The  shareholders  of AffectoGenimap Plc are hereby summoned  to  the  Annual
General  Meeting ("Meeting") to be held on Wednesday March 28, 2007  at  3.00
p.m. at Finlandia Hall, Mannerheimintie 13, 00100 Helsinki, Finland.

The following matters will be on the agenda of the Meeting:

1.  Matters that pursuant to the Companies Act and Section 13 of the Articles
of Association are to be considered by the company

2.  Proposal  by the Board of Directors to change the company  name  and  the
Articles of Association

The  Board of Directors proposes that the name of the company and the Article
1  of  the  Articles of Association are to be changed. The new  name  of  the
company is Affecto Oyj in Finnish, Affecto Abp in Swedish and Affecto Plc  in
English.  The  Board  of  Directors proposes that  the  current  Articles  of
Association  be  amended so that Article 3, which concerns  the  minimum  and
maximum  share capital, Article 4, which concerns the nominal  value  of  the
shares,  Article 6, which concern the transfer of the shares into  the  book-
entry  system are removed and Article 5 and the last sentence of  the  second
paragraph of Article 12 amended. The Board of Directors further proposes that
Article 9 concerning the right to represent the company is amended to reflect
the  terminology in the Companies Act and that the requirement  of  a  deputy
auditor  is  abolished  and  consequently Articles  11  and  13  amended.  In
addition, the numbering of Articles of Association would be amended.

3.  Proposal by the Board of Directors to authorise the Board of Directors to
issue shares

The  Board  of  Directors proposes that the Meeting authorise  the  Board  of
Directors  to  decide  to issue new shares and to convey  the  company's  own
shares  held by the company in one or more tranches. The share issue  may  be
carried  out  as  a  share issue against payment or without consideration  on
terms  to be determined by the Board of Directors and in relation to a  share
issue against payment at a price to be determined by the Board of Directors.

The  authorisation also includes the right to issue special  rights,  in  the
meaning  of Chapter 10 Section 1 of the Companies Act, which entitle  to  the
company's new shares or the company's own shares held by the company  against

A  maximum of 3 400 000 new shares may be issued. A maximum of 1 700 000  own
shares held by the company may be conveyed.

The Board of Directors proposes that the authorisation comprise the right  to
deviate  from the shareholders' pre-emptive subscription right provided  that
the  company has weighty financial reason for the deviation in a share  issue
against  payment  and  provided that the company,  taking  into  account  the
interest of all its shareholders, has a particularly weighty financial reason
for  the  deviation in a share issue without consideration. Within the  above
mentioned  limits the authorisation may be used e.g. in order  to  strengthen
the  company's capital structure, to broaden the company's ownership,  to  be
used  in  corporate acquisitions or when the company acquires assets relating
to  its  business  and as part of the company's incentive programmes.  It  is
proposed  that  shares  may also be subscribed for  or  own  shares  conveyed
against contribution in kind or by means of set-off.

In  addition, the authorisation includes the right to decide on a share issue
without consideration to the company itself so that the amount of own  shares
held by the company after the share issue is a maximum of one-tenth (1/10) of
all shares in the company. Pursuant to Chapter 15 Section 11 Subsection 1  of
the  Companies  Act, all own shares held by the company and its  subsidiaries
are included in this amount.

The authorisation shall be in force until the next Annual General Meeting.

4.  Proposal by the Board of Directors to authorise the Board of Directors to
acquire the company's own shares

The Board of Directors proposes that the Meeting authorise the Board of
Directors to decide to acquire the company's own shares with distributable
funds on the terms set forth below. The acquisition of shares reduces the
company's distributable non-restricted shareholders' equity.

The company's own shares may be acquired in order to strengthen the company's
capital structure, to be used as payment in corporate acquisitions or when
the company acquires assets related to its business and as part of the
company's incentive programmes in a manner and to the extent decided by the
Board of Directors, and to be transferred for other purposes or to be
cancelled. A maximum of 1 700 000 shares may be acquired. The company's own
shares may be acquired in accordance with the decision of the Board of
Directors either through public trading or by public offer at their market
price at the time of purchase.

The authorisation shall be in force until the next Annual General Meeting.

5. Proposal by the Board of Directors for distribution of dividends

The  Board of Directors proposes to the Meeting that a dividend of  EUR  0.10
per  share be distributed for the year 2006. The Board of Directors  proposes
that  the  dividend  be paid on April 11, 2007. The dividend  is  payable  to
shareholders  entered  into the Shareholder Register  maintained  by  Finnish
Central  Securities Depository Ltd. on the record date April 2, 2007  set  by
the Board of Directors.

6. Composition and fees of the Board of Directors

The  Nomination and Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors proposes
to  the  Meeting that the number of members of the Board of Directors be  six
and  that the following members of the Board of Directors are elected for the
next  term,  which extends until the closing of the following Annual  General
Meeting:  Aaro  Cantell, Pyry Lautsuo, Heikki Lehmusto, Pasi  Mäenpää,  Jukka
Norokorpi and Esko Rytkönen. The new member of the Board of Directors is  Mr.
Pyry  Lautsuo,  M.Sc. (Eng.), (b. 1946). Mr. Lautsuo has  worked  at  IBM  in
Finland  and in Europe in 1970-2006, latest as the managing director  of  IBM
Finland  in  1997-2006. Shareholders representing 41.3% of the voting  rights
have  announced  their  support for the proposition  of  the  Committee.  All
candidates have given their consent to the election.

