Sponda Plc's Financial Statements Bulletin January-December 2006

Sponda Plc          Financial Statements Bulletin 16 February 2007, 9.00 (EET)

Sponda Plc's Financial Statements Bulletin January - December 2006

Sponda's result and economic occupancy rate showed clear improvement in 2006

Sponda Group's total revenue in the financial period 1 January - 31 December 2006
was EUR 116.9 (31 Dec. 2005: 103.1) million. Sponda's operating profit increased
to EUR 103.9 (65.5) million and net operating income rose to EUR 87.1 (77.5)
million. The economic occupancy rate, which is calculated from Sponda's property
portfolio before the Kapiteeli acquisition, improved to 88.8 (87.7) %. Rent
levels were stable except in Helsinki Central Business District, where a slight
increase in office rents was evident.

All the figures in this bulletin include the operations of Kapiteeli for December
unless otherwise stated. Investment properties refer to Sponda's portfolio
excluding trading.

Highlights of 2006 (comparison figures are for 2005):

    . Total revenue rose to EUR 116.9 (103.1) million.
    . Net operating income was EUR 87.1 (77.5) million.
    . Operating profit increased to EUR 103.9 (65.5) million. The figure includes
      the change in the fair value of the property portfolio, EUR 26.2 million.
    . The profit after tax in 2006 was EUR 48.4 (29.6) million.
    . Earnings per share (EPS) were EUR 0.61 (0.37).
    . Cash flow from operations per share was EUR 0.56 (0.57).
    . The fair value of the property portfolio doubled as a result of the
      Kapiteeli acquisition and totalled EUR 2,686.2 (1,259.7) million. This
      comprised investment properties totalling EUR 2,455.1 million and trading
      properties EUR 231.1 million.
    . Net assets per share amounted to EUR 7.45 (7.25).

Highlights of the fourth-quarter result (comparison figures are for Q4/2005):

    . Net sales increased to EUR 37.1 (25.6) million.
    . Net operating income was EUR 26.2 (18.8) million.
    . Operating profit rose to EUR 30.8 (23.5) million and included an increase in
      the value of the property portfolio of EUR 7.1 million.
    . The net profit between October and December was EUR 10.7 (13.1) million.
    . Earnings per share (EPS) were EUR 0.13 (0.17).
    . Operating cash flow per share was EUR 0.17 (0.14).

Key figures

                                    10-12/06  10-12/05  1-12/06   1-12/05   
 Economic occupancy rate, %*                            88.8      87.7      
 Total revenue, Me                  37.1      25.6      116.9     103.1     
 Net operating income, Me           26.2      18.8      87.1      77.5      
 Operating profit, Me               30.8      23.5      103.9     65.5      
 Earnings/share (EPS), e            0.13      0.17      0.61      0.37      
 Cash flow from operations/share, e 0.17      0.14      0.56      0.57      
 Net assets/share, e                                    7.45      7.25      
 Equity ratio, %                                        20        45        
 Gearing, %                                             334       107       
 Dividend/share, e**                                    0.40      0.50      
 Total dividend, Me                                     44.4      39.6      

* The figure is for Sponda's property portfolio before the Kapiteeli acquisition
** Board proposal


Sponda expects its earnings per share and economic occupancy rate to improve in
2007. Likewise cash flow from operations per share, including estimated profits
and losses on property sales, are forecast to improve in 2007.

Business conditions

2006 was a year of record activity in the Finnish real estate development market.
According to the Finnish Real Estate Federation, investments during the year
totalled EUR 5.6 billion, more than half of which were made by international
investors. According to Catella Property Ltd, the yields from Helsinki CBD
properties are still above 5 %. They are, however, expected to come down below 5
% in the near future.

Demand for leased office premises continued to be strong. The vacancy rate for
office premises in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area came down in 2006. In
particular, the demand for modern office space is continued to increase. The
market rent levels were stable except in Helsinki Central Business District,
where a slight increase in office rents was evident.

The vacancy rate for retail premises remained low in the Helsinki Metropolitan
Area. Rent levels were largely unchanged from the previous year.

The vacancy rate for logistics properties was low in the entire Helsinki
Metropolitan Area and the interest for modern premises was high. The Vuosaari
Harbour will activate construction in logistics premises and also generate new,
flexible space. Rent levels, likewise, remained stable in logistics properties.

Business operations: full-year 2006 and fourth quarter (compared with
corresponding figures in 2005)

Sponda owns, leases and develops business properties in Finland, mainly in the
Helsinki Metropolitan Area. The company's operations were organized into five
business units at the end of 2006: Office & Retail, Logistics, Property
Development, New Business Areas, and Sales Properties, the latter due to the
Kapteeli acquisition. New Business Areas comprises both Sponda's real estate
funds business and its operations in Russia and the Baltic countries.

On 20 October 2006 Sponda announced its acquisition of the entire share capital
of Kapiteeli Plc for EUR 943 million, which represents an enterprise value of
roughly EUR 1.3 billion. Kapiteeli's office and retail properties were worth
about EUR 1 billion on the acquisition date and its development and trading
properties approximately EUR 0.3 billion. The Finnish Competition Authority
approved the acquisition on 16 November 2006 and the transaction was completed on
14 December 2006.

