Directors' Dealing

Directors' DealingThe following primary insiders who are also considered managers in Kaupthing Bank hf. have exercised a call option on shares in the bank pursuant to stock option agreements which Kaupthing Bank hf. made with its employees in the year 2005. Issuer: Kaupthing Bank hf.Trade ticker: KAUPTime of transaction: February 1, 2007Buy/Sell: Buy Price per share: 600 ISK Name of primary insider: Gudný Arna SveinsdóttirInsider's relation to the issuer: Chief Financial OfficerNumber of shares: 20,000 sharesPrimary insider's holdings after the transaction: 1,163,750 sharesPrimary insider's call option holdings: 440,000 sharesRelated parties' holdings: 0 shares Name of primary insider: Ingólfur HelgasonInsider's relation to the issuer: CEO of Kaupthing Bank in IcelandNumber of shares: 20,000 sharesPrimary insider's holdings after the transaction:: 3,320,075 sharesPrimary insider's call option holdings: 440,000 sharesRelated parties' holdings: 0 shares Name of primary insider: Steingrímur KárasonInsider's relation to the issuer: Chief Risk OfficerNumber of shares: 20,000 sharesPrimary insider's holdings after the transaction: 2,382,133 sharesPrimary insider's call option holdings: 440,000 sharesRelated parties' holdings: 33,179 sharesText version / Internet version / Print / Close