Danske Invest admission to listing of six ex dividend units 26 February 2007

|                                      |          Copenhagen 23 February 2007  |
The Fund Market                                                                 

New Listings of ex dividend units                                               

The fund Danske Invest                                                          
”Dannebrog ex-kupon”                                                            
”Højrente ex-kupon”                                                             
”HøjrenteLande ex-kupon”                                                        
”Europæiske Obligationer ex-kupon”                                              
”Korte Danske Obligationer ex-kupon”                                            
” Lange Danske ex-kupon”.                                                       

The Copenhagen Stock Exchange is to list the below mentioned units from and     
26 February 2007.                                                               

Last trading day for the ex dividend units is April 29, 2007. From this date the
units will be merged with the relevant sub-funds.                               

The units will be placed on the submarket “UCITS”.                              

| ISIN Code      | Name              | Order Book ID     | Order Book Code     |
| DK0060044071   | Danske Invest     | DKIDANX           | 39024               |
|                | Dannebrog         |                   |                     |
|                | ex-kupon          |                   |                     |
| DK0060044154   | Danske Invest     | DKIHOJX           | 39027               |
|                | Højrente ex-kupon |                   |                     |
| DK0060044238   | Danske Invest     | DKIHOJLX          | 39031               |
|                | HøjrenteLande     |                   |                     |
|                | ex-kupon          |                   |                     |
| DK0060045391   | Danske Invest     | DKIEUOX           | 39063               |
|                | Europæiske        |                   |                     |
|                | Obligationer      |                   |                     |
|                | ex-kupon          |                   |                     |
| DK0060044311   | Danske Invest     | DKIKDOX           | 39067               |
|                | Korte Danske      |                   |                     |
|                | Obligationer      |                   |                     |
|                | ex-kupon          |                   |                     |

| DK0060044584   | Danske Invest     | DKILDOX           | 39069               |
|                | Lange Danske      |                   |                     |
|                | ex-kupon          |                   |                     |

For further information please contact Kirsten Thaarup, Surveillance, tel. +45  
33 93 33 66


danske invest_ex kupon_februar 2007 medd uk.pdf