Preliminary unaudited financial results for 2006

AS Eesti Ehitus               Financial Report                 February 09, 2007

Preliminary unaudited financial results for 2006

Revenue and segments

Preliminary unaudited  consolidated  revenues  for  2006  amounted  to  EEK  2.504
billion (E160 million), a solid 49.5 per cent increase on a year ago. In terms  of
business segments, the Residential and non-residential segment contributed 54  per
cent (53.5 per cent growth) and the Civil engineering segment 46  per  cent  (43.6
per cent growth). In geographical terms, 91.5 per cent of the Group's revenue  was
earned in Estonia; Ukraine contributed 8.5 per cent (a year ago the  corresponding
figures were 93.5 per cent and 6.5 per cent).

Revenue by segments
Business segments                 2004       2005       2006
Civil engineering                  53%        45%        46%
Residential and non-residential    47%        55%        54%

Actual  revenue  structure  corresponds  now  to  the  Group's  long-term  revenue
structure objective according to which the two segments ought to generate more  or
less equal revenue to maintain competitiveness and presence in every main  segment
of construction market.

Compared to 2005, the Commercial buildings sub-segment has become the biggest  one
among Residential and non-residential segment whereas Residential  buildings  sub-
segment has shown the biggest growth rate.

Revenue allocation in the 
Residential and non-residential segment   2004       2005       2006
Residential buildings                      10%        11%        17%
Public buildings                           44%        35%        18%
Commercial buildings                       24%        37%        41%
Industrial and warehouse facilities        22%        17%        24%

The largest sub-segment in Civil engineering  segment  is  Road  construction  and
maintenance, being also the biggest sub-segment in the  whole  Group. The  fastest
growing sub-segment in Civil engineering has been Environmental construction.

At the end of 2006, the Group's order  backlog  totalled  EEK  2.7  billion  (E173
million) against EEK 1.2 billion (E79 million) a year ago.

Profitability and cash flows

In 2006, the Group's gross margin improved by 1.8 percentage  point  to  12.3  per
cent (2005: 10.5 per cent). Two direct  cost  items  affecting  gross  margin  the
most, labour costs and subcontracting and materials costs have  increased  at  the
slower pace than Group's revenues (33.4%  and  49.1%  respectively),  contributing
thereby to the improvement of the gross margin.

The ratio of administrative expenses to revenue was 5.0 per cent  (2005:  4.3  per
cent), which outpaced revenue growth  by  23.3  per  cent, largely  on  account of
an increase in labour costs,which, in turn was mostly affected by the results-based

Operating margin for 2006 was 8.2 per cent (a year  ago  7.0  per  cent),  whereas
operating margin excluding gains on sale of property and real estate was  7.1  per
cent (a year ago 6.2 per cent).

Preliminary unaudited consolidated net profit for 2006 amounted to  a  strong  EEK
190.3 million (E12.2 million) against EEK 94 million (E6 million)  earned  a  year
ago. The profit attributable to equity holders  of  the  parent  amounted  to  EEK
176.9 million (E11.3 million) against EEK 86.8 million (E5.5 million) for 2005.

Net operating cash flows have remained on the same level compared to a  year  ago.
The figure for 2006 was  EEK  152.6  million  (E9.8  million)  while  a  year  ago
operating cash flows were EEK 156.8 million (E10 million).

Considering the preliminary financial results for 2006 and  the  Group's  dividend
policy, the Board will make to the ordinary  general  meeting  of  shareholders  a
reasoned proposal to payout dividends EEK 3 per share.

The full interim report for the fourth quarter of 2006 will  be  disclosed  on  or
about February 16, 2007.

Significant ratios and figures

Ratio / figure                            2004         2005         2006

Revenue growth                            47,5%        5,4%         49,5%

Average number of employees               610          722          871
Revenue per employee, EEK thousands       2 603        2 319        2 875
Labour costs to revenue, %                9,2%         10,9%        10,9%
Administrative expenses to revenue, %     3,4%         4,3%         5,0%

EBITDA, EEK thousands                     119 424      143 850      236 602
EBITDA margin, %                          7,5%         8,6%         9,4%
Gross margin, %                           9,6%         10,5%        12,3%
Operating margin, %                       6,1%         7,0%         8,2%
operating margin excluding gains on 
sale of property and real estate, %       6,0%         6,2%         7,1%
Net margin, %                             5,0%         5,6%         7,6%

Return on invested capital, %             40,4%        31,1%        34,0%
Return on assets, %                       21,2%        15,8%        17,6%
Return on equity, %                       59,8%        59,9%        56,6%
Equity ratio, %                           32,5%        20,2%        35,1%

Current ratio                             1,28         1,14         1,33

Revenue per employee = revenue / average number of employees
Labour costs to revenue = labour costs / revenue
Administrative expenses to revenue = administrative expenses / revenue
EBITDA = earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation
EBITDA margin = EBITDA / revenue
Gross margin = gross profit / revenue
Operating margin = operating profit / revenue
Operating margin excluding gains on sale of property and real estate  =
(operating profit - gains on sale of property - gains on sale of real estate)  /
Net margin = net profit for the period / revenue
Return on invested capital = (profit before tax + interest expense) / the
period's average (interest-bearing liabilities + equity)
Return on assets = operating profit / average total assets for the period
Return on equity = net profit for the period / average total equity for the
Equity ratio = total equity / total equity and liabilities
Current ratio = total current assets / total current liabilities

Andri Hõbemägi
AS Eesti Ehitus
Tel: (+372) 6400 450