Eesti Telekom. Results for Q4 2006. EUR

AS Eesti Telekom      FINANCIAL RESULTS              07.02.07

Consolidated Interim Report of AS Eesti Telekom  for  the  IV
Quarter and whole year 2006


                    Q4      Q4   Chang   12M     12M   Chang
                   2006    2005   e, %   2006    2005  e, %
Net        sales,    99.1   89.3   11.0  368.4   329.7  11.7
million EUR
EBITDA,   million    32.8   32.1    2.0  140.7   137.4   2.4
EBITDA margin, %     33.1   35.9          38.2    41.7      
EBIT, million EUR    25.2   19.5   29.5  106.0    89.3  18.6
EBIT margin, %       25.4   21.8          28.8    27.1      
EBT, million EUR     25.8   20.0   28.8  108.6    91.8  18.3
Net   profit  for    25.8   20.0   28.8   84.7    69.5  21.9
period,   million
EPS, EUR             0.19   0.15   28.0   0.61    0.50  21.5
CAPEX,    million    14.0   15.2   -8.0   49.3    37.5  31.7
Net gearing, %      -33.5  -41.2                            
ROA, %               28.8   24.4                            
ROE, %               43.4   36.7                            


Financial Results
Sales revenues, operating expenses and profit
Financial  results of the last quarter of 2006 were  affected
by  several  circumstances. One of them was  an  end  to  the
effect of adding the new subsidiaries, AS MicroLink Eesti and
AS  MicroLink. The given enterprises were acquired  by  Elion
Enterprises  on  31  October 2005.  Therefore,  the  turnover
resulting  from  the  acquisition  of  the  enterprises  only
affected the results for the first month of the last  quarter
in  2006.  Another  circumstance is reclassification  leasing
claims  related to some long term DigiTV and Internet  access
contracts which was done retrospectively in the last  quarter
of 2006 (look also Elion Group).

The  strongest contribution to the increase in sales revenues
in  the fourth quarter was made by mobile communications. The
growth  was  primarily caused by increased  volumes  of  call
minutes.  An  increasingly discernible positive influence  on
sale revenues was manifested by mobile data communications—by
the  end of the year, the number of data communications users
had  increased to over 110,000. By the end of the year, there
were  already  15,000 3G users. During  the  past  year,  the
increase of the client base as a whole was also positive. If,
in  the  first  half of 2006, the growth of the  client  base
significantly decelerated, then the situation in  the  second
half  changed, and during the year as a whole,  82,000  (net)
active  SIM cards were added, the same number as in 2005.  By
the  end of the year, Ratemobiil—the special package directed
at  the users of—had attracted 35,000 clients. AS EMT
acquired  a  51%  share  of OÜ Serenda  Invest  that  manages  in  April of 2006.  Currently we can  say  that  the
investment  decision was correct, since EMT has significantly
strengthened  its  market position  among  young  people  and
introduced entirely new mobile services to the market.

The  sales  revenues  for fixed communications  in  the  past
quarter  remained at the same level as the  last  quarter  of
2005.  At  the  same  time, changes in the revenue  structure
continued. Revenues from voice communications also  continued
to  decrease in the fourth quarter. However, the decrease was
compensated  by revenues in various fields of  activity.  For
one   thing,   revenues   earned  from  connection   services
increased.  Elion, which entered the television  transmission
market  in  2005,  became the preferred provider  of  digital
television  transmission during 2006,  and  the  addition  of
triple-solution clients significantly exceeded the  company’s
own  projections.  A  record  number  of  permanent  Internet
connection clients were added during the year. On
the other hand, sales revenues were added by the provision of
IT services which became a separate business activity.

In  the fourth quarter of 2006, the group’s revenues from the
retailing and wholesaling of telecommunications, IT,  and  TV
equipment  increased by 51% compared to the  same  period  in
2005.  The  growth was mainly related to the reclassification
of leasing claims.

In  the  last  quarter  of  2006,  the  Eesti  Telekom  Group
operating expenses increased by 16% reaching
66.8  million  euros (4th quarter 2005: 57.8 million  euros).
The  additional operating expenses are related  primarily  to
increasing  volumes of merchandise procured for  sale  (incl.
reclassification  of leasing).  The second source  of  growth
for  operating expenses has been mobile communications, where
the  increasing  minute volumes passing through  the  network
have been accompanied by greater interconnection fees. At the
same  time, the increase in mobile communications  costs  has
been  slowed  by  an  improvement  in  the  clients’  payment
behavior,   which  has  allowed  significantly   reduce   the
provisions  made  to cover accounts receivable  in  the  last
quarter  of  2006. Compared to the same period of  2005,  the
operating  expenses for fixed communications  have  decreased

Eesti  Telekom  Group fourth quarter EBITDA increased  by  2%
compared  to  the same period in 2005, reaching 32.8  million
euros  (4th  quarter  2005: 32.1 million euros).  The  EBITDA
margin decreased to 33.1% (4th quarter 2005: 35.9%).

