- Net sales for the fourth quarter EUR 115.4 million, growth 18.8%; operating
profit EUR 10.3 million, growth 13.9%; earnings per share EUR 0.18 (EUR 0.16)
- Full-year net sales EUR 436.0 million, growth 15.5%; operating profit EUR 50.2
million, growth 27.8 %; earnings per share EUR 0.90 (EUR 0.70)
- In 2007, the growth in net sales is estimated to clearly exceed 20% and
financial performance is estimated to improve.

The financial statements release has been prepared in accordance with the
accounting and valuation principles of IFRS. No audit report has been submitted.


Fourth quarter net sales and financial performance

Net sales for the final quarter stood at EUR 115.4 million (EUR 97.1 million).
This represented an increase of 18.8%, 7.5 percentage points of which came from
corporate acquisitions. The operating profit was EUR 10.3 million (EUR 9.1
million), which is 8.9% (9.3%) of net sales.

Strong organic growth continued in all divisions thanks to successful new and
additional sales. Exceptionally warm weather had a positive effect on the
earnings of Environmental Services and Industrial Services.

Net sales and financial performance for 2006

The full-year net sales increased by 15.5% and stood at EUR 436.0 million (EUR
377.4 million), 5.8 percentage points of this growth coming from corporate
acquisitions. Earnings per share were EUR 0.90 (EUR 0.70).

Organic growth was strong, which was attributable to good sales management,
successful sales work and improved customer satisfaction. In the latter half of
the year, the efficiency of product development was improved and several new
service products were launched on the market. L&T’s market position
strengthened. Sweden was introduced as a new operating country. Recycling plant
investments were held back by delays in obtaining environmental permits.

The emphasis for management in 2006 was on improving productivity and cost-based
management. Industrial Services and Environmental Services were particularly
successful in improving their efficiency, and the profitability of both
divisions improved substantially. The Finnish operations of Property and Office
Support Services achieved their targets, but the expansion of international
operations caused an earnings burden that exceeded that planned. Centralisation
of customer service improved cost-efficiency. Non-recurring sales gains
amounting to almost EUR 2 million improved earnings.

Financial summary
                           10-12  10-12  Change     1-12    1-12   Change
                           /2006  /2005       %    /2006   /2005        %
Net sales, EUR million                                                   
                           115.4   97.1    18.8    436.0   377.4     15.5
Operating profit, EUR                                                    
million                     10.3    9.1    13.9     50.2    39.3     27.8
Operating margin, %          8.9    9.3             11.5    10.4         
Profit before taxes, EUR                                                 
million                     10.0    9.0    11.1     48.5    37.5     29.4
Earnings per share, EUR     0.18   0.16    12.5     0.90    0.70     28.6
EVA, EUR million             4.6    3.4    35.3     28.6    18.3     56.3


Environmental Services

October to December

The net sales of Environmental Services (waste management, recycling services,
environmental products) in the fourth quarter amounted to EUR 55.5 million (EUR
47.3 million), an increase of 17.2%. The operating profit was EUR 7.4 million
(EUR 5.9 million).

Strong organic growth continued and production conditions were good. The volume
of recycling services increased and production costs were successfully kept
under control, which resulted in a substantial earnings improvement. The joint
venture, Salvor Oy, was also able to increase its net sales and improve

Year 2006

Environmental Services’ net sales for the entire year amounted to EUR 207.3
million (EUR 180.7 million), an increase of 14.7%. The operating profit was EUR
32.5 million (EUR 24.0 million).

Investments in improving productivity and recycling plants were continued.
Together with strong organic growth, they resulted in a substantial improvement
in profitability. The efficiency of recycling plants was improved, and the
company was able to process its increasing production volumes at the planned
costs. Measures to improve productivity will be continued by increasing training
in economical driving, introducing a driving guidance and monitoring system
based on vehicle computers and starting the phased introduction of a new
production management system.

A fairly large recycling plant was built in Turku, and Suomen Keräystuote Oy was
acquired. An extension to Suomen Keräystuote Oy’s processing plant will be
completed during the first quarter of 2007. Suomen Keräystuote is a wholesaler
of recycled paper and board, as well as a recycled paper producer organisation.
Appeals filed against environmental permits caused some delays in recycling
plant investments. However, currently valid and pending permits will also enable
the construction of new recycling plants in 2007. A few plants are currently
under construction and several are being planned.

International operations made good progress, and greater efficiency in
production and price increases in Latvia and Russia brought a clear improvement
to the financial performance. In the late summer, a new recycling plant began
operating in Latvia. A decision has been made to build the first recycling plant
in Russia, scheduled to begin operating at the beginning of 2008. The company
also intends to expand its operations by other means in the northern part of the
Moscow region.

