PDF Solutions Reports Fourth Quarter 2006 Results

Record Gain Share for Fiscal 2006 Highlights Record Total Year Revenue

SAN JOSE, Calif., Feb. 6, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- PDF Solutions(r), Inc. (Nasdaq:PDFS), the leading provider of process-design integration technologies to enhance IC manufacturability, today announced financial results for its fourth fiscal quarter ended December 31, 2006.

Revenue for the fourth fiscal quarter of 2006 totaled $19.0 million, compared with revenue of $19.0 million for the fourth fiscal quarter of 2005. Gain share revenue for the fourth fiscal quarter of 2006 totaled $4.9 million, an increase of 28%, compared to the fourth fiscal quarter of 2005. Revenue for the full fiscal year ended December 31, 2006 totaled a record $76.2 million with gain share revenue contributing a record $20.0 million. On a GAAP basis, net loss for the fourth fiscal quarter of 2006 totaled approximately $559,000, or $0.02 per basic share, compared with net income of $2.3 million, or $0.09 per basic share, for the fourth fiscal quarter of 2005. The adoption of SFAS 123(R) during fiscal year 2006 and the previously announced acquisition of Si Automation S.A. in October 2006, resulted in $1.9 million in stock-based compensation expense and an $800,000 write-off of in-process research and development during the fourth fiscal quarter or approximately $0.10 per basic share.

In addition to using GAAP results in evaluating PDF Solutions' business, management also believes it is useful to measure results using a non-GAAP measure of net income, which excludes stock-based compensation expense, amortization of acquired intangible assets and the write-off of in-process research and development. Using this non-GAAP measure, net income for the fourth fiscal quarter of 2006 totaled approximately $2.3 million, or $0.08 per diluted share, compared with non-GAAP net income of approximately $3.9 million, or $0.14 per diluted share, for the fourth fiscal quarter of 2005.

As previously announced, PDF will hold a live conference call beginning at 3:00 p.m. Pacific Time/6:00 p.m. Eastern Time today to discuss these results. A live webcast of this conference call will be available on PDF Solutions' website at http://ir.pdf.com/medialist.cfm. A replay of the call will be available at the same website address beginning approximately two hours after completion of the live call. Further, a copy of this press release, including the disclosure and reconciliation of certain non-GAAP financial measures to the comparable GAAP measure, which non-GAAP measures may be used periodically by PDF Solutions' management when discussing financial results with investors and analysts, will be available on PDF Solutions' website at http://www.pdf.com/news_archive.phtml following the date of this release.

Information Regarding Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures

In addition to providing results that are determined in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in the United States of America (GAAP), PDF Solutions also provides certain non-GAAP financial measures that exclude the effects of stock-based compensation expense, amortization of acquired intangible assets, the write-off of in-process research and development and their related income tax effects. PDF Solutions' management believes that the presentation of these measures provides useful supplemental information to investors regarding PDF's operating results. These non-GAAP financial measures are used by management internally to measure the company's profitability and performance. PDF's management believes that excluding the effects of stock-based compensation expense, amortization of acquired intangible assets, the write-off of in-process research and development and their related income tax effects, provides a useful supplemental measure of the company's ongoing operations in light of the fact that neither category of expense has a current effect on the future uses of cash nor do they have use with regards to the generation of current or future revenues. These non-GAAP results should not be considered an alternative to, or a substitute for, GAAP financial information, and may be different from similarly titled non-GAAP measures used by other companies. In particular, these non-GAAP financial measures are not a substitute for GAAP measures of income as a measure of performance, or to cash flows from operating, investing and financing activities as a measure of liquidity. Since management uses these non-GAAP financial measures internally to measure profitability and performance, PDF has included these non-GAAP measures to give investors an opportunity to see the company's financial results as viewed by management. A reconciliation of the non-GAAP financial measures to the comparable GAAP financial measure is provided at the end of the company's financial statements presented below.