The Kapiteeli acquisition was financed with a short-term loan which Sponda plans
to refinance. The company has set itself an equity ratio target of 33 % by the
end of 2007, which it plans to reach with the proceeds of a share issue, proceeds
from the sale of properties, and long-term financing arrangements. The property
sales will be put into effect in one or several instalments by the end of 2007
and they will have an estimated aggregate value of EUR 300-500 million.

Net operating income from Sponda's property portfolio was EUR 87.1 (77.5)
million. This comprised 73 % for Office & Retail, 25 % for Logistics, 1 % for New
Business Areas, and 1 % for Sales Properties. The economic occupancy rate of the
properties was divided by type of property and geographical location as follows
(the figures are for Sponda's property portfolio before the Kapiteeli

 By type of property          31 Dec.   30 Sep.  30 June  31 March 31 Dec.  
                              2006      2006     2006     2006     2005     
 Office and retail, %         88.8      87.4     86.3     85.6     86.2     
 Logistics, %                 88.6      90.1     92.5     92.3     91.9     
 Total property portfolio, %  88.8      88.2     88.0     87.5     87.7     
 By geographical area         31 Dec.   30 Sep.  30 June  31 March 31 Dec.  
                              2006      2006     2006     2006              
 Helsinki Business District,  89.7      88.3     87.8     87.2     88.9     
 Helsinki Metropolitan Area,  87.5      86.0     83.9     82.8     80.8     
 HMA, logistics, %            87.1      87.3     90.4     90.3     89.6     
 Rest of Finland, %           93.4      96.4     96.1     95.9     95.0     
 Total property portfolio, %  88.8      88.2     88.0     87.5     87.7     

The aggregate cash flow from lease agreements on 31 December 2006 was EUR 896 (31
December 2005: 461) million and the average length of the agreements was 4.0 (4.6
) years. A total of 332 new leases (130,000 m2) were signed during the year, and
464 leases (103,000 m2) expired. The largest customer sectors represented in
Sponda's business premises were retailers (29 % of total rental income), other
services (15 %) and banking and investment (11 %). The lease agreements matured
as follows:

 Year of expiry      % of rental      
 2007                11.7             
 2008                13.4             
 2009                11.0             
 2010                9.1              
 2011                11.9             
 2012                3.1              
 2013                20.9             
 Open-ended          19.0             

Property portfolio

On 31 December 2006 Sponda had roughly 250 investment properties with an
aggregate leasable area of about 1.6 million m². Of this total, roughly 76 % were
office and retail properties, and 24 % were logistics premises. Sponda also had
576 properties in its Sales Properties portfolio with an aggregate leasable area
of about 300,000 m².

The fair values of Sponda's investment properties are confirmed based on the
company's own calculations in which Sponda applies the yield method based on cash
flow analysis. The assessment method meets the requirements of the IVS
(International Valuation Standards). All the material used to calculate the fair
values of the properties is audited at least once a year by a qualified
independent assessor to ensure that the parameters used by Sponda and the values
these have generated are consistent with market trends.

The comparable fair value of the investment properties rose in 2006 by EUR 51.3
million prior to the acquisition of Kapiteeli. Investments during the year in
property maintenance and quality improvements amounted to EUR 25.3 million. The
Kapiteeli properties were measured at acquisition cost and they will be assessed
using Sponda's measurement principles during the first quarter of 2007.

The comparable fair value of the investment properties during the final quarter
of the year rose by EUR 17 million. Fourth-quarter investments in property
maintenance and quality improvements totalled EUR 10.1 million.

Factors instrumental in the increase in the fair value of the investment
properties were the new leases signed in 2006 and Sponda's investments in quality
improvements in the properties. A further positive factor was a decline in market
yield requirements in all business areas. Rent levels did not change

 Sponda's investment properties                                               
 1 Jan. -31 Dec. 2006, Me                                                     
 (excl. trading properties)                                                   
                      Total    Office &   Logistics   Property    New        
                               Retail                 Development Business   
 Operating income     114.2    83.7       28.7        0.6         1.2        
 Maintenance costs    -28.2    -21.0      -6.5        -0.3        -0.4       
 Net operating income 86.0     62.7       22.2        0.3         0.8        
 Investment           1,259.7  966.4      252.3       41.0        0.0        
 properties 1 Jan.                                                           
 Acquisitions in 2006 94.3     39.1       24.2        20.3        10.7       
 Kapiteeli            1,070.0  979.0      0.0         91.0        0.0        
 Investments          44.1     20.3       5.4         18.4        0.0        
 Other transfer       -1.5     -2.2       -3.4        4.1         0.0        
 Sales in 2006        -37.7    0.0        -37.7       0.0         0.0        
 Fair value           26.2     21.3       4.8         0.1         0.0        
 Investment           2,455.1  2,023.9    245.6       174.9       10.7       
 properties 31 Dec.                                                          
 Fair value           2.1      2.2        1.9         0.3         0.0        
 adjustment, %                                                               
 Annual net operating 6.4 %*   5.7 %      8.9 %                              
 income / investment                                                         
 properties 31 Dec.                                                          
 Yield requirement             5.8-8.0    8.0-11.5                           
 used in calculating                                                         
 fair value, %                                                               

* Does not include development properties

Investments and divestments (excluding Kapteeli figures)

Sponda purchased investment properties for altogether EUR 94.3 million in 2006.
Property purchases in the final quarter amounted to EUR 26.2 million. Sponda sold
properties during 2006 for a total value of EUR 37.7 million.