In  the fourth quarter, Eesti Telekom Group depreciation  was
7.6 million euros, which is 40% less than a year earlier (4th
quarter  2005:  12.6  million euros).  The  majority  of  the
decrease in depreciation resulted from the implementation  of
new depreciation rates. At the beginning of 2006, TeliaSonera
established new uniformly applied useful life spans for fixed
assets  in its 100% subsidiaries. Based on thorough analysis,
the  Eesti  Telekom  Group  also  decided  to  implement  the
depreciation  periods  proposed  by  TeliaSonera  (with  some
changes  based  on local circumstances) in the Eesti  Telekom
Group  starting  on  1  May  2006. The  depreciation  already
calculated  on  fixed assets was not adjusted  in  connection
with  the  establishment  of the new periods.  The  remaining
useful  life  of existing fixed assets will be adjusted.  The
second  important factor affecting the drop  in  depreciation
was the moderate investments made during the past year.

The  Eesti Telekom Group earned an EBIT of 25.2 million euros
(4th  quarter  2005: 19.5 million euros). The  group’s  (net)
financial  revenues remained at the same level  as  the  same
period  in  2005, reaching 0.6 million euros. The net  profit
for  Eesti  Telekom Group in the fourth quarter of  2006  was
25.8  million  euros (4th quarter 2005: 20.0 million  euros).
The EPS earned was 0.19euros (4th quarter 2005: 0.15 euros).

The  consolidated sales revenues for the Eesti Telekom  Group
in  2006 reached 368.4 million euros, increasing 12% compared
to  2005 (2005: 329.7 million euros). More than one third the
additional sales revenues came from the mobile communications
field. For the year, a significant contribution was also made
by  fixed  communications, for which external sales  revenues
grew  by  almost  200  million euros.  The  principal  growth
factor  was  the addition of revenues from new  subsidiaries.
Sales revenues from trading grew 30% during the year.

In  2006, the group’s operating costs expenses 231.4  million
euros  (2005:  192.8  million euros).  The  majority  of  the
increase  in  operating expenses is related to the  increased
volumes of commercial activities. The operating expenses  for
mobile  and fixed communications have also increased by  over
ten percent.

The  consolidated  EBITDA for 2006 was  140.7  million  euros
(2005:  137.4  million  euros). The EBITDA  margin  decreased
slightly,  reaching 38.2% in 2006 (2005: 41.7%).  The  reason
for the decrease in the margin
was  the  greater  ratio  of fields of  activity  with  lower
profitability—IT services and trading—in 2006 sales revenues.

The  depreciation in 2006 was 34.7 million euros (2005:  48.1
million euros). In the past year, the Group earned an EBIT of
106.0  million euros (2005: 89.3 million euros). In one year,
the  financial revenues (net) increased by 0.2 million  euros
reaching  2.6  million  euros. In 2006,  in  connection  with
larger dividends, the
amount of income tax paid on dividends also increased by  1.6
million euros, reaching 23.9 million euros. The

Eesti Telekom Group earned a net profit of 84.7 million euros
in 2006 or 0.61 euros per share (2005:
69.5 million euros or  0.50 euros per share).

Balance sheet and cash flows
As  of 31 December 2006, the Eesti Telekom Group total assets
were  307.8  million euros (31 December 2005:  297.8  million
euros). In one year, the group’s non-current assets increased
by  21.7 million euros.  The growth of the non-current assets
is  based  on  greater investments by the group’s enterprises
this year. During the past year, the current assets decreased
by  11.6 million euros, whereas the cash and cash equivalents
and short-term investment declined by 18.0 million euros. The
reason  for  the reduction in cash and short-term investments
is  a  dividend  payment that was 8.8 million  euros  larger,
increased   dividend   income  tax,  and   an   increase   in

As  of 31 December 2006, the group’s equity was 263.2 million
euros  (as of 31 December 2005: 258.2 million euros). On  the
one  hand,  equity  was also reduced by the dividend  payment
that was larger than in 2005.  On the other hand, equity  was
increased by a net profit that was 15.2 million euros  larger
than in 2005.

As  of  31 December 2006, the long-term liabilities of  Eesti
Telekom Group totaled 0.5 million euros (as of
31   December   2005:  0.4  million  euros)  and   short-term
liabilities  totaled 41.8 million euros  (31  December  2005:
38.2  million  euros).  At the end of  the  year,  provisions
totaling  2.3  million euros had been made. The  group’s  net
debt  at  the  end of 2006 was -88.4 million  euros  and  net
gearing was -33% (31 December 2005: -106.3 million euros  and

In  2006, the cash flow from operations for the Eesti Telekom
Group was 121.6 million euros (2005:
128.2   million   euros).  The  cash  flow  into   investment
activities in 2006 was 48.8 million euros (2005:
49.6  million  euros).  In  one  year,  cash  flow  into  the
acquisition   of   tangible  and  intangible   fixed   assets
increased,  reaching  49.2 million euros  in  the  past  year
(2005:  35.4  million  euros). The cash flow  into  financial
activities was 79.5 million euros in 2006 (2005: 72.3 million
euros), including 79.4 million euros (2005:
70.5 million euros) that was paid out in dividends.

Fixed-communications (Elion Group)
                  Q4      Q4    Chang   12M      12M   Chang
                 2006    2005   e, %    2006    2005   e, %
Net      sales,    51.4    46.3  10.8    187.1   165.2  13.2
million EUR
EBITDA, million    11.6    13.8 -15.7     56.4    56.4   0.0
EBITDA  margin,    22.6    29.7           30.1    34.1      
EBIT,   million     7.3     7.9  -7.4     37.3    31.6  17.8
EBIT margin, %     14.2    17.0           19.9    19.1      
EBT,    million     7.3     8.1  -9.3     37.8    32.7  15.9
Net  profit for     7.3     8.1  -9.3     30.2    24.6  22.9
period, million
CAPEX,  million     6.6    11.1 -40.1     31.8    25.2  25.8
ROA, %             20.0    17.9                             
ROE, %             31.3    22.7                             

One principal factor behind Elion’s results is the end of the
effect created by the acquisition of MicroLink Eesti. In  the
last quarter, only the results for October were influenced by
the addition of revenues from new subsidiaries.