About PDF Solutions

PDF Solutions, Inc. (Nasdaq:PDFS) is a leading provider of process-design integration technologies for manufacturing integrated circuits (ICs). PDF Solutions' software, methodologies and services enable semiconductor companies to create IC designs that can be more easily manufactured using manufacturing processes that are more capable. By simulating deep sub-micron product and process interactions, the PDF solution offers clients reduced time to market, increased IC yield and performance, and enhanced product reliability and profitability. PDF Solutions also offers the industry leading Yield Management System (YMS) software, dataPOWER(r), and Fault Detection and Classification (FDC) software, Maestria, to enhance yield improvement and production control activities at leading fabrication facilities around the world. Headquartered in San Jose, Calif., PDF Solutions operates worldwide with additional offices in Europe, Japan and China. For more information, visit www.pdf.com.

dataPOWER and PDF Solutions are registered trademarks, and Maestria is a trademark, of PDF Solutions, Inc.

                         PDF SOLUTIONS, INC.
                            (In thousands)
                                                      December 31,
                                                   2006        2005
                                                 --------    --------
 Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents                      $ 36,451    $ 60,506
  Short-term investments                           16,402          --
  Accounts receivable, net of allowances           27,575      22,082
  Prepaid expenses and other current assets         2,796       1,992
  Deferred tax assets                               2,581         908
                                                 --------    --------
    Total current assets                           85,805      85,488
 Property and equipment, net                        3,916       3,328
 Goodwill                                          60,034      39,886
 Intangible assets, net                            13,605       9,787
 Deferred tax assets                                4,912         877
 Other assets                                         503         526
                                                 --------    --------
    Total assets                                 $168,775    $139,892
                                                 ========    ========

               LIABILITIES AND

 Current liabilities:
  Accounts payable                               $  3,182    $  1,728
  Accrued compensation and related benefits         3,325       4,922
  Other accrued liabilities                         3,843       1,469
  Taxes payable                                     4,767       4,950
  Deferred revenues                                 3,705       2,281
  Billings in excess of
   recognized revenue                                  95       1,604
  Current portion of long-term debt                   302           -
                                                 --------    --------
    Total current liabilities                      19,219      16,954
 Long-term debt                                     1,198           -
 Other liabilities                                    221         257
                                                 --------    --------
    Total liabilities                              20,638      17,211
                                                 --------    --------

 Stockholders' equity:
  Common stock                                          4           4
  Additional paid-in-capital                      167,370     141,720
  Treasury stock, at cost                          (5,549)     (5,549)
  Deferred stock-based compensation                    --         (27)
  Accumulated deficit                             (14,019)    (13,451)
  Accumulated other comprehensive (loss) gain         331         (16)
                                                 --------    --------
    Total stockholders' equity                    148,137     122,681
                                                 --------    --------
    Total liabilities and
     stockholders' equity                        $168,775    $139,892
                                                 ========    ========

                         PDF SOLUTIONS, INC.
               (In thousands, except per share amounts)

                                Three Months Ended  Twelve Months Ended
                                 -----------------   -----------------
                                    December 31,        December 31,
                                   2006     2005       2006     2005
                                 -------   -------   -------   -------
     Integrated solutions        $11,523   $14,061   $45,382   $52,719
     Software licenses             2,557     1,140    10,774     9,319
  Gain share                       4,873     3,821    20,028    11,890
                                 -------   -------   -------   -------
   Total revenue                  18,953    19,022    76,184    73,928
                                 -------   -------   -------   -------

 Cost and expenses:
  Cost of design-to-silicon-
   yield solutions:
    Direct costs of design-to-
     silicon-yield solutions:
       Integrated solutions        7,561     6,421    27,369    24,319
       Software licenses             111        20       209       293
    Amortization of acquired
     core technology               1,472     1,266     5,270     5,064
  Research and development         8,051     5,654    27,594    22,204
  Selling, general and
   administrative                  5,079     3,964    19,929    16,146
  Amortization of other acquired
   intangible assets                 754       235     1,459       940
  Write-off of in-process
   research and development          800        --       800        --
                                 -------   -------   -------   -------
   Total costs and expenses       23,828    17,560    82,630    68,966
                                 -------   -------   -------   -------

 Income (loss) from operations    (4,875)    1,462    (6,446)    4,962
 Interest and other income, net      488       573     2,826     1,658
                                 -------   -------   -------   -------
 Income (loss) before taxes       (4,387)    2,035    (3,620)    6,620
 Tax provision (benefit)          (3,828)     (217)   (3,052)       96
                                 -------   -------   -------   -------
 Net income (loss)               $  (559)  $ 2,252   $  (568)  $ 6,524
                                 =======   =======   =======   =======
 Net income (loss) per share:
    Basic                        $ (0.02)  $  0.09   $ (0.02)  $  0.25
                                 =======   =======   =======   =======
    Diluted                      $ (0.02)  $  0.08   $ (0.02)  $  0.24
                                 =======   =======   =======   =======
 Weighted average common shares:
    Basic                         27,459    26,272    26,885    25,983
                                 =======   =======   =======   =======
    Diluted                       27,459    28,013    26,885    27,473
                                 =======   =======   =======   =======

