13 February 2007, at 9.30 a.m.


A year of structural change and excellent profitability

Sampo Group’s profit before taxes for 2006 amounted to EUR 1,353
million (1,295). Earnings per share rose to EUR 1.73 (1.68) and at
market value earnings per share were EUR 1.89 (1.97). Net asset
value per share rose to EUR 9.21 (7.67). The RoE target of 19 per
cent was surpassed with a return on equity for the Group of 22.6
per cent (28.4). The Board proposes to the AGM a dividend of EUR
1.20 per share and an authorisation to repurchase Sampo shares.
- The combined ratio for P&C insurance decreased to 89.9 per cent
for the full year 2006 (90.5). Net investment income amounted to
EUR 358 million (460). RoE exceeded the target of 17.5 per cent
and was 22.0 per cent (24.1).

- Life insurance reported a 26 per cent increase in profit before
taxes, which amounted to EUR 295 million (234). The fair value
reserve increased by EUR 68 million and was EUR 464 million (after
tax) on 31 December 2006 (396). RoE clearly surpassed the target
of 17.5 per cent and was 30.0 per cent (39.0).

- For the last time Sampo reports earnings for the banking and
investment services. In November 2006 Sampo plc sold all Sampo
Bank plc’s shares to Danske Bank A/S for a cash consideration of
4,050 million euros. The transaction was closed on 1 February 2007
and Sampo Group will book a sales gain of approximately EUR 2.9
billion from the transaction. The tax-free sales gain will be
reported in the first quarter 2007 accounts.

- In 2006 profit before taxes for banking and investment services
rose to EUR 355 million (316). Net interest income and fees and
commissions continued to develop favourably. RoE for banking and
investment services rose to 23.8 per cent (23.1) and exceeded the
target of 20 per cent.

KEY FIGURES                          Change      Q4     Q4 Change
EUR m                     2006   2005   %      2006   2005   %
Profit before taxes      1,353  1,295    +4     334    288    +16
  P&C insurance            730    800    -9     227    174    +30
  Life insurance           295    234   +26      51     48     +6
  Other                    -27    -49   +45     -16    -14    -14
  Banking                  355    316   +12      76     86    -12
Profit for the period      991    963    +3     241    225     +7
Earnings per share, EUR   1.73   1.68    +3    0.42   0.39     +8
Dividend per share, EUR   1.20   0.60  +100       -      -       
EPS(incl. change in FVR)  1.89   1.97    -4    0.68   0.33   +106
NAV, EUR * )              9.21   7.67   +20       -      -      -
Average number of staff  11,65  11,73    -1       -      -      -
(FTE)                        7      0
Group solvency ratio, %  202.7  196.1    +3       -      -      -
RoEC, %                   31.4   35.0   -10       -      -      -
RoE, %                    22.6   28.4   -20       -      -      -

* ) Less full deferred tax.
**) Year 2006  figure is the Board of Director's dividend

Sampo Group reported a profit before taxes of EUR 334 million
(288) for the final quarter of 2006. Earnings per share amounted
to EUR 0.42 (0.39). Taking the change in the fair value reserve
into account, earnings per share were EUR 0.68 (0.33). The
increase in net asset value per share from the end of the third
quarter was EUR 0.93 and net asset value per share rose to EUR

The P&C insurance operation’s technical result for the fourth
quarter of 2006 was excellent and the combined ratio was 89.9 per
cent (87.6). Profit before taxes amounted to EUR 227 million
(174). Net investment income grew to EUR 132 million (59).

Life insurance premiums written rose to EUR 238 million (217).
Life operations reported a profit before taxes of EUR 51 million

The segment Other reported a loss before taxes of EUR 16 million
in the final quarter of 2006 (-14).

Profit before taxes for the Banking and investment services was
EUR 76 million (86) in the fourth quarter of 2006. The comparison
figure contains a one-off sales gain of EUR 24 million. Net
interest income grew to EUR 98 million (91) and net fees and
commissions to EUR 71 million (55).


P&C insurance

If is the leading property and casualty insurance company in the
Nordic region, with insurance operations that also encompass the
Baltic countries. If P&C Insurance Holding Ltd,  headquartered in
Sweden, is the parent company for property and casualty insurance
within the Sampo Group. In December 2006 the transformation of the
former representative office in St. Petersburg to an insurance
company was completed as a licence to conduct insurance business
in Russia was received.

RESULTS                    1-12   1-12  Change    Q4    Q4  Chang
EUR m                      2006   2005    %     2006  2005    %
Insurance premiums        3,765  3,709      +2   953   944     +1
Net income from             358    460     -22   132    59   +124
Other operating income       23     18     +28     7     4    +75
Claims incurred               - -2,457      +1  -599  -601      0
Staff costs                -431   -447      -4  -121  -126     -4
Other expenses             -505   -484      +4  -145  -107    +36
Profit (loss) before        730    800      -9   227   174    +30
KEY FIGURES                                                      
Combined ratio, %          89.9   90.5      -1  89.9  87.6     +3
Risk ratio, %              65.9   66.2       0  62.8  63.7     -1
Cost ratio, %              24.0   24.3      -1  27.1  23.9    +13
Expense ratio, %           17.4   17.8      -2  19.7  17.7    +11
Return on equity, %        22.0   24.1      -9     -     -      -
Average number of staff   6,428  6,592      -2     -     -      -

If had a strong year 2006 and the company achieved all its
targets. Despite some competitors market share driven actions, If
has continued its strategy to be best in risk and focused on
underwriting. If’s record insurance technical result and stable
volume development prove the success of the chosen strategy. If
has also managed to further improve its cost efficiency.

Customer satisfaction improved during year 2006. An independent
Pan-Nordic customer satisfaction report (EPSI) was published in
November, and showed a significant increase in If’s ranking from
previous year against the competitors in most markets and business

Profit before taxes of the P&C insurance operation was EUR 730
million (800). The technical result rose to EUR 554 million (516).
Business area Private accounted for 54 per cent, Commercial for 29
per cent, Industrial for 13 per cent and the Baltic countries for
2 per cent of the technical result. EUR 65 million was released
from technical reserves relating to prior year claims (39).

The insurance margin - technical result in relation to net
premiums earned - increased to 14.7 per cent (13.9). The target
RoE of 17.5 per cent was clearly achieved with RoE of 22.0 per
cent (24.1).

The combined ratio for the full year 2006 improved further to 89.9
per cent (90.5). Profitability remained good in all business
areas. In geographic terms the biggest combined ratio improvement
occurred in Finland.

The overall market environment in Nordic P&C insurance was
favourable during 2006 and competitive behaviour was mostly
disciplined. In the private segment, competition intensified in
certain business lines in Norway and Finland. Competition is based
on pricing, and the strict underwriting focus has lead to somewhat
lower growth. The commercial market was mostly stable, but there
were some signs of increased competition in Sweden. In the
industrial segment the competitive situation was stable.

Cost efficiency continued to improve and the cost ratio decreased
to 24.0 per cent for full year 2006 (24.3). Nominal costs amounted
to EUR 936 million (931). As stated in January-September 2006
interim report, there was variability in costs between quarters
due to some IT investments and marketing campaigns being delayed
until the fourth quarter. Consequently, the cost ratio was
exceptionally low in the third quarter and high in the fourth

Gross written premiums grew by 1.5 per cent to EUR 4,019 million
Premium growth was again strongest in the Baltics with 16 per
cent. Premiums grew by 2 per cent in the business areas Commercial
and Industrial. Premium income was flat in business area Private.

On 31 December 2006 the total investment assets of If amounted to
EUR 10.1 billion, of which 89 per cent was invested in fixed
income instruments (88), 10 per cent in equity (10) and 1 per cent
in other assets (2). Net investment income for the full year
amounted to EUR 358 million (460). Investment income was lower
than previous year, due to rising interest rates during the first
half of 2006. Development in the second half of the year was
favourable, and investment income in the third and fourth quarter
was higher than a year before. Investment income in the fourth
quarter rose to EUR 132 million (59), largely because of the good
performance of equity investments. The return on investments for
year 2006 was 4.3 per cent (5.8). At year end the duration for
interest-bearing assets equalled 3.0 years.

Solvency capital amounted to EUR 2,841 million on 31 December 2006
(3,216). The solvency ratio - solvency capital in relation to net
premiums written - was 74 per cent (88). Reserve ratios remained
stable and reserves were 159 per cent (157) of net premiums
written and 254 per cent of claims paid (256). In December If paid
a EUR 452 million dividend to parent company Sampo plc, which
decreased solvency capital. During year 2006 If paid dividends in
total EUR 1,031 million.

Personal insurance is an important growth area for If and several
risk and health products continue to sell well. Since the launch
of these products in 2005 almost 200,000 contracts have been

During year 2006 If strengthened its leading market position in
the car-branded insurance market and signed several important co-
operation and distribution agreements. If co-operates with Ford
(brands Ford, Volvo and Mazda) in all the Nordic countries and
with General Motors (Saab and Opel among others) in Sweden,
Denmark and Finland. In March If concluded an agreement to sell
home insurance products through the Swedish housing finance
corporation SBAB.

In May 2006 If announced its aim to upgrade its presence in Russia
by establishing a P&C insurance company in St. Petersburg where If
has had a representative office. The licence was approved in
December 2006. By upgrading its presence, If aims to give even
better service to corporate customers in the growing Russian

In October 2006 If entered a partnership with Handelsbanken Liv to
expand its product range in Norway's compulsory company pensions
system (OTP pension system). If will strengthen its focus by
offering additional insurance covering both disability and child
pension. As part of this process, Sampo Life Insurance Company
Limited sold its Norwegian OTP pension portfolio to Handelsbanken

Life insurance

Sampo Life Group consists of Sampo Life, a wholly-owned subsidiary
of Sampo plc, operating in Finland and of its subsidiary Sampo
Life Insurance Baltic SE. The latter has the form of a European
company headquartered in Estonia. It operates in the other Baltic
countries through branches. Sampo Life also has a subsidiary in
Sweden to complement the product offering of If P&C.

