no 07/07 Deutsche Bank enters the Nordic power market

(Lysaker, 27 February 2007) ) Deutsche Bank, one of the world's leading financial firms, has joined the Nordic power market as an exchange member on Nord Pool ASA with effect from February 2007. 

Deutsche Bank will trade financial power derivatives and     EU emissions allowances.   

About Nord Pool      

Nord Pool    is the world's first international commodity exchange for electricity, green certificates and European Union allowances (EUAs).   

The core business of the Nord Pool group is trading and clearing physical-delivery and financially-settled power contracts in the Nordic region (Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway).   

The group has more than 400 members from 20 countries across a wide range of energy producers and consumers as well as financial institutions.   Nord Pool has over 80 members from 16 countries in the emission market.  

The Nord Pool group comprises the parent company, Nord Pool ASA, and the wholly-owned subsidiaries Nord Pool Clearing ASA and Nord Pool Consulting AS  .   

Nord Pool ASA also owns 20 per cent in Nord Pool Spot AS which organises the Nordic day-ahead electricity market. With its headquarters located at Lysaker just outside Oslo, the group also has offices in Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands. Press release no 07/2007   (PDF-format)   

For further  information, please contact Nord Pool ASA:  

Lars Galtung, vice president corporate communications, Nord Pool ASA,    phone: +47 6752 8080/+47 9821 4812