Financial statement bulletin 1-12/2006

Tulikivi Corporation       Financial statement bulletin 1-12/2006
                           February 7, 2006 at 8.30 a.m.

* The Tulikivi Group’s sales rose by 40.1 per cent in 2006 and
amounted to EUR 82.1 million (EUR 58.6 million in 2005).
* The Group’s profit before taxes grew by 28.6 % to EUR 7.8 (6.1)
* Cash flow from operating activities before investments was EUR
12.0 (10.5) million.
* The order book at the turn of the year amounted to EUR 10.4
(9.2) million.
* The new plant was started up as planned in November.

Changes in the Group’s structure and segment reporting
Tulikivi Corporation acquired all the shares in Kermansavi Oy on
April 3, 2006. The Group’s business operations were divided into
three business segments in 2006, namely Soapstone Fireplaces,
Natural Stone Products and Ceramic Products. The Soapstone
Fireplaces Business supplies soapstone fireplaces and stone lining
for heaters. The Natural Stone Products Business supplies interior
stone products and delivers stone to construction sites. The
Ceramic Products Business produces Kermansavi fireplaces and

Sales and result
The Tulikivi Group’s sales rose by 40.1 per cent in 2006 and
amounted to EUR 82.1 million (EUR 58.6 million in 2005). Ceramic
Products accounted for EUR 13.5 million of consolidated sales, and
thus growth in comparable sales was 17.1 per cent. The Soapstone
Fireplaces Business posted sales of EUR 61.3 (52.2) million, up
17.6 per cent. Sales of the Natural Stone Products Business grew
by 13.2 per cent to EUR 7.3 (6.4) million.

The share of sales accounted for by exports was EUR 41.9 (30.7)
million, or 51.1 (52.4) per cent. The largest countries for
exports were Germany and Sweden. The greatest relative growth was
achieved in the Baltic countries, France, Russia and Germany.
Domestic sales were EUR 40.2 (27.9) million.
The Group’s operating profit was EUR 8.2 (6.3) million. Soapstone
Fireplaces had an operating profit of EUR 9.8 (8.8) million. The
earnings of Soapstone Fireplaces are burdened by EUR 0.3 million
in expenses due to the distribution channel change in the fourth
quarter, the recognition of environmental provisions amounting to
EUR 0.2 million and the start-up expenses of the new plant built
in Juuka. The launch of the new product generation and the forging
of the new distribution channel solution in Finland increased the
Group’s marketing expenses substantially. Natural Stone Products
posted an operating profit of EUR 0.3 (0.2) million and Ceramic
Products an operating profit of EUR 1.2 million, while unallocated
expenses totalled EUR 3.1 (2.7) million.

Profit before taxes improved by 28.6 per cent to EUR 7.8 (6.1)
million, representing 9.5 per cent of sales.  The acquisition of
Kermansavi Oy had an effect of EUR 0.8 million on pre-tax profits.
The Group’s return on investment was 21.7 (20.7) per cent.
Earnings per share amounted to EUR 0.16 (0.12).

Cash flow and financing
The Group’s financial position remained good. Cash flow from
operating activities before investments amounted to EUR 12.0
(10.5) million. Current ratio was 1.5 (1.6). The equity ratio was
46.4 (63.0) per cent. The ratio of interest-bearing net debt to
shareholders’ equity, or gearing, was 40.9 (-3.1) per cent.
Shareholders’ equity per share amounted to EUR 0.83 (EUR 0.70).
Financial income during the review period amounted to EUR 0.2
million and financial expenses to EUR 0.6 million.

Investments and development
During the report period, the company acquired all of Kermasavi
Oy’s shares in order to expand its product range and potential
clientele, among other things. The acquisition cost was EUR 13.5

The Group’s other investments amounted to EUR 10.6 (4.8) million.
The most significant capital item was the investment in a factory
in Juuka, valued at about EUR 6 million. The plant mainly uses
leftover small blocks as raw material.

R&D expenditure totalled EUR 1.8 (1.7) million and its relative
share of sales was 2.2 (2.8) per cent. The main thrust in product
development was on the development of the new generation of
soapstone fireplaces. Sales and deliveries of the new fireplace
collection to customers began in the autumn. The new products
feature peerless combustion technology and efficiency.

Tulikivi sought stone reserves in Finland and Russia. Tulikivi is
continuing its prospecting operations in new areas of Russian
Karelia in cooperation with the Geology Institute of the Karelian
Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the
Geological Survey of Finland.