Results                               Chang      Q4    Q4  Change
EUR m                      2006  2005   %      2006  2005    %
Premiums                    660   649    +2     238   217     +10
Net income from             593   586    +1     186   144     +29
Other operating income        1     2   -50       0     0        
Claims incurred            -550  -557    -1    -153  -110     +39
Change in liabilities      -345  -390   -12    -201  -186      +8
inv. and ins. contracts
Staff costs                 -19   -18    +6      -4    -5     -20
Other operating expenses    -45   -39   +15     -15   -13     +15
Profit (loss) before        295   234   +26      51    48      +6
Key figures                                                      
Expense ratio, %          101.9  93.4    +9       -     -       -
Return on equity, %        30.0  39.0   -23       -     -       -
Average number of staff     365   370    -1       -     -       -

Sampo Group’s life operations reported a profit before taxes of
EUR 295 million (234). Marked-to-market result was EUR 386 million
(464) as the fair value reserve grew by EUR 91 million (pre-tax)
in 2006. Net investment income, excluding the return on
investments covering unit-linked contracts, amounted to EUR 454
million (430). Net income from unit-linked investments grew to EUR
139 million (156). The yield on investments at market value was
9.7 per cent (11.5) supported by favourable equity market

In Sampo Group life insurance has an RoE target of 17.5 per cent,
which was easily surpassed as the RoE was 30.0 per cent (39.0).

The investment assets of life operations, excluding the assets of
EUR 1.8 billion (1.3) covering unit-linked contracts, amounted to
EUR 5.9 billion (5.9) at market values on 31 December 2006. Fixed
income covered 66 per cent (64), equity 31 per cent (33) and real
estate 2 per cent (3) of total assets. Equity investments include
direct equity holdings, equity funds and private equity.

The official expense ratio of Sampo Life Group increased to 101.9
per cent (93.4). The ratio, however, does not take into account
all fees intended to cover the operating expenses. This
discrepancy increases as the share of unit-linked reserves grows.
If all fees are taken into account, the ratio decreases to 81.3
per cent (83.5). Sampo Life Group does not defer acquisition

Sampo Life Group’s solvency remained strong. The solvency capital
amounted to EUR 1,033 million (1,077) and solvency ratio was 20.1
per cent (21.3) on 31 December 2006.

Technical reserves on own account amounted to EUR 6.4 billion
(6.0), of which unit-linked insurance reserves were EUR 1.8
billion (1.3). The share of unit-linked reserves of total
technical reserves grew to 27 per cent (21). Sampo Life’s with-
profit policyholders received a bonus of 0 - 2.25 per cent
depending on the guaranteed rate of their policies. Total bonuses
for 2006 amounted to EUR 26.7 million (15.7). Reserve for future
customer bonuses was increased by EUR 35.2 million and the reserve
amounted to 35.6 million (13.7) at end of 2006.

Sampo Life Group’s gross premium income in 2006 amounted to EUR
665 million (655). Direct premiums on own account grew by
approximately 2 per cent to EUR 660 million (649). The comparison
figure contains two single premium with-profit contracts
transferring the liabilities of two pension funds to Sampo Life
and totalling close to EUR 100 million in premiums.

Sampo Life Group’s focus in 2006 was on strengthening its market
position in unit-linked insurance. Unit-linked premiums grew by
almost 50 per cent to EUR 429 million (288) and consequently Sampo
Life’s market share in the Finnish unit-linked insurance increased
to 25.2 per cent (20.8). Unit-linked premiums covered 65 per cent
of total direct premiums (43). The share of regular premiums also
increased and was 60 per cent (55). Sampo Life’s overall market
share in Finland was 20.4 per cent (20.2).

Baltic life markets continued their strong growth. Sampo Life’s
premiums from the Baltic companies grew by 81 per cent to EUR 38
million (21). Sampo has a 15 per cent market share in the Baltics.
Year 2006 was the first full operating year for If Livförsäkring
AB, the Swedish subsidiary of Sampo Life. The company’s premium
income amounted to EUR 3 million. In October 2006 Sampo Life sold
its portfolio of Norwegian OTP pension policies to Handelsbanken


The operations of Sampo plc (the holding company) and Primasoft
were reported in this segment in 2006. Sampo plc’s main function
in 2006 was to own and control the subsidiaries engaged in
insurance, banking and investment services. Primasoft provided IT
services for various companies in Sampo Group.

Results                               Chang      Q4    Q4  Change
EUR m                      2006  2005   %      2006  2005    %
Net interest income         -42   -39    +8      -9   -10     -10
Net income from              -5     0     -                     -
financial transactions                           -5     0
Fees and commissions,        -1    -1     0       0     0       -
Impairment losses             2    -2     -       0     0       -
Net income from              18    15   +20       4     3     +33
Other operating income       95    76   +25      16    19     -16
Staff costs                 -38   -44   -14      -9   -13     -31
Other operating expenses    -56   -55    +2     -12   -14     -14
Profit (loss) before        -27   -49   +45     -16   -14     -14

The segment’s loss before taxes amounted to EUR 27 million (-49).

Sampo plc’s balance sheet has strengthened significantly in 2006
because of sizable internal dividends which amounted to EUR 1.4
billion. The liabilities to external creditors were EUR 1 billion
on 31 December 2006 and equity capital amounted to EUR 3.5
billion. Sampo plc’s balance sheet total was EUR 4.5 billion
(3.6). Of this amount, holdings in banking and investment services
companies accounted for EUR 0.8 billion (0.8) and holdings in
insurance companies for EUR 2.4 billion (2.4). Liabilities include
two debt instruments - a subordinated note and a senior note with
face values of EUR 600 million and EUR 300 million respectively.
The latter which after repurchases amounts to EUR 191 million will
be repaid in April 2007.

Primasoft had a negligible impact on the profit or loss of the
Other segment.

Banking and investment services (Discontinued operations)

Banking and investment services comprises Sampo Bank Group, which
Sampo plc sold to Danske Bank A/S on 9 November 2006. The
transaction was closed on 1 February 2007. Sampo Bank plc operates
mainly in Finland and through subsidiaries in all the Baltic
countries and in St. Petersburg in Russia. Sampo Bank’s main
subsidiaries are Sampo Fund Management Ltd, Mandatum Asset
Management Ltd, Mandatum Securities Ltd (former Mandatum
Stockbrokers Ltd), Mandatum & Co Ltd, 3C Asset Management Ltd and
Arvo Asset Management Ltd.

Results                    1-12   1-12 Change      Q4    Q4 Change
EUR m                      2006   2005     %    2006  2005      %
Net interest income         374    346    +8      98    91     +8
Net income from                     65   +37            16    +69
financial transactions       89                   27
Net fee and commission      260    221   +18      71    55    +29
Net impairment item          -2      3     -       0    -4      -
Net Income from              57     46   +24       3    10    -70
Other operating income       37     60   -38      13    37    -65
Staff costs                -219   -200   +10     -70   -58    +21
Other operating expenses   -240   -224    +7     -65   -61     +7
Profit (loss) before        355    316   +12      76    86    -12
Key figures                                                      
Cost to income ratio, %    56.3   57.3    -2       -     -      -
Return on equity, %        23.8   23.1    +3       -     -      -
Average number of staff   4,429   4,20    +5       -     -      -
(FTE)                                1

Banking and investment services performed well and profit before
taxes for the year 2006 increased 12 per cent to EUR 355 million
(316). Return on equity amounted to 23.8 per cent (23.1), clearly
above the target RoE of 20 per cent.
Profit before taxes for the year 2006 includes one-off sales gains
worth EUR 40 million. Comparison figure includes one-off sales
gains worth EUR 58 million.

Net interest income rose to EUR 374 million (346). Net fee and
commission income grew to EUR 260 million (221) driven by strong
growth in asset management fees.

Total operating costs amounted to EUR 459 million (425). Growth in
costs derives largely from provisions for performance-related
management incentive schemes and strong growth in the Baltic
operations. Costs in the fourth quarter include EUR 18 million in
various bonus and incentive scheme costs, largely due to the sale
of Sampo Bank. Cost-to-income-ratio continued to improve and was
56.3 per cent (57.3).

Loans and advances to customers increased by 14 per cent from year-
end 2005 and totaled EUR 21,084 million (18,484). Growth in
mortgages continued and the stock rose year-on-year 19 per cent to
EUR 9,685 million. Rapid growth continued in consumer credits. At
the end of the year loans to private customers represented 59 per
cent and loans to corporate customers 41 per cent of the total
loan portfolio. Corporate lending increased to EUR 8,743 million

Geographically the Baltic countries continued to provide the
fastest growth in both lending and deposits. The Baltic loan stock
rose to 2.4 billion euros (1.4).

Credit quality remained firm and net impairment losses on loans
and receivables was EUR -2 million (3).

Deposits amounted to EUR 12,598 million increasing 10 per cent
from year end 2005 (11,442).

Rapid growth continued in mutual fund assets, which rose 25 per
cent from year-end 2005 to EUR 11,118 million. Net subscriptions
in Sampo’s mutual funds in year 2006 year amounted to EUR 1,487
million. Mutual fund assets include EUR 1,020 million of Sampo
Group investments (1,226), representing 9 per cent of total assets

Sampo Bank Group's capital adequacy was 11.9 (10.6) per cent at
the end of 2006 and the tier 1 ratio was 8.3 (7.6) per cent. Tier
1 capital rose to EUR 1,481 million (1,255). Risk-weighted assets
on 31 December 2006 were EUR 17,847 million (16,466).

Other developments in 2006

Changes in Group structure

Sampo Group underwent a major structural change during year 2006
when banking and investment services companies were disposed. On 9
November, 2006 Sampo plc announced that it had agreed to sell all
shares of Sampo Bank Group to Danske Bank A/S for a cash
consideration of EUR 4,050 million. In addition Sampo Bank paid a
dividend of EUR 25 million to Sampo plc in December 2006. Sampo
Group booked a tax free sales gain of approximately EUR 2.9
billion in the first quarter of 2007. The necessary authority
approvals were obtained, and the transaction was closed on 1
February, 2007.

