CORRECTION: Announcement of Prospectus

Correction is:
"The new issue is expected to be listed on the CSE as from 7 March 2007 as
Nykredit Bank A/S has guaranteed the total issue."

As mentioned in our announcement of 9 February 2007 (2006 Annual Report),
Roskilde Bank is increasing the share capital by an issue offered with priority
to existing shareholders. 

The share capital is increased by nominally DKK11,407,320 corresponding to
1,140,732 shares of DKK10 each. 

The new issue is offered to the existing shareholders at a 10:1 ratio, i.e. ten
shares of DKK10 nominally generate the right of subscription to one new share
of DKK10 nominally at the net price of DKK300. 

Subscription period
12 March 2007 - 3 April 2007, both dates included.

Trading in subscription rights
7 March - 29 March 2007, both dates included.

The prospectus is published via CSE on 28 February 2007. From the same date,
the prospectus will be available from: Roskilde Bank, Algade 14, DK-4000
Roskilde as well as from our branches. The prospectus will also be available on
our website: 

Stock exchange listing
The new issue is expected to be listed on the CSE as from 7 March 2007 as
Nykredit Bank A/S has guaranteed the total issue. 

After the issue, Roskilde Bank's share capital will amount to nominally
DKK125,480,520 or 12,548,052 shares of DKK10 each.

