Nobel Biocare Group - Full Year Report 2006

Nobel Biocare Accomplishes New Record Revenue Growth and Profitability: +24.4 Percent in Local Currencies; EBIT Margin of 34.0 Percent

ZURICH, Switzerland, Feb. 8, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) --

  --  Revenue of EUR 600.6 million.  
  --  Revenue growth in local currencies of 24.4%.  
  --  Gross margin at new high of 84.0%.  
  --  Operating profit before depreciation and amortization (EBITDA)
      jumped 26%, lifting EBITDA margin to 36.6%.  
  --  Operating (EBIT) margin up to 34.0%.  
  --  Net profit increased to EUR 158.1 million.    
  --  Basic earnings per share of EUR 6.34.  
  --  Cash Flow from operating activities increased 67% to a record
      of EUR 160.3 million  
  --  Board of Directors proposes to raise dividend by 21% to CHF 4.25
      or approx. EUR 2.70 per share.    
  --  Outlook for 2007: revenue growth of 23-25% in local currencies
      at an operating (EBIT) margin of 34-35%.

  Table 1.
 Selected income      Oct      Oct    Growth    Jan       Jan   Growth
  statement figures   -Dec     -Dec             -Dec      -Dec         
  in EUR million      2006     2005             2006      2005             
 Revenue             171.6    144.4    18.8%    600.6    484.5    24.0%
  Growth in local 
   currencies         22.8%    20.3%             24.4%    24.0%         
 Gross profit        145.5    117.5    23.8%    504.8    398.5    26.7%
  Gross margin        84.8%    81.4%             84.0%    82.3%         
 Profit from 
  operations (EBIT)   62.2     55.7    11.7%    204.2     162.3   25.8%
  Operating (EBIT)
   margin             36.2%    38.6%             34.0%    33.5%         
 Profit for the
  year*               46.4     43.5     6.7%    154.2    124.1    24.3%
   Profit margin*     27.0%    30.1%             25.7%   25.6%
 Basic earnings per
  share*, EUR         1.89     1.72              6.18     4.86 
 Basic earnings per 
  share, EUR          1.89     1.71              6.34     6.05         
  * excluding sale of associate

Market outpaced in all regions

The strong momentum of revenue growth continued also in the fourth quarter across all regions with overall revenue growth of 22.8% in local currencies. This was the 11th consecutive quarter with revenue growth of 20% or more -- in a market that is estimated to grow at 17-18%.

In Europe, growth in local currencies in the fourth quarter was up by 24.5%, led by a record growth in the largest market Germany (+46.5%), the Netherlands, Austria, Finland, Spain and Russia. North America grew by 19.6% in local currencies in the fourth quarter from a record base of 36.4% in the same period last year. Growth in Asia/Pacific continued on a high level at 25% in local currencies in the fourth quarter.

Revenue for the full year increased to a record 24.4% in local currencies to EUR 600.6 million, above the Company's outlook of 24%. The fast acceptance of solutions launched in 2005 and the continued high activity level in the market place enabled Nobel Biocare to continue its high growth momentum. The Company achieved strong growth across all regions strengthening its leadership position both globally as well as regionally.

 Table 2. 
 Revenue by region -        Oct         Oct           Growth in %
  4th quarter               -Dec        -Dec                    local 
  in EUR million            2006        2005*       EUR         curr.
 Europe                      80.5       64.6        24.6%        24.5%
  Proportion of total                            
   revenue                    47%        45%     
 North America               61.4       54.5        12.7%       19.6%
  Proportion of total                            
   revenue                    36%        38%     
 Asia/Pacific                20.3       17.5        16.0%       25.0%
  Proportion of total                            
   revenue                    12%        12%     
 Rest of the World            9.4        7.8        20.5%       25.7%
  Proportion of total                            
   revenue                     5%         5%     
 Total                      171.6      144.4        18.8%       22.8%
 * Comparatives were reclassified to conform with the current period's
   presentation, see Note 8.