The Group employed an average of 664 people during the financial
period (514) and 765 (537) at its end. Of the personnel, 579 (487)
were employed in Soapstone Fireplaces, 54 (50) in Natural Stone
Products and 132 in Ceramic Products. 86.8 per cent of the
employment relationships are permanent and 13.2 per cent
temporary. Salaries and bonuses during the financial year totalled
EUR 22.3 (16.7) million. Incentive pay will be paid to employees
from the Group’s result for 2006, which had an impact on earnings
of EUR 0.9 (0.7) million including social expenses. All personnel
who were in the Group’s employ during the whole financial year are
covered by the incentive pay scheme, as set out in the plant-
specific accounting rules.
Occupational safety has developed well. The number of work
accidents per one hundred thousand working hours was 0.06 (0.1).

Board of Directors, managing director and auditors
At Tulikivi Corporation’s Annual General Meeting held on April 6,
2006, the following members were elected to the Board of
Directors: Bishop Ambrosius, Juhani Erma, Eero Makkonen, Aimo
Paukkonen, Heikki Vauhkonen, Reijo Vauhkonen and Matti Virtaala.
From amongst its members, the Board of Directors elected Matti
Virtaala chairman and Heikki Vauhkonen vice chairman. Tulikivi
Corporation’s managing director is Juha Sivonen. The firm of
authorized public accountants PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy is the
company’s auditor.

Number of shares, increase in the share capital and Board
The number of Tulikivi Corporation’s shares was quadrupled during
the report period without raising the share capital by dividing
each old share into four new shares. The share’s new nominal value
is EUR 0.17. The increase in the number of shares entered into
force on April 21, 2006.

Tulikivi Corporation’s share capital was raised by EUR 122,133.10,
the equivalent of 718,430 new Series A shares, through a directed
share issue as part of the payment for the shares acquired in
Kermansavi Oy. The fair value of the conveyed Series A shares is
EUR 2.105 million. Their value was measured at the price of the
Series A share on the stock exchange, adjusted for expected
dividends, and amounted to EUR 2.93 per share. The new Series A
shares were made available for trading on the stock exchange list
on July 3, 2006. The share capital entered in the Trade Register
at December 31, 2006 amounted to EUR 6,314,474.90. The number of
shares is 37,143,970, of which 27,603,970 are Series A shares and
9,540,000 Series K shares.

The Board of Directors has an authorization to buy and, similarly,
to transfer treasury shares. A maximum of 2,688,552 Series A
shares and a maximum of 954,000 Series K shares can be bought
back. The company did not own any of its own shares on the closing

The Board of Directors has an authorization to increase the share
capital, so that the share capital can be increased by a maximum
of EUR 1,238,468 by offering a maximum of 7,285,108 new Series A
shares for subscription at the price determined by the Board of
Directors and under the terms set by the Board. The authorization
includes the right to waive the pre-emptive subscription right of
shareholders provided there are weighty financial reasons for the
company to do so.

Rate development and exchange of Series A shares
In 2006, 7.5 million of Tulikivi Corporation’s Series A shares
were traded on the Helsinki Stock Exchange. The value of share
turnover was EUR 23.8 million. The highest rating for the share
was EUR 4.05 and the lowest was EUR 2.04. The closing rate on the
last day of trading was EUR 3.51.

Risk Management
At the Tulikivi Group, risk analysis and risk management are part
of the regular strategic planning process that is performed
annually. In the assessment of risks, their probability and impact
are taken into account. Risk management seeks to ensure that the
Tulikivi Group’s business risks are identified and managed as
effectively as possible so that the Group’s strategic and
financial objectives are achieved.

Environmental obligations
Tulikivi’s environmental strategy is geared towards systematic
progress in environmental efforts in the specified areas. The
Group operates in line with environmental permits and complies
with the requirements of the authorities and environmental

The company shoulders its responsibilities for the environmental
impacts of its operations. On the basis of the Mining Act and
environmental legislation, the Tulikivi Group has landscaping
obligations that must be met during operations and when quarries
and plants are eventually shut down. The Group’s operations do not
burden the environment with hazardous or poisonous substances.

All of Tulikivi Corporation’s quarries have the required
environmental permits. In addition, renewal processes are under
way. A procedure for the evaluation of environmental impacts was
performed in connection with the founding of the soapstone quarry
in Vaaralampi, Juuka. The procedure not only evaluated impacts in
the Vaaralampi mining district, but also accounted for the
potential combined impacts on the environment from other quarrying
operations in Nunnanlahti.

The Group is neither party to judicial or administrative
procedures concerning environmental issues nor is it aware of any
environmental risks that would have a significant effect on its
financial position.

Outlook for the future
The positive trend in the economy and brisk construction will
continue in Tulikivi’s main market areas and demand for fireplace
products is expected to remain solid. Consolidated sales and
earnings will develop favourably at the annual level. The start-up
of the new distribution channel in Finland and plant will burden
the earnings trend in the first part of the year.

