Notification of change in shareholding under Chapter 2, Section 10 of the Finnish Securities Market

CITYCON OYJ          Stock Exchange Announcement   15 February 2007 at 9.30 a.m.

Notification of change in shareholding under Chapter 2, Section 10 of the Finnish
Securities Market Act

Pursuant to Chapter 2, Section 10 of the Securities Market Act Citycon Oyj
announces that it has received, in accordance with Chapter 2, Section 9 of the
Securities Market Act, a notification from Fidelity International Limited, dated
14 February 2007, in which Fidelity Investment announces the following:

This is to inform you that the holding of shares by Fidelity International
Limited and its direct and indirect subsidiaries in Citycon Oyj have crossed
below the 10% threshold due to an increase in the company's issued share capital.
After the increase on 13th February 2007, Fidelity International Limited and its
direct and indirect subsidiaries own a total of 17,297,574 shares. The company's
capital consists of 192,274,452 shares in issue. As a consequence, the number of
shares held or deemed to be held by the shareholder amounts to 9.00 percent of
the paid up share capital and 9.00 percent of the voting rights of the company.

Name of the target company: Citycon Oyj
Business Identity Code: 0699505-3
Date of change in holding: 15 February 2007

The disclosed share holding is now as follows:

 Fund Name             Investment Number of  Proportion of  Proportion   
                       Manager    shares     share capital  of voting    
                                             %              rights %     
 UK MM PLUS HODGES     FIL        70,000     0.04           0.04         
 BAA PENSION FUND - UK FIL        168,000    0.09           0.09         
 FIDELITY EUROPEAN     FIL        9,111,120  4.74           4.74         
 FIDELITY EUROPEAN     FIL        1,945,320  1.01           1.01         
 VALUES PLC                                                              
 FID FDS- EURO SMALLER FIL        3,104,068  1.61           1.61         
 CO POOL                                                                 
 FID FDS - GLOBAL      FIL        691,000    0.36           0.36         
 PROPERTY POOL                                                           
 FID FDS - ESC POOL    FIL        457,000    0.24           0.24         
 FID AUS GBL PROP SECS FIL        33,000     0.02           0.02         
 FIDELITY EUROPEAN     FIL        3,826      0.00           0.00         
 PROP PLT FD                                                             
 FID FIF GLOBAL        FIL        45,000     0.02           0.02         
 PROPERTY FUND                                                           
 FIDELITY INTL FD -    FIL        141,600    0.07           0.07         
 PEP EUROPE                                                              
 FIDELITY UK           FIL        700,520    0.36           0.36         
 AGGRESSIVE FUND                                                         
 MULTI STYLE MULT MGR  FIL        343,560    0.18           0.18         
 EUR SM CP                                                               
 TYNE & WEAR PENSION   FIL        242,400    0.13           0.13         
 UNILEVER PRG SMALL    FIL        236,160    0.12           0.12         
 CAP EUROPE                                                              
 Total                            17,297,574 9.00           9.00         

FIL = Fidelity International Limited

Citycon Oyj's share capital, after the increase registered on 15 February 2007,
comprises a total of 192,274,452 shares carrying a total of 192,274,452 votes.

The notification received by Citycon Oyj from Fidelity International Limited does
not include the full business identity details of the corporation making the
disclosure as required in Chapter 2, Section 9 of the Securities Market Act and
in Section 4, Paragraph 5 of the Decision (391/1999) of the Ministry of Finance
about the information to be given when disclosing shareholdings.

Helsinki, 15 February 2007

Petri Olkin

For further information, please contact:
Petri Olkinuora, CEO, tel. +358 9 6803 6738 or
mobile +358 400 333 256

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