Environmental Products’ financial performance improved as a result of
reorganisation and efficiency measures. Environmental Products established a
dedicated sales organisation in Russia.

The joint venture, Salvor Oy, increased its net sales substantially but clearly
fell short of its earnings target. Its performance improved in the fourth
quarter, but the full-year result showed a loss.

Property and Office Support Services

October to December

The net sales of Property and Office Support Services (property maintenance and
cleaning services) totalled EUR 44.6 million (EUR 36.5 million), an increase of
22.0%. The operating profit was EUR 1.2 million (EUR 2.4 million).

The division met its targets in Finland. New sales and additional sales to
contract customers continued strongly. The costs of cleaning operations abroad
burdened earnings, while non-recurring costs were attributable to units outside
Finland. New sales in Russia and Latvia have started according to plan. Mild
weather did not improve performance much, because snow ploughing is mainly
covered by advance agreements with fixed prices with subcontractors. There were
no snow transports that would have provided for additional invoicing.

Year 2006

The full-year net sales of Property and Office Support Services totalled EUR
168.4 million (EUR 142.9 million), an increase of 17.9%. Their operating profit
was EUR 8.8 million (EUR 11.9 million).

Price competition in Finland was intense during the first half of the year, but
the situation normalised during the second half, and new sales were very
successful. Lost contracts in the first half of the year were successfully
replaced by additional sales to existing customers, and cleaning services within
Finland exceeded their earnings target. The first outsourcing agreements for
support services were made with forest industry customers. Employment pension
costs regained typical levels after having been exceptionally low in 2005.

Most of the net sales growth in cleaning services occurred abroad. However,
investment in expanding business operations abroad had a detrimental effect on
the division’s financial performance. Cleaning operations abroad ran at a loss.
Earnings were burdened by the costs of initiating operations and certain other
non-recurring items.

Cleaning operations in Sweden were started through the acquisitions of Allied
Service Partners AB (ASP) and All Clean & Consulting  Entrepreneur i Sverige AB
(Accent). At the beginning of 2007, L&T acquired the food industry hygiene
services company, Skånsk Allservice AB, with its subsidiaries. Through these
acquisitions, L&T achieved its targeted position in the Swedish market and is
now the third largest commercial operator in the Swedish cleaning market.
During 2007, the focus in Sweden will be on integrating acquisitions, seeking
organic growth and improving financial performance. Lassila & Tikanoja now
provides cleaning services in Sweden, Latvia, Russia and Norway.

We reorganised our cleaning services in Moscow, reallocating their resources.
New sales gained momentum in Moscow and Latvia during the latter half of the

Net sales for property maintenance increased through organic growth and the
financial performance improved. In a fairly demanding competitive situation, the
product line outperformed market growth. It was able to improve cost control and
sell additional services to contract customers. In particular, the maintenance
of technical systems showed clear growth, and operations expanded to new

The division was renamed Property and Office Support Services. This new name
better describes the expanded service offering. Property services refer to the
maintenance, servicing and operation of buildings, equipment and rooms, while
office support services help the users of premises focus on their core business.
Office support services include reception, mailing, attendant, security and
catering services, as well as the administration of premises. These extensive
service packages are either provided by L&T itself, or by networking with the
leading company in each sector.

Industrial Services

October to December

The net sales of Industrial Services (hazardous waste management, industrial
cleaning, damage repair services and wastewater services) in the fourth quarter
totalled EUR 16.6 million (EUR 14.4 million), an increase of 15.3%. The
operating profit was EUR 2.7 million (EUR 0.9 million).

The net sales of all product lines increased, and all growth was organic.
Favourable weather conditions increased demand. Demand for hazardous waste
management increased and has remained at a healthy level since August. The net
sales of industrial cleaning increased, even though this was the first year with
no maintenance shutdowns in the fourth quarter. The largest proportional
increase in net sales was seen in damage repair services.

The earnings of Industrial Services improved substantially, mainly due to the
improved performance of hazardous waste management. Industrial cleaning was able
to adapt its costs to seasonal variations in demand.

During the period, EUR 0.7 million was recognised in other income due to a
change in the fair value of oil derivatives purchased by L&T Recoil in October.
Changes in the fair value of oil derivatives have a quarterly earnings effect.