The Board’s dividend proposal
The Board of Directors will propose to the Annual General Meeting
that will convene on April 13, 2007 that a dividend of EUR 0.090
per share be paid for the Series A shares and EUR 0.088 per share
for the Series K shares, to a total of EUR 3.3 million. In
addition, it will be proposed that EUR 150,000 be used for
charitable purposes as decided by the Board of Directors.

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the
recognition and measurement principles of International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS), and applying the IAS and IFRS
standards as well as SIC and IFRIC interpretations in force as at
December 31, 2006.

                          01-12/ 01-12/ Change 10-12/ 10-12/Change
                            2006   2005      %   2006  2005      %

Sales                       82.1   58.6   40.1   24.5   17.6  39.2
Other operating income       0.6    0.3           0.1    0.1
Increase/decrease in
inventories in finished
goods and in work in
progress                    -0.3   -1.0          -0.1   -0.2
Production for own use       1.0    1.2           0.3    0.3
Raw materials and
consumables                 14.4    9.7           4.5    2.8
External services           10.5    6.6           3.3    1.9
Personnel expenses          28.7   21.0           8.5    6.1
Depreciation                 5.2    4.0           1.5    1.0
Other operating expenses    16.3   11.5           4.5    3.3

Operating profit             8.2    6.3   30.9    2.5    2.7  -8.9
Percentage of sales         10.0   10.7          10.2   15.5
Finance costs (net)         -0.4   -0.1           0.0    0.0
Share of the profit of
associated company           0.0   -0.1           0.0   -0.1

Profit before tax            7.8    6.1   28.6    2.4    2.6  -7.5
Percentage of sales          9.5   10.3           9.9   15.0
Income taxes                -2.1    1.7          -0.7    0.8

Profit for the year          5.7    4.4   31.1    1.7    1.8  -3.4

Earnings per share
attributable to the
equity holders of the
parent company, EUR
basic and diluted           0.16   0.12   29.8

MEUR                                12/06       12/05
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment
Land                                  0.9         0.9
Buildings                             9.0         6.2
Machinery and equipment              13.8         8.4
Other tangible assets                 1.2         0.8
Intangible assets
Goodwill                              4.0         0.6
Other intangible assets              10.5         4.1
Investment properties                 0.2         0.2
Available-for-sale investments        0.1         0.1
Receivables                                       0.2
Deferred tax assets                   0.5         0.5
Total non-current assets             40.2        22.0

Current assets
Inventories                          10.6         7.0
Trade receivables                     8.5         6.5
Current income tax receivables        0,0         0.0
Other receivables                     2.0         1.0
Cash and cash equivalents             4.9         4.1
Total current assets                 26.0        18.6
Total assets                         66.2        40.6

Share capital                         6.3         6.2
Share premium fund                    7.4         5.4
Translation difference                0.0         0.0
Retained earnings                    17.0        13.9
Total equity                         30.7        25.5
Non-current liabilities
Deferred income tax liabilities       3.0         0.8
Provisions                            0.6         0.3
Interest-bearing debt                14.7         1.8
Other debt                            0.4         0.4
Total non-current liabilities        18.7         3.3
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables             13.7        10.2
Current income tax liabilities        0.4         0.1
Short-term interest-bearing debt      2.7         1.5
Total current liabilities            16.8        11.8
Total liabilities                    35.5        15.1
Total equity and liabilities         66.2        40.6

MEUR                               01-12/      01-12/
                                     2006        2005
Cash flows from operating activities
Profit for the period                 5.7         4.4
Non-cash transactions                 5.1         4.0
Interest expenses
and income and taxes                  2.5         1.8
Change in working capital             0.8         1.8
Interest paid and received
and taxes paid                       -2.1        -1.5
Net cash flow from operating
activities                           12.0        10.5

Cash flows from investing activities
Acquisition of subsidiaries         -11.0
Acquisition of associated companies
and loans granted to them                        -0.1
Investment in property, plant and
equipment and intangible assets     -10.1        -5.1
Grants received for investments
and sales of property, plant and
equipment                             1.0         0.3
Sale of financial assets at fair
value through profit
and loss (net)                                    0.8
Net cash flow from investing
activities                          -20.1        -4.1

Cash flows from financing activities
Long-term loans received             15.3
Repayment of long-term
loans                                -3.8        -5.3
Dividends paid                       -2.6        -2.1
Net cash flow from financing
activities                            8.9        -7.4

Change in cash and cash
equivalents                           0.8        -1.0

Cash and cash equivalents at
beginning of period                   4.1         5.1
Cash and cash equivalents at
end of period                         4.9         4.1

                                    12/06        12/05
Outstanding orders
(31 Dec.), MEUR                      10.4         9.2
Gross investment, MEUR               24.1         4.8
Gross investment, % of sales         29.4         8.1
Average number of staff               664         514

