F-Secure Corporation's financial statement 2006 and board's proposals to the AGM

                                Translation from Finnish
                                February 15, 2007 at 9.00am

F-Secure Corporation's financial statement 2006 and board's proposals to the AGM

F-Secure's Corporation's financial statement 2006

The Board of Directors signed the financial statements
for the year 2006 on February 14, 2007. The auditors have submitted their report.
The financial statements bulletin was published on January 30, 2006 (F-Secure's
Q4 and full year 2006 report).

The proposals of the Board to the Annual General Meeting

1) Dividend proposal

The distributable shareholder's equity in the Parent is EUR 15.4 m. The Board
proposes to the Annual General Meeting that a dividend of EUR 0.02 per share
would be paid, which is a total of EUR 3,100,601.36 based upon the number of

2) The authorization of Board of Directors to decide on a directed share issue

The Board proposes to the General Annual meeting to authorize the Board to decide
on one or more directed share issues and their terms. The maximum cumulative
number of issued new shares is 40,000,000. The authorization is valid for one (1)

3) Decrease of Share Premium

The Board proposes that the company share premium is decreased by EUR 36,000,000
for the purpose of transferring the decreased amount to the company's
distributable equity.

4) Amendment of Articles of Association

The Board proposes that the Articles of Association are amended in their
entirety. The principal changes are the specification of the line of business,
the omission of the maximum and minimum share capital and the number of shares,
and the modification of the Board's composition by omitting the deputy member
from the Board.

Financial Reporting

The annual report will be published on March 12. The annual general meeting will
be held on March 20, 2007. Quarterly reports for 2007 will be published on April
24 (Q1), July 31(Q2) and October 24 (Q3).

F-Secure Corporation

Board of Directors

Additional information:
F-Secure Corporation
Kimmo Alkio, President and CEO         tel.358 9 2520 5550
Taneli Virtanen, CFO                   tel.358 9 2520 5655
Jukka Kotovirta, Investor Relations    tel.358 405 883 933