 Table 3. 
 Revenue by region -      Jan           Jan            Growth in %
  Full year              -Dec           -Dec                    local 
  in EUR million          2006          2005*      EUR          curr.
 Europe                     266.6      218.5       22.0%        22.0%
  Proportion of total
   revenue                    44%        46%
 North America              222.1      180.1       23.3%        23.3%
  Proportion of total
   revenue                    38%        37%
 Asia/Pacific                79.4       60.1       32.1%        37.6%
  Proportion of total
   revenue                    13%        12%
 Rest of the World           32.5       25.8       26.0%        24.1%
  Proportion of total
   revenue                     5%         5%                         
 Total                      600.6      484.5       24.0%        24.4%
 * Comparatives were reclassified to conform with the current period's
   presentation, see Note 8.

Record gross margin for fourth quarter and full year

Strong volume growth, on the back of a positive mix change drove the gross margin for the fourth quarter to another new record high of 84.8% (Q4 2005: 81.4%). The gross margin for the full year rose sharply to 84.0% from 82.3%. The respective gross profit increased to EUR 504.8 million, compared to the prior year's EUR 398.5 million. The positive mix change is driven by the good reception of the products launched during the 2005 world conference.

The gross profit increase enabled the Company to significantly upgrade its investments in strategic initiatives, such as educational and research partnerships with universities, the NobelSmile consumer awareness and patient education campaign, the Nobel Biocare World Tour 2006 training and education conferences, and further staff expansion while still increasing the profit from operations by 26% from EUR 162.3 million in 2005 to EUR 204.2 million. The operating margin for the full year improved, in line with the Company's outlook, to 34.0% (33.5%).

Social charges related to the staff option program amounted to EUR 4.2 million for the full year, compared with EUR 6.5 million for the previous year.

Net financial expenses amounted to EUR 5.3 million (EUR 4.5 million) for the full year. Financial expenses were negatively impacted by foreign exchange losses of EUR 3.6 million (EUR 3.9 million).

Profit for the period (Q4) climbed to EUR 46.4 million compared to EUR 43.5 million last year. The profit for the year, excluding the one-time effect from the divestiture of Entific Medical Systems AB, climbed to EUR 154.2 million compared to EUR 124.1 million.

Return on Equity grew from 42% in 2005 to 47% in 2006.

Cash flow from operating activities for the full year rose to EUR 160.3 million (EUR 107.8 million). Inventories climbed slightly to EUR 30.5 million from EUR 30.1 million at year-end 2005. Current receivables increased from EUR 126.6 million to EUR 141.0 million at the end of the year. Additionally, EUR 131.5 million were used to buy back shares.

To sustain growth and further increase efficiency Nobel Biocare invested in its infrastructure. Investments in manufacturing plants (amounting to EUR 11.8 million), leasehold improvements and equipment for office expansions to accommodate additional employees (EUR 3.4 million), as well as upgrades to training facilities raised the investment in tangible and intangible assets from EUR 25.0 million to EUR 28.0 million.

Cash and cash equivalents increased to EUR 132.3 million from EUR 129.0 million.

Dividend of CHF 4.25 per share proposed to the Annual General Meeting The Board of Directors proposes a dividend of CHF 4.25 (EUR (2.70) per share to the Annual General Meeting. (AGM). The AGM is scheduled for 26 April 2007 in Zurich, Switzerland.

Setting the foundation for sustainable growth:

Serving the worlds largest populations

In 2006, Nobel Biocare continued its expansion into emerging markets by establishing new subsidiaries in China and Russia, as well as the three Baltic States - Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia. Nobel Biocare has now its own direct sales organizations in 34 countries.

18 university collaborations for creation of undergraduate programs and research

In 2006, Nobel Biocare continued to actively seek to change current undergraduate education in dental schools in order to integrate dental implantology and esthetic dentistry. By the end of 2006, 18 partnership contracts had been signed with, among others, the two largest dental schools in the US, the largest school in Australia, the five largest schools in China, and the highest-rated dental school in Germany. These partnerships form part of the Company's strategy to ensure that the newest treatment solutions for implants and ceramic restoration are included in the undergraduate dental programs at universities. The majority of the new collaborations also include clinical and basic research support.