Earnings per share, EUR              0.16        0.12
Equity per share, EUR                0.83        0.70
Return on investments, %             21.7        20.7
Equity ratio, %                      46.4        63.0
Gearing, %                           40.9        -3.1
Current ratio                         1.5         1.6

Number of shares average         36784755    36425540
Number of shares 31 Dec.         37143970    36425540

                     Share   Share Trans-    Re-      Total
                   capital premium lation tained
                              fund  diff.earnings

Equity 1 January 2006  6.2     5.4    0.0   13.9       25.5
differences                           0.0               0.0
Items recognised directly
in equity                                   -0.1       -0.1
Profit for the year                          5.7        5.7
Dividends                                   -2.5       -2.5
Share issue            0.1     2.0                      2.1
Equity 31 Dec. 2006    6.3     7.4    0.0   17.0       30.7

Equity 1 January 2005  6.2     5.4    0.0   11.6       23.2
differences                           0.0               0.0
Profit for the year                          4.4        4.4
Dividends                                   -2.1       -2.1
Equity 31 Dec. 2005    6.2     5.4    0.0   13.9       25.5

BUSINESS SEGMENTS                        01-12/       1-12/
MEUR                                      2006         2005
Sales                                      82.1        58.6
Soapstone Fireplaces Business              61.3        52.2
Natural Stone Products Business             7.3         6.4
Ceramic Products Business                  13.5

Operating profit                            8.2         6.3
Soapstone Fireplaces Business               9.8         8.8
Natural Stone Products Business             0.3         0.2
Ceramic Products Business                   1.2
Unallocated group expenses                 -3.1        -2.7

MEUR                       Q4/  Q3/  Q2/  Q1/  Q4/  Q3/Q2/    Q1/
                          2006 2006 2006 2006 2005 2005 2005 2005

Sales                     24.4 20.5 20.9 16.3 17.6 13.4 14.6 13.1
Soapstone Fireplaces
Business                  17.6 14.2 14.9 14.6 15.9 12.1 12.8 11.4
Natural Stone Products
Business                   1.8  1.7  2.1  1.7  1.7  1.3  1.8  1.7
Ceramic Products
Business                   5.0  4.6  3.9

Operating profit           2.4  2.4  1.7  1.7  2.7  1.8  1.5  0.3
Soapstone Fireplaces
Business                   2.5  2.2  2.8  2.3  3.2  2.5  2.1  0.9
Natural Stone Products
Business                   0.0  0.2  0.0  0.1  0.1 -0.1  0.1  0.1
Ceramic Products
Business                   0.7  0.7 -0.2
Unallocated group
expenses                  -0.8 -0.7 -0.9 -0.7 -0.6 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7

MEUR                              12/2006 12/2005

Loans from credit institutions
and other non-current liabilities,
secured by mortgages and pledges     17.4     2.9
Mortgages and pledges given          27.7    10.8
Other mortgages and pledges given
by the company on its own behalf      2.1     1.7
Leasing commitments                   0.0
Interest rate swaps;
nominal value                         8.3
Interest rate swaps; fair value       0.1

The fair value of derivatives is equivalent to a profit or loss
from the closing of the contract calculated on the basis of the
market price at Dec. 31.


Name of shareholder                        Shares       Proportion
                                                          of total
Vauhkonen Reijo                         4 160 146           24.3 %
Vauhkonen Heikki                        2 997 706           24.1 %
Elo Eliisa                              2 957 020            5.9 %
Virtaala Matti                          2 420 346           11.9 %
Mutual Pension Insurance
Company Ilmarinen                       1 902 380            1.5 %
Mutanen Susanna                         1 643 800            7.2 %
Vauhkonen Mikko                           800 700            3.6 %
Paatero Ilkka                             718 430            0.6 %
Nuutinen Tarja                            674 540            3.5 %
Fondita Nordic Small Cap
Placfond                                  619 000            0,5 %
Other shareholders                     18 249 902           16.9 %

The Financial Statements have not yet been audited.

The companies included in the Group are the parent company
Tulikivi Corporation and subsidiaries Kermansavi Oy, Kivia Oy, AWL-
Marmori Oy, Tulikivi U.S. Inc. and OOO Tulikivi. Group companies
include also Tulikivi Vertriebs GmbH and The New Alberene Stone
Company, Inc., which are dormant. Parent company has a fixed place
of business in Germany, Tulikivi Oyj Niederlassung Deutschland.
The Group has associated companies Stone Pole Oy and Leppävirran
Matkailukeskus Oy.


Board of directors
Matti Virtaala,  Chairman of the Board

Distribution: Helsinki Stock Exchange
Central Media

Additional information: Tulikivi Corporation, 83900 Juuka, tel.
+358-207-636 000,
- Chairman of the Board of Directors Matti Virtaala
- Managing Director Juha Sivonen