Investments in property maintenance and quality improvements totalled EUR 25.3
million in the full year and EUR 10.1 million in the final quarter. Altogether
EUR 18.4 was investment in property development, EUR 6.8 million of this in the
final quarter. Property development investments were mainly allocated to the
renovation of the City-Center complex in Helsinki city centre.

Office & Retail Properties

The year-end economic occupancy rate of the office and retail properties was 88.8
% (30 September 2006: 87.4 %). This figure does not include the office and retail
properties gained by Sponda through the Kapiteeli acquisition. The comparable
change in fair value compared to the beginning of 2006 was EUR 21.3 million. The
unit's total revenue, net operating income and operating profit were distributed
as follows:

 Office and retail, Me      10-12/2006  10-12/2005  1-12/2006 1-12/2005  
 Total revenue              27.9        18.3        84.7      73.5       
 Net operating income       20.2        13.3        63.1      54.5       
 Operating profit           29.6        19.3        78.0      36.7       

In October 2006 Sponda purchased an office property for EUR 10.4 million in the
Ruoholahti district of Helsinki. The price will be on 30 June 2008. The Kapiteeli
deal was confirmed in December, giving Sponda office and retail investment
properties worth EUR 979 million and trading properties worth EUR 49.1 million.
Sponda did not sell any office or retail properties during the year.

Office & Retail's investments in property maintenance and quality improvements
amounted to EUR 20.3 million in 2006, EUR 7.8 million of this in the final

Logistics Properties

The economic occupancy rate of the logistics properties declined on the previous
quarter to 88.6 (90.1) %, owing to the sale of seven fully leased properties to
the logistics properties fund Sponda Real Estate Fund I Ky. The comparable change
in fair value from the beginning of the year was EUR 4.8 million.

The net sales, net operating income and operating profit of the Logistics
Properties unit was distributed as follows:

 Logistics, Me            10-12/2006 10-12/2005  1-12/2006 1-12/2005 
 Total revenue            6.6        7.3         28.7      29.6      
 Net operating income     4.7        5.5         22.2      23.0      
 Operating profit         0.0        5.2         24.9      30.5      

Sponda purchased a logistics property in the town of Hyvinkää for EUR 4.2 million
in December. The property has a total leasable area of 6,900 m2 and it is fully
leased for 15 years.

Sponda sold logistics properties in October 2006 to the Sponda Real Estate Fund I
Ky, in which the company holds a 47 % stake. These properties are situated
outside the Helsinki Metropolitan Area in the cities of Tampere, Turku and Lahti.
The fair value of these properties was roughly EUR 37 million.

The investments of the Logistics Properties unit in property maintenance and
quality improvements at the end of 2006 totalled EUR 3.1 million, EUR 0.6 million
of this in the final quarter.

Property Development

The year-end fair value of the investment properties in Sponda's Property
Development portfolio totalled EUR 174.9 million, in addition to which this
portfolio also contained trading properties, mainly land sites, gained through
the Kapiteeli acquisition and worth EUR 55.2 million. Investments in property
development and acquisitions during the period totalled EUR 38.7 million.

Renovation of the City-Centre project continued as planned and the underground
basement facilities will be completed in spring 2007. The first stage in the
renovation of the retail premises has started and these will be completed by the
end of April 2007. The second stage of their renovation, which includes the
Kaivokatu street-level premises and station tunnel premises, will be started at
the same time, for completion around the beginning of 2008.

In the final quarter of 2006 Sponda and the Port of Helsinki signed an agreement
covering the construction of the logistics area, the gatehouse building, parking
building and passenger terminal for the new Vuosaari harbour. This has a total
investment value of roughly EUR 140 million and construction will commence in
April 2007 with the harbour taken into operation in November 2008. Sponda is
responsible for developing, leasing and managing all the buildings.

In October 2006 Sponda concluded an agreement with the pension fund of the
Finnish Broadcasting Company (Yle) under which the two parties will jointly
develop an office site in the Länsi-Pasila district of Helsinki. The project has
a total value of roughly EUR 95 million, Sponda's share being 60 % of this.
Planning has been started and construction will begin in September 2007 at the

The Kapiteeli acquisition gave Sponda a large number of new sites. Of these,
construction of a retail property in the Itäkeskus district of Helsinki and an
office building in the Ruoholahti district is expected to start during 2007. The
overall investment value of the retail property is roughly EUR 52 million and it
has a total leasable area of about 21,000 m². The office property has an
investment cost of roughly EUR 25 million and a total leasable area of about
13,500 m².

New Business Areas

The New Business Areas unit included the operations of both the real estate funds
and Sponda's activities in Russia and the Baltic countries. Sponda is a minority
holder in two real estate funds, First Top LuxCo and Sponda Real Estate Fund I

First Top LuxCo (Sponda's holding 20 %) invests in office and retail properties
outside Finland's largest cities. At the end of the year the fund's property
investments had a fair value of roughly EUR 90 million. The fund has a target
size of EUR 150-400 million. Sponda Real Estate Fund I Ky (Sponda's holding 47 %)
invests in logistics sites outside the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. At the end of
the year this fund's property investments had a fair value of EUR 88.5 million.
Sponda is responsible for managing both the funds and their properties and
receives management fees.

