Amer Sports Corporation                STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 1(17)
                                       February 13, 2007 at 1:15 pm

Net sales increased 31% thanks to Salomon’s inclusion in the full-
year figures. Net sales grew by 4% as compared to 2005 pro forma

-  Amer Sports net sales increased 31% thanks to Salomon’s
  inclusion in the full-year figures. Net sales grew by 4% as
  compared to 2005 pro forma figure and was EUR 1,792.7 million (EUR
  1,732.0 million in 2005).
- Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) amounted to EUR
  120.2 million (117.1) and earnings per share to EUR 0.98 (0.87).
- The warm early winter cut into the volume of re-orders in the
  winter sports business. Amer Sports Q4 EBIT came in at EUR 69.7
  million (67.8).
- Amer Sports net sales growth in local currencies is expected
  to remain at last year's level in 2007 due to uncertainty caused
  by uncommon weather during the 2006/07 winter season. Amer Sports
  earnings are expected to improve in 2007 thanks to factors such as
  Salomon’s turnaround initiative in 2006 and the industrial co-
  operation between Atomic and Salomon. It is estimated that Amer
  Sports’ EBIT will amount to EUR 130-145 million in 2007, with
  earnings per share coming in at EUR 1.10-1.25. Cash flow from
  operating activities is expected to improve substantially.
- The dividend proposal is EUR 0.50 per share (0.50).

EUR million          Q4/     Pro Change    2006     Pro  Change
                    2006   forma      %           forma       %
                             Q4/                   2005
Net sales          581.6   558.5      4  1,792.  1,732.       4
                                              7       0
Gross profit       220.4   215.4      2   697.4   684.4       2
EBIT                69.7    67.8      3   120.2   117.1       3
Financing income    -5.3    -6.6          -23.6   -24.0        
and expenses
Earnings before     64.4    61.2      5    96.6    93.1       4
Net result          47.0    40.8     15    70.5    62.4      13
Earnings per        0.65    0.57           0.98    0.87        
share, EUR

In the reporting of profit and loss statement information and
earnings per share for 2006, Amer Sports uses pro forma figures
for 2005 – in which Salomon has been accounted for as from January
1, 2005 – as its comparison information. The figures do not
include non-recurring items related to the Salomon acquisition.
More information on the use of pro forma figures has been provided
in the stock exchange bulletin released on April 20, 2006.

Roger Talermo, President and CEO:

“On the whole, good trends held sway in the sports equipment
market in 2006. With the exception of Japan, we posted higher net
sales in all our major markets.

“Pre-order deliveries of for the 2006/2007 season were solid in
the winter sports business. However, the warm early winter
impacted significantly on the volume of re-orders in Q4. Salomon
achieved its objectives and the profitability of winter sports
equipment improved. Atomic’s Q4 operations fell significantly
short of expectations.

“Industrial co-operation between Salomon and Atomic has progressed
in line with plans. We expect that the changes being ushered in
will yield substantial earnings improvements in 2007 and 2008.

“We’re now stronger than ever in the sports equipment business
world-wide. We must bolster our global leadership – there must be
no doubt that we are the number one player in this business. That
said, we will not neglect our excellent growth potential in
technical apparel and footwear.”

For further information, please contact:
Mr Roger Talermo, President & CEO, tel. +358 9 7257 8210
Mr Pekka Paalanne, Senior Vice President & CFO, tel. +358 9 7257
Mr Tommy Ilmoni, Vice President, Investor Relations, tel. +358 9
7257 8233

A combined news conference, conference call and live webcast
concerning the financial statement bulletin will be held on
February 13, 2007, at 3:00 pm Finnish time at Amer Sports’
headquarters (address: Mäkelänkatu 91, Helsinki). The event will
be held in English. For instructions on how to participate in the
conference call, visit the Amer Sports web site at


Amer Sports’ net sales increased 31% due to Salomon’s inclusion in
the full-year figures. Pro forma net sales were up 4% to EUR
1,792.7 million (EUR 1,732.0 million in 2005). Exchange rates had
a negligible effect on the trend in net sales.

Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) amounted to EUR 120.2
million (117.1). Earnings before taxes were EUR 96.6 million
(93.1). Earnings per share came in at EUR 0.98 (0.87).

Amer Sports net sales growth in local currencies in 2007 is
expected to remain at last year's level due to uncertainty caused
by uncommon weather during the 2006/07 winter season. Amer Sports’
earnings are expected to improve in 2007 thanks to factors such as
Salomon’s turnaround initiative in 2006 and the industrial co-
operation between Atomic and Salomon. It is estimated that Amer
Sports’ EBIT will amount to EUR 130-145 million in 2007, with
earnings per share coming in at EUR 1.10-1.25. Cash flow from
operating activities is expected to improve substantially.


