A total of 192 865 Stockmann plc Series B shares with a par value of EUR
2.00 have been subscribed for as a result of an exercise of the Company's
share options 2000. The corresponding increase in the Company's share
capital was EUR 385 730.

A total of 2 500 000 new Series B shares with a par value of EUR 2.00 can
be subscribed for with the 2000 A, B and C share options listed on the
Helsinki Exchanges. The subscription price with option A is now EUR 12.85,
the subscription price with option B is EUR 13.85 and the subscription
price with option C is EUR 14.85 per share. The eventual dividends payable
annually are deducted from the subscription price. The subscription period
for shares with the share options 2000 will expire on April 1, 2007.

As a result of these increases, Stockmann plc's share capital now totals
EUR 111 709 806 and the total number of Series B shares in issue is
31 290 660. The number of Series A shares is 24 564 243. The new shares
were registered on February 28, 2007. They will be listed on the Helsinki
Exchanges together with the old shares  on March 1, 2007. A total of
238 909 shares can still be subscribed for with the 2000 share options.


Hannu Penttilä

Helsinki Stock Exchange
Principal media