Opening up new business ventures in Russia and the Baltic region requires a broad
network of contacts and a good knowledge of the area. Sponda is studying various
candidate properties for investment and development in St. Petersburg and Moscow
together with companies that already have experience of operating in Russia, or
which are seeking business opportunities in Russia. Sponda owns one logistics
property in the Vsevolozhsk district of St. Petersburg which is fully leased to
the St. Petersburg subsidiary of the Finnish company Onninen Oy.

Sales Properties

Sponda gained a new business unit, Sales Properties, as a result of the Kapiteeli
acquisition in December. The properties in this unit are treated as inventories,
i.e. properties available for trading, and in line with Sponda's strategy the
plan is to sell these by the end of 2008. At the end of 2006 the Sales Properties
portfolio contained 576 properties with a total leasable area of around 300,000
m². The fair value of the properties was EUR 126.8 million.

Cash flow and financing

Sponda's business operations generated net operating income on 31 December 2006
totalling EUR 45.4 (31 December 2005: 46.5) million. Net cash flow after
investing activities was EUR -1,020.9 (-43.9) million and after financing
activities EUR 998.3 (-3.5) million.

On 5 December Sponda signed an agreement for a one-year syndicated credit
facility totalling EUR 1.5 billion to finance the acquisition of Kapiteeli's
share capital, to reorganize the company's debt portfolio, and to cover the costs
of the acquisition.

Financial income and expenses at the end of the year amounted to EUR -38.5 (-
26.3) million and in the final quarter EUR -16.4 (-6.7) million. Financial
expenses included a provision to cover the interest and penalty costs, EUR 7.5
million, payable to Sampo bank based on a ruling by the Helsinki district court.
Sponda's equity ratio on 31 December 2006 was 20 (31 December 2005: 45) % and
gearing was 334 (107) %. Interest-bearing liabilities totalled EUR 2,016.9
(615.7) million, the average maturity of the credit facilities was 1.7 (3.2)
years and the average interest rate was 4.6 (4.2) %. Fixed-coupon and hedged
loans represented 74 % of the debt portfolio. The average interest-bearing period
for the whole debt portfolio was 1.7 (2.1) years. The interest margin, which
describes the company's solvency, was 2.5 (2.7).

Sponda Group's debt portfolio comprises EUR 300 million in syndicated loans, EUR
397 million in serial bonds, EUR 136.5 million in issued commercial certificates,
and EUR 223.4 million in bank loans. Sponda also has a EUR 960 million short-term
loan for financing the Kapiteeli acquisition. Unused credit limits total EUR 200
million. Sponda Group has secured loans totalling EUR 15.8 million.

Risk management

Sponda's most important risks are those related to its customers and capital
adequacy. At the end of the period Sponda had 2,063 customers and 3,055 separate
lease agreements. In addition to spreading the customer base, a central aspect of
risk management in Sponda is knowing the businesses of the company's customers
and monitoring information on these companies. Sponda also manages customer risk
by broadening the customer base and varying the length of its lease contracts.
Rents are increased twice a year either in relation to changes in the cost-of-
living index or based on a percentage increase stipulated in the leasing
agreements. Leases include normal clauses covering rent in advance. Sponda owns
properties in Finland as well as a property in Russia. All are insured for their
full value. The company had no significant foreign currency exposure.

The refinancing risk is reduced by using credit agreements of varying lengths.
Fixed-coupon loans and interest derivatives are used to balance the interest rate
risk associated with changes in market interest rates. At the end of 2006 74 % of
Sponda's debt portfolio was hedged. Sponda's creditors are protected by covenants
attached to its financing agreements. These covenants apply, among
other things, to the use of collateral, the equal status of the financiers, and
various financial indicators.

The main environmental impacts caused by property investment activities relate to
land use, the energy consumed by the properties, waste disposal for the
properties, and the quality of the built-up environment around them. The increase
in Sponda's property development business is further emphasizing lifecycle
thinking in the company's operations. Sponda's real estate portfolio also
contains a number of national heritage properties that Sponda maintains with
special regard for their history. The company includes environmental
responsibilities in all its business operations and decision-making processes.
Priority is given in the properties owned by Sponda to the choice of building
materials, monitoring energy consumption, reducing exhaust gas emissions caused
by service traffic, and maintenance of the environment around the properties.


Sponda Group had 63 (54) employees on average during 2006, which included 57 (51)
in the parent company Sponda Plc. The year-end number of employees was 225 (54),
which included 62 (51) in the parent company. Sponda has employees in Finland and

All Sponda employees are included in the company's incentive bonus scheme, under
which bonuses are indexed to the company's targets. The company also operates a
share-based incentive scheme for its senior executives that was launched on 1
January 2006. Bonuses under this scheme are based on cash flow from operations
per share and return on equity, and Sponda shares are bought with these bonuses.
These shares also carry a restriction forbidding their disposal within two years
of their issue. The bonus is paid annually.

Group structure

Sponda Group comprises the parent company, the subsidiary Kapiteeli Oy and
Kapiteeli's 50.9 %-owned subsidiary Ovenia Oy, as well as the mutually owned
property companies, which are either wholly or majority-owned by Sponda Plc or
Kapiteeli Oy. Sponda Group also includes the company Sponda Russia Ltd and Sponda
Asset Management Oy.