Amer Sports’ Q4 net sales were up 4% to EUR 581.6 million (EUR
558.5 million in 2005).

Q4 is the winter sports season. Accordingly, the Group’s business
focuses on these sports in this period. Winter sports accounted
for 57% of consolidated net sales in Q4 (55%). Salomon’s net sales
in the winter sports equipment amounted to EUR 188.6 million
(178.2) and Atomic’s to EUR 82.2 million (85.9). The weather was
warm in almost all winter sports market territories, cutting into
the number of re-orders and weakening sales of winter sports

Net sales by business segment were as follows: Salomon 49%, Wilson
19%, Precor 14%, Atomic 14% and Suunto 4%. Suunto’s net sales were
up 34%, Salomon’s 11%, Precor’s 3%. Wilson’s net sales declined by
7% and Atomic’s by 4%.

The split of net sales by geographical segment was as follows:
EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa) 53%, the Americas (the United
States, Canada and Latin America) 35 %, and Asia Pacific 12%.
Sales in the Americas remained at the previous year’s level. Sales
increased 10% in EMEA and declined by 4% in Asia Pacific.

The Group’s EBIT amounted to EUR 69.7 million (67.8).

Earnings before taxes were EUR 64.4 million (61.2). Earnings per
share came in at EUR 0.65 (0.57). Net financial expenses amounted
to EUR 5.3 million (6.6).


Amer Sports’ net sales increased 31% due to Salomon’s inclusion in
the full-year figures. Net sales grew by 4% as compared to 2005
pro forma figure and was EUR 1,792.7 million (EUR 1,732.0 million
in 2005).

Net sales by business segment were as follows: Salomon 37%, Wilson
32%, Precor 15%, Atomic 11% and Suunto 5%. Salomon’s sales were up
6%. Sales of Salomon apparel and footwear kept climbing fast, up
18%. Precor’s sales grew by 9% and Suunto’s by 13%. Wilson’s sales
remained at the previous year’s level. Atomic’s net sales were
down 4%.

Sales of Salomon winter sports equipment and Atomic stayed at the
previous year’s level. Sales were weakened by the mild fall

The distribution of Asics products, a non-core category for
Atomic, ended in Austria, reducing net sales by EUR 11.3 million.
Exclusive of the effect of Asics, net sales would have been at
last year’s level.

The split of net sales by geographical segment was as follows: the
Americas (the United States, Canada and Latin America) 45%, EMEA
(Europe, Middle East, Africa) 44%, and Asia Pacific 11%. Sales
increased 4% in the Americas, 3% in Asia Pacific and 3% in EMEA.

The Group’s EBIT amounted to EUR 120.2 million (117.1). EBIT in
the comparison year was improved by EUR 5.9 million from the sale
of properties.

Earnings before taxes were EUR 96.6 million (93.1) and net profit
was EUR 70.5 million (62.4). Earnings per share came in at EUR
0.98 (0.87). Net financing expenses amounted to EUR 23.6 million

Taxes for the period were EUR 26.1 million (30.7). The Group's
taxes were reduced by tax credits received in the United States.


The Group’s capital expenditure on fixed assets totaled EUR 41.3
million (26.8). The Group’s depreciation was EUR 32.2 million


EUR 58.5 million (58.6) was invested in research and development,
representing 3.3% of net sales. Salomon’s share of the R&D spend
was 42%, while Wilson accounted for 14%, Precor 21%, Atomic 10%
and Suunto 13%.


The Group’s net debt at the end of the year was EUR 585.4 million
(December 31, 2005: EUR 601.0 million).

Cash flow from operating activities after interest and taxes was
EUR 45.5 million (96.4). The company's net cash flow was reduced
by EUR 31.7 million due to costs associated with the re-
structuring of Salomon's operations in France. Net cash flow from
investing activities was EUR -71.9 million (-471.6), including the
remaining purchase price paid for the acquisition of Salomon, EUR
33.4 million. The dividend payout amounted to EUR 35.9 million

Of the EUR 575 million credit facility agreed upon in December
2005, EUR 165 million and USD 100 million had been drawn at the
end of the financial year, and the committed unused portion was
EUR 325 million. The credit facility will mature at the end of
2011. Short-term financing is raised with a domestic commercial
paper program of EUR 500 million, of which EUR 373.6 million had
been used as of December 31, 2006.

Liquid assets amounted to EUR 45.5 million at the end of the
period (December 31, 2005: 48.7).

The Group's equity ratio was 33.6% (December 31, 2005: 31.8%) and
gearing was 105% (112%).



