BIG's financial results for 4Q2006

The loan portfolio, total assets and number of clients of Balti Investeeringute 
Grupi Pank continued rapid growth, according to the company's public interim    
report for 4Q2006.                                                              

The total assets of the BIG group increased 18% in 4th quarter and amounted to  
BEEK 1.211 at the end of December. Compared to the end of 2005 the total assets 
increased 2.16 times. At the end of 4Q the assets of the BIG parent company     
amounted to BEEK 1.16 and those of Latvian subsidiary were MEEK 254, having     
increased by MEEK 54 or 27% during 4Q.                                          

During the quarter the loan portfolio of the group increased from MEEK 907 to   
BEEK 1.012 or 12% and 2.1 times compared to the same period in 2005. The loan   
portfolio of BIG customers forms 84% of the group's total assets.               

By the end of the year the total number of the group's loan customers increased 
to 44 000, which is over 50% more than at the end of 3Q. Initiating the issuing 
of SMS loans in Estonia and the loan sales through the offices of Latvian Post  
in Latvia contributed to the increase in the number of customers in 4Q.         

BIG's liabilities increased 17% in 4Q2006 and 2,2 times compared to the same    
period last year.  External financing have been used for financing the          
increasing loan volumes both in Estonia as well as in Latvia. Issued bonds      
formed the bulk of external financing: MEEK 589 or 65%, in turn, subordinated   
bonds formed MEEK 108 of them. Liabilities to credit institutions were MEEK 159 
or 18% of total liabilities at the end of the quarter. The scope of deposits    
that BIG offers to its customers has also grown, increasing by MEEK 13 or 11%   
during the quarter. BIG will continue to actively participate in the bonds and  
deposits market, in order to ensure financing for planned growth.               

The net profit of Balti Investeeringute Grupi Pank AS for 4Q2006 was MEEK 54.9. 
Interest income increased to MEEK 86.2 in 4Q, which is 2.5 times that compared  
to the same time last year, and at the same time interest expenditure increased 
2.1 times.                                                                      

The owners' equity of the BIG group increased 21% in 4Q2006, reaching MEEK 311, 
which is 2.1 times as much compared to the same time of the previous year. The  
group's equity ratio to total assets was 25.7% at the end of 2006, while last   
year the same ratio was 25.8%, thus despite the fact that the balance sheet     
total increased more than twice, BIG has managed to maintain a higher than      
average rate of equity in financing the loan activity.                          
Interest expenditure comprised 10.1% of interest income in 4Q2006. The group's  
administrative expenses increased 79% during the year and totalled MEEK 19.6 in 

Initiating the issuing of SMS loans serves as the major change in the structure 
of the products offered to the customers in 4Q2006. There were no changes in the
group's composition or in the management of the group's companies. The number of
employees continued to increase both in Estonia as well as in Latvia.           

The Public Interim Report of Balti Investeeringute Grupi Pank AS for 4Q2006 is  
available at the head office, Rüütli 23, Tartu, and all other offices, from 28  
February 2007.                                                                  

The Public Interim Report is available at the Balti Investeeringute Grupi Pank  
AS website                                                          

For additional information:                                                     
Targo Raus                                                                      
Chairman of the Board                                                           
Tel: 6309 938                                                                   


big public interim report 4q2006.pdf