  17.00.
According to information published by Grimaldi, the Mandatory Tender
Offer  will  be  funded partly through Grimaldi’s own  reserves  and
partly  through loan facilities. According to information  published
by  Grimaldi,  the  financing is not subject to any  condition  that
could affect the consummation of the Tender Offer.

The tender offer document relating to the Mandatory Tender Offer has
been published on 22 January 2007. The offer period pursuant to  the
Mandatory Tender Offer has commenced on 22 January 2007 at 9.30 a.m.
(Finnish  time)  and will expire on 16 February 2007  at  4.00  p.m.
(Finnish time), unless the offer period is extended or suspended  in
accordance  with the conditions of the Mandatory Tender  Offer.  The
consummation  of  the Mandatory Tender Offer does  not  contain  any
special conditions.

Grimaldi  Group  companies hold in aggregate  20,392,537  shares  in
Finnlines,  representing 50.1 per cent of all shares  and  votes  in
Finnlines on 19 January 2007.

The  detailed conditions of the Mandatory Tender Offer are presented
in  the  tender offer document, which has been published by Grimaldi
on  22 January 2007. The tender offer document is available from OMX
way,  Fabianinkatu 14, FI-00130 Helsinki, Finland and at  Evli  Bank
Plc, Aleksanterinkatu 19 A, FI-00100 Helsinki, Finland. Furthermore,
the  tender  offer  document will be available on  the  Internet  at  The English translation of the tender offer  document
is also available in the above addresses.

The  opinion of the Board of Directors of Finnlines Plc in  relation
to the Mandatory Tender Offer

The  Offer  Consideration for each share in Finnlines is EUR  17.00.
According  to  calculations of the Board of Directors of  Finnlines,
the  Offer  Consideration is 5.1% higher than the one month  volume-
weighted  average  share price, 5.2% higher  than  the  three  month
volume-weighted  average share price and 6.6% higher  than  the  six
month  volume-weighted average share price. The average share prices
are  calculated  for the periods preceding the announcement  of  the
Mandatory  Tender Offer on 29 December 2006. The Offer Consideration
is  0.6% lower than the highest price of EUR 17.10 paid for a  share
in Finnlines during the year preceding the publication of the tender
obligation.  The  closing price of the share in  Finnlines  was  EUR
17.35 on 25 January 2007.

The   Board   of   Directors  of  Finnlines  considers   the   Offer
Consideration  to be too low taking into account the  company’s  new
competitive capacity and strong position in the Baltic Sea’s rapidly
growing market area. The Offer Consideration is also 2.0% lower than
the closing price of the share in Finnlines on 25 January 2007 which
was EUR 17.35. The Board of Directors of Finnlines believes that the
company’s  business fundamentals are solid and that the company  has
distinct  possibilities  for  growth  based  on  the  company’s  new
competitive capacity and the company’s strong position in the Baltic
Sea’s  rapidly  growing  market area.  The  Board  of  Directors  of
Finnlines   estimates  that  the  future  operations  conducted   in
accordance with the plans of the company could in the future produce
a  higher  value  to the shareholders than the Offer  Consideration.
However,  the  Board of Directors cannot in any way  guarantee  that
this  or  any  other alternative will be realised and when  realised
would produce a higher value to the shareholders.
Shareholders  must  independently  decide  for  their  part  on  the
acceptance  of the Mandatory Tender Offer while taking into  account
all  information  presented in the tender offer  document  and  this
opinion of the Board of Directors.
The   Board   of   Directors  draw  the  attention   of   Finnlines’
shareholders,  in  particular, to the fact that  Grimaldi  currently
holds  approximately 50.1 percent of the votes in Finnlines  and  is
consequently in a position to (i) nominate a new Board of  Directors
to  the  company  and  (ii) resolve on the distributable  amount  of
dividend  at  the  company’s General Meeting of Shareholders,  among
other  things. The Board of Directors believes that the  composition
of the Board of Directors and the top management of the company will
change  significantly.  The Board of Directors  has  no  information
about  the strategy or dividend policy of the new Board of Directors
to  be elected in the General Meeting of Shareholders. The Board  of
Directors  note  that,  according  to  the  Finnish  Companies  Act,
shareholders who hold at least 1/10 of all shares may request at the
General  Meeting of Shareholders that a minimum dividend be paid  in
accordance  with  the prerequisites prescribed by law.  The  minimum
dividend  shall be at least one half of the profits of the financial
period, less the amounts not to be distributed under the articles of
association. However, the amount shall be no more than  is  possible
to  distribute without consent of creditors and no more  than  eight
per  cent  of  the  company’s  shareholders’  equity.  The  possible
distributions of profits during the financial period and before  the
General Meeting of Shareholders shall be subtracted from the  amount
to be distributed.