EUR million              Q4/    Pro  Change            Pro  Change
                        2006  forma       %    2006  forma       %
                                Q4/                   2005
Net sales                                                         
 Winter Sports         188.6  178.2       6   345.6  348.6      -1
  Apparel and           63.7   49.1      30   208.0  175.6      18
  Mavic                 29.8   27.8       7   107.8   99.3       9
Net sales, total       282.1  255.2      11   661.4  623.5       6
EBIT                    40.3   37.9       6    23.6   18.1      30

Salomon achieved its objectives for 2006. The profitability of its
winter sports equipment improved, and it racked up significantly
higher sales of apparel. Also Mavic’s sales increased.

Part of Salomon’s deliveries scheduled for September were delayed,
rolling over from the third to the fourth quarter. This delay was
caused by Salomon’s logistics partner not being able to deliver
all the products to market on schedule.

Salomon’s net sales increased 6%. The breakdown of net sales was
as follows: Winter Sports Equipment, 52%, Apparel and Footwear,
32%, and Mavic, 16%. Of net sales, EMEA generated 65%, the
Americas 24%, and Asia Pacific 11%. Sales were up 7% in EMEA, 6%
in the Americas and 3% in Asia Pacific.

Salomon’s EBIT grew to EUR 23.6 million (18.1). The good trend in
net sales and improved cost control contributed to the improvement
in Salomon’s earnings. Mavic’s result declined, but remained

Business areas

Net sales of winter sports equipment were at last year's level.
Weak winter conditions early in the 2006/2007 season reduced the
volume of re-orders received by Salomon. Cross-country skiing
experienced the fastest growth of winter sports product groups,
with net sales up 19%. Sales of snowboarding equipment remained at
the previous year’s level while sales of alpine skiing equipment
decreased 5%.

Net sales of apparel and footwear increased 18% to EUR 208.0
million. The apparel business posted the fastest sales growth,
Salomon increased 40% and Arc’teryx 26%.

Bicycle component manufacturer Mavic's net sales increased 9% to
EUR 107.8 million.

Salomon’s outlook for 2007

The turnaround initiative Salomon kicked off in 2005 is
progressing on schedule. It is expected to yield substantial
earnings improvements in 2007 and 2008. Industrial cooperation
with Atomic in particular is anticipated to result in cost-

As the year began, temperatures remained higher than usual in many
territories, limiting snow sports opportunities in Europe, Asia
and the Eastern United States. The market for winter sports
equipment is expected to fall short of the 2005/06 season both in
terms of volume and value due to uncertainty caused by uncommon
weather during the 2006/07 winter season.
Judging from the amount of pre-orders received for spring and
summer 2007, footwear and apparel will continue to surge. Mavic is
also expected to keep developing favorably and its profitability
to remain at good level.


EUR million             Q4/     Q4/ Change    2006    2005  Change
                       2006    2005      %                       %
Net sales                                                         
  Racquet Sports       41.9    45.8     -9   235.3   225.4       4
  Team Sports          52.2    51.2      2   219.6   203.8       8
  Golf                 17.4    22.7    -23   114.7   141.2     -19
Net sales, total      111.5   119.7     -7   569.6   570.4       0
EBIT                    5.2     2.9     79    54.6    52.1       5
ROCE, 12-month                                38.4    36.9        
rolling average

Wilson’s net sales remained on a par with the previous year,
amounting to
EUR 569.6 million. The breakdown of net sales was as follows:
Racquet Sports 41%, Team Sports 39%, and Golf 20%. Of net sales,
the Americas generated 67%, EMEA 19% and Asia Pacific 14%. Sales
growth was 2% in the Americas. In EMEA sales were at last year's
level. Sales were down 9% in Asia Pacific.

Wilson’s EBIT grew by 5% to EUR 54.6 million. Its earnings trend
was solid in the United States, but the result weakened in Japan.

Business areas

The Racquet Sports Division continued to perform well. Its net
sales increased 4%. Of the product groups, the best growth was
seen in accessories and footwear: footwear, 16% and accessories,

Team Sports’ net sales increased 8%. Sales were up on the
corresponding period in all key product groups. Sales declined
only in uniforms and training equipment.

The Golf division fell short of its sales objectives, especially
in Japan. Demand for golf equipment also declined in Europe. Also
the new distribution strategy focusing on the major customers in
the United States cut into net sales of the Golf Division.

Wilson’s outlook for 2007

Wilson is expected to keep growing profitably in 2007. The trend
in the Racquet Sports Division’s markets is forecast to remain
favorable. Wilson is confident that its Racquet Sports Division
will stay on a growth track thanks to innovative new products and
geographical expansion in emerging markets. The trend in Team
Sports’ markets is expected to hold steady, with anticipated sales
growth. The Golf Division improved its profitability compared with
the previous year and is expected to do so in 2007 as well.


