Fionia Bank, annual general meeting

Stock Exchange Announcement no. 2/2007

General Meeting

In pursuance of Article 4 of the Articles of Association, an ordinary General
Meeting is hereby convened in Fionia Bank A/S on 

Tuesday 13 March 2007 at 17.00.

The General Meeting will be held at the following address:

Odense Congress Center, Ørbækvej 350, 5220 Odense SØ, Denmark.

1.	The Directors' Report on the company's activities in the past year.
2.	Presentation of the audited Annual Report for approval.
3.	Resolution on the allocation of profit in accordance with the approved
Annual Report. 
4.	Authorisation for the Board of Directors to let the company acquire its own
shares in the period until the next ordinary General Meeting. 
5.	Election of 15 members of the Committee of Shareholders and fixing of the
fee payable to the members of the Committee of Shareholders. 
6.	Election of accountants.
7.	Motions from the Board of Directors and from shareholders.
a.	Motion from the Board of Directors. Amendment to the Articles of Association.
b.	Motion from shareholder Andreas Theil. Internet banking (Netbank).
8.	Any other business.

Re item 5.
In pursuance of Sub-article 9.3 of the Articles of Association, the Board of
Directors hereby nomi-nates the following candidates for election to the
Committee of Shareholders: 
•	Inge Skov Andersen
•	Thomas Christensen
•	Kenneth Drud
•	Hans Grydehøj
•	Jørn Evan Jensen
•	Poul Jensen-Dahm
•	Søren Ole Knudsen
•	Ebbe Kurtmann
•	Bent Claudi Lassen
•	Tage Koed Madsen
•	Sonja K. Nielsen
•	Jens Oddershede
•	Troels Troelsen
•	Preben Thinggaard Sørensen

New election:
•	Claus Brandt Lewandowski

A more detailed presentation of the nominated candidates will be available for
perusal at the com-pany's office from Monday 5 March 2007. 

No changes to the fee are proposed.

Re item 7 a).
The Board of Directors moves that the Articles of Association be amended to the
effect that the fol-lowing secondary names will be deleted from Appendix 1 to
the Articles of Association: 
•	LB/Finans (Fionia Bank A/S) 
•	Spar Fyn Bank (Fionia Bank A/S)

Amendments to the Articles of Association require that the motion must be
adopted by 2/3 of both the votes cast and of the voting share capital
represented at the General Meeting. 

Re item 7 b).
Andreas Theil moves that it should be possible for the bank's employees
automatically to see the “nicknames” that the customer has assigned to his or
her Internet banking accounts when the bank employees serves the customer at
the cashier's desk. In accordance with the current set-up, this re-quires that
the customer must specifically request the bank to make such modifications. 

Right after the General Meeting, there will be refreshments and sandwiches for
the shareholders who have attended the General Meeting. 

Any shareholder who has obtained an entrance card not later than five days
before the General Meeting, i.e. by 16.00 on Thursday 8 March 2007, will have
access to attend the General Meeting. 

Entrance cards may be obtained at the company's website, on
telephone no. +45 65 20 41 03 or by contacting the company at its address,
Vestre Stationsvej 7, 5100 Odense C, Denmark. 

Shareholders may be represented by proxy at the General Meeting. In such case,
a written, dated proxy must be presented when contacting the company with a
request for an entrance card. A proxy may be granted to the Board of Directors
or to a third party at the company's website No party,
except for the Board of Directors, may attend the General Meeting holding a
proxy from more than one shareholder. 

Please state the VP custody account number when obtaining an entrance card.

Odense, 20 February 2007
Bo Stærmose, Chairman of the Board of Directors