After the transaction Sampo Group’s other business areas, P&C
insurer If and life insurance company Sampo Life, continue to
follow their current strategies. As part of the transaction, Sampo
Life and Danske Bank made an agreement securing continued
distribution of Sampo Life’s products through Sampo Bank.

If P&C Insurance Holding Ltd announced in May 2006 its aim to
upgrade its presence in Russia by establishing a P&C insurance
company in St. Petersburg. If has had a representative office in
St. Petersburg since 1995. In December 2006 Russian supervisory
authority approved If’s licence application. By upgrading its
presence, If aims to give even better service to corporate
customers in the growing Russian market.

After the reporting period, on 2 January 2007, Sampo Life
Insurance Company Ltd announced that it combines its Baltic
subsidiaries under one company, SE Sampo Life Insurance Baltic.
The company will operate in all Baltic countries having its
domicile in Estonia and branches in Latvia and Lithuania.


After the closing of Sampo Bank transaction on 1 February 2007
Bank’s managing director Mika Ihamuotila resigned from his
position. He continues as a member of Sampo Group’s Executive
Board. Deputy managing directors Ilkka Hallavo and Maarit Näkyvä
resigned from Sampo Group’s Executive Board on the same day with
immediate effect.

Changes in share capital

The Board decided on 11 May 2006 to repurchase a maximum of 15
million Sampo A shares. Shares were to be repurchased by 31
December 2006 at the latest. Repurchases started on 31 May 2006
and 4,827,500 A shares was bought by 31 December 2006. EUR 73.1
million was used to acquire the shares. The shares held by Sampo
plc corresponded to 0.8 per cent of the total amount of shares and
votes at 31 December 2006. The repurchased shares correspond to
EUR 0.8 million in share capital.

A total of 3,299,830 subscriptions of shares with the warrants of
2000 option programme were submitted to the Board and approved in
2006. The subscriptions increased the share capital by EUR 0.6
million. Furthermore, subscriptions with the warrants of the 2000
option programme for 14,682,640 A shares were entered into the trade register 
on 3 January and 12 January 2007. As the subscriptions were
already submitted in 2006, the new shares are entitled to
dividends for the year 2006.

At 31 December 2006 Sampo plc's share capital amounted to EUR 95.5
million, and the number of A shares totalled 566,418,145. The
total number of shares of the company, including 1,200,000 B
shares, was 567,618,145.

The subscription period for the 2000 option programme ended on 31
January 2007. On 31 December 2006 1,242,456 warrants were
outstanding, of which Satura, a fully-owned subsidiary of Sampo
plc, held 1,030,250 warrants. In January 2007 1,057,605 shares
were subscribed for increasing the share capital to EUR 98.1
million and the number of A shares to 582,158,390 shares. Together
with 1,200,000 B shares the total amount of Sampo shares on 12
February 2007 was 583,358,390.

To facilitate the payment of year 2006 dividends, a new share
category called Sampo Uudet (Sampo New) was taken on the main list
of the Helsinki Stock Exchange as of 2 January 2007. The Sampo A
shares subscribed for with warrants from the 2000 option programme
after 31 December 2006 are entitled to dividends for 2007.

Internal dividends

Sampo plc received in 2006 a total of EUR 1,406 million in
dividends from its subsidiary companies.

Sampo Bank plc             	EUR 75 million
If P&C Insurance Holding Ltd    EUR 1,031 million (SEK 9,495
Sampo Life Insurance Ltd    	EUR 300 million


The number of full-time equivalent staff increased in 2006 by 136
employees to 11,763 employees at 31 December. Of the staff, 39 per
cent worked in banking and investment services, 54 per cent in P&C
insurance, 3 per cent in life insurance, 1 per cent in the holding
company and 3 per cent in Primasoft. Geographically, 51 per cent
worked in Finland, 15 per cent in Sweden, 14 per cent in Norway,
16 per cent in the Baltic countries, 3 per cent in Denmark and 1
per cent in other countries. The staff decreased in P&C insurance
and Primasoft, but increased in banking mostly due to growth in
the Baltic subsidiaries. The average number of employees during
2006 was 11,657, compared with 11,730 during 2005.

Management incentive schemes

The payout on Sampo Group’s long-term management incentive schemes
is dependent on Sampo’s financial and share price performance.

The incentive schemes 2003I - 2006II extend to 2010. The incentive
schemes increased staff costs in 2006 by EUR 29 million (28) and
on 31 December 2006 the total provision, including social security
costs, for the schemes was EUR 53 million (38).

The Annual General Meeting decided on 5 April 2006 to approve the
"Sampo 2006" share-based incentive scheme. The "Sampo 2006" share-
based incentive scheme applies to the managers of Sampo or its
subsidiaries and Sampo’s President and CEO as decided by Sampo’s
Board of Directors. The aim of this scheme is to ensure
continuity, taking into account previous incentive schemes, their
termination, and the persons’ current long-term incentive schemes.
The share-based incentive scheme will be valid from 2006 to 2010,
and the first part of the incentive will be paid, if applicable,
in December 2008. A maximum of 1,500,000 of Sampo’s A shares may
be distributed as incentives under the share-based incentive
scheme. The share-based incentive scheme increased staff costs in
2006 by EUR 5 million

The terms of the share-based incentive scheme and other incentive
schemes are available on Sampo’s web pages at


All the main ratings for Sampo Group companies remained unchanged
in 2006 and were the following on 31.12.2006.

Rated company               Moody’s        Standard and Poor’s
                       Rating    Outlook    Rating   Outlook
Sampo plc              Baa1      Positive  Not rated -
Sampo Bank plc         A1/P-1    Stable    A/A-1     Stable
AS Sampo Pank          A2*/P1    Positive  Not rated -
If P&C Insurance       A2        Positive  A         Stable
If P&C Insurance Co.   A2        Positive  A         Stable
* Long-term bank                                     

On 3 April 2006 Moody’s upgraded AS Sampo Pank’s (Estonia)
Financial Strength Rating (FSR) from D to D+ with stable outlook.

On 18 May 2006 Moody’s assigned a positive outlook to the
financial strength ratings and subordinated debt/capital
contribution securities ratings of If P&C Insurance Company Ltd
and Sampo plc.

Group solvency

Group solvency is calculated according to the consolidation method
defined in the Chapter 3 of the Act of the Supervision of
Financial and Insurance
Conglomerates, which entered into force on 1 January 2005. In the
consolidation method items, which according to bank or insurance
regulations are part of own funds but not equity, are added to
group’s balance sheet equity. Items, which are not available to
cover losses in other group companies, are, however, not included
in own funds.

The Group’s solvency ratio (own funds in relation to minimum
requirements for own funds) on 31 December 2006 was 202.7 per cent

SAMPO GROUP SOLVENCY, EUR m                         31.12.2005
Group capital                           5,189.5        4,348.1
Sectoral items                          3,134.2        2,733.1
Intangibles and sectoral                              -2,254.5
deductibles                            -2,717.7
Other sectoral non-transferable                         -493.8
items                                    -784.8
Group's own funds, total                4,821.2        4,332.9
Minimum requirements for own                           2,209.3
funds, total                            2,378.2
Group solvency                          2,442.9        2,123.6
Group solvency ratio                                          
(Own funds % of minimum                  202.7%         196.1%

Events after the end of the accounting year

On 8 February 2007 Sampo received disclosure under chapter 2,
section 9 of the Securities Markets Act, according to which Exista
hf. has entered into agreements which when implemented result in
the total number of Sampo A shares and related voting rights held
by Exista Group to rise to 15.48 per cent of Sampo plc's entire
stock and 15.35 per cent of voting rights.

Outlook for 2007

The world economy has fared well and equity prices have continued
to move upwards for the past four years. Uncertainties, however,
still exist and continued steady development cannot be taken for

Even if equity performance proves less impressive than in 2006,
Sampo Group is expected to report a good result as both its
insurance businesses are operationally in excellent shape and
higher interest rates will boost the fixed income yields.

The role of Sampo plc, the parent company, changed markedly after
the closing of the Sampo Bank transaction. With the sales proceeds
of 4,050 million euro and the sizable internal dividends paid in
2006, Sampo plc has become a significant investor. Its assets are
presently mainly invested in short-term fixed income instruments.

Sampo Group’s P&C insurance operation If is expected to report a
sound technical result for 2007. If remains firmly committed to
its target of achieving a combined ratio of 95 per cent or better
each and every year. Favourable claims trends and low cost levels
warrant more positive expectations for 2007 and If foresees to
achieve a combined ratio between 91 and 94 per cent. Due to higher
interest rates its fixed income portfolio is likely to yield
substantially more than in 2006 and overall the result is expected
to remain good. The RoE target for P&C insurance operations is
17.5 per cent.

Sampo Life Group’s marked-to-market result is highly dependent on
capital market development. However, it possesses substantial
reserves to withstand market volatility and its 2007 reported
profit is therefore expected to remain good in most foreseeable
scenarios. Both in Finland and in the Baltics Sampo Life continues
to focus on unit-linked insurance and on selected risk policies.
The RoE target for the life insurance operation is 17.5 per cent.

Sampo Group is strongly capitalised and can therefore withstand
significant investment market volatility. A severe downturn in
equity markets or a sharp rise in interest rates would cause short-
term losses in investment income. However, higher bond yields
would compensate for the losses in a relative short time as the
Group has a fairly short duration in its fixed income portfolios.

New distribution policy

The Board of Sampo plc announced on 9 November 2006 a new
distribution policy to be applied with immediate effect. According
to the new policy, Sampo plc aims to distribute an annual dividend
corresponding to a dividend yield of 4-6 per cent. Dividends
cannot, however, exceed reported profit after tax (excl.
extraordinary items) for the calendar year for which the dividend
is paid. Share buy-backs can be used to complement dividends.

