TrygVesta's annual result 2006


  * 34% growth in pre-tax results and inklusive discontinued business
  * Combined ratio of 87.8 versus 89.0 in 2005
  * Earnings per share of DKK 45,5 versus DKK 31,3 in 2005
  * Proposed dividend of DKK 33 per share versus DKK 21
  * Gross premium income of DKK 16,0bn, up 2% and up 2,3% pre-bonus
  * Outlook 2007: 3% premium growth, technical result of DKK 2,050m,
    investment result DKK 500m and pre-tax result of DKK 2,500m.
    Combined ratio expected at 90 to 92 before run-off.

For Annual Report 2006 and additional information please go to


Annual result 2006