The  attention  of the shareholders is also drawn to the  fact  that
Grimaldi  will  not  have an obligation to make a  mandatory  tender
offer  regarding the Finnlines shares in the future.  There  may  be
reduced  trading in the Finnlines shares and the price formation  of
the shares on the stock exchange may be less certain than currently.
The  Board of Directors also note that should Grimaldi acquire  more
shares  in  Finnlines after the lapse of more than nine months  from
the  expiry of the offer period of the Mandatory Tender Offer  at  a
price  that is higher than the Offer Consideration, the shareholders
who  accepted the Mandatory Tender Offer will not be entitled  to  a

A value at the level of the Mandatory Tender Offer or higher may not
necessarily  be  realised  in the future. Shareholders  who  do  not
accept  the  Mandatory Tender Offer should be  aware  of  the  facts
described above.

According  to  the  Finnish  Securities Market  Act,  the  Board  of
Directors  shall  also  state its well-grounded  assessment  on  the
strategic plans presented by the offeror and their probable  effects
on   the  operations  and  employment  of  Finnlines.  Grimaldi  has
announced  that  it  does  not currently have  any  plans  regarding
Finnlines’  business  operations or employees deviating  from  those
resolved  and  previously communicated by the Board of Directors  of
Finnlines.  Grimaldi has also announced that the  company  does  not
expect  the  consummation  of the Mandatory  Tender  Offer  to  have
immediate  effects  on the operations or assets  of  Finnlines,  its
current   organisation  or  the  position  of  its  management   and
employees. However, Grimaldi has informed that it believes  that  in
the  medium-long term some sort of consolidation should  be  pursued
between Finnlines and the other companies belonging to the Finnlines
Group,  rather than between Grimaldi and Finnlines. On the basis  of
the  information  presented by Grimaldi, the Board of  Directors  of
Finnlines estimate that the Mandatory Tender Offer will not have  an
immediate  effect  on  the  current  operations  or  employment   of
Finnlines.  The Board of Directors believes that the composition  of
the  Board  of Directors and the top management of the company  will
change  significantly.  The Board of Directors  has  no  information
about  the strategy or dividend policy of the new Board of Directors
to be elected in the General Meeting of Shareholders.

The  members  of  the Board of Directors, Emanuele  Grimaldi,  Jukka
Härmälä and Timo Jouhki did not participate in the handling  of  the
Mandatory  Tender Offer in the Board of Directors or the issuing  of
this  opinion.  Emanuele Grimaldi is the Managing  Director  of  the
tenderer company Grimaldi, Jukka Härmälä is the Managing Director of
Stora Enso Oyj which sold their shares in Finnlines in November 2006
and  Timo  Jouhki  is  the Chairman of the  Board  of  Directors  of
Thominvest Oy, which sold their shares in Finnlines in October 2006.

This opinion of the Board of Directors will be sent via mail to  all
Finnlines’ shareholders

Additional information: Antti Lagerroos tel. +358 10 343 4404

DISTRIBUTION     Helsinki Stock Exchange
                Main Media