Board’s dividend proposal

Parent company’s distributable capital and reserves totalled EUR
1,842,371,518.67, of which profit for the financial year was EUR

The Board proposes to the Annual General Meeting that the
distributable funds are used as follows:

For the financial year 2006 a dividend of EUR 1.20 per share be
paid on the company’s 577,473,285 shares. The number of shares
includes 14,682,640 shares converted in 2006 with warrants. The new shares
were entered into the trade register on 3 and 12 January 2007. 
Dividends are not paid on the 4,827,500 Sampo A shares that Sampo plc held at 31
December 2006. The total amount of dividends is EUR

Rest of the funds are left in the equity capital.

No significant changes have taken place in the company’s financial
position since the end of the financial year. The company’s
liquidity position is good and the proposed distribution does not,
in the Board’s view, jeopardize the company’s ability to fulfil
its obligations.

Board of Directors

For more information, please contact:
Peter Johansson, CFO, tel. +358 10 516 0010
Jarmo Salonen, Head of Investor Relations and Group
Communications, tel. +358 10 516 0030

Sampo will arrange a Finnish language press conference on the 2006
results at Unioninkatu 22, Helsinki, today at 1.30 p.m. Finnish
time. An English-language telephone conference for investors and
analysts will be held at 4.00 p.m. Finnish time. Please call +44
(0) 20 7162 0125 (UK/European) or +1 334 323 6203 (North
American). Password: SAMPO.

The conference can also be followed from a direct transmission on
the Internet at A recorded version will later be
available at the same address.

Sampo plc, Sampo Bank plc, If P&C Insurance Holding Ltd and Sampo
Life Ltd will publish their annual reports for 2006 in week 13.

Sampo will publish the first quarter 2007 interim report on 9 May

The Helsinki Stock Exchange
The principal media
Financial Supervisory Authority

GROUP FINANCIAL REVIEW                           
FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS                  1-12/2006   1-12/2005
Revenue                        EURm       7,159       6,843
Profit before taxes            EURm       1,353       1,295
% of revenue                      %        18.9        18.9
Return on equity (at fair         %        22.6        28.4
Return on assets (at fair         %         4.0         4.4
Equity/assets ratio               %        10.9        10.1
RoEC                              %        31.4        35.0
Group solvency ¹)                 %       2,443       2,124
Group solvency ratio              %       202.7       196.1
Average number of staff                  11,657      11,730
PROPERTY & CASUALTY                                        
Revenue                        EURm       4,361       4,398
Premiums written before        EURm       4,019       3,962
reinsurers' share
Premiums earned                EURm       3,765       3,709
Profit before taxes            EURm         730         800
% of revenue                      %        16.7        18.2
Return on equity (at current      %        22.0        24.1
Risk ratio ²)                     %        65.9        66.2
Cost ratio ²)                     %        24.0        24.3
Loss ratio ²)                     %        73.9        74.1
Loss ratio before unwinding       %        72.5        72.7
of discount ²)
Expense ratio ²)                  %        17.4        17.8
Combined ratio                    %        91.3        91.9
Combined ratio before             %        89.9        90.5
unwinding of discount
Average number of staff                   6,428       6,592
LIFE INSURANCE                                             
Revenue                        EURm       1,254       1,240
Premiums written before        EURm         665         655
reinsurers' share
Profit before taxes            EURm         295         234
% of revenue                      %        23.5        18.8
Return on equity (at current      %        30.0        39.0
Expense ratio                     %       101.9        93.4
Average number of staff                     365         370
OTHER BUSINESS                                             
Profit before taxes            EURm         -27         -49
Average number of staff                     435         567
BANKING AND INVESTMENT SERVICES (discontinued              
Revenue                        EURm       1,423       1,105
Net interest income            EURm         374         346
Profit before taxes            EURm         355         316
% of revenue                      %        25.0        28.6
Cost to income ratio              %        56.3        57.3
Return on equity (at fair         %        23.8        23.1
Average number of staff                   4,429       4,201
PER SHARE KEY FIGURES                                      
Earnings per share              EUR        1.73        1.68
Earnings per share, incl.       EUR        1.89        1.97
change in fair value reserve
Diluted earnings per share      EUR        1.69        1.65
Equity per share                EUR        9.18        7.65
Net asset value per share       EUR        9.21        7.67
Adjusted share price, high      EUR       20.74       14.95
Adjusted share price, low       EUR       13.58        9.83
Market capitalization          EURm      11,413       8,312

¹) Group solvency is calculated according to the consolidation
method defined in Chapter 3 of the Act on the Supervision of
Financial and Insurance Conglomerates, which entered into force on
1 January 2005. Solvency ratio is defined as the ratio of own
funds to the sum of minimum requirements calculated under sectoral

²) Key figures for P&C Insurance are based on activity based costs
and cannot, therefore, be calculated directly from the
consolidated income statement. The result analysis of P&C
insurance is presented in note 22.

In calculating the per share key figures the number of shares used
at the balance sheet date was 562,790,645, the average number of
shares during the period 563,091,648 and the diluted average
number of shares 576,340,870. Own shares held by Sampo Plc have
been deducted from the number of shares at 31 December, 2006
(4,827,500 shares) and from the average number of shares

³) The dilution effect has been calculated as if all the remaining
subscription rights (4,178,984/the option programme of 2000 at the
end of December, 2006) would have been realised. One subscription
right entitles to subscribe 5 shares.

In calculating the key figures the tax corresponding to the result
for the accounting period has been taken into account. Investment
property has been measured at fair value when calculating return
on assets, return on equity, equity/assets ratio and net asset
value per share. Additionally, the change in fair value reserve
has been taken into account in return on assets and return on
equity. A deferred tax liabilities has been deducted from
valuation differences.

The key figures for Banking and Investment Services and Other
business have been calculated in accordance with FSA standard 3.1.
The key figures for the insurance business have been calculated in
accordance with the decree of the Ministry of Finance and the
specifying instruction 12/002/2005 of the Insurance Supervisory


EURm                      10-12/    7-9/    4-6/    1-3/   10-12/
                            2006    2006    2006    2006     2005
Net interest income           91      93      86      73       86
Net income from               20      16      19      19       17
financial transactions
Net fee and commission        63      52      63      60       50
Impairment losses on           0      -6       5       2       -4
loans and receivables
Insurance premiums         1,191   1,064   1,077   1,094    1,161
Net income from              325     317      13     367      203
Other operating income        18      47      14      13       40
Total operating income     1,706   1,583   1,278   1,627    1,552
Claims incurred             -751    -742    -746    -791     -710
Change in liabilities       -201     -55      45    -135     -186
for insurance and
investment contracts
Staff costs                 -203    -166    -162    -171     -201
Other operating             -217    -159    -196    -192     -167
Total operating           -1,372  -1,122  -1,059  -1,288   -1,264
Profit before taxes          334     461     219     339      287
from continuing
Profit before taxes            -       -       -       -        1
from discontinued
Profit before taxes          334     461     219     339      288
Taxes                        -94    -124     -63     -81      -63
Profit for the period        241     337     156     258      225
Attributable to                                           
  Equity holders of          239     335     154     248      222
parent company
  Minority interests           2       2       2       9        3


EURm         No         2006                      2005          
                 Conti  Disco Elim Total Contin  Disco Elimi Total
                 nuing  ntinu inat        uing   ntinu natio
                 opera   ed    ion       operat    ed    n
                 tions  opera             ions   opera
                        tions                    tions
Net interest  1     -42   374   10   343     -39   346     8   315
Net income    2      -5    89  -11    73       0    65     6    71
Net fee and   3      -1   260  -20   238      -1   221   -17   203
Impairment    4       2    -2           0      -2     3            1
losses on
loans and
Insurance     5   4,425             4,425   4,358               4,358
Net income    6     969    57   -4 1,021   1,061    46   -23 1,084
Other               118    37  -62    93      96    60   -84    72
Total             5,466   814  -87 6,193   5,474   740  -111 6,104
Claims                -          0     -  -3,014               -3,014
incurred          3,029            3,029
Change in          -345              -345    -390                -390
Staff costs   7    -488  -219    5  -702    -508  -200     5  -704
Other              -606  -240   82  -764    -578  -224   100  -702
Total                 -  -459   88     -  -4,490  -425   105 -4,809
operating         4,469            4,841
Profit              997   355    0 1,353     985   316    -6 1,295
before taxes
Taxes              -280   -80   -1  -361    -262   -71     1  -332
Profit for          717   275   -1   991     723   245    -4   963
the period
  Equity            714   263         977     719   230          949
holders of
  Minority            2    12          15       4    10           14
Earning per                                                      
share (eur)
   Basic           1.27  0.47        1.73    1.27  0.41         1.68
   Diluted         1.24  0.46        1.69    1.25   0.4         1.65

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET,                      
EURm                           Note     12/2006     12/2005
Cash and balances at central                 206       1,665
Financial assets at fair       8, 9         104       2,537
value through p/l
Loans and receivables           10          122      18,919
Investments                     11       15,705      15,312
Investments related to unit-    12        1,753       1,262
linked contracts
Reinsurers' share of                        525         558
insurance liabilities
Intangible assets               13          782         843
Property, plant and equipment                51         135
Other assets                              1,638       1,580
Tax assets                                  149         173
Assets classified as held for   14       26,585           -
Total assets                             47,620      42,985
Financial liabilities at fair  8, 9          73         649
value through p/l
Amounts owed to credit          14           85      12,260
institutions and customers
Debt securities in issue        15        1,236       9,647
Liabilities for insurance and   16       12,942      12,623
investment contracts
Liabilities for unit-linked     17        1,752       1,262
insurance and investment
Other liabilities                         1,216       1,650
Tax liabilities                             607         545
Liabilities directly            20       24,520           -
associated with assets
classified as held for sale
Total liabilities                        42,431      38,637
Share capital                                95          96
Reserves                                  2,012       1,814
Retained earnings                          3,061       2,412
Equity attributable to parent               5168       4,322
company's equityholders
Minority interests                            21          26
Total equity                               5,189       4,348
Total equity and liabilities              47,620      42,985