The Sponda share

The weighted average price of the Sponda share during 2006 was EUR 9.08. The
highest quotation on the Helsinki Stock Exchange was EUR 13.00 and the lowest was
EUR 7.44. Turnover during the year totalled 41,938,011 shares. The closing price
of the share on 29 December 2006 was EUR 12.00, and the market capitalization of
the company's share capital was EUR 952 million.

The Annual General Meeting on 29 March 2006 authorized the Board of Directors to
purchase the company's own shares. This authorization was not exercised during
the review year.

Sponda issued the following flagging announcements during 2006:
    - 27 January 2006: Stichting Pensioenfonds ABP announced that its holding of
      shares represented 5.05 % of the total number of shares and votes in Sponda
    - 8 March 2006: Stichting Pensioenfonds ABP announced that its holding of
      shares represented 4.88 % of the total number of shares and votes in Sponda
    - 3 November 2006: Stichting Pensioenfonds ABP announced that its holding of
      shares represented 5.19 % of the total number of shares and votes in Sponda

At the close of the financial year on 31 December 2006 Sponda's ownership
structure was as follows:

                                             No. of      % of total 
 The Finnish State (Ministry of Finance)     27,189,642  34.3       
 Private persons                             4,729,538   6.0        
 Finnish institutions                        3,560,952   4.4        
 Foreign institutions                        43,827,143  55.3       
 No. of shares, total                        79,307,275  100.0      

Board of Directors and President

Sponda's Board of Directors has six members: Tuula Entelä, Maija-Liisa Friman,
Timo Korvenpää, Harri Pynnä, Anssi Soila and Jarmo Väisänen. The chairman of the
Board is Anssi Soila and the deputy chairman is Jarmo Väisänen. Sponda's
president and CEO is Kari Inkinen.

All the members of the Board of Directors are independent of the company and five
of the six are also independent of the company's major shareholders.


Sponda Plc's auditors are Sixten Nyman APA and the firm of public auditors KPMG
Oy Ab under the supervision of principal auditor Raija-Leena Hankonen APA. The
deputy auditor is Riitta Pyykkö APA.

Nomination Committee of the shareholders

The Nomination Committee of the shareholders has prepared a proposal for
candidate members of the Board of Directors and their compensation. The members
represented the three principal shareholders, who on 1 November 2006 were:

   1. THe Finnish State, 34.3 % of the shares and votes, represented by Ilpo
      Nuutinen (Ministry of Finance),
   2. The State Pension Fund, 0.6 % of the shares and votes, no representative on
      the Nomination Committee, and
   3. The Pension Fund of the Finnish Broadcasting Company (Yle), 0.4 % of the
      shares and votes, represented by Managing Director Harri Lemmetti.

The Nomination Committee will propose to the Annual General Meeting on 4 April
2007 that the number of members of the Board of Directors be confirmed as six and
that of the existing members Tuula Entelä, Timo Korvenpää, Harri Pynnä and Jarmo
Väisänen be re-elected and that Lauri Ratia and Arja Talma be elected as new

The Annual General Meeting confirms the fees paid to the Board members for one
year at a time. The Nomination Committee proposes that the following fees be paid
to the Board members in 2007 (figures in brackets are fees paid in 2006):

- to the chairman a monthly fee of EUR 5,000 (3,520)
- to the deputy chairman a monthly fee of EUR 3,000 (2,100)
- to the ordinary members a monthly fee of EUR 2,600 (1,840)
- a separate fee of EUR 500 (500) to each member for attendance at Board


On 14 December 2006 Sponda introduced a new organization and Executive Board.
Sponda was reorganized into five business units with effect from 1 January 2007:
Office & Retail, Logistics, Property Development, Russia & Baltic, and Real
Estate Funds. From 1 January 2007 members of the Executive Board have been
President and CEO Kari Inkisen, CFO Robert Öhman, SVP Legal Affairs and Treasury
Erik Hjelt, and the heads of the business units Ossi Hynynen (Office & Retail),
Pasi Viitaniemi (Logistics), Joni Mikkola (Property Development), Sirpa Sara-aho
(Russia & Baltic), and Kari Koivu (Real Estate Funds).

Demand for payment

In a ruling issued on 11 January 2007 the Helsinki district court ordered Sponda
Plc to pay interest, penalty interest and court costs totalling roughly EUR 7.6
million to Sampo Bank Plc based on a credit agreement signed on 2 July 1999.
Sponda appealed the decision to the Helsinki Court of Appeal on 9 February 2007.
The impact on the ruling on the 2006 result was roughly EUR 7.6 million.

Events after the close of the financial year

An extraordinary general meeting of Sponda Plc shareholders on 5 January 2007
authorized the Board of Directors to launch a paid share issue in the maximum
amount of EUR 250 million and the Board decided to arrange the issue on 9 January
2007. The share issue took place between 17 January and 2 February 2007 and
Sponda's shareholders had the pre-emptive right to subscribe for new shares at a
price of EUR 7.80 per share. Roughly 31.6 million shares were subscribed in the
issue, which represented roughly 99.5 % of the total number of shares offered.
About 5,200 shareholders subscribed for shares. The lead managers of the issue
obtained buyers for the remaining shares, roughly 160,000, at an average price of
EUR 11.83 per share.

On 6 February 2007 Sponda's Board of Directors approved all the subscriptions.
The gross proceeds of the issue totalled roughly EUR 247 million before
deductions for costs and fees. Sponda's share capital will increase to EUR
111,030,185 and the number of shares to 111,030,185 as a result of the increase
in share capital due to the share issue. The shares subscribed in the issue carry
full dividend rights and other shareholder rights in Sponda from the date when
the share capital increase is recorded in the Trade Register. The new shares were
combined with Sponda's existing share series on 9 February 2007.