The  Committee proposes that the monthly fees of the members of the Board  of
Directors  be  EUR  1,300  and EUR 2,600 for the Chairman  of  the  Board  of

7. Election of Accountants

The  Audit  Committee of the Board of Directors proposes to the meeting  that
the  Authorised  Public Accountants PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy  is  re-elected
auditor of the company, Merja Lindh, APA, as auditor in charge.

Annual accounts and proposals by the Board of Directors

The  notice concerning the company's annual accounts 2006 and copies  of  the
Board of Directors' proposals concerning items 2-4 above including appendices
and  other documents to be dealt with at the Meeting will be available on the
company  website as of March  19,  2007.  In  addition,  the
documents relating to the financial statements and the proposals of the Board
of  Directors are available for examination by the shareholders as  of  March
19,  2007 at the address given below, and they also will be available at  the
Meeting. Copies of the documents will be sent to shareholders upon request.

Right to attend and vote at the Meeting
In order to attend and have the right to vote at the Meeting, the shareholder

(a) shall be entered in the Shareholder Register of the company maintained by
Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd on Friday, March 16, 2007, and

(b)  shall give notice to attend the Meeting by Thursday, March 22,  2007  at
4.00 p.m. Finnish time.

Registration in the Shareholder Register

The  shareholder  in  whose name the shares are registered  is  automatically
registered  in the Shareholder Register of the company. Shareholders  holding
nominee-registered shares who wish to attend the Meeting may  temporarily  be
registered  in the Shareholder Register. Such registration shall be  made  on
Friday,   March   16,  2007  at  the  latest.  For  temporary   registration,
shareholders shall contact their account operator.

Notice to attend

A  shareholder wishing to attend the Meeting shall give notice to attend  the
Meeting to the company either

(a) by e-mail:,

(b) by telephone +358 205 777 757 (Arja Hyrske) Monday through Friday between
9.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m. Finnish time,

(c) by letter to AffectoGenimap Plc, Atomitie 2b, 00370 Helsinki, Finland.

The  notice  shall be at the company's disposal no later than  at  4.00  p.m.
Finnish time on Thursday, March 22, 2007.

Delivery of proxies

Proxies  for  using  a shareholder's voting rights at the  Meeting  shall  be
submitted to the company no later than at 4.00 p.m. Finnish time on Thursday,
March 22, 2007.

We wish our shareholders welcome to the Meeting.

Helsinki February 14, 2007

AffectoGenimap Plc
The Board of Directors


Appendix  1:  Proposal  of  the Board of Directors for  revised  Articles  of

Appendix  2:  Proposal of the Board of Directors to authorise  the  Board  of
Directors to issue shares

Appendix  3:  Proposal of the Board of Directors to authorise  the  Board  of
Directors to acquire the company's own shares

Additional information provided by:
CEO Pekka Eloholma, tel. +358 205 777 737
CFO Satu Kankare, tel +358 205 777 202
Director of M&A and IR Hannu Nyman, tel. +358 205 777 761


Appendix 1:



1 Company's Business Name and Domicile

The  company's  name is Affecto Oyj, in Swedish Affecto Abp  and  in  English
Affecto Plc.

The company is domiciled in Helsinki.

2 Fields of Business

The  company  engages  in consulting activities and  trade  in  the  area  of
information  technology,  importing and exporting of  information  technology
products and services, and other activities related to the business area.  In
addition, the company’s field of business is the creation, support,  database
management,   sale,  distribution  and  leasing  of  geographic   information
materials  having to do with maps and other products containing  geographical
information;  development, production, sale and distribution of software  and
systems  for geographic information, and consulting related to this; as  well
as development, production, and sale of geographic information services based
on Internet, mobile Internet or corresponding technologies.

The  company  may  own  real  property and  shares  in  Finnish  and  foreign

3 Book-Entry System

The company's shares belong to the book-entry system.

4 Board of Directors

The  company's Board of Directors shall be composed of at least three (3) and
no  more  than seven (7) ordinary members as well as a maximum  of  four  (4)
deputy members.

The  term office of the members of the Board of Directors expires at the  end
of the next Annual General Meeting of Shareholders following their election.

5 Chief Executive Officer

The company has a Chief Executive Officer who shall be appointed by the Board
of Directors.

6 Legal Representation

The chairman of the Board of Directors together with a member of the Board of
Directors  shall be entitled to represent the company. The Board of Directors
may  grant the right to represent the company to employees of the company  or
to  others. Those with the right to represent the company shall represent the
company alone or two together.

7 Financial Year

The financial year is the calendar year.

8 Auditor

The  company has one auditor, who shall be an auditing firm approved  by  the
Central  Chamber of Commerce. The term office of the auditor expires  at  the
end of the next Annual General Meeting following the election.