The  second  principal  factor that strongly  influenced  the
quarterly  result  is  change  in  accounting  principle   of
equipment leased to customers. In April 2006, Elion came  out
with  its  DigiTV  offer.  Equipment  provided  to  customers
signing   long-term  DigiTV  contracts   was   accounted   as
operational  lease. The same principle was used  in  case  of
customers  who  used the “crazy offer” campaign  for  signing
long-term Internet access contracts. A suggestion was made by
the  auditors that equipment of the kind should be  accounted
as  finance lease and not as operating lease. At the  end  of
2006, Elion decided to reclassify the equipment. As a result,

net    sales   of   the   fourth   quarter   were   increased
retrospectively   by  3.9 million euros.  Operating  expenses
were  increased  by   6.5 million euros  (incl.  0.4  million
euross accounted previously as depreciation). The  EBITDA was
down  by  2.6  million euros and net profit by   2.1  million
euros.  As by its essence, reclassification of leasing  is  a
periodization  issue, then the decrease  in  profit  in  2006
leads to higher profit in the next years and the total impact
on profit will be zero.

If  the  influence of the acquisition of the MicroLink  Group
companies  and  reclassification of lease were deducted  from
the  Elion Group last quarter results for 2006, the  increase
in sales revenues would have been close to zero.

Of  the  Elion  Group’s  principal fields  of  activity,  the
fastest  growth in the last quarter of 2006 was  demonstrated
by  monthly  fees for integrated solutions.  This  year,  the
revenues in the given field of activity exceeded the  results
of  the  last quarter of 2005 by 78%. The increase was caused
by the continued popularity of integrated solutions among the
customers.  One  of the motivating forces is DigiTV  that  is
offered  as  one  component  of  the  triple  solution.   The
technical  problems that occurred in the fall  of  2006  were
solved  by the beginning of the last quarter, and by the  end
of  the  year,  the total of DigiTV subscribers increased  to
28,400, by growing by 10,000 during the quarter (30 September
2006:  18  400). During the past quarter, the theme  packages
offered the customers were supplemented. In November, at  the
DigiExpo Fair in Tallinn, remote video rental, which  enables
users  to  order  films  and programs directly  from  the  TV
screen, was demonstrated to the visitors for the first  time.
In  February 2007, the first HD TV channel in Estonia and the
Baltic States, Voom HD should reach the viewers.

During the last quarter, Elion permanent Internet connections
achieved  the  fastest  growth rate of  the  year—15,700  new
connections  were  added  during  three  months.  The   rapid
increase  in connections was supported by the acquisition  of
Norby  Telecom’s private client service business by Elion  in
November of 2006. By the end of 2006, the company had 141,700
permanent connection clients (30 September 2006: 126,000,  31
December  2005:  108,000). Since, in  the  past  year,  Elion
concentrated primarily on offering integrated solutions, then
the   revenues  from  monthly  fees  earned  from  connection
services  decreased by 31%, compared to the last  quarter  of
2005.  In addition to integrated solutions, the decrease  was
also  caused  by  the  increase in the ratio  of  Korterimaja
Internet customers in the client base.

The  number of Elion voice interfaces1 remained stable in the
last quarter of 2006, and as of 31 December 2006, the company
had  463,900  interfaces  (30  September  2006:  468,076;  31
December  2005: 458,450). The stabilization of the number  of
voice  interfaces  during 2006 was caused  by  the  company’s
active  efforts  to maintain clients and find new  customers.
Various  client  segments have also  been  offered  different
solutions  to meet their needs. Therefore, a campaign  for  a
discount   package  targeting  price-sensitive  clients   was
organized  during  the  last quarter.  The  addition  of  new
integrated  solution users has also added  voice  interfaces,
since  telephone connections are a component of  both  double
and  triple  packages. However, the amount  of  monthly  fees
earned  from  voice communications connections still  dropped
12%  compared to the same period in 2005, since the ratio  of
packages   with   low  monthly  fees  has   increased   among

In  the  last quarter of 2006, Elion Group revenues  from  IT
services  decreased by 25% compared to the  last  quarter  of
2005.  The  drop  in  the fourth quarter  was  caused  by  an
incorrect  intra-company posting of revenue accounts  in  the
third and fourth quarters of 2006.  Starting in June, a  part
of  the  account settlements related to MicroLink  Eesti  and
Elion  Enterprises  were incorrectly recognized  as  external
turnover.  In  November, these transactions were reclassified
as  internal turnover. Since the entire amount was recognized
in  fourth  quarter revenues, this resulted in a decrease  in
revenues compared to the same period in 2005.

