Botnia books good financial result for 2006

Botnia Group sales for 2006 were 39 per cent up on the previous year at EUR
1,311.3 million (946.5). Operating profit was EUR 212.5 million, a substantial
increase on the previous year's figure of EUR 79.8 million. Sales and profit
for the period were boosted largely by strong prices for market pulp, while the
biggest negative impact resulted from the weakening of the dollar against the

Pulp delivery volumes and mill utilization rates were much better than the year
before, although the figures for 2005 were hit by the labour disputes that
affected the industry during the spring. 
The most important financial figures are summarized below. For more detailed
information please visit the page Botnia in Figures. 

•    Sales EUR 1,311.3 million (946.5 million)
•    Operating profit EUR 212.5 million (79.8 million)
•    Profit before extraordinary items EUR 202.3 million (80.4 million)
•    Capital expenditure EUR 569.8 million (288.8 million)
•    Return on capital employed 14.3% (6.2%)
•    Equity ratio 65.8% (71.6%)
•    Net gearing 20.4% (6.3%)