17 successful Nobel Biocare World Tour education conferences in 15 countries

Nobel Biocare held its final four World Tour conferences in the fourth quarter of 2006: Germany, Italy, Canada and Spain. These brought the total number of conferences for the year to 17. World Tour highlights included: 620 dental professional speakers, 125 live surgeries and 250 hands-on and focus sessions. Approximately one-third of the participants were non-Nobel Biocare customers. The World Tour also attracted considerable media and national TV coverage thanks to the many patient treatment seminars.

For the full year, the Company's comprehensive training and education events and programs attracted more than 335,000 participants around the world, a 33 percent increase on 2005 and a 500 percent increase on 2002.

NobelSmile consumer awareness and education campaign generated high media response

The main strategic goal of the NobelSmile campaign is to inform consumers of the latest solutions for restorative and esthetic dentistry, which dentists and dental laboratories offer today. Dissemination of information was accomplished through a patient education website (currently available in 34 countries in 20 languages), information and support material, advertisements and features in health and lifestyle media, plus the World Tour. The website received 250,000 visits and the overall campaign resulted in over 580 consumer press articles.

Providing choices to dental professionals and patients

Pursuing the strategy of providing treatment choices to dental professionals and patients, Nobel Biocare enhanced its broad spectrum of products by introducing 289 new products in 2006. A majority of the introductions focused on Procera(r) solutions for individualized metal-free, long-lasting esthetics.

First Bone-Inductive Implant in human clinical trial

A milestone was reached in 2006 in the development of the first bone-inductive implant, an implant designed to make its own bone. After the FDA approved the first pilot clinical investigation, the first four patients were treated in the fourth quarter of 2006.

Commitment to quality and the environment proven in third-party assessments

In 2006, the Company passed 25 third-party quality and environmental assessments with excellence, of which 7 without any nonconformity at all and, the remaining with only minor non-conformities..

345 positions created in 2006

To absorb and sustain the high growth momentum Nobel Biocare added 67 positions in the fourth quarter. This brought the total of new positions to 345 for the full year 2006. The majority of the new positions were within sales or sales-related departments. At the end of 2006, Nobel Biocare employed 1,993 employees worldwide.


The underlying factors such as favorable demographics, lifestyle and esthetic trends as well as the low penetration form the basis for an attractive growth outlook for the high esthetic tooth replacement market.

In 2007, Nobel Biocare aims to continue its capitalization by way of its ongoing strategic initiatives. The World Conference in Las Vegas from 20-24 May 2007 promises to be the highlight of the year; the Company is confident that this will be the dental industry's most educational and personalized forum setting a new benchmark in the industry. Nobel Biocare anticipates up to 10,000 attendees who will experience more than 30 broadcast live surgery treatments, over 120 hands-on workshops and focus sessions and a multitude of one-on-one peer case discussions.

The Company's continued strong performance in 2006 sets a high base for the current year; barring unforeseen circumstances, Nobel Biocare expects to grow revenue in 2007 by 23-25% in local currencies (in a market that is estimated to grow by 17-18%), and achieve an operating (EBIT) margin of 34-35%.


 Rolf Soiron              Heliane Canepa
 Chairman of the Board    President & CEO

 Further information is available from: 

 Nicolas Weidmann, Vice President Communications
 Tel: +41 43 211 42 80, +41 79 372 29 81

 Investor Relations
 Suha Demokan, Head of Investor Relations
 +41 43 211 42 30, +41 79 430 81 46

An investor and analyst conference in English will be held today 8 February 2007 at 13.00 CET.

Location: ConventionPoint at SWX Swiss Exchange, Selnaustrasse 30, Zurich. The conference can be assessed (listen-only mode) via Webcast at or via telephone conference, using the following dial in numbers:

 +41 91 610 5600  (in Europe)
 +44 20 7107 0611 (in the UK)
 +46 8 5069 2105  (in Sweden)
 +1 866 291 4166  (toll free number in the USA)

For more details and additional dial-in numbers, see our homepage:

Financial Reporting Calendar:

 Interim Report 1, 2007         26 April 2007
 Annual General Meeting 2007    26 April 2007
 Interim Report 2, 2007          9 August 2007
 Interim Report 3, 2007         25 October 2007

The Full Year Report 2006 is available in English and Swedish, while a shorter version media release is available in German.