EUR million            Q4/     Q4/  Change    2006    2005  Change
                      2006    2005       %                       %
Net sales             83.0    80.7       3   275.6   252.1       9
EBIT                  12.7    13.6      -7    34.8    31.1      12
ROCE, 12-month                                50.6    51.2        
rolling average

Precor’s net sales were up 9%. Of net sales, the Americas
generated 77%, EMEA 16% and Asia Pacific 7%. Sales were up 18% in
EMEA, 13% in Asia Pacific and 7% in the Americas.

Precor’s EBIT increased 12% to EUR 34.8 million. Non-recurring
quality-related costs weakened earnings by about EUR 2 million.

Precor’s sales to fitness clubs continued to soar in North
America. Precor’s success in the fitness club market was heavily
driven by the high demand for the new Experience aerobic
equipment. Products in this series feature personal Cardio Theater
viewing screens.

Precor’s outlook for 2007

Precor’s growth in 2007 is forecast to once again outpace that of
the market, with the company racking up market share gains
especially in the fitness club segment. 2007 is a transitional
year for home gym products. A new product collection will be
launched and it is expected to give a major boost to growth in


EUR million            Q4/     Q4/  Change    2006    2005  Change
                      2006    2005       %                       %
Net sales             82.2    85.9      -4   204.8   214.0      -4
EBIT                  14.8    19.0     -22    16.6    22.2     -25
ROCE, 12-month                                16.5    20.6        
rolling average

Atomic’s operations did not nearly measure up to expectations in
Q4 2006. Unfavorable weather in all the main winter sports markets
at the end of 2006 reduced the amount of re-orders the company

During the financial year, Atomic’s net sales declined by 4% to
EUR 204.8 million. Of net sales, EMEA generated 76%, the Americas
18%, and Asia Pacific 6%. Sales declined by 13% in Asia Pacific,
by 4% in EMEA and by 3% in the Americas.

The distribution of Asics products, a non-core category for
Atomic, ended in Austria, reducing net sales by EUR 11.3 million.
Exclusive of the effect of Asics, net sales would have been at
last year’s level.

Atomic’s EBIT was EUR 16.6 million (22.2). EBIT in Q4 was EUR 14.8
million (19.0).

Atomic’s outlook for 2007

As the year began, temperatures remained higher than usual in many
territories, limiting snow sports opportunities in Europe, Asia
and the Eastern United States. The market for winter sports
equipment is expected to fall short of the 2005/06 season both in
terms of volume and value due to uncertainty caused by uncommon
weather during the 2006/07 winter season. Atomic’s key objective
for 2007 is to improve profitability. Atomic is seeking cost-
savings and higher efficiency through means such as cooperation
with Salomon in all the major product groups.


EUR million            Q4/     Q4/  Change    2006    2005  Change
                      2006    2005       %                       %
Net sales             22.8    17.0      34    81.3    72.0      13
EBIT                   1.2    -0.7       -     7.0     3.4     106
ROCE, 12-month                                30.9    14.8        
rolling average

Suunto’s net sales grew by 13%. Of net sales, EMEA generated 55%,
the Americas 33%, and Asia Pacific 12%. Sales increased 18% in
Asia Pacific, 17% in EMEA and 6% in the Americas. Q4 net sales
were up 34%.

Suunto’s EBIT amounted to EUR 7.0 million (3.4). Suunto’s result
includes EUR 2.5 million in insurance claims received for the loss
of sales margins due to the fire on a supplier’s premises in 2005.

Sales of wristop computers grew by 33% during the review period.
Sales received a particularly strong boost from the good demand
for the new Training product series.

Sales of Suunto’s diving instruments increased 10%, largely thanks
to the new Suunto D6 wristop computer. Sales of diving and water
sports suits were down.

Diving instruments and wristop computers accounted for 72% (66%)
of Suunto’s net sales.

Suunto’s outlook for 2007

Suunto aims to keep bolstering its core businesses and stepping up
growth in sports instruments. Suunto will continue to focus on its
fitness, outdoor and diving instrument product groups. New
launches are anticipated to generate growth in Suunto’s net sales
in 2007. Profitability is also expected to improve.


Amer Sports is centralizing its winter and outdoor businesses in
North America under single management. This step is geared towards
ensuring a more efficient infrastructure for the sales and
business operations of Salomon, Atomic and Suunto.


At the end of the year, the Group had 6,553 employees (6,667). The
Group had an average of 6,786 employees (4,968) during the 2006
calendar year. The parent company Amer Sports Corporation had 52
employees (53) at year’s end and an average of 55 (51) during the

                     Dec. 31,  Dec. 31,
                         2006      2005
Salomon                 2,372     2,607
Wilson                  1,919     1,914
Precor                    795       733
Atomic                    893       833
Suunto                    522       527
Headquarters               52        53
Total                   6,553     6,667

At the end of the year, 1,957 of the Group's employees worked in
the United States, 1,260 in France, 712 in Austria, 608 in Canada,
393 in Finland and 1,623 in other countries.