Year 2006

Industrial Services’ net sales for the entire year amounted to EUR 64.4 million
(EUR 57.6 million), an increase of 11.9%. The operating profit was EUR 9.6
million (EUR 4.7 million). All product lines were able to increase their net
sales, with damage repair services accounting for the greatest improvement. The
division’s growth was completely organic and its market position strengthened.

The division’s financial performance improved clearly, due to increased net
sales and improved productivity. An increased volume was managed with lower
fixed costs. All product lines clearly improved their performance. The most
significant part of the performance improvement was attributable to a
reorganisation programme carried out in industrial cleaning in 2005.

Within hazardous waste management, L&T managed to raise the rate of waste
recovery, which further reduced the expensive delivery of hazardous waste for
destruction by a third party. The industrial cleaning market established itself
and demand increased after a very difficult year in 2005. There were many fires
and other accidents in 2006 that increased the net sales of damage repair
services. Demand for wastewater services remained at an equally strong level for
the entire year.

In September, L&T and key personnel from GT Trading Oy established the joint
venture, L&T Recoil Oy, which will build a waste oil re-refinery in Hamina.
L&T’s share of ownership is 50%. The plant will be completed in early 2008 and
the total value of the investment exceeds EUR 20 million. This plant is a step
forward in the hazardous waste processing chain in accordance with the company’s
strategy. It will also present new opportunities for growth and


Interest-bearing liabilities amounted to EUR 6.4 million less than a year
earlier. Net interest-bearing liabilities, totalling EUR 52.5 million, decreased
by EUR 24.0 million. The exceptionally high amount of liquid assets at the end
of the year was attributable to very positive cash flow from operations during
the fourth quarter, as well as an arrangement carried out just before the year
end through which L&T sold a major part of its lightweight vehicle fleet to a
leasing company.

In October-December, interest expenses exceeded those in the comparison period
by EUR 0.1 million. In January-December they were on the same level as in the
previous year.

EUR 0.1 million (EUR 0.4 million) resulting from changes in the fair values of
interest rate swaps was recognised in the income statement under finance income
in October-December. The total income for the whole year amounted to EUR 0.5
million (EUR 0.8 million). Net finance costs for the whole year decreased by
5.7%, being 0.4% (0.5%) of net sales and 3.4% (4.6%) of operating profit.

A total of EUR 0.4 million arising from the changes in the fair value of an
interest rate swap to which hedge accounting under IAS 39 is applied, was
recognised in equity in 2006.

The equity ratio was 50.4% (49.5%). The gearing rate was 29.7 (49.3). Cash flow
from operating activities amounted to EUR 69.9 million (EUR 48.9 million). EUR
1.7 million were released from the working capital (EUR 3.3 million were tied


Capital expenditure totalled EUR 47.2 million (EUR 60.9 million). Approximately
EUR 13 million were spent on nine corporate acquisitions. The combined annual
net sales of the acquired companies totalled EUR 28.8 million.

In October a Swedish company All Clean & Consulting Entrepreneur i Sverige AB
(Accent) providing cleaning and office support services was acquired. The net
sales of Accent amounted to about EUR 9.2 million in 2005, and it employs 180
persons. The property maintenance and cleaning operations of Sisä-Suomen
Kiinteistöapu Oy LKV were also acquired.

The following acquisitions were made in the third quarter:
A Latvian Property and Office Support Services company SIA Evus was acquired for
Property and Office Support Services in August. The net sales for Evus amounted
to 0.6 million euros in 2005, and it employs around 100 people. In September,
the business operations of Kiimingin Kiinteistöpalvelu Oy, a minor property and
office support services company, were acquired.

The following acquisitions were made in the second quarter:
In April majority of the shares of Suomen Keräystuote Oy was acquired, and the
company, being previously an associate, became a group company. L&T holds
presently 100 per cent of the shares. Suomen Keräystuote Oy is a marketing
company of Finnish paper collection companies. It supplies collected recoverable
paper and board to industry. The net sales for Suomen Keräystuote amounted to
EUR 7 million in 2005, but the effect on the group net sales on annual level is
only EUR 3.8 million due to intra-group net sales. In addition, the rental
operations of WeeCee Finland Oy were acquired.

The following acquisitions were made in the first quarter:
Hämeenlinnan Puhtaanapito Oy, a waste management company, was acquired for
Environmental Services. Its net sales totalled EUR 4.4 million in 2005 and it
employed 36 people. Allied Service Partners AB (ASP), a Swedish company
specialising in property maintenance services, was acquired for Property and
Office Support Services. ASP operates in Stockholm and Gothenburg. The net sales
of ASP were EUR 10.3 million in 2005, and it employs 390 people. The property
maintenance operations of Kempeleen Kiinteistöhuolto Oy were also acquired.

