The extraordinary General Meeting of Tieto-X Plc on 25 January 2007
approved the proposal by the Board of Directors to change the company
name and the company’s Articles of Association. The decision to change
the company name to Ixonos Plc was made subject to conditions and
provided that the Trade Register registers the change of name.

The new Articles of Association are presented in their entirety in
Appendix 1.

In Helsinki on 25 January 2007

The Board of Directors

Additional information:
President and CEO, Kari Happonen
phone +358 424 2231, mobile +358 400 700 761,

Helsinki Stock Exchange
Main media



§ 1 Company name and registered office

The name of the company is Ixonos Plc, in Finnish Ixonos Oyj, and in
Swedish Ixonos Abp. The company’s registered office is in Helsinki,

§ 2 The company’s field of business

The company’s field of business is the production, import, sales,
lease and export of software related to data processing and
telecommunications, as well as the production of services related to
consultation, training, maintenance, overhaul and other areas of data
processing and telecommunications. The company may own securities and
trade them.

§ 3 Book entry system

The company’s shares belong to the book entry system.

§ 4 The Board of Directors

The company has a Board of Directors that comprises at least 5 and no
more than 9 ordinary members.

§ 5 President and CEO

The company has a President and Chief Executive Officer appointed by
the Board of Directors.

§ 6 Right to represent the company

In addition to the Board of Directors, the Chairman of the Board of
Directors and the President and CEO have the right to represent the
company, and two members of the Board of Directors have the right to
represent the company together. The company may also be represented by
persons to whom the Board of Directors has granted the right of

§ 7 Financial period

The company’s financial period is a calendar year.

§ 8 Invitation to General Meeting

The invitation to the General Meeting has to be sent to the
shareholders no earlier than four (4) weeks and no later than
seventeen (17) days before the meeting by an announcement published in
a Finnish national daily newspaper chosen by the Board of Directors.

To have the right to attend the General Meeting, the shareholder must
notify the company no later than the day stated in the invitation,
which may be no earlier than ten (10) days before the meeting.

§ 9 Redemption obligation

A shareholder whose proportional holding of all company shares, or
whose proportional entitlement to votes conferred by the company's
shares, either individually or jointly with other shareholders,
reaches or exceeds 33 per cent or 50 per cent (shareholder subject to
redemption obligation) as defined hereinafter is obliged on demand by
other shareholders (shareholders with rights of redemption) to redeem
such shareholders' shares, and securities giving entitlement to them
under the Companies Act, in the manner stipulated in this Article.

The following shares are included in calculating a shareholder's
proportional holding of company shares and proportional entitlement to
votes conferred by them:
1. Shares belonging to an organisation, which under the Companies Act
belong to the same group of companies as the shareholder,
2. Shares belonging to an enterprise which is counted as belonging to
the same group of companies as the shareholder in preparing the
consolidated financial statements in compliance with the Accounting
3. Shares belonging to the pension fund or pension trust of such
organisations or enterprises as meant above; and
4. Shares belonging to an organisation or enterprise that is not
Finnish, but if Finnish would belong, in the manner meant above, to
the same group of companies as the shareholder.

If the total shareholdings or votes so calculated produce a redemption
obligation, the shareholders subject to the redemption obligation are
jointly responsible for redeeming the shares of those shareholders
with redemption rights. In this case, a claim for redemption is deemed
to have been made, without the issue of a separate claim, to all
shareholders subject to a redemption obligation. If two shareholders
meet or exceed the limit for shareholdings or votes that produces a
redemption obligation such that both are simultaneously subject to a
redemption obligation, a shareholder with redemption rights can claim
redemption of the shares from each separately. The redemption
obligation does not apply to shares, or securities giving entitlement
to them, which a shareholder claiming redemption has acquired after
the redemption obligation has arisen.

Redemption price

The redemption price of shares shall be the higher of the following:
1. the average weighted price of the trading prices of the share for
the ten (10) trading days on the Helsinki Stock Exchange preceding the
day when the company received notification from the shareholder
subject to a redemption obligation of meeting or exceeding the limit
for shareholdings or votes as meant above or, in the absence or non-
delivery of such notification, the day on which the company otherwise
becomes aware of it;
2. the average weighted price for that number of shares which the
shareholder subject to a redemption obligation paid to acquire or
otherwise receive the shares during the twelve (12) months preceding
the day referred to in section 1 above. If the acquisition on which
the average price is calculated, is denominated in a non-euro
currency, its equivalent in euro shall be calculated at the Euro
exchange rates published by the European Central Bank seven (7) days
prior to the day on which the Board of Directors notifies shareholders
of the opportunity to redeem shares.

The above provisions for determining the redemption price of shares
shall also apply to other securities that become redeemable.

Redemption procedure

A shareholder subject to a redemption obligation shall within seven
(7) days from when the redemption obligation arose notify the
company's Board of Directors of it in writing at the company's
address.  The notification shall contain information about the amount
of shares, and also the amounts and prices of each type of shares
acquired or otherwise received by that shareholder during the
preceding twelve (12) months. The notification shall include an
address at which the shareholder subject to a redemption obligation
can be contacted.

The Board of Directors shall provide shareholders with information
about the existence of a redemption obligation within thirty (30) days
of receiving the said notification or, in the absence or non-delivery
of such notification, the day on which the company otherwise becomes
aware of the redemption obligation. The notification shall contain
information on the date when the redemption obligation came into
existence and the basis for determining the redemption price, insofar
as the Board of Directors is aware of these facts, and also the final
date by which a claim for redemption must be made. The notification to
shareholders shall be issued in the same manner as stipulated for an
invitation to a General Meeting in article 7 of the Articles of

A shareholder with redemption rights shall claim redemption in writing
within thirty (30) days of the Board of Directors' notification of a
redemption obligation. A claim for redemption, which is submitted to
the company, shall indicate the amounts of the shares and other
securities that the claim concerns. A shareholder claiming redemption
shall at the same time submit to the company any share certificates,
or other documents conferring entitlement to shares, for surrender to
the shareholder subject to a redemption obligation against payment of
the redemption price.

If a claim is not presented within the time limit in the manner
stipulated above, the shareholder shall forfeit his/her right to claim
redemption in that particular case. A shareholder with a redemption
right is entitled to cancel his/her claim until the shares have
actually been redeemed.

The Board of Directors shall provide a shareholder subject to a
redemption obligation with information about the redemption claims
presented upon expiry of the time limit reserved for shareholders with
redemption rights. A shareholder subject to a redemption obligation
shall pay the redemption price in the manner stipulated by the company
within fourteen (14) days of receiving information about the
redemption claims against surrender of the shares or the securities
conferring entitlement to them or, if the redeemable shares are
registered in the proper book-entry accounts of the shareholders,
against a receipt issued by the company. In this case, the company
shall ensure that the person redeeming the shares is registered as the
owner of the redeemed shares in the book-entry account without delay.

A redemption price that has not been paid within the time limit is
calculated with annual penal interest, according to the Interest Act
(633/82), of sixteen (16) percent from the last day when the
redemption should have been paid. If a shareholder subject to a
redemption obligation has also neglected to comply with the above
provisions concerning the obligation to provide notification, penal
interest shall be calculated from the last day when the obligation to
provide notification should have been met.

Any decision by a General Meeting to change or delete provisions in
this Article is valid only if it is backed by shareholders holding at
least 75 per cent of the given votes and shares represented at the

Any disputes about the above redemption obligation, the right to claim
redemption under it, and the amount of the redemption price shall be
resolved by arbitration in compliance with the provisions of the
Arbitration Proceedings Act (967/92). Finnish law applies to the
arbitration procedure.