                     Dec. 31,  Dec. 31,
                         2006      2005
EMEA                    3,346     3,504
Americas                2,702     2,688
Asia Pacific              505       475
Total                   6,553     6,667


At the close of the financial year, Amer Sports had 14,351
registered shareholders. Non-Finnish nations owned 56.0% (54.7%)
of the shares.

During the 2006 calendar year, a total of 66.3 million Amer Sports
shares were traded on the Helsinki Stock Exchange to a total value
of EUR 1,115.2 million. The share turnover was 92.6%. At the turn
of the year, 372,886 ADRs were in circulation.

At the close of the year on the Helsinki Stock Exchange, the last
trade in Amer Sports Corporation shares was completed at a price
of EUR 16.68, representing an increase of 6% during the year. The
high for the year on the Helsinki Stock Exchange was EUR 19.00 and
the low EUR 14.75. The average share price was EUR 16.83.

At year’s end, the Company had a market capitalization of EUR
1,195.9 million (1,124.2).

On January 27, 2006, Franklin Resources Inc. announced that the
total number of shares held by the funds and individual investors
under its control represented 5.02% of Amer Sports Corporation’s
share capital and votes. In March, Franklin Resources Inc.
announced that its shareholding had declined to 4.99%.

On December 31, 2006, the Company’s registered share capital
totaled EUR 286,790,496 and the total number of shares was

2002 warrant scheme

The highest price of the 2002 warrants on the Helsinki Stock
Exchange was EUR 24.99 and the lowest EUR 13.00. In 2006, a total
of 0.2 million warrants were traded at a total price of EUR 3.9

15,450 new shares were subscribed for with the 2002 warrants in
May-June, 28,950 in June-July, 96,750 in August-September, 20,700
in October and 49,170 in October-November. The increases in share
capital were entered in the Trade Register as follows: EUR 61,800
on July 13, EUR 115,800 on September 7, EUR 387,000 on October 19,
EUR 82,800 on November 24, and EUR 196,680 on December 19. As a
result of the subscriptions, the share capital rose by EUR 0.8

In addition, 358,380 shares were subscribed for in November and
28,500 in December. The increases in share capital were entered in
the Trade Register as follows: EUR 1,433,520 on January 16, 2007,
and EUR 114,000 on February 8, 2007.

2003 warrant scheme

The highest price of the 2003 warrants on the Helsinki Stock
Exchange was EUR 20.99 and the lowest EUR 10.99. In 2006, a total
of 0.03 million warrants were traded at a total price of EUR 0.4

In October, 1,494 shares were subscribed for with the 2003
warrants. The increase in share capital – EUR 5,976 – was entered
in the Trade Register on December 19.

2004 warrant scheme

The warrants of the 2004 warrant scheme for Amer Sports
Corporation’s key employees were made available for trading on the
Main List of the Helsinki Stock Exchange as of January 2, 2007.
There are a total of 361,650 warrants. Each warrant entitles its
bearer to subscribe for three Amer Sports Corporation shares. The
subscription price with the warrants is EUR 13.53 per share. The
share subscription period with the warrants began on January 1,
2007 and ends on December 31, 2009. A maximum total of 1,084,950
shares can be subscribed for with the warrants and the share
capital can be raised by a maximum of EUR 4,339,800.

At the end of the report year, the Board of Directors had no
outstanding authorizations to issue shares.


In accordance with the Nomination Committee's proposal, the Annual
General Meeting held on March 15, 2006, confirmed that the number
of Amer Sports Corporation’s Board members shall be six. Felix
Björklund, Ilkka Brotherus, Tuomo Lähdesmäki, Timo Maasilta, Anssi
Vanjoki and Roger Talermo (President and CEO) were re-elected as
members of the Board of Directors until the end of the 2007 AGM.

At its first meeting immediately following the AGM, the Board of
Directors elected Anssi Vanjoki as Chairman and Ilkka Brotherus as
Vice Chairman. Anssi Vanjoki (Chairman of the Committee), Felix
Björklund and Tuomo Lähdesmäki were elected as members of the
Remuneration Committee. Ilkka Brotherus (Chairman of the
Committee), Timo Maasilta and Felix Björklund were elected as
members of the Nomination Committee. Tuomo Lähdesmäki (Chairman of
the Committee), Ilkka Brotherus and Timo Maasilta were elected as
members of the Audit Committee.