In addition to corporate acquisitions, machinery and equipment were replaced,
production premises were expanded, and new information systems were built.
Depreciation and amortisation amounted to EUR 28.2 million (EUR 24.8 million) in

Capital expenditure by division was as follows: Environmental Services EUR 22.0
million (EUR 40.5 million), Property and Office Support Services EUR 19.5
million (EUR 11.5 million), and Industrial Services EUR 5.7 million (EUR 8.8

In December an agreement was signed on the acquisition of the majority (70%) of
the shares of Biowatti Oy from the acting management of the company for
Environmental Services. L&T also made a commitment to redeem the remaining
thirty percent of the shares by the end of the year 2011. The acquisition price
for the seventy percent portion was EUR 30.1 million. No interest-bearing
liabilities were transferred in the acquisition. Biowatti is the leading Finnish
bio energy supplier utilising renewable energy sources, operating in the
procurement, processing, marketing and delivery of bio fuels. The main products
are by-products of forest and wood processing industries and logging chips. The
net sales of Biowatti for the year 2006 amounted to EUR 64.2 million. Bio fuel
sales account for two thirds and industrial raw materials sales for one third of
the net sales. The acquisition became effective on 1 February 2007.

In the consolidated financial statements the whole acquisition price (100%) of
Biowatti is recognised as acquisition cost. No minority interest is separated
from the profit or equity, but the estimated acquisition price of the remaining
30 percent (EUR 6 million) is recognised as interest-bearing non-current
liability. The final price of the 30 percent portion will be determined based on
the future earnings of Biowatti.

In early January 2007, Skånsk Allservice AB together with subsidiaries
Hygienutveckling AB and Hygienutvickling A/S operating in Norway were acquired.
The consolidated net sales of the group totalled about EUR 10 million in 2006,
most of which came from hygiene services for the food industry.


In 2006, the average number of employees converted into full-time equivalents
was 6,775 (5,918). At year end the total number of full-time and part-time
employees was 8,328  people (7,512). Of them 1,822  people (1,222) worked
outside Finland.


According to the financial statements, Lassila & Tikanoja plc’s distributable
assets amount to EUR 40,900,168.17, of which EUR 24,648,860.77 constitutes
profit for the financial period. There were no substantial changes in the
financial standing of the company after the end of the financial period, and the
solvency test referred to in Chapter 13, Section 2 of the Companies Act does not
affect the amount of distributable assets. The Board of Directors proposes to
the General Meeting of Shareholders that distributable assets be used as

A dividend of EUR 0.55 per share will be paid on
each of the 38,549,719 shares, totalling           EUR 21,202,345.45
To be retained and carried forward                 EUR 19,697,822.72
Total                                              EUR 40,900,168.17

In accordance with the resolution of the Board of Directors, the record date is
29 March 2007. The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting
that the dividend be paid on 5 April 2007.

Earnings per share amounted to EUR 0.90. The proposed dividend is 61.1% of the
earnings per share.


Traded volume and price
The volume of trading in Lassila & Tikanoja plc shares on the Helsinki Stock
Exchange during the year 2006 was 12,807,684, which is 33.3% (40.0) of the
average number of shares. The value of trading was EUR 217.6 million. The
trading price varied between EUR 14.75 and EUR 22.46. The closing price was EUR
21.66. The market capitalisation went up by 45.9% and was EUR 834.5 million (EUR
571.8 million) at year end.

Share capital
At the beginning of the year the company’s registered share capital amounted to
EUR 19,188,887. During the year 2006, a total of 150,400 shares were subscribed
for pursuant to the 2002B and 2002C options rights. After these subscriptions,
the company’s share capital amounts to EUR 19,264,087 and the number of the
shares is 38,528,174.

On 5 February 2007, the Board approved the subscriptions of  21,545 new shares
made pursuant to the 2002C share options. As a result of these subscriptions,
the company’s registered share capital will increase by EUR 10.772,50 to EUR
19,274,859.50 and the number of the shares will increase to 38,549,719 shares
after the increase has been entered in the Trade Register.

Dividend for the financial year 2005
The Annual General Meeting held on 23 March 2006 resolved on a dividend of EUR
0.40 per share for the financial year 2005. The dividend, totalling EUR 15.4
million, was paid on 4 April 2006.

Option plans 2002 and 2005
The subscription periods for 2002A and 2002B share options have ended. The
subscription period for the 2002B-options ended on 30 October 2006, and 255,800
shares were subscribed for. The rest 200 outstanding options and the 4,000
options held by L&T Advance Oy expired.