In  the fourth quarter of 2006, the decrease in call revenues
earned  from  end consumers continued. Compared to  the  same
period  in  2005,  the  revenues  earned  from  local   calls
decreased by 16%. The reduction in revenues from local  calls
is  caused primarily by the free calls provided to  users  of
various  call  or  integrated solutions. The revenues  earned
from  international calls decreased by 18%. The revenues  for
calls  made  from  fixed-line telephones to  mobile  networks
decreased   by   6%.  In  the  last  quarter,   other   voice
communications revenues,

including revenues earned from interconnection fees and  call
transit,  remained at the same level as the last  quarter  of

Elion  estimates its market share for call minutes  initiated
from fixed-line networks to be 83% (December 2006: 85%).  The
market share of local call minutes 85% (December 2006:  86%),
international  call minutes, 65% (December 2005:  66%),  call
minutes made to mobile phones, 70% (December 2005: 72%),  and
dial-up minutes, 97% (December 2005: 97%).

The  Communications  Board  has  disclosed  the  draft  of  a
resolution   for   the  declaration  of   undertakings   with
significant   market   power   in   the   telephone   network
interconnection services market for domestic consultation. In
the market for call initiation, it is planned to declare only
Elion  Enterprises as an undertaking with significant  market
power;  while  the specific telephone networks Elion,  Elisa,
Starman,  STV,  Televõrgu  AS,  Telset,  Tele2,  Norby,   Top
Connect,  RIKS,  and  ViaTel would be declared  in  the  call
termination  market;  and in the transit  market,  Elion  and
Elisa  would  be  declared.  There  are  plans  to  establish
obligations for access, non-discrimination, transparency, and
price   controls,  as  well  as  cost  accounting   for   the
undertakings with significant market power.

The    revenues   earned   from   the   retail    sales    of
telecommunications,  IT, and TV equipment  increased  in  the
last  quarter,  as  is typical of the end  of  the  year.  In
addition  to  the  seasonal factor, sales  were  affected  by
reclassification of leasing.

During  the  last  quarter  of 2006,  Elion  Group  operating
expenses  were  40.4  million euros (4th quarter  2005:  32.5
million euros). The changes that took place in the components
of  individual operating costs reflect the developments  that
took place in sales revenues. Thus, in comparison to the same
period in 2005, the greatest increase was in costs related to
connection  fees. Costs for goods procured  for  retail  sale
also  were up, compared to the same period in 2005. The  main
reason  for  the growth was reclassification of leasing.  The
rapid  growth  of wages in Estonia as a whole  also  affected
Elion.  The  personnel costs in the fourth quarter  were  15%
higher than in the same period of 2005. At the same time, the
number  of  Elion  employees has also increased  by  6%.  The
number  of employees has primarily increased in the  fastest-
growing subsidiaries of the group—Elion Esindus and MicroLink
Eesti.  Employees  were  also added in  connection  with  the
takeover  of the private client business from Norby  Telecom.
The costs related to Elion call services remained at the same
level as the last quarter of 2005. However, the costs related
to  providing  call  services  to  end  consumers  decreased,
although  the  costs related to interconnection services  and
call transit increased.

The Elion Group EBITDA in the fourth quarter was 11.6 million
euros,  which was at the same level with the same  period  of
2005  (4th  quarter  2005: 13.8 million  euros).  The  EBITDA
margin  was 22.6%. Elion Group depreciation decreased by  27%
on  the  year  to  4.3 million euros (4th quarter  2005:  5.9
million euros) in the last quarter of 2006. The reduction  in
depreciation  was  caused  by  the  implementation   of   new
depreciation  norms starting in May of 2006  (the  effect  on
depreciation is approximately -0.4 million euros per  month).
The  EBIT  of the Elion Group in the fourth quarter  was  7.3
million euros, which was 9% less than in the last quarter  of
2005  (4th  quarter 2005: 7.9 million euros).  The  financial
revenues (net) in the last quarter of 2006 were 0.06  million
euros  (4th quarter 2005: 0.2 million euros). The net  profit
of  the  Elion  Group in the fourth quarter was  7.3  million
euros (4th quarter 2005: 8.1 million euros).

In  the  last  quarter of 2006, the Elion Group invested  6.6
million   euros  (4th  quarter  2005:  11.1  million  euros).
Majority  of  the  investments went into the  development  of
client  solutions—expanding the permanent connection network,
enabling  digital  TV reception, and for several  cooperation
projects designed to improve the communications possibilities
of  local governments in various parts of Estonia.  Almost  a
quarter  of the investments were used to develop the backbone

Elion  Group  sales revenues for 2006 were 13%  greater  than
sales  revenues in 2005. As far as the year as a  whole,  the
consolidation  of  MicroLink Eesti manifested  a  significant
influence  on the increase of sales revenues. For  the  year,
faster  growth was also demonstrated by revenues earned  from
the monthly fees
for integrated services, which increased by 68%. Retail sales
revenues for merchandise increased by 45%, or

more  than  9.5  million euros. The annual  growth  of  sales
revenues  from IT services was 25%. During the year, revenues
earned   from   monthly  Internet  and  voice  communications
connections decreased.

In  2006,  the operating expenses of the Elion Group  reached
134.2  million euros (2005: 109.7 million euros),  increasing
23%  on  the  year.  Almost half of the additional  operating
costs  resulted  from  the greater volumes  of  retail  sales
merchandise.   Other   growth  factors  affecting   operating
expenses  were costs related to personnel and interconnection
fees, as well as call transit.