The AGM elected Authorized Public Accountants
PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy to act as the auditor of the Company.
The auditor in charge of the audit is Mr Göran Lindell, Authorized
Public Accountant.


On January 16, 2007, 358,380 Amer Sports Corporation shares were
subscribed for with warrants from 2002. The resulting increase in
share capital – EUR 1,433,520 – was entered in the Trade Register
on January 16, 2007. Following the increase, the share capital
amounted to EUR 288,224,016 and the total number of shares to

As required under Section 9, Chapter 2 of the Finnish Securities
Market Act, Franklin Resources Inc. announced on January 30, 2007,
that the total number of shares held by funds and individual
investors under its control represented 5.09% of Amer Sports
Corporation’s share capital and votes.


Most product groups and markets for sports equipment experienced
growth in 2006. Following a solid year, it seems that the growth
in the sports equipment industry will level off in 2007. The
outlook for winter sports is weakened by the warm early winter in
key markets.

Amer Sports net sales growth in local currencies is expected to
remain at last year's level in 2007 due to the weaker outlook for
winter sports. The best sales growth is anticipated from Suunto,
Salomon Apparel and Footwear, and Precor. Sales of Salomon winter
sports equipment and Atomic sales are expected to decline
slightly. Wilson’s Racquet Sports and Team Sports are forecast to
keep growing steadily, while the primary objective in the Golf
Division is to improve profitability.

Amer Sports’ earnings are expected to improve in 2007 thanks to
factors such as Salomon’s turnaround initiative in 2006 and the
industrial co-operation between Atomic and Salomon. It is
estimated that Amer Sports’ EBIT will amount to EUR 130-145
million in 2007, with earnings per share coming in at EUR 1.10-
1.25. Cash flow from operating activities is expected to improve

Earnings improvements can be expected from Q3 2007 onwards. It is
estimated that Amer Sports’ Q1 2007 result will fall short of the
previous year’s figure. The primary reason behind this is the
below-normal amount of re-orders received for winter sports
equipment in early 2007.


Amer Sports seeks to be viewed as a competitive investment that
increases shareholder value through a combination of dividends and
share price performance. The Company therefore pursues a
progressive dividend policy reflecting its results, with the
objective of distributing a dividend of at least one third of
annual net profits.

The parent company's unrestricted shareholders' equity amounts to
EUR 266,484,503.73 of which net result for the period is EUR

The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that
the distributable earnings be used as follows:

- A dividend of EUR 0.50 per share, totaling EUR 36,042,252.00, to
be paid to shareholders
- EUR 230,442,251.73 to be carried forward in unrestricted
shareholders' equity

Totaling EUR 266,484,503.73

There have been no significant changes to the company's financial
position since the close of the financial period. The company's
financial standing is good and the proposed dividend distribution
does not endanger the company's financial standing, according to
the Board of Directors.

The figures presented in this stock exchange release are based on
the Group's audited financial statements, which has been prepared
in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards
(IFRS) as adopted by the EU.


EUR million.        1-12/       Pro Chang  10-12/      Pro  Change
                     2006     Forma     e    2006    Forma       %
                              1-12/     %           10-12/
                               2005                   2005
NET SALES         1,792.7   1,732.0     4   581.6    558.5       4
Cost of goods           - -1,047.6         -361.2   -343.1        
sold              1,095.3
GROSS PROFIT        697.4     684.4     2   220.4    215.4       2
License income       22.4      19.8           6.8      5.7        
Other operating       7.2                     1.5      2.2        
income                         11.1
R&D expenses        -58.5     -58.6         -16.6    -16.8        
Selling and        -416.5                  -111.2   -106.2        
marketing                    -410.9
Administrative     -131.8                   -31.2    -32.5        
and other                    -128.7
EARNINGS BEFORE                         3                        3
INTEREST AND        120.2     117.1          69.7     67.8
% of net sales        6.7       6.8          12.0     12.1        
Financing income    -23.6                    -5.3     -6.6        
and expenses                  -24.0
EARNINGS BEFORE      96.6      93.1     4    64.4     61.2       5
Taxes               -26.1     -30.7         -17.4    -20.4        
NET RESULT           70.5      62.4    13    47.0     40.8      15
Attributable to:                                                  
Equity holders of    70.3      62.2          47.0     40.9        
the parent
Minority              0.2       0.2           0.0     -0.1        
Earnings per         0.98                    0.65     0.57        
share, EUR                     0.87
Earnings per         0.97      0.86          0.65     0.57        
share, diluted,
Adjusted average     71.5      71.4                               
number of shares
in issue, million
Adjusted average     72.4      72.0                               
number of shares
in issue,
diluted, million
Average rates        1.26      1.24                               
used: EUR 1.00 =