On 31 January 2007 the Ministry of Finance announced that the Finnish government
will exercise its repurchasing right with respect to two land sites, with an
aggregate area of 58 hectares, in the Hakuninmaa and Honkasuo districts of
Helsinki. The Ministry also announced that the Finnish government will not
exercise its repurchasing right with respect to the land sites in Vantaa and
Jyväskylä itself but will indicate as the purchasers of these sites the local
governments that have announced their willingness to exercise the government's
repurchasing right.

The sites in question have a total sales price of EUR 67.3 million. The
transaction will have no impact on Sponda's result. The agreements concerning the
transactions will be signed by the end of February. Selling these sites is part
of Sponda's strategy to sell certain property assets for EUR 300-500 million in
order to refinance the loan raised to finance the Kapiteeli acquisition.

Sponda issued the following flagging announcement:

- 5 February 2007: Cohen & Steers, Inc. announced that its shareholding
represents 5.23 % of Sponda Plc's share capital and votes.
- 12 February 2007: Cohen & Steers, Inc. announced that its shareholding
represents 4.53 % of Sponda Plc's share capital and votes.

Prospects in 2007

Sponda expects its earnings per share and economic occupancy rate to improve in
2007. Likewise Cash flow from operations per share, including estimated profits
and losses on property sales, are forecast to improve in 2007.

Annual General Meeting and dividend

The Board of Directors of Sponda Plc plans to hold the Annual General Meeting, on
4 April 2007, proposes to the Annual General Meeting that a dividend of EUR 0.40
per share be paid on the financial year 2006. The Board proposes that the
dividend be paid on 18 April 2007.

16 February 2007

Sponda Plc
Board of Directors

Further information: Kari Inkinen, President and CEO, tel. +358 (0)9 6805 8202 or
+358 (0)400 402 653 and
Robert Öhman, CFO, tel. +358 (0) 9 6805 8206 or +358 (0) 40 540 0741.

Helsinki Stock Exchange
The media

Sponda Plc

Key indicators
                                    10-12/06  10-12/05  1-12/06   1-12/05   
 Earnings/share, e                  0.13      0.17      0.61      0.37      
 Equity ratio, %                                        20        45        
 Gearing, %                                             334       107       
 Net assets/share (NAV), e                              7.45      7.25      
 Cash flow from operations/share, e 0.17      0.14      0.56      0.57      

Consolidated income statement (IFRS)
                                 10-12/2006 10-12/2005 1-12/2006  1-12/2005  
 Total revenue                                                               
   Rental income and recoverables 36.4       25.6       115.4      103,1      
   Fund management fees and share 0.7        -          1.5        -          
   of profits                                                                 
                                  37.1       25.6       116.9      103,1      
   Maintenance expenses           -10.7      -6.8       -29.4      -25,6      
   Direct fund expenses           -0.2       -          -0.4       -          
                                  -10.9      -6.8       -29.8      -25,6      
 Net operating income            26.2       18.8       87.1       77.5       
 Profit/loss from sales of       -          -          -          -0.2       
 investment properties                                                       
 Fair                            7.1        6.1        26.2       -5.1       
 value adjustment                                                            
 Proceeds from sale of trading   11.6       -          11.6       -          
 Book value of sold trading      -10.0      -          -10.0      -          
 Profit/loss from sale of        1.6        -          1.6        -          
 trading properties                                                          
 Sales and marketing expenses    -0.3       -0.5       -1.1       -1.2       
 Administrative expenses         -4.4       -1.0       -10.8      -5.8       
 Other financial income          1.1        0.1        1.4        0.4        
 Other financial expenses        -0.5       -          -0.5       -0.1       
 Operating profit                30.8       23.5       103.9      65.5       
 Financial income                3.6        -          3.7        0.2        
 Financial expenses              -12.5      -6.7       -34.7      -26.5      
 Provision for interest expenses -7.5                  -7.5                  
 Financial income and expenses,  -16.4      -6.7       -38.5      -26.3      
 Profit before taxes             14.4       16.8       65.4       39.2       
 Taxes for current and previous  0.5        -          -0.4       -0.1       
 financial years                                                             
 Deferred taxes                  -4.3       -3.7       -16.7      -9.5       
 Income taxes, total             -3.8       -3.7       -17.1      -9.6       
 Profit for the period           10.6       13.1       48.3       29.6       
 To the parent company owners    10.6       13.1       48.3       29.6       
 To minority interests           0.1        -          0.1        -          
 Net profit for the period       10.7       13.1       48.4       29.6       
 WPS calculated on net profit to                                             
 the parent company owners                                                   
 Earnings per share, basic, e                          0.61       0.37       
 Earnings per share, diluted, e                        0.61       0.37       
 No. of shares on average,                                                   
 Basic                                                 79.3       79.0       
 Diluted                                               79.3       80.3       

Consolidated balance sheet (IFRS)

