Ratos: Year-End Report 2006

*        Profit before tax SEK 3,234m (2,645)
*        Earnings per share SEK 15.50 (12.42)
*        Proposed ordinary dividend SEK 5.50 per share (4.19) and
  extra dividend of SEK 5.50 per share
*        Continued strong development in portfolio companies
*        Lindab IPO contributed SEK 1,678m to the exit result
*        Anticimex, Jøtul, Medifiq Healthcare and RH/RBM new holdings
*        Total return on Ratos shares +85%
*        Decision on a more growth-oriented strategy

Stockholm, 22 February 2007
Ratos AB (publ)

Arne Karlsson

This report has not been reviewed by Ratos's auditors.

For additional information, please contact:
Arne Karlsson, CEO, +46 8 700 17 00
Clara Bolinder-Lundberg, Investment Relations Manager, +46 8 700 17

Financial calendar:

Annual General Meeting                11 April 2007
Interim report January-March          9 May 2007
Interim report January-June           21 August 2007
Interim report January-September      9 November 2007

The full report including tables can be downloaded from the following


Year-End Report 2006.pdf