280,000 2002C options have been issued. 274,000 have been granted to key persons
of the company. Until 29 January 2007, a total of 39,245 shares have been
subscribed for pursuant to the 2002C options. Pursuant to the remaining
outstanding 2002C options a maximum of 234,755 shares can be subscribed for,
which is 0.6% of the current number of shares. The subscription period ends on
30 October 2007. The share subscription price is EUR 11.46. The 2002C options
have been listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange since 2 May 2006.

In 2005, 600,000 share options were issued, each entitling its holder to
subscribe for one share of Lassila & Tikanoja plc. Presently, 26 key persons
hold 165,000 2005A options and 35 key persons hold 195,000 2005B options. L&T
Advance Oy, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Lassila & Tikanoja plc, holds 8,000
2005A options, 7,000 2005B options and 230,000 2005C options.

The share subscription price for the 2005A options is EUR 14.22, and for 2005B
options EUR 16.98.The options issued under the share option plan 2005 entitle
their holders to subscribe for a maximum of 1.6% of the current number of

Notifications on major holdings
On 10 April 2006, Tapiola Group reported that its holding in the share capital
and votes of Lassila & Tikanoja plc had decreased to 4.6%.

Authorisation for the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is not authorised to effect any share issues or to launch
a convertible bond or a bond with warrants. Neither is the Board authorised to
decide on the repurchase nor disposal of the company’s own shares.


The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on 23 March 2006 confirmed five
as the number of the members of the Board of Directors. The following Board
members were re-elected to the Board until the end of the following AGM: Heikki
Hakala, Lasse Kurkilahti, Juhani Lassila, Juhani Maijala and Soili Suonoja.

PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy, Authorised Public Accountants, were elected auditors.
Principal Auditor is Heikki Lassila, Authorised Public Accountant.

In a meeting held after the Annual General Meeting the Board of Directors re-
elected Juhani Maijala as Chairman of the Board and Heikki Hakala as Vice


On 23 March 2006, the Board of Directors resolved to apply for listing of 2002C
share option rights on the main list of the Helsinki Stock Exchange starting
from 2 May 2006.


An agreement to acquire a majority holding of Biowatti Oy was signed in
December. The acquisition was subject to approval of the competition authority.
The approval was given on 18 January 2007, and the acquisition became effective
on 1 February 2007.


The most significant uncertainty factor in the near term is that the performance
of foreign units within Property and Office Support Services may not improve on
the planned schedule. The slowness of environmental and other permit procedures
may cause delays in the implementation of planned recycling plant investments in
Finland as well as Russia. Changes in the fair value of oil derivatives related
to L&T Recoil’s operations depend on the development of world market prices for
oil. This may have a substantial effect on the earnings of Industrial Services.


The prospects in Lassila & Tikanoja’s markets are good, and the company’s market
position has strengthened. Among other things, the demand for Environmental
Services in Finland will be increased by the fact that many landfills will have
to be closed down towards the end of the year due to new EU regulations. The
forest energy market should develop favourably, due to a continuing trend
towards increasing the use of renewable energy sources. The market outlook for
Property and Office Support Services in Finland is better than last year, and
the competitive situation has normalised. The market outlook for Industrial
Services is quite positive. Strong demand seems to be continuing, and the
company’s position in the market has clearly improved. Clear growth will also be
seen in markets outside Finland.

Successful new sales in the latter half of 2006 provided the preconditions for
continuing strong organic growth. Corporate acquisitions, Biowatti in
particular, will strongly increase net sales. Biowatti’s operations require very
little capital and do not call for an operating profit level as high as that of
other operations within Environmental Services. This will decrease the operating
profit of Environmental Services in comparison with net sales.

During the year, two or three new recycling plants and terminals will be built,
including one in Russia. Investments will increase due to completed corporate
acquisitions and other investment decisions.

The management emphasis in 2006 was on improving productivity and cost-based
management. This concept will be further elaborated, particularly in Property
and Office Support Services. We estimate that the growth in net sales will
clearly exceed 20% and financial performance will improve.

