Report on insider transactions with shares issued by Topsil Semiconductor Materials A/S

Pursuant to section 28a subsection (2) item 1 of the Danish Securities Trading
Act we can report the following transactions based on today's reports from

Name:     	Trine Schønnemann
Reason:   	Staff Representative
Issuer:   	Topsil Semiconductor Materials
ID-code:  	DK 00 1027 1584
Type:     	Shares
Transaction:	Sales
Trading date:	26 February 2007
Market:   	Copenhagen Stock Exchange
Number:   	34,980
Market value DKK:	72,758.40

Topsil Semiconductor Materials A/S

Jens Borelli-Kjær			Keld Lindegaard Andersen
Chairman				CEO
+45 47 18 01 00			+45 47 36 56 10

Please note that this translation is provided for convenience only. The Danish
version shall prevail in case of discrepancies.


04-07 insider transaction.pdf