Stumbras AB Notice to convene annual general meeting

Regarding the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

Annual General Meeting of Shareholders is convented with the resolution of
Stumbras AB Management Board as of 27 February 2007. 
1. The meeting will take place at 10 a.m. at the Stumbras AB premises K.Būgos
str.7, Kaunas on 30 March 2007. 
Registration of the shareholders starts at 9:30 a.m.
2. Accounting date of the meeting: all shareholders of Stumbras AB of the end
day  23 March 2007. 
3. The agenda includes:
1) Approval of the annual report on the Company‘s in 2006
2) Approval of the financial statements
3) Profi (loss) appropriation for 2006 
4) Amendment of the Articles of Association.
Shareholders will be able to get acquained with draft resolution of the meeting
at the stumbras AB premises K.B8gos str.7, Kaunas, at working daus from 9 a.m.
till 5 p.m. since 20 March 2007. You can get inforamtion by telephone +
370-37-30880 and +370-5-2786065 

Romas Raulynaitis
Chairmen of the Supervisory Board
+ 370 5 2786 212
Dalius Balceris
Member of the Supervisory Board
+ 370 5 2786 065