FL GROUP - Issuance and exercise of stock options - February 22 2007

FL Group hf. (FL) has issued new stock options for 53 million shares to key personnel. The option holders have the right to exercise the option in three years time. Strike price is the market price at the date when the option was granted. 

After the issuance of the aformentioned options the total stock options granted to FL Group's personnel amount to 303,960,433 shares and the weighted average strike price is 19.7.

Sveinbjörn Indridason, the CFO of FL Group, has today, exercised option to 9,833,333 shares in FL Group hf. at the rate 12.56 in accordance with stock options granted to key personnel in the year 2005. Sveinbjörn has sold the shares back to FL Group hf. at the rate 33. Sveinbjörn ownes 15,500 shares in FL Group hf. after the transaction and option to 29,500,000 shares. No parties financially related to Sveinbjörn Indridason hold shares in FL Group hf. 

In relation to exercise of stock options by FL Group's personnel FL Group hf. has today sold 28,666,666 of its own shares at the rate 12.56 and bought back the same shares at the rate 33. FL Group's own shares therefore remain the same after the transaction or 181,857,421 shares, amounting to 2.29% of the share capital of FL Group hf.