EUR 1000                                                              
                          10-12/2006  10-12/2005 1-12/2006   1-12/2005
Net sales                    115 362      97 097   436 004     377 448
Cost of goods sold          -100 226     -83 633  -367 968    -320 536
Gross profit                  15 136      13 464    68 036      56 912
Selling and marketing         -3 739      -2 988   -12 844     -11 508
Administrative expenses       -2 445      -1 614    -8 660      -7 304
Other operating income         1 360         192     3 653       1 154
and expenses
Operating profit              10 312       9 054    50 185      39 254
Finance income                   462         577     1 526       1 431
Finance costs                   -828        -697    -3 225      -3 232
Share of profit of                18          27        18          27
Profit before income tax       9 964       8 961    48 504      37 480
Income tax expense            -2 956      -2 585   -13 249     -10 250
Profit for the period          7 008       6 376    35 255      27 230
Attributable to:                                                      
Equity holders of the          6 858       6 360    34 613      26 822
Minority interest                150          16       642         408
Earnings per share for profit attributable to the equity holders of the parent:
Earnings per share, EUR         0.18      0.16        0.90        0.70
Earnings per share, EUR         0.18      0.16                    0.70
-diluted                                              0.90

EUR 1000                                  12/2006    12/2005
Non-current assets                                          
Goodwill                                  106 611     99 120
Intangible assets from acquisitions         9 893      9 859
Other intangible assets                     7 903      5 893
Property, plant and equipment             134 038    135 404
Other non-current assets                    6 785      6 676
Total non-current assets                  265 230    256 952
Current assets                                              
Inventories                                 4 315      4 744
Trade and other receivables                58 249     45 898
Cash and cash equivalents                  24 790      7 252
Total current assets                       87 354     57 894
TOTAL ASSETS                              352 584    314 846
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                      
Equity attributable to equity holders                       
of the parent
Share capital                              19 264     19 189
Share premium reserve                      47 666     46 606
Revaluation and other reserves                326       -179
Retained earnings                          72 291     60 428
Profit for the period                      34 613     26 822
Total equity attributable to equity       174 160    152 866
holders of the parent
Minority interest                           2 709      2 166
Total equity                              176 869    155 032
Non-current liabilities                                     
Deferred income tax liabilities            22 350     15 768
Pension obligations                           352        176
Provisions                                    936        684
Interest-bearing liabilities               59 031     59 629
Other non-current liabilities                 431        224
Total non-current liabilities              83 100     76 481
Current liabilities                                         
Interest-bearing liabilities               18 231     24 077
Trade and other non-interest-bearing       74 112     58 956
Provisions                                    272        300
Total current liabilities                  92 615     83 333
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES              352 584    314 846
 EUR 1000                                       12/2006     12/2005
 Cash generated from operations before                       62 490
 change in working capital                       75 911
 Change in working capital                        1 746      -3 214
 Net finance cost                                -1 987      -2 880
 Taxes                                           -5 776      -7 455
 Net cash flows from operating activities        69 894      48 941
 Investments in group companies                 -10 658     -15 801
 Other investments                              -34 885     -40 175
 Proceeds from sales of property, plant and      14 089       1 775
 Net cash flows from investing activities       -31 454     -54 201
 Proceeds from share subscriptions                1 018       1 795
 Dividends paid                                 -15 339      -9 525
 Change in borrowings                            -6 566         475
 Net cash flows from financing activities       -20 887      -7 255
 Net change in liquid assets                     17 553     -12 515
 Liquid assets at beginning of period             7 252      19 759
 Changes in exchange rates and fair values          -15           8
 Liquid assets in balance sheet                  24 790       7 252
 EUR 1000         Share    Share               Re-   Retained   Equity Mi-nor-    Total
                capital  premium            valua-   earnings  attrib.    ity   equity
                         reserve   Trans- tion re-                  to intere
                                   lation   serves              equity     st
                                  differ-                      holders
                                     ence                       of the
                                  reserve                       parent
 Equity at       19 068   44 932                13     69 515  133 239  1 550  134 789
 1.1.2005                            -289
 Current                                       -12                 -12             -12
 change in
 fair value
 Currency                                                          109             109
 translation                          109
 Items                                         -12                  97              97
 recognised                           109
 directly in
 Profit for                                            26 822   26 822    408   27 230
