Preliminary Announcement of the Annual Report 2006 of Søndagsavisen a-s

Financial highlights 2006:

•Consolidated revenue was DKK 1,667 million, up 18% on 2005. 

•Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to DKK 180 million, representing a profit
margin of 11%. 

•Profit before tax was DKK 175 million, up just over 60% on the previous year.

•Significantly improved profit from the newspaper Søndagsavisen in Denmark.

•First profit reported in OFiR a-s.

•On 1 January 2006, Søndagsavisen a-s acquired an additional 12.7% of the
shares in Helsingør Dagblad A/S, bringing the total ownership interest to
57.0%. As a result, the company is recognised as a subsidiary and is part of
the newspaper publishing and distribution business area. 

•For approval by the general meeting on 27 April 2007 the Board of Directors
recommends payment of a dividend of DKK 1.0 per share of DKK 5.0 nominal value,
equivalent to a total dividend distribution of DKK 22 million. 

Prospects for 2007:

•Net turnover is expected to be DKK 1,825-1,875 million in 2007. 

•Profit before tax for 2007 is expected to be DKK 170-190 million.

•The Management will be increased to include a general manager for the
Media-Online business area. 

For additional information, please contact Mads Dahl Andersen, CEO, tel.: +45
39 57 75 00.


kf-nr. 03-07_preliminary announcement of the annual report 2006 of sndagsavisen a-s_uk.pdf