Elion Group EBITDA was 56.3 million euros in 2006 (2005: 56.3
million  euros). The EBITDA margin dropped somewhat, reaching
30.1%  in 2006 (2005: 34.1%). The decrease in the margin  was
caused by an increase in the ratio of fields of activity with
low  profitability  in  the  turnover.  Depreciation  dropped
during  the  year  by 23% to 19.1 million euros  (2005:  24.7
million euros). During the past year, the Elion Group  earned
EBIT  of  37.3 million euros (2005: 31.6 million  euros).  In
2006,  Elion  EBT was 37.8 million euros (2005: 32.7  million
euros).  In  connection with the reduction in the income  tax
rate,  the  costs for income taxes paid on dividends  reached
7.6  million  euros (2005: 8.1 million euros). In  2006,  the
Elion  Group earned a net profit of 30.2 million euros (2005:
24.6  million  euros). During the year,  31.8  million  euros
25.2 million euros) was invested into fixed assets.

At  the  end of 2006, the Elion Group employed 1,757  workers
(2005: 1,663).

At  the  beginning  of  2007, the  litigation  between  Elion
Enterprises and Elion Mobiilsideteenuste AS was resolved.  On
5  December  2005, Elisa Mobiilsideteenused filed  an  action
against   Elion  Enterprises  for  the  payment   of   unpaid
interconnection fees and the penalties calculated thereon  in
the  amount of  753 thousand euros. The reason for the action
was  the  claim  that  Elion had applied the  incorrect  call
termination fee for the Elisa mobile network. Since,  in  the
period  1  January 2005 to 1 August 2005, an  interconnection
contract  between  Elion  and  Elisa  Mobiilsideteenused  was
lacking,  and therefore a contractual price was also lacking,
Elion  applied the principle of receiving a reasonable price,
i.e. payment that includes a reasonable profit. On 15 January
2007,  the  Harju County Court passed judgment, according  to
which  Elion  must pay 0.639 million euros to Elisa  for  the
unrealized interconnection fees. Elion had taken into account
the  possible payment obligation and it will not  affect  the
company’s  business activities. At the same time,  Elion  has
never  disputed the interconnection fees as such, but it  did
not  agree with the amount of the fees. Therefore,  Elion  is
satisfied  with  the court resolution, which  recognized  the
fact that the interconnection fees demanded by Elisa were too
high and assigned a lower price.

Mobile communications (EMT Group)
                    Q4      Q4   Chang   12M     12M   Chang
                   2006    2005  e, %   2006    2005   e, %
Net        sales,    60.2   51.4  17.0   223.8   196.8  13.8
million EUR
EBITDA,   million    21.7   18.7  16.6    86.0    82.3   4.5
EBITDA margin, %     36.2   36.3          38.4    41.8      
EBIT, million EUR    18.5   12.0  55.6    70.4    58.9  19.6
EBIT margin, %       30.8   23.2          31.5    30.0      
EBT, million EUR     18.8   12.1  55.3    71.3    59.5  19.8
Net   profit  for    18.8   12.1  55.3    55.0    45.3  21.4
period,   million
CAPEX,    million     7.3    4.1  80.7    17.5    12.2  44.0
ROA, %               46.9   38.9                            
ROE, %               78.2   63.7                            

The growth rate of EMT Group sales revenues remained rapid in
the  last  quarter of 2006. Thanks to the increase in  retail
sales  typical  of the end of the year, the  growth  rate  of
revenues  for the group even increased compared to the  third
quarter, reaching 17 percent.

The increase of revenues from principal activities is related
primarily  to an increase in the number of call  minutes.  In
2006,  the  number  of call minutes initiated  from  the  EMT
network  increased approximately 20% compared  to  2005.  The
greater  number  of call minutes, in turn, resulted  from  an
increase in the number of clients, as well as the more active
use of call services by the customers.

As  of  the  end  of December 2006, AS EMT had  759  thousand
active  SIM-cards, which is 82 thousand more than at the  end
of  2005  (31  December 2005: 677 thousand).  Throughout  the
year, the company maintained its 47% market share. The number
of  contractual clients remained stable throughout the  year.
During  the  last  quarter, 6 thousand contractual  SIM-cards
were  added;  as  of 31 December 2006, the number  of  active
cards  had  increased to 433 thousand (31 December 2005:  406

If,  as  far as pre-paid cards, the beginning of 2006 started
passively,  and  the  first half of the  year  ended  with  a
decline in the number of active SIM-cards, then at the end of
summer,  the negative trend reversed and the number  of  pre-
paid  cards again started an increase, which continued  until
the last quarter of the year.  During the fourth quarter,  32
thousand  active  pre-paid cards were  added  and  the  total
number of cards grew to
326 thousand (31 December 2005: 271 thousand).  The principal
portion  of the growth in the number of pre-paid cards  again
resulted  from Ratemobiil. On April 5, 2006, AS EMT  acquired
51%  of  the shares of Serenda Invest OÜ. Serenda  Invest  OÜ
owns   the  trademark  Rate  and  also  administers,
Estonia’s  most  popular Internet communications  environment
for  young  people. In the summer of 2006, AS EMT  introduced
Ratemobiil,  a  special mobile package  oriented  to
users,  which,  by the end of the year, had already  acquired
tens  of  thousands of users. A discount campaign by  Simpel,
EMT’s oldest pre-paid card, has become a tradition at the end
of the year, and at the end of this year, attracted thousands
of  new  customers  for  the service.   Based  on  the  rapid
increase  in the number of pre-paid cards in the second  half
of  2006, the ratio of pre-paid cards among the total  number
of  active EMT cards also increased, reaching 42% by the  end
of December (31 December 2005: 39%).