EURm         Share  Share Legal  Fair Retai  Asse Tota Mino  Total
             capit premiu reser- value   ned    ts    l rity
                al      m    ve reser earni  held      inte
                   accoun          ve   ngs   for      rest
                        t                    sale         s
Equity at 1     95  1,019   370   233 1,723    - 3,440   26  3,465
Jan. 2005                                            
Cash flow                                                    
  -                                 3                3           3
in equity
during the
  -                                -8               -8          -8
in p/l
  - change                        375              375         375
in fair
  -                              -207             -207        -207
in p/l
Exchange                                -62        -62         -62
Profit for                              949        949   14    963
the period
Total income                      163   887      1,049   14  1,063
and expenses                                         
for the
Dividends                              -113       -113  -14   -127
Subscription     1     29                           30          30
for shares
with options
Acquisition                             -88        -88         -88
of own
Recognition                               4          4           4
of undrawn
Equity at 31    96  1,048   370   396 2,412     - 4,322   26  4,348
Transfer to                        -2           2                 0
as held for
Cash flow                                                    
  -                                             0    0           0
in equity
during the
  -                                            -1   -1          -1
in p/l
  - change                        249          14  263         263
in fair
  -                              -155         -18 -172        -172
in p/l
Exchange                                 72         72          72
Profit for                              977        977   15    991
the period
Total income                       94 1,049   -4 1,138   15  1,153
and expenses                                         
for the
Dividends                              -339       -339  -20   -359
Subscription     1    108                          108         108
for shares
with options
Share-based                              -1         -1          -1
Acquisition                             -73        -73         -73
of own
Cancellation    -1      1                            0           0
of own
Recognition                              13         13          13
of undrawn
Equity at 31    95  1,157   370   488 3,061   -3 5,168   21  5,189

CASH FLOW STATEMENT, IFRS                          
                                        1-12/2006   1-12/2005
Cash and cash equivalents at the            1,787       1,254
beginning of the period
Cash flows from/used in operating          -1,417      -1,147
Cash flows from/used in investing             -64          75
Cash flows from/used in financing           1,710       1,605
Cash and cash equivalents at the end        2,016       1,787
of the period
The net cash flows of banking and                  
investment services (discontinued
                                        1-12/2006   1-12/2005
Operating activities                       -1,693      -1,261
Investing activities                          -46          10
Financing activities                        2,160       1,697
Net cash flows total                          421         446

The cash flow statement reports cash flows during the period
classified by operating, investing and financing activities. Cash
flows are reported by using the indirect method. Cash flows from
operating activities derive primarily from the principal revenue-
producing activities. Cash flows from investments in subsidiaries
and associated undertakings and those from investments in
intangible assets and property, plant and equipment are presented
in investing activities. Financing activities include cash flows
resulting from changes in equity and borrowings in order to
conduct the business. Cash and cash equivalents consist of cash at
bank and in hand, balances with central banks, loans and advances
to credit institutions repayable on demand and short-term deposits
(under 3 months).



Sampo Group’s consolidated financial statements are prepared in
accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards
(IFRS) adopted by the EU. Sampo has complied with all new and
amended standards and interpretations that apply to its business
and were effective at 31 Dec. 2006.


The Group’s primary segmentation is based on business areas whose
risks and performance bases as well as regulatory environment
differ from each other. Business segments are Banking and
investment services, P&C insurance, Life insurance and Other
operations. Other operations comprise the operations of the
holding company and the Primasoft Oy information technology firm.

Segment information has been  produced in accordance with the
accounting policies adopted for preparing and presenting the
consolidated financial statements.The segment revenue, expense,
assets and liabilities, either directly attributable or reasonably
allocable, have been allocated to the segments. Inter-segment
pricing is based on market prices. The transactions, assets and
liabilities between the segments are eliminated in the
consolidated financial statements on a line-by-line basis.

On the 9 November, 2006 Sampo Plc signed a contract to sell the
entire share stock of Sampo Bank Plc to Danske Bank A/S. As a
result of the signing of the contract, the segment has been
classified as discontinued operations in the segment reporting.


                     Continuing               Discont         
                     operations                 inued
EURm                P&C    Life Other   Total Banking Elimi- Group
                insuran insuran       continu     and    na-
                     ce      ce           ing investm   tion
                                      operati     ent
Net interest                      -42     -42     374     10   343
Net income from                    -5      -5      89    -11    73
Net fee and                        -1      -1     260    -20   238
Impairment                          2       2      -2             0
losses on loans
and receivables
Insurance         3,765     660         4,425                 4,425
Net income from     358     593    18     969      57     -4 1,021
Other operating      23       1    95     118      37    -62    93
Total operating   4,146   1,253    67   5,466     814    -87 6,193
Claims incurred  -2,480    -550        -3,029              0 -3,029
Change in                  -345          -345                  -345
liabilities for
insurance and
Staff costs        -431     -19   -38    -488    -219      5  -702
Other operating    -505     -45   -56    -606    -240     82  -764
Total operating  -3,416    -959   -94  -4,469    -459     88 -4,841
net income           17      27   -62     -18      18         
between the
Profit before       730     295   -27     997     355      0 1,353
Taxes              -209     -74     4    -280     -80     -1  -361
Profit for the      520     220   -23     717     275     -1   991
Attributable to                                               
  Equity                                  714     263           977
holders of
parent company
  Minority                                  2      12            15
                     Continuing               Discont         
                     operations               inued
EURm                P&C    Life Other   Total Banking Elimin Group
                insuran insuran       continu     and  ation
                     ce      ce           ing investm
                                      operati     ent
Net interest                      -39     -39     346      8   315
Net income from                     0       0      65      6    71
Net fee and                        -1      -1     221    -17   203
Impairment                         -2      -2       3             1
losses on loans
and receivables
Insurance         3,709     649         4,358                 4,358
Net income from     460     586    15   1,061      46    -23 1,084
Other operating      18       2    76      96      60    -84    72
Total operating   4,187   1,238    49   5,474     740   -111 6,104
Claims incurred  -2,457    -557        -3,014                 -3,014
Change in                  -390          -390                  -390
liabilities for
insurance and
Staff costs        -447     -18   -44    -508    -200      5  -704
Other operating    -484     -39   -55    -578    -224    100  -702
Total operating  -3,387  -1,004   -98  -4,490    -425    105 -4,809
net income           35      18   -81     -28      28         
between the
Profit before       800     234   -49     985     316     -6 1,295
taxes from
Taxes              -215     -58    11    -262     -71      1  -332
Profit for the      585     175   -37     723     245     -4   963
Attributable to                                               
  Equity                                  719     230           949
holders of
parent company
  Minority                                  4      10            14


                   Continuing operations  Discont          
EURm                  P&C    Life   Other Banking Elimina-   Group
                  insuran insuran             and     tion
                       ce      ce         investm
Cash and balances     230      58           1,722      -81   1,929
at central banks
Financial assets       87      16           2,380      -32   2,450
at fair value
through p/l
Loans and                             627  21,559     -511  21,675
Investments         9,778   5,753   3,770     351   -3,596  16,056
Investments                 1,753                            1,753
related to unit-
linked contracts
Reinsurers' share     521       4                              525
of insurance
Intangible assets     599     159      23      64              845
Property, plant        28       5      18      90              141
and equipment
Other assets        1,475     121      78     454      -55   2,072
Tax assets            113      13      22      24        1     173
Total assets       12,831   7,882   4,538  26,643   -4,274  47,620
Financial              57      12      12     507      -66     524
liabilities at
fair value
through p/l
Amounts owed to                        92  13,256     -592  12,755
institutions and
Debt securities       441     100     826  10,649     -396  11,620
in issue
Liabilities for     8,247   4,695                           12,942
insurance and
Liabilities for             1,752                            1,752
insurance and
Other liabilities   1,112      39      98   1,014      -54   2,208
Tax liabilities       407     189      11      24              630
Total liabilities  10,264   6,787   1,039  25,450   -1,108  42,431
Share capital                                                   95
Reserves                                                     2,012
Retained earnings                                            3,061
Equity                                                       5,168
attributable to
parent company's
Minority                                                        21
Total equity                                                 5,189
Total equity and                                            47,620
EURm                  P&C    Life   Other Banking Elimina-   Group
                  insuran insuran             and     tion
                       ce      ce         investm
Cash and balances     366     211           1,290     -201   1,665
at central banks
Financial assets       87      46       3   2,409       -8   2,537
at fair value
through p/l
Loans and                              62  18,913      -55  18,919
Investments         9,625   5,707   3,374      74   -3,468  15,312
Investments                 1,262                            1,262
related to unit-
linked contracts
Reinsurers' share     553       5                              558
of insurance
Intangible assets     595     157      26      66              843
Property, plant        29       5      19      82              135
and equipment
Other assets        1,104      92     108     342      -67   1,580
Tax assets            127       7      20      18        1     173
Total assets       12,484   7,493   3,611  23,194   -3,797  42,985
Financial             149      36             464              649
liabilities at
fair value
through p/l
Amounts owed to                       106  12,336     -182  12,260
institutions and
Debt securities       443     100   1,036   8,461     -393   9,647
in issue
Liabilities for     7,885   4,738                           12,623
insurance and
Liabilities for             1,262                            1,262
insurance and
Other liabilities     654      70     101     892      -67   1,650
Tax liabilities       339     180       5      21              545
Total liabilities   9,470   6,386   1,248  22,175     -642  38,637
Share capital                                                   96
Reserves                                                     1,814
Retained earnings                                            2,412
Equity                                                       4,322
attributable to
parent company's
Minority                                                        26
Total equity                                                 4,348
Total equity and                                            42,985