                                     31 Dec. 2006 31 Dec. 2005  
 Non-current assets                                             
 Investment properties               2,455.1      1,259.7       
 Investments in real estate funds    19.4         -             
 Property, plant and equipment       19.5         8.8           
 Goodwill                            27.5         -             
 Other intangible assets             5.2          0.1           
 Finance lease receivables           2.7          -             
 Other investments                   -            0.1           
 Long-term receivables               5.2          0.1           
 Deferred tax assets                 110.5        2.5           
 Total non-current assets            2,645.1      1,271.3       
 Current assets                                                 
 Trading properties                  231.1        -             
 Trade and other receivables         39.6         6.6           
 Cash and cash equivalents           23.6         0.8           
 Total current assets                294.3        7.4           
 Total assets                        2,939.4      1,278.7       
 SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND                                       
 Equity owed to the parent company                              
 Share capital                       79.3         79.2          
 Share premium fund                  159.5        158.8         
 Fair value fund for hedging         2.3          -4.2          
 Revaluation fund                    0.6          -             
 Retained earnings                   349.3        340.5         
                                     591.0        574.3         
 Minority interest                   1.8          -             
 Total shareholders' equity          592.8        574.3         
 Non-current liabilities                                        
 Interest-bearing debt               658.2        549.2         
 Provisions                          22.7         1.1           
 Other liabilities                   -            5.8           
 Deferred tax liabilities            218.7        63.4          
 Total non-current liabilities       899.6        619.5         
 Current liabilities                                            
 Current interest-bearing            1,347.4      66.5          
 Trade and other payables            99.6         18.4          
 Total current liabilities           1,447.0      84.9          
 Total liabilities                   2,346.6      704.4         
 Total shareholders' equity and      2,939.4      1,278.7       
 Total interest-bearing debt         2,005.6      615.7         

Income statement and balance sheet by segment
 Business areas                                                             
 Income statement   Office  Logisti Property New     Sales   Other  Group,  
 1-12/2006          &       cs      Develop- Busines Propert        total   
                    Retail          ment     s Areas ies                    
 Total revenue      84.7    28.7    0.6      1.2     1.5     0.2    116.9   
 Maintenance        -21.6   -6.5    -0.3     -0.4    -1.0           -29.8   
 expenses and                                                               
 direct fund                                                                
 Net operating      63.1    22.2    0.3      0.8     0.5     0.2    87.1    
 Profit/loss on                                                     -       
 sale of investment                                                         
 Profit/loss on     0.2                              1.4            1.6     
 sale of trading                                                            
 Fair value         21.3    4.8     0.1                             26.2    
 Administration and -6.6    -2.1    -0.9     -1.6    -0.7           -11.9   
 Other operating                                     -0.1    1.0    0.9     
 income and                                                                 
 Operating profit   78.0    24.9    -0.5     -0.8    1.1     1.2    103.9   
 Financial income                                            -38.5  -38.5   
 and expenses                                                               
 Profit before                                               -37.3  65.4    
 Income taxes                                                -17.1  -17.1   
 Profit for the                                              -54.4  48.3    
 Capital            1 088.5 29.6    212.4    30.1    137.0   3.4    1 501.0 
 Depreciation                                                -0.6   -0.6    
 Segment assets     2 104.7 276.1   217.6    49.1    126.8   165.1  2 939.4 
 Segment            30.4    3.5     22.3     0.3     15.5    27.6   99.6    
 Business areas     Office  Logisti Property New     Sales   Other  Group,  
 1-12/2005          &       cs      Develop- Busines Propert        total   
                    Retail                   s Areas ies                    
 Total revenue      73.5    29.6                                    103.1   
 Maintenance        -19.0   -6.6                                    -25.6   
 Net operating      54.5    23.0                                    77.5    
 Profit/loss on     -0.6    0.3                              0.1    -0.2    
 sale of investment                                                         
 Fair value         -14.3   9.2                                     -5.1    
 Administration and -5.7    -1.7    -0.9     -0.3            1.6    -7.0    
 Other operating    2.8     -0.3                             -2.2   0.3     
 income and                                                                 
 Operating profit   36.7    30.5    -0.9     -0.3            -0.5   65.5    
 Financial income                                            -26.3  -26.3   
 and expenses                                                               
 Profit before                                               -26.8  39.2    
 Income taxes                                                -9.6   -9.6    
 Profit for the                                              -36.4  29.6    
 Capital            15.8    34.3    1.8      -       -              51.9    
 Depreciation                                                -0.5   -0.5    
 Segment assets     974.9   255.1   41.0     -       -       7.7    1 278.7 
 Segment            3.4     1.9     -        -       -       13.1   18.4    
 Geographical areas 31 Dec. 31 Dec.                                         
                    2006    2005                                            
                    Me      Me                                              
 Total revenue                                                              
 Helsinki           102.3   94.5                                            
 Metropolitan Area                                                          
 Rest of Finland    14.4    8.6                                             
 Other              0.2     -                                               
 Group, total       116.9   103.1                                           
 Helsinki           871.8   51.1                                            
 Metropolitan Area                                                          
 Rest of Finland    595.7   0.8                                             
 Other              33.5    -                                               
 Group, total       1 501.0 51.9                                            
 Segment assets                                                             
 Helsinki           2,102.7 1,198.5                                         
 Metropolitan Area                                                          
 Rest of Finland    622.6   72.5                                            
 Other              214.1   7.7                                             
 Group, total       2,939.4 1,278.7                                         