                      1-        1-  Change     10-  10-12/  Change
                    12/        12/       %      12    2005       %
                      2006    2005           /2006
NET SALES            1,792. 1,363.      31   581.6   558.5       4
                          7      7
Cost of goods sold        - -817.1          -361.2  -341.6        
GROSS PROFIT          697.4  546.6      28   220.4   216.9       2
License income         22.4   16.2             6.8     5.7        
Other operating         7.2   10.4             1.5     2.2        
R&D expenses          -58.5  -39.4           -16.6   -16.7        
Selling and          -416.5 -302.6          -111.2  -106.2        
marketing expenses
Administrative and   -131.8                  -31.2   -34.1        
other expenses               -94.3
Non-recurring items       -                      -                
related to the                                       -54.6
Salomon acquisition          -54.6
EARNINGS BEFORE                         46                        
INTEREST AND TAXES    120.2   82.3            69.7    13.2
% of net sales          6.7    6.0            12.0     2.4        
Financing income      -23.6                   -5.3    -5.4        
and expenses                  -9.0
EARNINGS BEFORE        96.6   73.3      32    64.4     7.8        
Taxes                 -26.1    2.1           -17.4    22.7        
NET RESULT             70.5   75.4      -6    47.0    30.5      54
Attributable to:                                                  
Equity holders of      70.3   75.2            47.2    30.9        
the parent company
Minority interests      0.2    0.2             0.0    -0.1        
Earnings per share,    0.98   1.05            0.65    0.42        
Earnings per share,    0.97   1.04            0.65                
diluted, EUR                                          0.42
Equity per share,      7.71   7.46                                
ROCE, % *)             12.0   11.3                                
ROE, %                 12.9   15.1                                

*) 12 months’ rolling average


                     1-12/     Pro  Change  10-12/          Change
                      2006   Forma       %    2006     Pro       %
                             1-12/                   Forma
                              2005                  10-12/
Salomon              661.4   623.5       6   282.1   255.2      11
Wilson               569.6   570.4       0   111.5   119.7      -7
Precor               275.6   252.1       9    83.0    80.7       3
Atomic               204.8   214.0      -4    82.2    85.9      -4
Suunto                81.3    72.0      13    22.8    17.0      34
Net sales, total    1,792.  1,732.       4   581.6   558.5       4
                         7       0


                       1-12/         Change 10-12/     Pro  Change
                        2006    Pro       %   2006   Forma       %
                              Forma                 10-12/
                              1-12/                   2005
Salomon                 23.6   18.1      30   40.3    37.9       6
Wilson                  54.6   52.1       5    5.2     2.9      79
Precor                  34.8   31.1      12   12.7    13.6      -7
Atomic                  16.6   22.2     -25   14.8    19.0     -22
Suunto                   7.0    3.4     106    1.2    -0.7        
Headquarters           -16.4   -9.8     -67   -4.5    -4.9       8
EBIT, total            120.2  117.1       3   69.7    67.8       3


                       1-12/    Pro  Change 10-12/     Pro  Change
                        2006  Forma       %   2006   Forma       %
                              1-12/                 10-12/
                               2005                   2005
Americas               815.7  783.3       4  207.1   208.2      -1
EMEA                   781.8  758.3       3  306.8   279.5      10
Asia Pacific           195.2  190.4       3   67.7    70.8      -4
Total                 1,792. 1,732.       4  581.6   558.5       4
                           7      0


                                            1-12/            1-12/
                                             2006             2005
Cash flow from operating                     45.5             96.4
Cash flow from investing                    -71.9           -471.6
Cash flow from financing                                          
   Dividends paid                           -35.9            -36.0
   Issue of shares                            6.5              0.7
   Change in net debt                        54.1            441.3
Change in liquid funds                       -1.7             30.8
Liquid funds at year beginning               47.2             17.9
Liquid funds at year end                     45.5             48.7


                                           31 Dec           31 Dec
Assets                                       2006             2005
Goodwill                                    290.3            311.7
Other intangible non-current                209.9            217.1
Tangible non-current assets                 118.8            113.4
Other non-current assets                     55.5             58.7
Inventories and work in progress            290.4            301.6
Receivables                                 647.1            635.1
Cash and cash equivalents                    45.5             48.7
Assets                                    1,657.5          1,686.3
Shareholders’ equity and                                          
Shareholders’ equity                        556.1            536.2
Long-term interest-bearing                  243.9            256.2
Other long-term liabilities                  18.7             18.0
Current interest-bearing                    387.0            393.5
Other current liabilities                   382.4            378.3
Provisions                                   69.4            104.1
Shareholders’ equity and                  1,657.5          1,686.3
Equity ratio, %                              33.6             31.8
Gearing, %                                    105              112
EUR 1.00 = USD                               1.32             1.18