In addition to the increase in the client base, the number of
call minutes used per client also increased. Despite the fact
that  the  average  rate per minute in  the  Estonian  market
continued to drop, the increase in the client base and number
of  call  minutes compensated for the drop in rates, and  the
revenues  earned from domestic call services  (including  the
fees  for  packages that allow for a certain number  of  call
minutes for a monthly fee) increased in the fourth quarter by
4% compared to the same period in 2005.

Together  with  the increase in the number  of  call  minutes
initiated  from  the  EMT network, the number  of  terminated
minutes   in   the   EMT  network  has  also   increased   at
approximately the same rate. Since the litigation between the
Communications  Board  and  mobile  communications  operators
Elisa  Mobiil and Tele2 Eesti regarding declaring  the  given
operators   undertakings  with  significant  power  continued
throughout  the fourth quarter of 2006, the termination  fees
of  all  the operators remained unchanged at 0.16  euros  per
minute.  Therefore, the increase in the number of  terminated
call  minutes  was  accompanied by a significant,  over  10%,
increase in interconnection revenues.

An  increase  in  the  number of  mobile  messages  has  been
traditional for the fourth quarter and end of the  year.   At
the  end of 2006, the increase was especially brisk, and  the
number  of SMS messages more than doubled, and the number  of
MMS messages grew by over 25%. Since Ratemobiil clients could
still send messages for free during the fourth quarter,  then
the  increase in revenues earned from messages in the  fourth
quarter of 2006, remained more modest than the same period in
2005, while still reaching 19%.

In  December 2006, AS EMT earned revenues of 20.45 euros  per
customer  (September 2006: 21.67 euros, December 2005:  20.71
euros). The average monthly revenue per customer in 2006  was
21.22 euros, which is 1% less than in 2005.

The  fourth quarter was also successful for EMT Esindused and
MWS,  the companies in the EMT Group that deal with the  sale
of  merchandise. Compared to the last quarter of 2005,  sales
revenues increased by 44%, and increases took place in  sales
to  both  retail consumers and other companies in  the  Eesti
Telekom Group.

EMT Group operating expenses in 2006 remained modest compared
to  previous quarters, reaching 16%. One of the factors  that
caused  a  more  modest increase in operating  costs  in  the
fourth  quarter  was  the reduction  in  the  seasonality  of
marketing   activities.  If,  in  2005,  numerous   marketing
campaigns and discount sales took place in the last  quarter,
in  2006, these were spread more evenly throughout the  year,
and  therefore, a sharp increase in marketing costs  did  not
occur in the last quarter.

The  other  circumstances  that  affected  the  increase   of
operating  expenses  were the adjustment  of  provisions  and
reserves  at the end of the year. During 2006, the customers’
payment   behavior   improved  significantly,   whereby   the
provision  for doubtful debts was reduced.  If, in  the  last
quarter  of 2005, the reserve for employees’ bonuses  in  the
EMT  Group  was  increased in connection  with  the  improved
financial  results  at the end of the  year,  then  the  2006
results  were  more  in line with the company’s  projections,
whereby  the provisions for the bonus reserve was  more  even
distributed over the year and an increase at the end  of  the
year did not occur.

The sales revenues and operating costs grew at the same rate,
and also brought the EBITDA to a 17% increase. The EBITDA for
the  fourth  quarter  of  2006 was 21.7  million  euros  (4th
quarter 2005: 18.7 million euros). The EBITDA margin  in  the
fourth  quarter was 36.2%, which was the same  level  as  the
margin  for  the  fourth quarter of 2005. The  aforementioned
change  in  provisions  also had a significant  influence  on
maintaining  the  level  of the margin,  as  opposed  to  the
previous quarters of 2006.

EMT  Group depreciation declined by 52% in the fourth quarter
of 2006, reaching 3.2 million euros
(4th  quarter 2005: 6.7 million euros). Starting  in  May  of
2006,  the EMT Group implemented new depreciation rates,  the
influence  of which is approximately -0.3 million  euros  per
month. The EMT Group EBIT increased in the fourth quarter  by
56%,  reaching  18.5  million euros (4th quarter  2005:  12.0
million  euros).  In  the  last  quarter,  the  group  earned
financial  revenues (net) of 0.3 million euros  (4th  quarter
0.2  million  euros). EMT Group net profit was  18.8  million
euros (4th quarter 2005: 12.1 million euros).