Consolidated cash flow statement (IFRS)
                                     1-12/2006     1-12/2005     
 Cash flow from operating activities                             
 Net profit for the period           48.4          29.6          
 Adjustments                         29.5          41.7          
 Change in net working capital       8.6           0.2           
 Interest received                   0.8           0.2           
 Interest paid                       -34.3         -25.7         
 Other financial items               -6.7          -0.3          
 Taxes received/paid                 -0.9          0.8           
 Net cash from operating activities  45.4          46.5          
 Cash flow from investing activities                             
 Acquisition of Kapiteeli less                                   
 cash and equivalents at acquisition -929.1        -             
 Investments in investment           -110.0        -53.1         
 Investments in real estate funds    -19.4         -             
 Investments in tangible and                                     
 intangible assets                   -0.6          -0.2          
 Proceeds from sale of investment    37.8          9.2           
 Proceeds from disposal of tangible                              
 and intangible assets               -             0.2           
 Loans granted                       -0.9          -             
 Repayments of loan receivables      1.3           -             
 Net cash from investment activities -1,020.9      -43.9         
 Cash flow from financing activities                             
 Share issue related to conversion                               
 convertible bonds                   0.7           1.6           
 Long-term loans, raised             300.0         100.0         
 Long-term loans, repayments         -250.0        -75.7         
 Short-term loans, raised /                                      
 repayments                          987.2         10.0          
 Dividends paid                      -39.6         -39.4         
 Net cash from financing activities  998.3         -3.5          
 Change in cash and cash equivalents 22.8          -0.9          
 Cash and cash equivalents, start of 0.8           1.7           
 Cash and cash equivalents, end of   23.6          0.8           

Fair value of investment properties (IFRS)
                                     31.12.2006    31.12.2005    
 Fair value of investment            1,259.7       1,221.5       
 properties, 1 Jan.                                              
 Investment properties transferred                               
 through Kapiteeli acquisition       1,070.0       -             
 Investment properties purchased     94.3          28.4          
 Other investments in                                            
 investment properties               43.3          23.5          
 Investment properties sold          -37.7         -8.6          
 Transfers to/from property, plant                               
 and equipment                       -1.5          -             
 Fair value of property in own use   0.8           -             
 Fair value adjustment               26.2          -5.1          
 Fair value of investment            2,455.1       1,259.7       
 properties, 31 Dec.                                             

Changes in Group shareholders' equity

                         Share   Share   Fair   Re-   Re-    Mino-   Equity, 
                         capital premium value  valu- tained rity    total   
                                 fund    fund         ear-   interes         
                                         for    ation nings  t               
                                         hedgin fund                         
 Equity at 31 Dec. 2004  78.8    157.5   -      -     350.3  -       586.6   
 Impact of IAS 39                        -6.1                        -6.1    
 Adjusted equity at 1    78.8    157.5   -6.1   -     350.3  -       580.5   
 Jan. 2005                                                                   
 Cash flow hedging:                                                          
  Amount recognized in                   2.4                         2.4     
 Amount transferred to                   0.1                         0.1     
 income statement                                                            
 Taxes included in items                 -0.6                        -0.6    
 recognized in or moved                                                      
 from equity                                                                 
 Total income and                        1.9                         1.9     
 expenses entered in                                                         
 Profit for the period                                29.6           29.6    
 Total income and                        1.9          29.6           31.5    
 expenses in the period                                                      
 Dividend payment                                     -39.4          -39.4   
 Increase in share       0.4     1.3                                 1.7     
 Equity at 31 Dec. 2005  79.2    158.8   -4.2   -     340.5  -       574.3   
 Equity at 31 Dec. 2005  79.2    158.8   -4.2   -     340.5  -       574.3   
 Cash flow hedging:                                                          
  mount recognized in                    8.5                         8.5     
 Amount transferred to                   0.1                         0.1     
 income statement                                                            
  Reversed hedging                       0.2                         0.2     
 Increase                                       0.8                  0.8     
 Taxes included in items                 -2.3   -0.2                 -2.5    
 recognized in or moved                                                      
 from equity                                                                 
 Total income and                        6.5    0.6                  7.1     
 expenses entered in                                                         
 Profit for the period                                48.4   -0.1    48.3    
 Total income and                        6.5    0.6   48.4   -0.1    55.4    
 expenses in the period                                                      
 Increase                                                    1.9     1.9     
 Dividend payment                                     -39.6          -39.6   
 Increase in share       0.1     0.7                                 0.8     
 Equity at 31 Dec. 2006  79.3    159.5   2.3    0.6   349.3  1.8     592.8   

Contingent liabilities
Collateral and commitments given by the Group
                                            31 Dec.     31 Dec. 2005  
 Loans from financial instruments covered   15.8        0.1           
 by collateral                                                        
 Mortgages                                  0.2         0.1           
 Book value of pledged shares               149.7       -             
 Guarantees                                 17.1        -             
 Total collateral                           167.0       0.0           
 Lease liability                            22.9        20.9          
 Other liabilities                          0.1                       
 Mortgages                                  2.3         2.2           
 Guarantees                                 0.1                       
 Interest derivatives:                                                
 Swap contracts, notional value             541.8       305.9         
 Swap contracts, fair value                 2.3         -5.8          
 Interest cap options bought, notional      737.0                     
 Interest cap options bought, fair value    10.0                      
 Foreign currency derivatives:                                        
 Swap contracts, notional value             JPY 3,000                 
 Swap contracts, fair value                 EUR -8.7