Sparbank's profi t before tax was DKK 244.0m against DKK 302.8m in 2005. This
result corresponds to a return on equity before tax of 16.5%. 

The profi t realised before tax exceeds the expected profi t of DKK 230m
announced in the stock exchange announcement of 22 December 2006 by DKK 14m. 

The core income increased by DKK 66m from DKK 629m in 2005 to DKK 695m in 2006.
The core earnings - the result of the actual banking operations - increased
from DKK 153m in 2005 to DKK 164m in 2006, to which should be added
satisfactory earnings from investment portfolios, which all means that the 2006
results for the bank are deemed acceptable.


uk aarsrapport2006_endelig_fonds.pdf