Proposals of the Board of Directors of Ahlstrom Corporation to the Annual General Meeting 2007

Ahlstrom Corporation STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 2.2.2007 at 10.00

Proposals of the Board of Directors of Ahlstrom Corporation to
the Annual General Meeting 2007

Ahlstrom Corporation announced today that the Board of Directors
has decided to convene the Annual General Meeting on Friday,
March 30, 2007 at 1:00 p.m. The matters specified in Article 12
of the Articles of Association and the following proposals by the
Board of Directors are on the agenda of the Annual General

Proposal for the distribution of profits

The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting
that a dividend of EUR 1,00 per share be paid for the fiscal year
that ended on December 31, 2006. According to the proposal of the
Board of Directors, the dividend record date will be April 4,
2007 and the pay date April 13, 2007. In addition, the Board of
Directors proposes that EUR 70,000 be reserved to be used for the
public good at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

Proposal to repurchase Ahlstrom shares

The Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting
authorizes the Board of Directors to resolve to repurchase a
maximum of 4,500,000 own shares in the Company taking into
account the limitations set forth in the Companies' Act. The
maximum number of shares to be repurchased corresponds to less
than 10% of all issued Company shares. The authorization is
proposed to be valid for 18 months from the close of the Annual
General Meeting but will, however, expire at the close of the
next Annual General Meeting, at the latest. The shares may be
repurchased only through public trading at the prevailing market
price by using unrestricted shareholders' equity.

Proposal to distribute Ahlstrom shares held by the Company

The Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting
authorizes the Board of Directors to resolve to distribute a
maximum of 4,500,000 own shares held by the Company. The Board of
Directors will be authorized to decide to whom and in which order
the own shares will be distributed. The Board of Directors may
decide on the distribution of own shares otherwise than in
proportion to the existing pre-emptive right of shareholders to
purchase the Company's own shares.

The shares may be used as compensation in acquisitions and in
other arrangements as well as to implement the Company's share-
based incentive plans in the manner and to the extent decided by
the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors has also the right
to decide on the distribution of the shares in public trading for
the purpose of financing possible acquisitions.

The authorization is proposed to be valid for 18 months from the
close of the Annual General Meeting but will, however, expire at
the close of the next Annual General Meeting, at the latest.

Proposal to amend the Articles of Association

The Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting
resolves to amend the Articles of Association as follows:

- the current Article 3 to be deleted and the numbering to be
changed accordingly.

- the current Article 7 to be amended to read as follows:
"The Company is represented by the Board of Directors or the
President. In addition, the Board of Directors may grant to a
designated person a procuration right or a right to represent the
Company either alone or two jointly."

- the current Article 12 to be amended to read as follows:
"The Annual General Meeting shall be held each year at a date set
by the Board of Directors within six months from the end of the
fiscal period.

The Annual General Meeting shall

decide on     
          -   the adoption of the annual accounts of the
              Company and consolidated annual accounts,
          -   the use of the profit shown in the balance
          -   the discharge from liability of the members of
              the Board of Directors and the President and
              the deputy for the President, if any,
          -   the remuneration payable to the members of the
              Board of Directors and to the auditor,
          -   the number of members of the Board of
              Directors, and
          -   the election of the members of the Board of
              Directors and the auditor.

deal with     
          -   any other business mentioned in the notice of
              the meeting."
- the current Article 13 (a shareholder's obligation to redeem
Company shares) to be deleted.

The Company will in a separate stock exchange release publish the
proposal by the Nomination Committee regarding the members of the
Board of Directors and their compensation.

The above proposals will be included in the notice to the AGM,
which will be published later.

Ahlstrom Corporation
Board of Directors

For further information, please contact:
Gustav Adlercreutz, Ahlstrom Corporation, tel +358 10 888 4727.

Helsinki Stock Exchange
Main media

Ahlstrom in brief

Ahlstrom is a global leader in the development, manufacture and
marketing of high performance fiber-based materials. Nonwovens
and specialty papers, made by Ahlstrom, are used in a large
variety of everyday products, e.g. in filters, wipes, flooring,
labels, and tapes. The company has a strong market position in
several business areas in which it operates, built upon the
company's unique fiber expertise and innovative approach.
Ahlstrom's 5,700 employees serve customers via sales offices and
production facilities in more than 20 countries on six
continents. In 2006, Ahlstrom's net sales amounted to EUR 1.6
billion. Ahlstrom's share is listed on the Helsinki Stock
Exchange. The company website is