NOTES TO THE INCOME STATEMENT                       
1 NET INTEREST INCOME                               
CONTINUING OPERATIONS                               
Other business                           1-12/2006  1-12/2005
Other business, total                          -42        -39
DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS                             
Banking and investment services                     
                                         1-12/2006  1-12/2005
Interest income                                     
Loans and receivables                          897        665
Other interest income                            5          4
Total                                          902        669
Interest expenses                                   
Amounts owed to credit institutions           -222       -145
and customers
Debt securities in issue                      -307       -179
Other interest expenses                          0          0
Total                                         -529       -323
Banking and investment services, total         374        346
Elimination items between segments              10          8
Group, total                                   343        315
Net interest income from banking and                
investment services, total
   In net interest income                      374        346
   In net income from financial                 89         55
   In net income from investments                5         -2
Total                                          468        398
Interest income and expenses from P&C insurance and life
insurance business are presented in Net income from
2 NET INCOME FROM FINANCIAL                         
CONTINUING OPERATIONS                               
Other business                           1-12/2006  1-12/2005
Other business, total                           -5          0
DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS                             
Banking and investment services                          
                                         1-12/2006  1-12/2005
Trading assets/liabilities                          
Debt securities and interest rate               57         29
Equity securities and equity                     3          2
Other                                            3          1
Financial assets designated as at fair              
value through p/l
Debt securities                                 10         19
Foreign exchange dealing                        16         14
Net income from hedge accounting                    
Change in fair value of hedging                -48        -20
derivative instruments
Change in fair value of hedged items            48         19
Total                                            1         -1
Banking and investment services, total          89         65
Elimination items between segments             -11          6
Group, total                                    73         71
3 FEE AND COMMISSION INCOME AND                     
CONTINUING OPERATIONS                               
Other business                           1-12/2006  1-12/2005
Other business, total                           -1         -1
DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS                             
Banking and investment services                     
                                         1-12/2006  1-12/2005
Fee and commission income                           
Lending                                         45         39
Borrowing                                       21         20
Payment transactions                            59         56
Asset management                               134        101
Guarantees                                      16         13
Investment banking                              30         25
Other                                           36         30
Total                                          341        283
Fee and commission expenses                    -81        -63
Banking and investment services, total         260        221
Elimination items between segments             -20        -17
Group, total                                   238        203
4 IMPAIRMENT LOSSES ON LOANS AND                    
CONTINUING OPERATIONS                               
Other business                           1-12/2006  1-12/2005
Other business, total                            2         -2
DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS                             
Banking and investment services                     
                                         1-12/2006  1-12/2005
Loans and receivables                               
Impairment losses                              -53        -36
Reversal of impairment losses and               51         39
recoveries of loan receivables
previously written off
Total                                           -2          3
Banking and investment services, total          -2          3
Group, total                                     0          1
5 INSURANCE PREMIUMS                                
CONTINUING OPERATIONS                               
P&C insurance                                       
                                         1-12/2006  1-12/2005
Premiums from insurance contracts                   
Premiums written, direct insurance           3,938      3,886
Premiums written, assumed reinsurance           81         76
Premiums written, gross                      4,019      3,962
Ceded reinsurance premiums written            -246       -244
Premiums written, net                        3,773      3,717
Change in unearned premium provision           -16        -23
Reinsurers' share                                8         15
Insurance premiums earned, net               3,765      3,709
Life insurance                                      
                                         1-12/2006  1-12/2005
Premiums from insurance contracts                   
Premiums from contracts with                   223        377
discretionary participation feature
Premiums from unit-linked contracts            384        284
Premiums from other contracts                    4          3
Insurance contracts, total                     611        664
Assumed reinsurance                              3        -13
Premiums from investment contracts                  
Premiums from contracts with                     6          1
discretionary participation feature
Premiums from unit-linked contracts             45          4
Investment contracts, total                     51          4
Reinsurers' share                               -5         -5
Premiums written, total                        660        649
Single and regular premiums from                    
direct insurance
Regular premiums, insurance contracts          395        370
Single premiums, insurance contracts           216        293
Single premiums, investment contracts           51          4
Total                                          662        668
Group, total                                 4,425      4,358
6 NET INCOME FROM INVESTMENTS                       
CONTINUING OPERATIONS                               
P&C insurance                                       
                                         1-12/2006  1-12/2005
Financial assets                                    
Trading assets and derivative                   20         -7
financial instrument
Financial assets designated as at fair              
value through p/l
    Debt securities                            213        258
    Equity securities                          208        280
Total                                          421        538
Loand and receivables                           12         16
Financial liabilities                               
Debt securities in issue                            
   Interest expenses on subordinated           -27        -23
debt securities
Other financial expenses                        -8        -10
Other assets                                     1          7
Effect of discounting annuities                -54        -52
Fee and commission expenses                     -8         -9
P&C insurance, total                           358        460
Life insurance                                               
                                         1-12/2006  1-12/2005
Financial assets                                    
Trading assets and derivative                   20        -56
financial instrument
Financial assets designated as at fair              
value through p/l
    Debt securities                              5          4
    Equity securities                            0          1
Total                                            5          5
Investments related to unit-linked                  
    Debt securities                              1          7
    Equity securities                          138        149
Total                                          139        156
Investment securities held-to-maturity              
    Debt securities                              1          3
Loans and receivables                            3          4
Financial asset available-for-sale                  
    Debt securities                             97        201
    Equity securities                          312        250
Total                                          409        450
Financial liabilities                               
Debt securities in issue                            
    Interest expenses from                      -6         -6
subordinated debt securities
Other                                           -2         -3
Other assets                                    14         30
Fee and commission expenses                     10          3
Life insurance, total                          593        586
Other business                                      
                                         1-12/2006  1-12/2005
Financial assets                                    
Financial assets available-for-sale             13         11
Other assets                                     5          4
Other business, total                           18         15
DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS                             
Banking and investment services                         
                                         1-12/2006  1-12/2005
Financial assets                                    
Investment securities held-to-maturity           1          1
Financial asset available-for-sale                  
    Debt securities                              4          4
    Equity securities                           40         25
Total                                           44         29
Other assets                                    11         15
Banking and investment services, total          57         46
Elimination items between segments              -4        -23
Group, total                                 1,021      1,084
7 STAFF COSTS                                       
CONTINUING OPERATIONS                               
P&C insurance                                       
                                         1-12/2006  1-12/2005
Staff costs                                         
Wages and salaries                            -290       -290
Granted equity-settled share options            -1          -
Granted cash-settled share options             -12        -12
Pension costs                                  -71        -76
Other social security costs                    -57        -68
P&C insurance, total                          -431       -447
Life insurance                                      
                                         1-12/2006  1-12/2005
Staff costs                                         
Wages and salaries                             -14        -13
Granted equity-settled share options             0          -
Granted cash-settled share options              -1         -1
Pension costs                                   -2         -2
Other social security costs                     -2         -1
Life insurance, total                          -19        -18
Other business                                      
                                         1-12/2006  1-12/2005
Staff costs                                         
Wages and salaries                             -29        -32
Granted equity-settled share options            -1          -
Granted cash-settled share options              -2         -4
Pension costs                                   -5         -5
Other social security costs                     -2         -2
Other business, total                          -38        -44
DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS                             
Banking and investment services                     
                                         1-12/2006  1-12/2005
Staff costs                                         
Wages and salaries                            -162       -150
Granted equity-settled share options             0          -
Granted cash-settled share options             -12        -10
Pension costs                                  -25        -23
Other social security costs                    -19        -18
Banking and investment services, total        -219       -200
Elimination items between segments               5          5
Group, total                                  -702       -704


On the 9 November, 2006 Sampo Plc signed a contract to sell the
entire share stock of Sampo Bank Plc to Danske Bank A/S. In the
consolidated financial statements for the year 2006, the Banking
and investment services segment has been classified as
discontinued operations. In the Group balance sheet, both the
assets and liabilities in the segment for the year ended 2006 are
shown in one line. The assets are disclosed in more detail in note
14 and liabilities in note 20.

8 FINANCIAL ASSETS AND      12/2006    12/2006  12/2005   12/2005
                             Assets  Liabiliti   Assets Liabiliti
                                            es                 es
P&C insurance                                            
Derivative financial             87         57       87       149
instruments (note 9)
Life insurance                                           
Derivative financial             16         12       46        36
instruments (note 9)
Other business                                           
Assets/liabilities held           -          -        1         -
for trading
Derivative financial              -         12        2         -
instruments (note 9)
Other business, total             -         12        3         -
Banking and investment services                          
(discontinued operations)
Assets/liabilities held                           1,262         -
for trading
Derivative financial                                506       464
instruments (note 9)
Financial assets                                    641         -
designated as at fair
value through p/l
Banking and investment                            2,409       464
services, total*)
Elimination items between         1         -9       -8         -
Group, total                    104         73    2,537       649
*) Assets in Banking and investment services             
at 31 Dec. 2006, see note 14.

9 DERIVATIVE                                                
P&C insurance                                               
                             12/2006               12/2005 
                                 Fair  Fair           Fair    Fair
                                value value          value   value
                     Contrac   Assets Liabi Contra  Assets Liabili
                          t/          litie    ct/            ties
                     notiona              s notion
                           l                    al
                      amount                amount
Derivatives held                                            
for trading
Interest rate          1,668        4     2      0       0       5
Foreign exchange       4,548       73    55  4,562      80     144
Equity derivatives        15       10     0      4       6       -
Commodity                  5        0     -      -       -       -
Total derivative       6,237       87    57  4,566      87     149
held for trading
Life insurance                                              
                             12/2006               12/2005 
                                 Fair  Fair           Fair    Fair
                                value value          value   value
                     Contrac   Assets Liabi Contra  Assets Liabili
                          t/          litie    ct/            ties
                     notiona              s notion
                           l                    al
                      amount                amount
Derivatives held                                            
for trading
Interest rate            754        8     9  3,986      36      25
Foreign exchange         676        7     3  1,057       7       8
Equity derivatives         0        0     0     20       2       3
Commodity                 76        1     1     31       1       0
Total derivative       1,506       16    12  5,094      46      36
Other business                                              
                             12/2006               12/2005 
                                 Fair  Fair           Fair    Fair
                                value value          value   value
                     Contrac   Assets Liabi Contra  Assets Liabili
                          t/          litie    ct/            ties
                     notiona              s notion
                           l                    al
                      amount                amount
Derivatives held                                            
for hedging
Derivatives              628        -    12    633       2       -
designated as fair
value hedges
Total derivative         628        -    12    633       2       -

Banking and investment services (discontinued          
                                                  Fair     Fair
                                                 value    value
Derivatives held for trading        Contract/   Assets Liabilit
                                     notional               ies
Interest rate derivatives              40,131      174      190
Foreign exchange derivatives            8,484       98      115
Equity derivatives                          8        3        3
Other derivatives                         382       21       20
Total derivative                       49,004      295      327
assets/liabilities held for
Derivatives held for hedging                           
Derivatives designated as fair          3,984      210      136
value hedges
Derivatives designated as cash            170        1        -
flow hedges
Total derivative                        4,154      211      136
assets/liabilities held for
Total derivative                       53,157      506      464
*) Assets in Banking and investment services at 31     
Dec. 2006, see note 14.

