Insiders' dealing

The Copenhagen Stock Exchange                                                   

                                                                21 February 2007

In pursuance of Section 28 a, Subsection 5 of the Danish Securities Trading Act 
(Værdipapirhandelsloven), Ambu A/S hereby reports the following information     
which the company has received on 21 February 2007.                             

| Name:                                | Jørgen Hartzberg                      |
| Reason:                              | Member of Board of Directors of Ambu  |
|                                      | A/S                                   |
| Company name:                        | Ambu A/S                              |
| ID code and designation of           | DK 0010303619                         |
| securities concerned:                |                                       |
| Nature of transaction:               | Purchase of shares in Ambu A/S        |
| Trading date and market:             | 20 February 2007 via the Copenhagen   |
|                                      | Stock Exchange                        |
| No. of shares traded and market      | 13,800 shares with a market price of  |
| price thereof:                       | DKK 1,524,900                         |
|                                      |                                       |

Yours faithfully,                                                               
Ambu A/S                                                                        

K.E. Birk                                                                       
President & CEO                                                                 

Ambu A/S - Baltorpbakken 13 - P.O. Box 232 - DK-2750 Ballerup.                  
Contact for further information: K.E. Birk, tel. +45 7225 2000, fax 7225 2051,  


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