Vilnius Stock Exchange has imposed penalties on its members for breaching requirements of the Trading Rules

On February 26, 2007, the Management Board of the Vilnius Stock Exchange (VSE)
has decided to impose penalties on the following four members for breaching the
requirements of the VSE Trading Rules: AS Hansapank, Orion Securities UAB FBF,
AS SEB Eesti Uhispank and AS Suprema Securities. All these members had breached
item 35.12 of the VSE Trading Rules and had failed to ensure on time a
sufficient amount of securities and (or) cash for settlement of transactions
concluded on the VSE. In accordance with item 70.7 of the VSE Trading Rules all
above-mentioned members were fined. 

AS Hansapank was penalized with the fine in amount of LTL 1289.28 (EUR 373.40)
for failing on the settlement day to ensure a sufficient amount of securities
and (or) cash for settlement of 3 automatched trades concluded on January 18
and February 7, 2007. The total value of these trades amounted to LTL 388,880
(EUR 112,627). 

Orion Securities UAB FBF was penalized with the fine in amount of LTL 758.16
(EUR 219.57) for failing on the settlement day to ensure a sufficient amount of
securities and (or) cash for settlement of 9 automatched trades concluded on
January 29 and January 31, 2007. The total value of these trades amounted to
LTL 158,167.50 (EUR 45,808.47). 

AS SEB Eesti Uhispank was penalized with the fine in amount of LTL 7,170.58 
(EUR 2076.74) for failing on the settlement day to ensure a sufficient amount
of securities and (or) cash for settlement of 28 automatched trades concluded
on January 17, February 1 and February 2, 2007. The total value of these trades
amounted to LTL 3,375,971.47 (EUR 977,748.92). 

AS Suprema Securities was penalized with the fine in amount of LTL 616.65 (EUR
178.59) for failing on the settlement day to ensure a sufficient amount of
securities and (or) cash for settlement of 7 automatched trades concluded on
February 2 and February 7, 2007. The total value of these trades amounted to
LTL 16,650 (EUR 4,822). 

In accordance with item 35.12 of the VSE Trading Rules, the VSE Member is
responsible at all times for delivery and settlement of securities in
accordance with the conditions governing the transaction. 

Item 70.7 of the VSE Trading Rules establishes that the Board of the VSE may
impose a penalty on the VSE Member that fails to ensure on time a sufficient
amount of securities and (or) cash for settlement of transactions concluded on
the VSE. In such a case, a penalty in the amount of LTL 300 plus 0.1% (but no
more than LTL 2000) of the value of the suspended trades shall be imposed for
each day of suspension. 

For more information, please contact:
Gintare Blazyte, 
Communication Manager, Vilnius Stock Exchange 			+370 5 272 13 71