10 LOANS AND RECEIVABLES                              
Other business                                12/2006   12/2005
Loans and advances to credit institutions         627        62
                                                  627        62
Other business loans and receivables,                 
Banking and investment services (discontinued         
Loans and advances to credit institutions             
Deposits                                                    119
Other loans                                                 310
Total                                                       428
Loans and advances to customers                       
By type of loan                                       
Home loans                                                8,158
Consumer loans                                            1,103
Other consumer loans                                      1,111
Finance lease assets                                        766
Money market loans                                           15
Other commercial loans                                    7,349
Allowances for impairment                                   -18
Total                                                    18,484
Banking and investment services, total*)                 18,913
Elimination items between segments               -505       -55
Group, total                                      122    18,919
*) Assets in Banking and investment services at 31 Dec. 2006,
see note 14.
11 INVESTMENTS                                        
                                              12/2006   12/2005
P&C insurance                                         
Financial assets designated as at fair                
value through p/l
   Debt securities                              8,690     8,509
   Equity securities                            1,041     1,026
Total                                           9,732     9,535
Loans and receivables                                 
   Deposits with ceding undertakings                2         3
Investment property                                   
   Carrying amount                                 41        83
   Fair value                                      42        83
Investments in associates                           4         4
P&C insurance, total                            9,778     9,625
Life insurance                                        
Financial assets designated as at fair                
value through p/l
   Debt securities                                 70        49
   Equity securities                                5         5
Total                                              75        53
Investments held-to-maturity                          
   Debt securities                                 10        16
Loans and receivables                                 
   Deposits                                         4         3
   Deposits with ceding undertakings                2         2
Total                                               6         5
Financial assets available-for-sale                   
   Debt securities                              3,440     3,230
   Equity securities                            2,110     2,270
Total                                           5,550     5,501
Investment property                                   
   Carrying amount                                110       130
   Fair value                                     125       146
Investments in associates                           1         1
Life insurance, total                           5,753     5,707
Other business                                        
Financial assets available-for-sale                   
   Debt securities                                140       132
   Equity securities                              454        51
Total                                             595       183
Investment property                                   
   Carrying amount                                 19        21
   Fair value                                      21        21
Investments in associates                           0        21
Investments in subsidiaries                     3,157     3,149
Other business, total                           3,770     3,374
Banking and investment services (discontinued         
Investments held-to-maturity                          
   Debt securities                                           46
Financial assets available-for-sale                   
   Equity securities                                         14
Investment property                                   
   Carrying amount                                            1
   Fair value                                                 1
Investments in associates                                    14
Banking and investment services, total*)                     74
Elimination items between segments             -3,596    -3,468
Group, total                                   15,705    15,312
*) Assets in Banking and investment services at 31 Dec. 2006,
see note 14.
Life insurance                                        
                                              12/2006   12/2005
Financial assets as at fair value through             
Debt securities                                    58        12
Equity securities                               1,695     1,251
Financial assets as at fair value through       1,753     1,262
p/l total
Other                                               0         0
Life insurance, total                           1,753     1,262
13 INTANGIBLE ASSETS                                  
P&C insurance                                 12/2006   12/2005
Goodwill                                          557       533
Customer relations                                 29        38
Other intangible assets                            13        23
Total                                             599       595
Life insurance                                12/2006   12/2005
Goodwill                                          153       153
Other intangible assets                             6         4
Total                                             159       157
Other business                                12/2006   12/2005
Other intangible assets                            23        26
Banking and investment services (discontinued           12/2005
Goodwill                                                      5
Other intangible assets                                      61
Total*)                                                      66
Group, total                                      782       843
*) Assets in Banking and investment services at 31 Dec. 2006,
see note 14.


The item includes assets for banking and investment services at 31
Dec. 2006. The segment was classified as discontinued operations
and the assets of the segment as held for sale when Sampo Plc
signed a contract to sell the entire share stock of Sampo Bank Plc
to Danske Bank A/S.

Non-current assets classified as        12/2006 
held for sale
Cash and balances at central              1,722 
Financial assets at fair value            2,380 
through p/l (Note 14.1)
Loans and receivables (Note 14.2)        21,559 
Investments (Note 14.3)                     351 
Intangible assets (Note 14.4)                64 
Property, plant and equipment                90 
Other assets                                454 
Tax assets                                   24 
Total                                    26,643 
Elimination                                 -59 
Total assets classified as held          26,585 
for sale in the consolidated
balance sheet
14.1 Financial assets at fair           12/2006            
value through p/l
Assets/liabilities held for               1,330            
Derivative financial instruments            461 
Financial assets designated as at           588            
fair value through p/l
Total                                     2,380 
Elimination items between                   -33 
Total financial assets at fair            2,346 
value through p/l for Banking and
investment services
                                                 Fair value
Derivatives held for trading          Contract/      Assets
Interest rate derivatives                49,474         121
Foreign exchange derivatives              5,752          68
Equity derivatives                           58          28
Other derivatives                         1,027          24
Total derivative assets held for         56,311         240
Derivatives held for hedging                    
Derivatives designated as fair            5,851         221
value hedges
Total derivative assets held for          5,851         221
Total derivative assets                  62,162         461
14.2 Loans and receivables                      
Loans and advances to credit                    
Deposits                                    207 
Other loans                                 269 
Total                                       476 
Loans and advances to customers                 
By type of loan                                 
Home loans                                9,685 
Consumer loans                              920 
Other consumer loans                      1,757 
Finance lease assets                        937 
Money market loans                           15 
Other commercial loans                    7,791 
Allowances for impairment                   -22 
Total                                    21,084 
Total loans and receivables              21,559 
Elimination items between                    -6 
Total loans and receivables for          21,553 
Banking and investment services
14.3. Investments                               
Investments held-to-maturity                    
   Debt securities                           61 
Financial assets available-for-                 
   Debt securities                          273            
   Equity securities                          7 
Total                                       280 
Investments in associates                    11 
Total                                       351 
14.4 Intangible assets                          
Goodwill                                      5 
Other intangible assets                      59 
Total                                        64            
15 AMOUNTS OWED TO CREDIT                       
Other business                                  
                                        12/2006     12/2005
Other liabilities owed to credit              6           6
Other liabilities owed to                    85          99
Other business, total                        92         106
Banking and investment services (discontinued       12/2005
Amounts owed to credit                          
Deposits from credit insitutions                        664
Other liabilities owed to credit                        202
Total                                                   867
Amounts owed to customers                       
Demand deposits                                       2,856
Savings accounts                                      1,075
Current accounts                                      3,716
Money market deposits                                 1,122
Other time deposits                                   2,673
Total deposits                                       11,442
Other liabilities                               
Other liabilities                                        28
Total amounts owed to customers                      11,470
Banking and investment services,                     12,336
Elimination items between                    -6        -182
Group, total                                 85      12,260
*) Liabilities in Banking and investment services at 31
Dec. 2006, see note 20.
16 DEBT SECURITIES IN ISSUE                     
P&C insurance                                   
                                        12/2006     12/2005
Subordinated debt securities                    
Capital securities                          441         443
P&C insurance, total                        441         443
Life insurance                                  
                                        12/2006     12/2005
Subordinated debt securities                    
Capital securities                          100         100
Life insurance, total                       100         100
Other business                                  
                                        12/2006     12/2005
Debt securities in issue                        
Commercial paper                             50         149
Bonds and notes                             191         290
Total                                       241         438
Subordinated debt securities                    
Debentures                                  586         597
Other business, total                       826       1,036
Banking and investment services (discontinued   
Debt securities in issue                        
Certificates of deposit                               3,384
Bonds and notes                                       4,238
Total                                                 7,621
Subordinated debt securities                    
Capital securities                                      352
Debentures                                              399
Perpetuals                                               89
Total                                                   840
Banking and investment services,                      8,461
Elimination items between                  -131        -393
Group, total                              1,236       9,647
*) Liabilities in Banking and investment services at 31
Dec. 2006, see note 20.
P&C insurance                                   
Liabilities from insurance              12/2006     12/2005
Insurance contracts                             
Provision for unearned premiums           1,640       1,628
Provision for claims outstanding          6,606       6,257
Total                                     8,247       7,885
Reinsurers' share                               
Provision for unearned premiums              56          49
Provision for claims outstanding            465         504
Total                                       521         553
Life insurance *)                               
                                        12/2006     12/2005
Insurance contracts                             
Liabilities for contracts with                  
   Provision for unearned                 2,979       3,108
   Provision for claims                   1,565       1,463
Total                                     4,544       4,571
Liabilities for contracts without               
   Provision for unearned                     6          15
   Provision for claims                       0           3
Total                                         6          18
Total                                     4,550       4,589
Assumed reinsurance                             
   Provision for unearned                     4           3
   Provision for claims                       3           2
Total                                         7           6
Insurance contracts, total                      
Provision for unearned premiums           2,989       3,127
Provision for claims outstanding          1,568       1,468
                                          4,557       4,595
Investment contracts                            
Liabilities for contracts with                  
   Provision for unearned                   138         144
Investment contracts, total                 138         144
Liabilities for insurance and                   
investment contracts, total
Provision for unearned premiums           3,127       3,270
Provision for claims outstanding          1,568       1,468
Life insurance, total                     4,695       4,738
Reinsurers' share                               
Provision for unearned premiums               0           0
Provision for claims outstanding              4           5
Total                                         4           5
Group, total                             12,942      12,623

*) Investment contracts do not include a provision for claims
Liability adequacy test does not give rise to supplementary
Exemption allowed in IFRS 4 Insurance Contracts has been applied
to investment contracts with DPF or contracts with a right to
trade-off for an investment contract with DPF. These investment
contracts have been valued like insurance contracts.