                                   ot-    Re-                Total
                         Trans-    her   tai-         Mino- share-
            Share   Pre-  latio    re-    ned          rity   hol-
            capi-   mium diffe-   ser-   ear-         inte-  ders'
              tal   fund  rence    ves  nings  Total   rest  equit
                              s                                  y
Balance at  285.7    0.8  -48.4    0.1  219.9  458.1    3.2  461.3
1 Jan 2005
Translatio                 34.2                 34.2          34.2
Cash flow                         -0.7          -0.7          -0.7
Net income                 34.2   -0.7          33.5          33.5
in equity
Net result                               75.2   75.2    0.2   75.4
Total                      34.2   -0.7   75.2  108.7    0.2  108.9
income and
for the
Dividend                                -36.0  -36.0         -36.0
Warrants                                  1.3    1.3           1.3

Warrants      0.2    0.5                         0.7           0.7
              0.2    0.5                -34.7  -34.0         -34.0
Balance at  285.9    1.3  -14.2   -0.6  260.4  532.8    3.4  536.2
31 Dec
Translatio                -27.3                -27.3         -27.3
Cash flow                          4.8           4.8           4.8
Net income                -27.3    4.8         -22.5         -22.5
in equity
Net result                               70.3   70.3    0.2   70.5
Total                     -27.3    4.8   70.3   47.8    0.2   48.0
income and
for the
 Warrants          1.1        1.1               1.1
 Warrants             0.9    5.6                         6.5        6.5
                      0.9    5.6                -34.6  -28.1        - 28.1
 Balance at 31 Dec  286.8    6.9  -41.5    4.2  296.1  552.5    3.6 556.1
                                            31 Dec          31 Dec
                                              2006            2005
 Charges on assets                               -             2.8
 Mortgages pledged                             3.5             4.6
 Guarantees                                    4.3             7.1
 Liabilities for leasing and                 103.0            60.4
 rental agreements
 Other liabilities                            50.9            52.9
 There are no
 guarantees of
 given for the
 management of the
 company, the
 shareholders or
 the associated
                                            31 Dec          31 Dec
                                              2006            2005
 Nominal value                                                    
 Foreign exchange forward                    341.3           404.2
 Forward rate agreements                     275.9           200.0
 Interest rate swaps                         225.9           277.2
 Fair value                                                       
 Foreign exchange forward                      4.3            -5.5
 Forward rate agreements                       0.2             0.1
 Interest rate swaps                           5.7            -0.1
                Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1     Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1
              2006   2006   2006   2006   2005  2005*  2005*  2005*
                                                    )      )      )
 NET SALES                                                         
 Salomon     282.1  179.6   76.4  123.3  255.2  189.4   71.7  107.2
 Wilson      111.5  120.3  159.5  178.3  119.7  126.1  152.3  172.3
 Precor       83.0   60.4   59.3   72.9   80.7   57.9   54.5   59.0
 Atomic       82.2   93.3    5.6   23.7   85.9   93.8    7.8   26.5
 Suunto       22.8   18.3   21.0   19.2   17.0   16.4   18.6   20.0
 Net sales,  581.6  471.9  321.8  417.4  558.5  483.6  304.9  385.0
                Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1     Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1
              2006   2006   2006   2006  2005*  2005*  2005*  2005*
                                             )      )      )      )
 Salomon      40.3   23.6  -17.9  -22.4   37.9   28.0  -23.3  -24.5
 Wilson        5.2    7.9   17.2   24.3    2.9    6.9   16.2   26.1
 Precor       12.7    6.0    4.1   12.0   13.6    7.1    4.6    5.8
 Atomic       14.8   23.4  -12.2   -9.4   19.0   23.7  -12.1   -8.4
 Suunto        1.2    1.0    3.7    1.1   -0.7    0.9    1.5    1.7
 Headquarte   -4.5   -4.0   -3.9   -4.0   -4.9   -3.1    1.9   -3.7
 EBIT,        69.7   57.9   -9.0    1.6   67.8   63.5  -11.2   -3.0
 *) Pro forma
 All forecasts and estimates presented in this report are based
 on management’s current judgment of the economic environment and
 the actual results may be significantly different.
 Board of Directors
 For further information, please contact:
 Mr Tommy Ilmoni, Vice President, Investor Relations, 
 tel.+358 9 7257 8233
 Mr Pekka Paalanne, Senior Vice President & CFO, 
 tel. +358 9 7257 8212
 Mr Roger Talermo, President & CEO,
 tel. +358 9 7257 8210
 Maarit Mikkonen
 Communications Manager
 Tel. +358 9 7257 8306, 
 Helsinki Stock Exchange
 Major media