9 Notice of Meeting

The  Board  of Directors shall deliver the notice to the General  Meeting  of
Shareholders. The notice shall be delivered no earlier than two months and no
later than seventeen (17) days before the General Meeting of Shareholders  by
publishing  it  in at least two regularly published newspapers determined  by
the  Board  of  Directors or by delivering the notice to each shareholder  by
registered  letter or other verifiable manner at the address entered  in  the
register of shareholders.

In order to participate in the General Meeting of Shareholders, a shareholder
shall  register with the company by the date specified in the  notice,  which
date  shall  not be earlier than ten (10) days before the General Meeting  of
Shareholders.  Since  the  company's shares are included  in  the  book-entry
system,  the provisions of the Finnish Companies Act concerning the right  to
participate in the General Meeting of Shareholders shall also be  taken  into

Any matter that a shareholder wishes to be addressed at a General Meeting  of
Shareholders shall be notified in writing to the Board of Directors  in  such
time  that  the  matter may be included in the notice convening  the  General
Meeting of Shareholders.

The General Meeting of Shareholders shall be held in Helsinki or Espoo.

10 Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting is to be held each year within six (6) months from
the end of the financial year. At the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders,
the following shall be

1.  financial statements for the company and the group, comprising income
statements, balance sheets and report of the Board of Directors;
2.  auditor’s reports for the company and the group;
resolved upon:
3. adoption of the income statement and balance sheet as well as the
consolidated income statement and consolidated balance sheet;
4. any measures prompted by the profit or loss shown in the adopted balance
5. date of any distribution of dividends;
6. granting of discharge from liability to the members of the Board of
Directors and the Chief Executive Officer;
7. remuneration to be paid to the members of the Board of Directors and the
8. the number of members of the Board of Directors;

9.  the members of the Board of Directors;
10. the auditor;

11. other matters included in the notice of meeting.

Appendix 2:


The  Board  of  Directors proposes that the Meeting authorise  the  Board  of
Directors  to  decide  to issue new shares and to convey  the  company’s  own
shares  held by the company in one or more tranches. The share issue  may  be
carried  out  as  a  share issue against payment or without consideration  on
terms  to be determined by the Board of Directors and in relation to a  share
issue against payment at a price to be determined by the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors proposes that the authorisation also include the right
to  issue  special  rights, in the meaning of Chapter 10  Section  1  of  the
Companies Act, which entitle to the company's new shares or the company's own
shares held by the company against consideration.

A  maximum of 3 400 000 new shares may be issued. A maximum of 1 700 000  own
shares held by the company may be conveyed.

The  Board of Directors proposes that the authorisation comprise a  right  to
deviate  from the shareholders' pre-emptive subscription right provided  that
in a share issue against payment the company has weighty financial reason for
the  deviation  and provided that in a share issue without consideration  the
company  taking  into  account the interest of all  its  shareholders  has  a
particularly  weighty financial reason for the deviation.  The  authorisation
may within the above mentioned limits be used e.g. in order to strengthen the
company’s capital structure, to broaden the company’s ownership, to  be  used
in corporate acquisitions or when the company acquires assets relating to its
business  and as part of the company’s incentive programmes. The  shares  may
also be conveyed in public trading. Shares may also be subscribed for or  own
shares conveyed against contribution in kind or by means of set-off.

In  addition  the Board of Directors proposes that the authorisation  include
the  right  to decide on a share issue without consideration to  the  company
itself  so that the amount of own shares held by the company after the  share
issue is a maximum of one tenth (1/10) of all shares in the company. Pursuant
to  Chapter  15 Section 11 Subsection 1 of the Companies Act, all own  shares
held by the company and its subsidiaries are included in this amount.

The authorisation shall be in force until the next Annual General Meeting.

The  decision by the Meeting shall be supported by shareholders with at least
two-thirds of the votes cast and the shares represented at the meeting.

Appendix 3:


The  Board  of  Directors proposes that the Meeting authorise  the  Board  of
Directors  to  decide to acquire the company's own shares with  distributable
funds  on  the  terms  set  forth below. The share  acquisition  reduces  the
company’s non-restricted distributable shareholders’ equity.

The company's own shares may be acquired in order to strengthen the company's
capital  structure, to be used as payment in corporate acquisitions  or  when
the  company  acquires assets related to its business  and  as  part  of  the
company’s incentive programmes in a manner and to the extent decided  by  the
Board  of  Directors,  and to be transferred for other  purposes,  or  to  be

An aggregate of 1 700 000 shares may be acquired.

Shares  will be acquired in accordance with the Board of Directors'  decision
either through public trading or by public offer at their market price at the
time of purchase. As the acquisition takes place in public, neither the order
of  acquisition  nor  the effect of the acquisition on  the  distribution  of
ownership  and voting rights in the company nor the distribution of ownership
and votes among persons belonging to the inner circle of the company is known
in advance.

The authorisation shall be in force until the next Annual General Meeting.

The  decision by the Meeting shall be supported by shareholders with at least
two-thirds of the votes cast and the shares represented at the meeting.