The  EMT Group invested 7.3 million euros in the last quarter
of  2006 (4th quarter 2006: 4.1 million euros). The principal
portion of the investments went into the expansion of the  2G
and  3G networks and guaranteeing service quality even  under
conditions of rapid user growth. During the last quarter,  in
compliance   with  the  requirements  of  the   International
Financial  Reporting  Standards, a 1.2-million-euros  reserve
was  established to cover possible expenses  to  restore  the
rented land under operator towers after the end of the rental

The  EMT  Group  sales  revenues increased  by  14%  in  2006
compared  to  2005.  For  the year, the  greatest  additional
revenues   were   received  from  interconnection   services,
domestic  calls,  and  the sale of merchandise.  The  group’s
operating  costs increased by 20%. The increase in  operating
costs  resulted  primarily from the increase  in  procurement
costs  of  merchandise, and increases in interconnection  and
roaming  fees. In 2006, the EMT Group earned EBITDA  of  86.0
million  euros,  which  was 5% more  than  2005  (2005:  82.3
million  euros). The EBITDA margin decreased in a  year  from
42.8% to 38.4%. The decrease in the margin was caused by  the
increase in the ratio of commercial activities with  a  lower
profitability  than principal activities in the  consolidated
sales revenues. EMT Group depreciation declined by 33% during
the year. The decline was caused by the implementation of new
depreciation  rates  as well as the modest  investments  made
during   previous  years.   Thanks  to  a  strong   financial
position, EMT Group financial revenues (net) in 2006  reached
0.8  million euros (2005: 0.6 million euros). Due  to  larger
dividends  paid by the parent company, the income tax  amount
increased  in 2006, reaching 16.2 million euros  (2005:  14.1
million  euros). The EMT Group earned a net  profit  of  55.0
million  euros (2005: 45.3 million euros). During  the  year,
17.5 million euros (2005: 12.2 million euros) was invested in
fixed assets.

At  the  end  of 2006, EMT Group employed 551 workers  (2005:

Ownership structure of AS Eesti Telekom
In  the fourth quarter of 2006, the participation of Deutsche
Bank  Trust  Company in AS Eesti Telekom  dropped  below  10%
(10.01%  at the end of the third quarter 2006). The  Deutsche
Bank  Trust Company represents the accounts of owners  of  AS
Eesti Telekom GDRs listed on the London Stock Exchange.

On  11  November  2006,  the Riigikogu  passed  the  Estonian
Development Fund Act. The goal of the Development Fund is  to
stimulate  and support changes in the Estonian  economy  that
should  help to update the economy, guarantee the  growth  of
exports,   and   create   new   jobs   that   require    high
qualifications. Upon its establishment, the Development  Fund
will be given at least 3% of the AS Eesti Telekom shares that
belong  to  the  state.  The Development  Fund  may  use  the
resources  received from dividends or from the  sale  of  the
shares for investment activities. As of 31 December 2006, the
AS  Eesti  Telekom  shares had not been  transferred  to  the
Development Fund.

As  of  the end of 2006, 19.1% of the AS Eesti Telekom shares
could  be  freely  traded. Almost half  the  freely  tradable
shares had been converted to GDRs.

AS  of  31 December 2006, the 10 largest shareholders  in  AS
Eesti Telekom were:
                                       Number of         ion
Baltic Tele AB                        74,110,079    53.7207%
Ministry  of  Finance  /   State      37,485,100    27.1721%
Deutsche Bank Trust Company           12,505,821     9.0652%
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB       2,238,107     1.6224%
ING Luxembourg S.A.                    1,491,330     1.0810%
Morgan  Stanley Co International       1,191,442     0.8636%
Equity clients
Danske Bank clients                    1,017,063     0.7372%
Trigon New Europe Small Cap Fund         645,240     0.4677%
Bank  Austria  Creditanstalt  AG         579,526     0.4201%
The Northen Trust Company                470,000     0.3407%

On  6  February, an extraordinary general meeting of  the  AS
Eesti Telekom shareholders took place. Baltic Tele AB applied
for  the convening of the general meeting in connection  with
internal   structural   changes  in   its   parent   company,
TeliaSonera  AB. The given structural changes caused  changes
in  the  work  assignments of some of the  Supervisory  Board
members  of  AS Eesti Telekom who are employed by TeliaSonera
AB,  whereby  the Supervisory Board members’  performance  of
their duties might be rendered difficult. Therefore,   Baltic
Tele AB applied to have the given individuals replaced on the
AS Eesti Telekom Supervisory Board.

The  extraordinary shareholders’ general meeting resolved the
following:  to  recall  AS  Eesti Telekom  Supervisory  Board
members,  Erik Hallberg, Bengt Andersson, and Hans Tuvehjelm;
to consider the given individuals as being recalled and their
authorizations   terminated  as  of  the   passing   of   the
resolution; to elect Terje Christoffersen, Jörgen Latte,  and
Anders  Gylder  as  new  members  of  the  AS  Eesti  Telekom
Supervisory  Board; to consider the given individuals  to  be
elected  and  the  term  of  the Supervisory  Board  member’s
authorization to be valid from the passing of the  resolution
to 18 May 2007.


Net  debt—Long-  and  short-term debt,  less  cash  and  cash
equivalents and short-term investments
ROA – Return on Assets—Net profit for the rolling four
quarters, expressed as percentage of average total assets
ROE – Return on Equity—Pre-tax profit for rolling four
quarters, expressed as percentage of average equity


In thousand of euros (EUR)

                             IV Quarter    IV Quarter
                                   2006          2005
Net sales                                            
                                 99,134        89,325
Cost of production                                   
                               (58,868)      (53,826)
Gross profit                     40,266        35,499
Sales, administrative,                               
and research &                 (15,499)      (16,646)
development expenses
Other operating revenues                          621
and expenses                        446
Operating profit                 25,213        19,474
Net income / (expenses)                              
from associated                    (91)           (6)
Other net financial                                  
items                               687           576
Net profit for the               25,809        20,044
Attributable to:                                     
Equity holders of the                                
parent                           25,649        20,044
Minority interest                                    
                                    160             -
                                 25,809        20,044
Earnings per share for                               
profit attributable to
the equity holders of
the parent during the
reporting period
(expressed in EUR per
Basic earnings per share                             
                                   0.19          0.15
Diluted earnings per                                 
share                              0.19          0.15
EBITDA                           32,766        32,114
amortization and write-         (7,553)      (12,640)