A preprint version of the Annual Report 2006 can be obtained in PDF format from


This interim report contains forward-looking statements that are subject to various risk and uncertainties. Future results could differ materially from those described in these forward-looking statements due to certain factors, e.g. changes in business, economic and competitive conditions, regulatory reforms, results of clinical trials, foreign exchange rate fluctuations, uncertainties in litigation or investigative proceedings, and the availability of financing.

Nobel Biocare is a medical devices group and the world leader in innovative esthetic dental solutions with its brands Branemark System(r), NobelSpeedy(tm), NobelReplace(tm), NobelPerfect(r), NobelDirect(r), Replace(r) Select, (dental implants) and Procera(r) (individualized dental prosthetics). Nobel Biocare is a one-stop shop for restorative esthetic dentistry, offering a wide range of innovative Crown & Bridge & Implant products, as well as training and education and clinically documented treatment concepts. Nobel Biocare has 1,993 employees and recorded revenue of EUR 601 million in 2006. The Company is domiciled in Zurich, Switzerland with headquarters in Zurich and in Gothenburg, Sweden. Production takes place at four production sites located in Sweden and the USA. Nobel Biocare has direct sales organizations in 34 countries. The shares of the parent company Nobel Biocare Holding AG are listed on the SWX Swiss Exchange and on the Stockholm Stock Exchange, Sweden.


                              Oct          Oct        Jan        Jan
                              -Dec         -Dec       -Dec       -Dec
 in EUR million               2006         2005       2006       2005
 Income statement

 Revenue                      171.6       144.4      600.6       484.5
 Gross profit                 145.5       117.5      504.8       398.5
 Profit from operations
  (EBIT)                       62.2        55.7      204.2       162.3
 Profit before tax             60.5        55.9      202.8       188.4
 Profit for the period
  w/o sale of associate        46.4        43.5      154.2       124.1
 Profit for the period         46.4        43.5      158.1       154.7

 Balance sheet

 Non-current assets                                  198.1       194.3
 Current assets                                      306.0       321.4
 Total equity                                        360.8       357.7
 Non-current liabilities                              28.5        28.9
 Current liabilities                                 114.8       129.1
 Total assets                                        504.1       515.7
 Cash and cash                                   
  equivalents incl.                              
  bank overdraft                                     130.9       128.4
 Net cash from operating
  activities                   65.5        38.1      160.3       107.8
  amortization and 
  impairment losses             4.9         3.4       15.6        12.8
 Investments in property,
  plant and equipment and
  intangible assets             8.8        10.4       28.0        25.0
 Employees at end of 
  period                                             1,993       1,648


 Revenue growth (%)            18.8        24.3       24.0        24.8
 Revenue growth in local 
  currencies (%)               22.8        20.3       24.4        24.0
 Gross margin (%)              84.8        81.4       84.0        82.3
 Operating expenses in %
  of revenue                   48.5        42.8       50.0        48.8
 Operating (EBIT) margin (%)   36.2        38.6       34.0        33.5
 Profit margin (%) w/o 
  sale of associate            27.0        30.1       25.7        25.6
 Profit margin (%)             27.0        30.1       26.3        31.9
 Return on equity (%)                                 47.0        42.4
 Equity/assets ratio (%)         72          69         72          69

 Share information                               

 Number of shares at end                         
  of period                                    26,299,225   25,954,883
 Average number of shares                      24,957,950   25,540,905
 Number of shares after                                    
  full conversion                              26,617,318   26,617,318
 Share price at end of                                     
  period, CHF                                      360.25       289.00
 Market value at end of                                    
  period, MCHF                                      9,474        7,501
 Basic earnings per share                                  
  w/o sale of associate,                                   
  EUR                                                6.18         4.86
 Basic earnings per                                        
  share, EUR                                         6.34         6.05
 Diluted earnings per                                      
  share, EUR                                         6.29         5.97
 Equity per share, EUR                              14.46        14.00
 Equity per share after                                    
  full conversion, EUR                              13.56        13.44


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