18 LIABILITIES FOR UNIT-LINKED                  
Life insurance                          12/2006     12/2005
Unit-linked insurance contracts           1,690       1,246
Unit-linked investment contracts             62          16
Total                                     1,752       1,262
19 CONTINGENT LIABILITIES AND                   
P&C insurance                                   
                                        12/2006     12/2005
Off-balance sheet items                         
Guarantees                                   48          62
Other irrevocable commitments                19          31
Total                                        67          93
Assets covered by policyholders'            326         303
beneficiary rights

Assets pledged as                                       
collateral for liabilities
and contingent liabilities
                             12/2006    12/2006 12/200   12/2005
Assets pledged as             Assets Liabilitie  Assets Liabilitie
collateral                   pledged s/ commit-  pledge s/ commit-
                                          ments       d      ments
Cash at balances at               18          9      42          0
central banks
- Investment securities          250        114     267        129
Total                            268        123     309        130

Non-cancellable operating leases         12/2006     12/2005
Minimum lease payments under non-                
cancellable operating leases
not later than one year                       33          26
later than one year and not later             92          72
than five years
later than five years                         75          39
Total                                        201         137
Life insurance                                   
                                         12/2006     12/2005
Off-balance sheet items                          
Fund commitments                             216         184

Assets pledged as                                    
collateral for
liabilities and
contingent liabilities
                          12/2006     12/2006 12/2005  12/2005
Assets pledged as          Assets  Liabilitie Assets  Liabilitie
collateral                pledged  s/ commit- pledge  s/ commit-
                                        ments      d       ments
- Investment securities         2           1      4           0

                                      12/2006       12/2005
Other commitments                             
Commitments for the acquisition             1             -
of IT-software
Non-cancellable operating leases      12/2006       12/2005
Minimum lease payments under non-             
cancellable operating leases
not later than one year                     2             2
later than one year and not later           6             6
than five years
later than five years                       5             7
Total                                      13            15
Banking and investment services                     12/2005
(discontinued operations)
Off-balance sheet items                       
Guarantees                                            2,811
Undrawn loans, overdraft                              4,062
facilities and other commitments
to lend
- original maturity less than one                       642
- original maturity more than one                     3,420
Other irrevocable commitments                             4
Total                                                 6,878
Assets pledged as collateral for              
liabilities and contingent
                                      12/2005       12/2005
Assets pledged as collateral           Assets  Liabilities/
                                      pledged       commit-
Financial assets at fair value                
through p/l
- Trading securities                    1,593         1,038
Loans and receivables                         
- Security deposits                     1,180         1,751
Total                                       §         2,789
Other commitments                             
Commitments for the acquisition                          14
of IT-software
Non-cancellable operating leases                    12/2005
Minimum lease payments under non-             
cancellable operating leases
not later than one year                                  21
later than one year and not later                        53
than five years
later than five years                                    43
Total*)                                                 118
*) Liabilities in Banking and investment services at 31
Dec. 2006, see note 20.


The item includes liabilities for Banking and investment services
at 31 Dec. 2006. The segment was classified as discontinued
operations and the liabilities directly associated with assets
classified as held for sale when Sampo Plc signed a contract to
sell the entire share stock of Sampo Bank Plc to Danske Bank A/S.

Liabilities                             12/2006           
Financial liabilities at fair               507           
value through p/l (Note 20.1)
Amounts owed to credit                   13,256           
institutions and customers (Note
Debt securities in issue (Note           10,649           
Other liabilities                         1,014           
Tax liabilities                              24           
Total                                    25,450           
Elimination                                -930           
Total liabilities directly               24,520           
associated with assets classified
as held for sale in the
consolidated balance sheet
20.1 Financial liabilities at           12/2006           
fair value through p/l
Derivative financial instruments            507           
Total                                       507           
Elimination items between                   -57           
Total financial liabilities at              450           
fair value through p/l for
Banking and investment services
Derivatives held for trading          Contract/ Liabiliti 
                                       notional        es
Interest rate derivatives                49,474       150 
Foreign exchange derivatives              5,752        71 
Equity derivatives                           58        12 
Other derivatives                         1,027        56 
Total derivative liabilities held        56,311       289 
for trading
Derivatives held for hedging                              
Derivatives designated as fair            5,851       218 
value hedges
Total derivative liabilities held         5,851       218 
for hedging
Total derivative liabilities             62,162       507 
20.2 Amounts owed to credit institutions and              
Amounts owed to credit                                    
Deposits from credit insitutions            194           
Other liabilities owed to credit            422           
Total                                       616           
Amounts owed to customers                                 
Demand deposits                           2,733           
Savings accounts                          1,599           
Current accounts                          4,572           
Money market deposits                       972           
Other time deposits                       2,723           
Total deposits                           12,598           
Other liabilities                                         
Other liabilities                            42           
Total amounts owed to customers          12,640           
Total amounts owed to credit             13,256           
institutions and customers
Elimination items between                  -586           
Total amounts owed to credit             12,670           
institutions and customers for
Banking and investment services
20.3 Debt securities in issue           12/2006           
Certificates of deposit                   2,883           
Bonds and notes                           6,777           
Total                                     9,660           
Subordinated debt securities                              
Capital securities                          342           
Debentures                                  567           
Perpetuals                                   80           
Total                                       989           
Total debt securities in issue           10,649           
Elimination items between                  -266           
Total debt securities in issue           10,384           
for Banking and investment
20.4 Contingent liabilities and                           
Off-balance sheet items                 12/2006           
Guarantees                                2,654           
Undrawn loans, overdraft                  4,093           
facilities and other commitments
to lend
- original maturity less than one           653           
- original maturity more than one         3,440           
Other irrevocable commitments                 0           
Total                                     6,746           
Assets pledged as collateral for                          
liabilities and contingent
                                        12/2006   12/2006        
Assets pledged as collateral            Annettu Velat/si-        
                                         vakuus toumukset
Financial assets at fair value                            
through p/l
- Trading securities                      1,567     1,168        
Loans and receivables                                     
- Security deposits                       2,424     2,710 
Other commitments                                         
Commitments for the acquisition               3           
of IT-software
Non-cancellable operating leases                                 
Minimum lease payments under non-                         
cancellable operating leases
not later than one year                      22           
later than one year and not later            53           
than five years
later than five years                        40           
Total                                       115           
21 MUTUAL FUND CAPITAL                                    
                                        12/2006   12/2005        
Equity funds                              4,493     3,637 
Balanced funds                            1,342     1,020 
Money market funds                        2,967     2,316 
Bond funds                                1,627     1,407 
Absolute return funds                       547       472 
Risk funds                                  142        32 
Total                                    11,118     8,885 
22 ANALYSIS OF RESULT FOR P&C                             
                                      1-12/2006 1-12/2005 
Profit and loss account                                   
Premiums earned                           3,765     3,709 
Claims incurred                          -2,729    -2,697 
Operating expenses                         -655      -661 
Other technical income and                                
(+collective guarantee item)                  0        -2 
Allocated investment return                 173       166 
transferred from the non-
technical account
Technical result                            554       516 
Investment result                           412       510 
Allocated investment return                -227      -217 
transferred to the technical
Other income and expenses                    -9        -9 
Operating result                            730       800 
23 SAMPO PLC'S INCOME STATEMENT                           
INCOME STATEMENT                                          
                                      1-12/2006 1-12/2005  Change
Net interest income                         -34       -34       0
Divident income                           1,412       540     873
Fee income and expenses, net                 -1        -1       0
Net income from transaction of                1         0       1
securities and foreign exchange
Net investment income                         4        -2       7
Other operating income                       51        12      39
Administrative expenses                     -28       -26      -2
Depreciation and impairment on                            
property, plant and
equipment and intangible assets              -8        -7      -1
Other operating expenses                    -13       -22       9
Operating profit                          1,386       460     925
Income taxes                                  5        14      -9
Profit for the period                     1,391       474     917
BALANCE SHEET                        12/2006     12/2005     
Loans and advances to credit                623        47 
Debt securities                             130       132 
Shares and participations                   454        51        
Shares and participations in                  1        18        
Shares and participations in              3,157     3,157        
Group companies
Derivatives                                   -         2        
Intangible assets                            23        26        
Property, plant and equipment                                    
   Properties and shares in                  28        31        
property companies
   Other                                      4         5        
Other assets                                 48        74        
Prepayments anc accrued income               23        24        
Tax assets                                   22        20        
TOTAL ASSETS                              4,516     3,586        
Liabilities to customers                     85        99        
Debt securities in issue                    241       438 
Derivatives                                  12         - 
Other liabilities                            46        49        
Accruals and deferred income                 45        43        
Subordinated liabilities                    586       597        
Tax liabilities                              11         5        
Total liabilities                         1,026     1,233        
Share capital                                95        96        
Share premius account                     1,157     1,048        
Other undistributable reserves              366       366        
Fair value reserve                           20        -9        
Other reserves                              273       273        
Retained earnings                           261       194        
Treasury shares                             -73       -88        
Profit for the year                       1,391       474        
Total equity                              3,490     2,354 
TOTAL LIABILITIES                         4,516     3,586        
Off-balance sheet items                                          
   Other than sale and option to              8        12        
resell transactions