The net sales of the Tallinna Kaubamaja Group increased by 47% in 2006 as
compared to 2005, to 4239 million kroons (271 million euros) which is 1361
million kroons (87 million euros) more than the year before. 
Net profit increased to 273 million kroons (17 million euros) which is 181
million kroons (12 million euros), almost three times more than year before.
Net profit of 12 months 2005 was 92 million kroons (6 million euros). 

As at 31 December 2006, the balance sheet total of the Tallinna Kaubamaja Group
was 2758 million kroons (176 million euros), increasing by 1058 million kroons
(68 million euros) in year. Asset growth was 62% and equity growth 26%. 

In 12 months 2006, the net sales in department store business increased by 29%
as compared to the year before by 289 million kroons (18 million euros). The
net profit increased more than three times to 105 million kroons (7 million

In 12 months 2006, the net sales in supermarket business segment increased by
56% as compared to the year before by 1041 million kroons (67 million euros).
The net profit increased more than four times to 114 million kroons (7 million

In 12 months 2006, the net sales in real estate business segment increased by
170% as compared to the year before by 31 million kroons (2 million euros). The
net profit increased more than two times to 60 million kroons (4 million

The number of loyal customers with Partner cards increased to 240 000 people by
the end of 12 months 2006, growing by 26% as compared to the end of year 2005. 

Raul Puusepp
Chairman of the Board
phone: +372 731 5000


consolidated balance sheet.doc