Nordea Invest Special I admission to listing of five sub-funds 26 February 2007

|                                      |          Copenhagen 23 February 2007  |
The Fund Market                                                                 

New Listings of sub-funds                                                       

The fund Nordea Invest Special I                                                
Sub-fund ”Formueforvaltning aktier”                                             
Sub-fund ”Europæiske aktier fokus”                                              
Sub-fund ”Danske aktier”                                                        
Sub-fund ”Private Banking Global Fokus”                                         
Sub-fund ”Formueforvaltning obligationer”.                                      

The Copenhagen Stock Exchange is to list the below mentioned sub-funds from and 
26 February 2007.                                                               

The sub-funds will be placed on the submarket “UCITS”.                          

| ISIN Code      | Name              | Order Book ID     | Order Book Code     |
| DK0016028889   | Nordea Invest     | NDISFA            | 39073               |
|                | Special I         |                   |                     |
|                | Formueforvaltning |                   |                     |
|                | aktier            |                   |                     |
| DK0060031680   | Nordea Invest     | NDISEUA           | 39086               |
|                | Special I         |                   |                     |
|                | Europæiske aktier |                   |                     |
|                | fokus             |                   |                     |
| DK0060012466   | Nordea Invest     | NDISDA            | 39110               |
|                | Special I Danske  |                   |                     |
|                | aktier            |                   |                     |
| DK0016028616   | Nordea Invest     | NDISPBG           | 39111               |
|                | Special I Private |                   |                     |
|                | Banking Global    |                   |                     |
|                | Fokus             |                   |                     |
| DK0016028533   | Nordea Invest     | NDISFO            | 39113               |
|                | Special I         |                   |                     |
|                | Formueforvaltning |                   |                     |
|                | obligationer      |                   |                     |

For further information please contact Kirsten Thaarup, Surveillance, tel. +45  
33 93 33 66


nordea invest special februar 2007 medd uk.pdf