Bakkavör Group - Related party trading

Name of related party trading the shares	Exista B.V.	 
Name of primary insider	Sjá athugasemdir/see footnote	
Relations with the issuer	Holdings	 
Date of transaction	1.2.2007	 
Buy or Sell	Kaup / Buy	 
Type of instrument	Hlutabréf / Equities
Number of shares	14.000.000	 
Price	67,1	 
Primary insider's holdings after the transaction	0	 
Primary insider's option holdings after the transaction	0	 
Related parties holdings after the transaction	844.503.521	 
Date of settlement	n/a	 
Exista hf. is a primary insider in Bakkavör Group hf. by virtue of the Exista B.V. holdings. Exista B.V. is 100% owned by Exista hf. The board of directors of Exista ehf. includes Lýdur Gudmundsson and Ágúst Gudmundsson who, by virtue of their positions in Bakkavör Group hf., are primary insiders in Bakkavör Group hf. The CEOs of Exista hf., Erlendur Hjaltason and Sigurdur Valtýsson, are also  primary insiders in Bakkavör Group hf. Before the aforementioned transaction Exista B.V. was the owner of 790.489.416 shares in Bakkavör Group hf.

Vátryggingafélag Íslands is the owner of 32,625,824 shares in Bakkavör Group hf. and Líftryggingafélag Íslands hf. is the owner of 3,094,176 shares in Bakkavör Group hf. Exista hf. is the owner of 100% of the share capital of Vátryggingafélag Íslands hf. and owner of 100% of Líftryggingafélag Íslands hf. These share totals 35,720,000 shares in Bakkavör Group hf. 
Shares owned by primary insiders and financially related parties, other than the companies mentioned above, were in total 4,294,105, of which 2,000,000 are through forward contracts.