In thousand of euros (EUR)

                                   2006          2005
Net sales                                            
                                368,425       329,744
Cost of production                                   
                              (208,015)     (189,073)
Gross profit                    160,410              
Sales, administrative,                               
and research &                 (58,086)      (51,896)
development expenses
Other operating revenues                          563
and expenses                      3,658
Operating profit                105,982              
Net income / (expenses)                              
from associated companies            12            29
Other net financial items                            
                                  2,609         2,415
Profit before tax               108,603              
Income tax on dividends                              
                               (23,863)      (22,274)
Net profit for the period                            
                                 84,740        69,508
Attributable to:                                     
Equity holders of the                                
parent                           84,448        69,498
Minority interest                                    
                                    292            10
                                 84,740        69,508
Earnings per share for                  
profit attributable to
the equity holders of the
parent during the
reporting period
(expressed in EUR per
Basic earnings per share                             
                                   0.61          0.50
Diluted earnings per                                 
share                              0.61          0.50
EBITDA                          140,683              
amortization and write-        (34,701)      (48,109)


In thousand of euros (EUR)

                           31 December    31 December
                                  2006           2005
Non-current assets                                   
Property, plant and                                  
equipment                      130,022        117,209
Intangible fixed                                     
assets                          13,681         10,654
Investments in                                       
associates                       1,102            189
Other financial fixed                                
assets                           7,736          2,823
Total non-current              152,541        130,875
                                 9,120          5,552
Trade and other                                      
receivables                     56,713         53,490
Short-term investments                               
                                68,057         80,953
Cash and cash                                        
equivalents                     20,733         25,919
Total                          154,623        165,914
Assets classified as                                 
held-for-sale                      665          1,007
Total current assets           155,288        166,921
TOTAL ASSETS                   307,829        297,796
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                               
Capital and reserves                                 
attributable to equity
holders of the parent
Share capital                                        
                                88,169         88,169
Share premium                                        
                                22,753         22,753
Statutory legal                                      
reserve                          8,817          8,817
Retained earnings                                    
                                58,672         68,923
Net profit for the                                   
period                          84,448         69,498
Total capital and              262,859        258,160
reserves attributable
to equity holders of
the parent
Minority interest                                    
                                   321             74
Total equity                   263,180        258,234
Provisions for pension                               
                                   561            498
Other provisions                                     
                                 1,753            500
Total provisions                                     
                                 2,314            998
Long –term liabilities             200               
Short-term liabilities             175               
Total interest bearing                               
liabilities                        375            572
Long-term liabilities              329               
Current liabilities                                  
                                41,631         37,992
Total non-interest-             41,960         37,992
bearing liabilities
Total liabilities               42,335         38,564
TOTAL EQUITY AND               307,829        297,796


In thousand of euros (EUR)

                                       2006        2005
Operating activities                        
Net profit for the period                              
                                     84,740      69,508
Adjustments for:                                       
Depreciation, amortisation                             
and impairment of fixed and          34,701      48,109
intangible assets
(Profit) / loss from sales                             
and discards of fixed assets        (2,814)       (483)
Net (income) / expenses  from                          
associated companies                   (12)        (29)
                                      1,288         257
Financial items                                        
                                      1,144       4,310
Income tax on dividends                                
                                          -         (3)
Miscellaneous non-cash items                           
                                      (652)     (1,212)
Cash flow before change in          118,395            
working capital                                 120,457
Change in current                                      
receivables                           2,783     (1,431)
Change in inventories                                  
                                    (3,565)       2,503
Change in current liabilities                          
                                      3,985       6,674
Change in working capital                              
                                      3,203       7,746
Cash flow from operating            121,598            
activities                                      128,203
Investing activities                                   
Intangible and tangible fixed                          
assets acquired                    (49,203)    (35,402)
Intangible and tangible fixed                          
assets divested                       3,170       1,122
Shares, participations and          (6,199)            
operations acquired                            (18,793)
Shares, participations and                -      14,941
operations divested
Net change in interest-              14,093            
receivables short maturities                    (5,602)
Loans granted                                          
                                   (11,480)     (6,064)
Repayment of loans granted                             
                                        771         174
Cash flow from investing                               
activities                         (48,848)    (49,624)
Cash flow before financing                             
activities                           72,750      78,579
Financing activities                                   
Proceeds from non-convertible             -         132
Repayment of borrowings                   -       (884)
Repayment of finance lease            (135)     (1,005)
Dividends paid                                         
                                   (79,352)    (70,547)
Cash flow used in financing                            
activities                         (79,487)    (72,304)
Cash flow for the year                                 
                                    (6,737)       6,275
Cash and cash equivalents at                           
beginning of year                    27,507      21,178
Cash flow for the year                                 
                                    (6,737)       6,275
Effect of foreign exchange                             
rate changes                           (37)          54
Cash and cash equivalents at                           
end of period                        20,733      27,507

1 The users of VoIP services and active users of call

Hille Võrk
AS Eesti Telekom, CFO
+372 6 311 212