 the period
 Total                                         -12     26 822   26 919    408   27 327
 income and                           109
 Share option                                                                         
 Sub-               121    1 674                                 1 795           1 795
 pursuant to
 2002 options
 Remuneration                                             448      448             448
 expense of
 share options
 Dividends                                             -9 535   -9 535          -9 535
 Investment by                                                            208      208
 a minority
 Equity at       19 189   46 606                 1     87 250  152 866  2 166  155 032
 31.12.2005                          -180
 Equity at       19 189   46 606                 1     87 250  152 866  2 166  155 032
 1.1.2006                            -180
 Hedging fund,                                 384                 384             384
 change in
 fair value
 Current                                        10                  10              10
 change in
 fair value
 Currency                                                          111     -1      110
 translation                          111
 Items                                         394                 505     -1      504
 recognised                           111
 directly in
 Profit for                                            34 613   34 613    642   35 255
 the period
 Total                                         394     34 613   35 118    641   35 759
 income and                           111
 Share option                                                                         
 Sub-                75    1 060                                 1 135           1 135
 pursuant to
 2002 options
 Remuneration                                             396      396             396
 expense of
 share options
 Dividends                                            -15 355  -15 355   -164  -15 519
 Investment by                                                             66       66
 a minority
 Equity at       19 264   47 666               395    106 904  174 160  2 709  176 869
 31.12.2006                           -69
                                      10-12    10-12     2006     2005
                                      /2006    /2005
 Earnings per share, EUR               0.18     0.16     0.90     0.70
 Earnings per share, EUR - diluted     0.18     0.17     0.90     0.70
 Cash flows from operating             0.72     0.47     1.82     1.28
 activities per share, EUR
 EVA, EUR million*                      4.6      3.4     28.6     18.3
 Capital expenditure, EUR 1000       15 074   11 259   47 162   60 852
 Depreciation and amortisation, EUR   7 519    6 598   28 155   24 774
 Equity per share, EUR                                   4.52     3.98
 Dividend per share, EUR                               0.55**     0.40
 Dividend/earnings, %                                  61.1**     57.0
 Dividend yield, %                                      2.5**      2.7
 P/E ratio                                               24.1     21.2
 Return on equity, ROE, %                                21.2     18.8
 Return on invested capital, ROI, %                      21.0     17.9
 Equity ratio, %                                         50.4     49.5
 Gearing, %                                              29.7     49.3
 Net interest-bearing liabilities                      52 471   76 455
 Average number of employees in                         6 775    5 918
 full-time equivalents
 Adjusted number of shares, 1000                              
 average during the period                             38 445   38 193
 at end of period                                      38 528   38 378
 average during period, diluted                        38 601   38 421
 *EVA = operating profit – cost calculated on
 invested capital (average of four quarters). WACC
 2006: 8.75%; 2005: 9.0%
 **Proposal by the Board of Directors
 EUR 1000                  10-12/   10-12/ Change    1-12/    1-12/  Change
                             2006     2005      %     2006     2005       %
 Environmental Services    55 463   47 333   17.2  207 252  180 679    14.7
 Property and Office                                                       
 Support Services          44 584   36 545   22.0  168 403  142 890    17.9
 Industrial Services       16 554   14 362   15.3   64 416   57 584    11.9
 Group admin. and other         3       92             118      366        
 Inter-division net        -1 242   -1 235          -4 185   -4 071        
 Total                    115 362   97 097   18.8  436 004  377 448    15.5
 EUR 1000          10-12/     %  10-12/          1-12/        1-12/       %
                     2006          2005     %     2006     %   2005
 Environmental                    5 862                                    
 Services           7 390  13.3          12.4   32 498  15.7 23 986    13.3
 Property and                                                              
 Office Support                                                            
 Services           1 154   2.6   2 393   6.5    8 758   5.2 11 947     8.4
 Services           2 739  16.5     909   6.3    9 601  14.9  4 746     8.2
 Group admin.                                                              
 and other           -971          -110           -672       -1 425
 Lassila &                                                                 
 Tikanoja          10 312   8.9   9 054   9.3   50 185  11.5 39 254    10.4
 EUR 1000                       10-12      10-12     1-12     1-12/
                                /2006      /2005    /2006      2005
 Environmental Services                           199 872   189 844
 Property and Office                               59 394    50 330
 Support Services
 Industrial Services                               63 508    59 997
 Group admin. and other                             2 804     5 211
 Non-allocated assets                              27 006     9 464
 Lassila & Tikanoja                               352 584   314 846
 Environmental Services                            33 388    29 947
