Exista - Annual Results 2006

Primary results for the fourth quarter of 2006:
"	Net earnings ISK 13.1 billion (EUR 139 million)
"	Earnings per share ISK 1.23

Primary results for 2006:
"	Net earnings ISK 37.4 billion (EUR 395 million)
"	Earnings per share ISK 3.77
"	Return on equity 27.1%
"	Net earnings of investment businesses ISK 23.5 billion (EUR 248 million)
"	Net earnings of operating businesses ISK 13.9 billion (EUR 147 million)
"	Total assets at year-end ISK 416 billion (EUR 4.4 billion), an increase of 157% during the year
"	Shareholders' equity ISK 179 billion (EUR 1.9 billion), an increase of  87% in 2006
"	Equity ratio 43.2% at year-end 2006
"	Shareholders over 31 thousand at year-end 2006

"	The Board of Directors will propose the payment of dividends amounting to ISK 10,839 million (EUR 115 million) for the operating year 2006, or ISK 1 per share.
"	As per the Board's resolution of today, significant stakes in financial institutions held by Exista will be accounted for by the equity method, reflecting the Group's long-term strategic holdings in the relevant institutions.

Lydur Gudmundsson, Executive Chairman 
"We are pleased with the achievements of 2006. Financial performance was quite satisfactory, and important milestones were reached in expanding the Group's operations and shareholder base. Our companies showed good progress and strong operating results. This year we aim to build further on those foundations by increasing diversification in assets and operating income."

For information on the 2006 financial results, please contact:
Sigurdur Nordal
Managing Director
Group Communications
tel +354 550 8620 (ir@exista.com)

About Exista
Exista hf. is a financial services company with particular focus on insurance and asset finance. Exista is also a strategic shareholder in several listed and unlisted companies, including Kaupthing Bank, Sampo Group, Bakkavör Group, and Iceland Telecom. The Group has operations in Iceland and the United Kingdom. Exista's goal is to use its financial strength for further development of its business in Northern Europe.

For further information on Exista and the interim results, please visit the Company website:  www.exista.com


Exista  - Frettatilkynning 12 2006.pdf Exista - Press Release  - Annual Results 2006 .pdf Exista  -  Annual Results 2006.pdf