                         PDF SOLUTIONS, INC.
               (In thousands, except per share amounts)

                                            Three Months Ended
                                             December 31, 2006
                                  reported   Adjustments     Non-GAAP
                                  --------    --------       --------
  Design to-silicon-yield
    Integrated solutions          $ 11,523    $     --       $ 11,523
    Software licenses                2,557          --          2,557
  Gain share                         4,873          --          4,873
                                  --------    --------       --------
     Total revenue                  18,953          --         18,953
                                  --------    --------       --------
 Cost and expenses:
  Cost of design-to-silicon-
   yield solutions:
    Direct cost of design-to-
     silicon-yield solutions:
      Integrated solutions           7,561        (547)(a)      7,014
      Software licenses                111          --            111
    Amortization of acquired
     core technology                 1,472      (1,472)(b)         --
  Research and development           8,051        (580)(a)      7,471
  Selling, general
   and administrative                5,079        (810)(a)      4,269
  Amortization of other
   acquired intangible assets          754        (754)(b)         --
  In-process research
   and development                     800        (800)(d)         --
                                  --------    --------       --------
    Total costs and expenses        23,828      (4,963)        18,865
                                  --------    --------       --------
 Income (loss) from operations      (4,875)      4,963             88
 Interest and other income, net        488          --            488
                                  --------    --------       --------
 Income (loss) before taxes         (4,387)      4,963            576

 Tax provision (benefit)            (3,828)      2,150(a,b)    (1,678)
                                  --------    --------       --------
 Net income (loss)                $   (559)   $  2,813       $  2,254
                                  ========    ========       ========

 Net income (loss) per
  share - diluted                 $  (0.02)   $   0.10       $   0.08
                                  ========    ========       ========

 Weighted average common
  shares - diluted(c)               27,459      28,484         28,484
                                  ========    ========       ========

                                            Three Months Ended
                                             December 31, 2005
                                  reported   Adjustments     Non-GAAP
                                  --------    --------       --------
  Design to-silicon-yield
    Integrated solutions          $ 14,061    $     --       $ 14,061
    Software licenses                1,140          --          1,140
  Gain share                         3,821          --          3,821
                                  --------    --------       --------
     Total revenue                  19,022          --         19,022
                                  --------    --------       --------

 Cost and expenses:
  Cost of design-to-silicon-
   yield solutions:
    Direct cost of design-to-
     silicon-yield solutions:
      Integrated solutions           6,421          --          6,421
      Software licenses                 20          --             20
    Amortization of acquired
     core technology                 1,266      (1,266)(b)         --
  Research and development           5,654          --          5,654
  Selling, general
   and administrative                3,964         (13)(a)      3,951
  Amortization of other
   acquired intangible assets          235        (235)(b)         --
  In-process research
   and development                      --          --             --
                                  --------    --------       --------
    Total costs and expenses        17,560      (1,514)        16,046
                                  --------    --------       --------
 Income (loss) from operations       1,462       1,514          2,976
 Interest and other income, net        573          --            573
                                  --------    --------       --------
 Income (loss) before taxes          2,035       1,514          3,549

 Tax provision (benefit)              (217)       (159)(a,b)     (376)
                                  --------    --------       --------
 Net income (loss)                $  2,252    $  1,673       $  3,925
                                  ========    ========       ========

 Net income (loss) per
  share - diluted                 $   0.08    $   0.06       $   0.14
                                  ========    ========       ========

 Weighted average common
  shares - diluted(c)               28,013      28,013         28,013
                                  ========    ========       ========


 (a) The non-GAAP adjustments represent the reversal of stock-based
     compensation, net of taxes.
 (b) The non-GAAP adjustments represent the reversal of
     amortization of intangible assets, net of taxes.
 (c) The shares used in computing non-GAAP net income for the three
     months ended December 31, 2006 and 2005 include the dilutive
     impact of common stock options.
 (d) The non-GAAP adjustment represent the reversal of in-process
     research and development expense.


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