 Property and Office                               29 708    20 910
 Support Services
 Industrial Services                               10 367     8 787
 Group admin. and other                             1 084       269
 Non-allocated liabilities                        101 168    99 901
 Lassila & Tikanoja                               175 715   159 814
 Capital expenditure                                               
 Environmental Services         5 436      7 249   21 940    40 542
 Property and Office            7 613      2 622   19 472    11 471
 Support Services
 Industrial Services            2 025      1 398    5 696     8 785
 Group admin. and other                      -10       54        54
 Lassila & Tikanoja            15 074     11 259   47 162    60 852
 Depreciation and                                                  
 Environmental Services         4 240      3 595   16 002    13 567
 Property and Office            2 045      1 548    7 274     5 674
 Support Services
 Industrial Services            1 225      1 427    4 796     5 422
 Group admin. and other             9         28       83       111
 Lassila & Tikanoja             7 519      6 598   28 155    24 774
 EUR 1000             10-12     7-9/     4-6/     1-3/ 10-12/    7-9/   4-6/    1-3/
                      /2006     2006     2006     2006   2005    2005   2005    2005
 Net sales                                                                          
 Environmental       55 463   52 973   51 692   47 124 47 333  46 588 47 234  39 524
 Property and                 41 463   41 243   41 113 36 545  35 645 35 955  34 745
 Office Support      44 584
 Industrial          16 554   18 223   16 513   13 126 14 362  15 838 15 746  11 638
 Group admin. and         3       19       26       70     92      91     92      91
 Inter-division      -1 242   -1 030   -1 044     -869 -1 235  -1 064   -966    -806
 net sales
 Total              115 362  111 648  108 430  100 564 97 097  97 098 98 061  85 192
 Operating profit                                                                   
 Environmental        7 390    9 986    7 828    7 294  5 862   7 017  6 390   4 717
 Property and                  4 833    1 499    1 272  2 393   4 462  2 868   2 224
 Office Support       1 154
 Industrial           2 739    3 800    2 277      785    909   2 260  1 820    -243
 Group admin. and      -971    1 233     -547     -388   -110    -439   -524    -352
 Total               10 312   19 852   11 057    8 963  9 054  13 300 10 554   6 346
 Operating margin                                                                   
 Environmental         13,3     18,9     15,1     15,5   12,4    15,1   13,5    11,9
 Property and                   11,7      3,6      3,1    6,5    12,5    8,0     6,4
 Office Support         2,6
 Industrial            16,5     20,9     13,8      6,0    6,3    14,3   11,6    -2,1
 Group                  8,9     17,8     10,2      8,9    9,3    13,7   10,8     7,4
 Finance costs,        -366     -740     -391     -201   -120    -263 -1 010    -408
 Share of profits                                          27                       
 of associates           18
 Profit before        9 964   19 112   10 666    8 762  8 961  13 037  9 544   5 938
 EUR 1000                               12/2006   12/2005
 Securities given for own commitments                    
 Real estate mortgages                   10 484       105
 Corporate mortgages                     12 778       500
 Other securities                           197       188
 Bank guarantees required for                            
 environmental permits                    2 026     1 969
 Other securities are security deposits.
 The Group has given no pledges, mortgages or
 guarantees on behalf of outsiders.
 Operating lease liabilities
 EUR 1000                              12/2006    12/2005
 Maturity not later than one year        6 107      2 809
 Maturity later than one year and not   12 742      7 016
 later than five years
 Maturity later than five years          3 614      4 357
 Total                                  22 463     14 182
 Derivative financial instruments
 EUR 1000                              12/2006    12/2005
 Nominal values of interest rate                         
 Maturity not later than one year       13 500      6 000
 Maturity later than one year and not              44 000
 later than five years                  30 500
 Total                                  44 000     50 000
 Fair value of interest rate swaps         726        237
 * Hedge accounting under IAS 39 has not been
 applied to these interest rate swaps. Changes in
 fair values have been recognised in finance
 income and costs.
 Nominal value of interest rate               
 Maturity not later than one year        1 429
 Maturity later than one year and not    5 714
 later than five years
 Maturity later than five years          7 857
 Total                                  15 000
 Fair value of interest rate swap          519
 ** The interest rate swap is used to hedge cash
 flow related to a floating rate loan, and hedge
 accounting under IAS 39 has been applied to it.
 The hedge has been effective, and the total
 change in the fair value has been recognised in
 the hedging fund under equity.
                                        12/2006  12/2006
                                       Quantity     Fair
                                       1000 bbl    value
 Maturity of raw oil put options held                   
 for trading
 Later than one year and not later          453    2 288
 than five years
 Oil derivatives were entered into in order to
 hedge the base oil price risk associated with the
 re-refinery plant under construction for the
 joint venture L&T Recoil. Hedge accounting under
 IAS 39 has not been applied, but the changes in
 fair values have been recognised in other
 operating income and expenses.
 The fair values of all derivative contracts are
 based on market prices on the balance sheet date.
 The fair values of the oil options have been
 determined on the basis of a generally used
 measurement model.
 Helsinki 5 February 2007
 Board of Directors
 Jari Sarjo
 President and CEO
 For further information, please contact Jari
 President and CEO, tel. +358 10 636 2810.